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Facts ? Fiction?? Or The Ultimate Paranoia? ??

Turkish Earthquake.

“Material values will ultimately replace all moral values due to

the Limits Imposed on the number of values that can be
accommodated by the Limits Of the human mind” The Red Monk.

The Dam Busters.

During the second world war the Germans established in the mountains of
Norway facilities producing Heavy Water (D2O ) for the Hydrogen Bomb.

The So Called Allies wanted to take it out but there was only one way:

To flood these facilities with water from nearby Dam. And this can only be
done by causing artificial earthquake! Hence they developed the Volumetric
Air Bomb Itself cannot create Earthquakes but only Trigger Earthquakes by

Generating High Intensity Shock waves. And it worked.

That was the technology of almost one century ago so you can imagine how
much more lethal those produced by today`s Technology ?The focal of recent
earthquake in Turkia (2023)was in corner where the three Tectonic plates
meet (the Anatolian Plate !The Arabian Plate! And the Dead sea plate)!

Good And Evil.

The good side of man`s technical achievements is mind blowing!

How incredible the movements of these gigantic plates or continents are

measured to (Fraction of inch or millimetre Per Year)! Perhaps by precision
Satellite photography or hypersensitive equipment??But who can dig A
Kilometres Deep Hole Near enough to the fault point with such bomb?
For one the Oil Companies Have the technology to drill holes deeper than
what we can imagine?? !All it take That Evil Side Of Man in the form of
Evil Oil Engineer from Very Evil Well Known Oil Company of the Most Evil
Nation On Earth (Specializing at inflicting catastrophic disasters (e’g’ Gulf of
Mexico) ?to launch False Flag Mission erecting a tent Thirty Four
Kilometres from the nearest town :Dig the hole and slip a grenade or two
inside !That all it takes.

Who is going to suspect ?Who is ging ti investigate ?

Or is it Paranoia In The Highest?

Not if you know how evil and how low man can sink? How the Romans
deliberately left dead corpses inside clean mountain spring waters to poison
the water at the source Triggering one epidemic after another !

Or if you knew the Details of how that English gentleman Lord Kitchener
Distributed the deadly Diphtheria among the natives ?millions of Africans
perished ?Or if you knew how another English General Custer distributed
blankets infected with smallpox killing millions of Red Indian in the most
painful death ever known to man. No My Dearest Simpletons :

Nothing low enough for man and his evil nature to sink to :That is why this
Turkish earthquake told me that the World Is Doomed and it will be soon very
soon ! Proving my (Red Monk Law) Published in my ten books stating:

That Material Values Will Ultimately Replace All Moral Values Due To The
Limits Imposed By The Limited Human Mind On The Number Of Values It
Can Accommodate. (Search My Books For------TATO)?

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