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Republic of the Philippines

Bicol State College of Applied Sciences and Technology 

City of Naga 

SOCS101 Teaching Social Studies in the Primary Grades

(Philippine History & Government)

Linking Theory to Practice: Instructional Model

1. What instructional model is used in the lesson? Support your answer.
 The instructional model used in the lesson plan we borrowed from our resource
teacher is a direct instructional model because it is highly structured and teacher-
centered, where the teacher does all the talking while the learners listen. Aside from
that, Hunter’s seven-step model is also evident in the lesson plan, which is why we
concluded that it used the direct instruction model.

2. What learning activities are given? Do they adhere to the instructional model?
 Based on the lesson plan we borrowed, individual tests/activities like identification
and writing/giving examples are the learning activities provided to the learners. With
that, we concluded that it adheres to the instructional model used in the lesson plan,
which is the direct instruction model.

3. Is the instructional model effective in the achievement of the learning objectives? Why or
why not?
 Yes, the direct instruction model is effective in achieving the learning objectives in
the lesson plan that we borrowed because even though it is a teacher-centered model,
or even though the teacher does all the talking and the learners are just listening in the
lesson plan, it helps learners to concentrate on the lesson that the teacher is presenting
or discussing, which leads them to attain the expected learning outcomes and do the
activities given to them accurately.

4. If you are the teacher, what instructional model will you use? Explain.
 If we were the teacher, we would like to use the inquiry model since it allows for
HOTS, or Higher Order Thinking Skills, to help students think beyond basic to
promote high-ability learners. This method enhances students’ comprehension skills
and applies knowledge and abilities to new contexts. An inquiry model is a student-
centered approach that promotes motivation, active participation, develop critical and
research skills. It enables students to learn through hands-on experiences, exploration,
and collaboration rather than receiving facts. As teachers, we want students to enrich
their critical thinking and problem-solving skills to connect learning to the real world
and understand complex topics.

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