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A Time Controller

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Good night everyone and greetings to all of us!
First of all I would like to thanks to Allah SWT who have givin us mercy, guidance, happiness
and healthy so we can attend and participate in this event.
The honourable the director of pem Akamigas
The honorouble all lecturers of pem akamigas
The honourable to the judges and for all my friends in this beloved pem akamigas
Hello everyone my name is Syahlul Mahfuzh and im a students of oil and gas logistics
My speech today will invites you to imagine if we have superpowers what will we do with them.
Superpowers! what comes to your mind when you hear that? The ability to fly, run superfast, be
invisible? perhaps Superman, Aquaman, The Flash or maybe Spiderman. Its probably what we
think if we hear superpower words. If god give us chance to get a superpower what it would be?
Im pretty sure that u guys has your own decision what superpower you would choose.
It could be the ability to fly because you are too lazy to go to campus with the hot weather in this
cepu, or you want to be supersmart so you can finish your thesis easily without any revision, yah
it could be. But for me if I given a chance to get a super power I would be a time controller, it is
the ability to control the time. like dr strange with his time stone, if you are a marvel fans you
must be know that dr strange can controlling time with his time stone.
you will definitely ask why I chose this kind of superpower, when you know there are so many
superpower that can make your life easier or even u can helps other with it. yah that’s right but
we can see in avangers dr strange was one of most important caracters that can solve the problem
they had cause he could turn back back time and avoiding something that could be a big problem
in the future. Maybe thor could fly and iron man could shoot powerful laser but they can fix
something they done.
But for me its not to fight enemy in the past or something like dr strange did. With my power to
control the time, I would be able to stop, reverse, slow down and speed up time whenever I
pleased. Having control of time would give me control of any situation, whether it involves me
or not. The first thing I want to do is i want to turn back time to fix all of my mistakes and
avoiding something that I didn’t want and be a better person. for example I got a bad grade point
in previous semester so I can go back and study harder and got better grade point. if I have
cancer caused by smoking I will turn back time and never touch cigarets. And I can change
everything that will ruin me in the future the result is definitely I can be someone better, you can
also helps other to change their future cause you can bring them back to the time they want and
fix their mistakes. If I am a time controller I can stop the time when something bad gonna
happen for exemple someone gonna kill my friends, I can stop the time and bring him away so
his life safe. I can also repeat and slow the time when the moment make me happy. For example
when I spend my time with someone I love I can slow the time so I can enjoy the moment. See
there so much thing u could do if you can control the time. But again its just an imagination that
would never happen no one could control the time. So the things that im gonna say to you guys,
please value the time, manage your time as best as you can, don’t waste your time for nothing,
don’t waste your time to do something bad, spend your time to make good things that will make
you a good person in the future, cause when the time has passed, no one can turn back time and
all that’s left is regret. So once again I remaind us please value the time. I am syahlul mahfuzh
thanks for your attention assalamualaikum wr.wb

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