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EJTHR 2021; 11(1): 113-120

Research Article

Sónia Dias*, Victor Alves Afonso

Impact of Mobile Applications in Changing the

Tourist Experience affecting many businesses, namely tourism, which has
received September 18, 2020; accepted May 31, 2021 been significantly affected by the phenomenon of mobile
tourism, which represents a relatively new trend in the
Abstract: This exploratory study investigates the impact field of tourism (Kenteris et al., 2009).
of technology on the tourist experience. This research For this reason, there is a need to understand better
analyzed the effect of new technologies on the behaviour the impact of smartphones and mobile travel applications
of new tourism consumers, the importance of mobile tech- (MTAs) on the tourist experience, as well as the primary
nology in the tourism industry, and the phenomenon of motivations for the use of travel apps and the perceived
mobile tourism in the change of the tourism experience. utility and value (facilitating activities at the destination
It also studied the spillover effect that these changes have such as buying tickets, restaurants, guides, and maps).
had on the use of mobile applications in tourism, trying This research is an exploratory study, supported by
to understand their impact on the tourism experience. a literature review that allows an analysis of the evolu-
A quantitative and qualitative analysis supported this tion of the tourism market in recent years and studies the
investigation through a survey of 110 Portuguese tourists impact of the most recent technological developments
using applications and two interviews with administra- in this market. Thus, through this research we analyzed
tors of mobile application development companies, and, the impact of new technologies on the behaviour of new
finally, through the analysis of four case studies. The tourism consumers, the importance of mobile technology
main conclusion is that smartphones and mobile travel in the tourism industry, and the phenomenon of mobile
applications can substantially alter the tourist experi- tourism in the change of the tourism experience, under-
ence. Tourists assume that smartphones have motivated standing the specific behaviour of Portuguese tourists.
changes in the activities and emotions experienced, Next, we studied the spillover effect that these changes
especially in social applications that allow them to main- have had on the use of mobile applications in tourism,
tain contact with their friends and families and increase trying to understand their impact on the tourism experi-
security levels. ence.

Keywords: Tourism; Tourist experience; Apps; Mobile

2 Literature Review
Information and communications technologies (ICTs)
1 Introduction have had a significant impact on the entire tourism
industry (Buhalis & Law, 2008), giving rise to a new
Smartphones are the newest phenomenon in the tourism generation of tourism consumers (Buhalis & Costa, 2006).
sector and a reality of the 21st century (Malmir et al., 2017), Technological advances have transformed how tourism
as mobile systems have become vital tools enabling tour- products and services are produced and consumed
ists to navigate an uncertain world. They are an integral (Stamboulis & Skayannis, 2003). ICTs have become an
part of the industry, bringing several changes that are also integral part of the whole journey along which tourists
use technologies to design richer experiences (Gretzel &
Jamal, 2009) and co-create more personal experiences
*Corresponding author: Sónia Dias, Estoril Higher Institute for
Tourism and Hotel Studies, Estoril, Portugal, Email: sonia.dias@
(Prahalad & Ramaswamy, 2004). By exploiting the potential of technology, it is possible
Victor Alves Afonso, Estoril Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel to create more attractive tourist experiences for new
Studies, Estoril, Portugal, ORCID: 0000-0003-4745-319X travellers who are always searching for a purpose in their

Open Access. © 2021 Sónia Dias, Victor Alves Afonso, published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribu-
tion 4.0 License
114 Sónia Dias, Victor Alves Afonso

travels (Buhalis and Costa, 2006). Experiences have always smartphones to meet diverse individual needs (Rakestraw
been an essential concept in academic research on tourism et al., 2013). It is also possible to access a wide range of
and, more specifically, in identifying the motivations and services, such as personalised information search, net-
meanings that tourists attribute to their experiences in the working, and navigation (Wang et al., 2012). For users,
light of everyday life in advanced industrialised societies smartphones are not only communication devices, but a
(Uriely, 2005). The travel experience is ‘an individual’s continuation of their personality and identity as human
subjective evaluation and undergoing (i.e., affective, beings (Persaud & Azhar, 2012).
cognitive, and behavioural) of events related to his/her
tourist activities which begins before (i.e., planning and
preparation), during (i.e., at the destination), and after the 2.2 The Phenomenon of Mobile Tourism
trip (i.e., recollection)’ (Tung & Ritchie, 2011, p.1369).
Technologies have transformed the world into a global By 2011, it was anticipated that mobile services and appli-
village, playing an increasingly crucial role, and these cations, which were then emerging, would represent sig-
changes are also affecting tourism. The new ICT era has nificant value in the digital market, and many predicted
opened new avenues for the tourism industry. Because that they would quickly overtake the use of more tradi-
the tourism industry is one of the well-suited sectors tional desktop applications (Portolan et al., 2011), with
where information technology is extensively used from an consumers emphasising the easy-to-use features from
operational and business perspective, it is not surprising mobile apps (Tan, 2017).
that the idea of smart tourism destinations has developed In the following years, with the growth in the use
rather quickly (Koo et al., 2016). of smartphones and mobile applications, this market
How consumers interact today forces tourism segment became one of the greatest successes in the
businesses and destinations to rethink and redefine their history of consumer technology (Kennedy-Eden & Gretzel,
relationship with this new ‘species’ of customers, forcing 2012), with the majority of the consumers being bold, ven-
the development of tools to respond to their individual turesome, and willing to experiment with innovations
preferences. (Tan, 2017).
This evolution was made possible because users of
new technologies quickly took to new concepts and ser-
2.1 The Importance of Mobile Technology in vices as a reflection of their effectiveness in performing
the Tourism Industry daily tasks. As such, the integration of smartphones into
daily habits has produced a spillover effect. They become
The trend toward the use of mobile devices in the tourism part of all spheres of consumer life, both professionally
industry is very marked. According to Mobile Travel and personally, and are integrated into even the most
Trends 2019, 61% of travellers ‘nearly always’ or ‘some- routine tasks of daily life such as shopping, information
times’ use a smartphone app to book a flight, and 62% of search, or daily commuting. That has, therefore, also
travellers agree that being able to book hotels on travel influenced tourist behaviour (Wang et al., 2014), bringing
apps is essential. E-tourism was born precisely from this a wide range of changes to the industry (Mo Kwon et al.,
trend of bringing ICT and tourism together and can be 2013).
defined as digitising all processes and value chain inher- Given the nomadic characteristics of tourism, mobile
ent to tourism (Werthner & Klein, 1999). E-tourism thus technology allows excellent flexibility for the industry and
represents a changing paradigm in the sector that has rev- travellers themselves, beyond the reach of a mere infor-
olutionised business processes, the value chain, and stra- mation channel (Oh et al., 2009). The use of smartphones
tegic relations between the different actors in the process. has made it possible to enjoy a wide range of services.
Smartphones have transformed consumers’ behav- The use of technology in all journey phases indicates that
iours (Emek, 2014), as they are now more connected, consumers are well informed and more involved, acting
anytime and anywhere. The capabilities of the new smart- as their own travel agents to build individualised travel
phones support thousands of applications and extend packages (Werthner & Ricci, 2004). Faced with this reality,
their functionality widely (Wang et al., 2012). They quickly the industry needs to understand the current state of the
were used as a travel tool and in tourism information art of this market and identify possible business opportu-
research and travel planning (Hsu & Lin, 2015; Tan, 2017). nities (Kennedy-Eden & Gretzel, 2012).
As they contain many of the same components as per- An example of this reality is the acceptance of MTAs,
sonal computers, it is possible to customise and update which is generating unprecedented changes in the func-
Impact of Mobile Applications in Changing the Tourist Experience  115

tioning of the travel industry and the way people travel ence). The value of time and money is also significant for
(Lu et al., 2015). The applications are launching a new way these consumers, and there will be more emotional deci-
of using mobile devices on the move, which has become sion making when a consumer is under pressure (Buhalis,
known as m-travelling and is defined as the use of appli- 2003).
cations developed for mobile devices and supporting tour- In this sense, we can conclude that the needs of trav-
ists in their travel and activities in a particular place (da ellers regarding the use of smartphones, and therefore
Silva & da Rocha, 2012). of MTAs, are closely related to perceived utility; that is,
For this reason, mobile phones are changing the convenience, effectiveness, and productivity (Kim et al.,
tourist landscape and the modus operandi of destina- 2008). Smartphones are travel companions that accom-
tions, attractions, and traditional sources of tourist infor- pany and assist tourists, making their experiences more
mation, which seek to meet the evolving needs of tourists, enjoyable (Tussyadiah & Wang, 2016).
requiring high-speed access to relevant information and There are other perspectives regarding smartphone
multimedia content (de Pablos et al., 2011). usage motivations, including their ability to support tour-
ists on the trip and at their destination (Höpken et al.,
2010). Different authors have reached similar conclusions.
2.3 Motivations for the Use of Mobile Tech- Okazaki et al. (2015) concluded that the primary motiva-
nologies in Travel tions for using MTAs are speed and access to information;
finding engaging experiences, accommodations, and
Among the many benefits of applications, access to exclu- restaurants; and getting feedback or taking immediate
sive services made possible by mobile technology, which action, as travellers need timely information. Wang et al.
allow for highly interactive user experiences, stands out (2014) identified 12 motivations, where social interactions,
(Yu, 2013). Smartphones also enable tourists to instantly fun, keeping in touch and keeping informed, finding res-
access information on the different variables that affect taurants, and staying safe were highlighted.
their trip: weather, accommodations, attractions, and Buhalis and Costa (2006) systematised these motiva-
transportation (No & Kim, 2014). Through mobile appli- tions in line with the three stages of tourism consumption
cations, they have access to a wide variety of informa- (Figure 1). In the preconsumption stage, the user wants
tion, enabling them to solve problems effectively, share to plan, format the expectations for the next trip, make
their experiences, and store memories (Wang et al., 2012). decisions, make transactions, and make his or her antic-
Access to these sources of information and research has ipations. In the consumption phase, the most important
led to changes in perceptions and behaviour, emphasising factors are the connection, navigation, short-term deci-
increased flexibility, more significant and less planning, sion-making process (e.g., finding a restaurant), and
and increased travel (Wang et al., 2016). on-site transactions. Finally, in the postconsumption
The feeling of (in)security is essential for smartphone phase, which takes place right after the trip, the needs are
and MTA users and several other needs and desires from to share and document experiences, activate the external
the way they experience travel (depending on the experi- memory, and relive the journey again.

Figure 1: Motivations for MTA use in the three stages of tourism consumption
Source: Buhalis and Costa (2006)
116 Sónia Dias, Victor Alves Afonso

3 Methodology to the answer options presented, and questions sorted

according to a Likert scale with five options.
This study used a quantitative research methodology Considering the intention to assess the perception
to understand the perceptions and attitudes toward and attitudes of the Portuguese population regarding the
MTAs. Between August and September 2018, a web- use of MTAs, the questionnaire was structured in four sec-
based survey ran, using closed-ended questions, and a tions: (1) knowledge and use, (2) motivations for use, (3)
total of 111 respondents participated in the survey, 110 of moments of use, and (4) degree of satisfaction, impact on
whom provided valid data. Given the mobile technology experience, and value.
environment and the travel and tourism component of Some questions were designed to collect demographic
the Facebook groups where the survey was disseminated, data from respondents and two exclusion questions were
it is assumed that participants represent a sample of included to select only people who had undertaken a
people who travel and use mobile technology. Therefore, leisure trip and used MTAs.
data analysis focused only on travellers using mobile
Before the field work, the questionnaires were
pretested with five travellers to improve the questions’
4 Results
sequence, perception and understanding. As a result, the
The sample consists of 110 participants. The distribution
order and sequencing of the questions were modified,
of gender was 87.3% female and 12.7% male respond-
so the sentence construction improved the clarity of the
ents. The average age of the respondents was 37.78 years
(median = 37.50), ranging from 22 to 73 years. The primary
respondent’s generation is therefore Generation X (ages
39–54). Regarding education level, 50.9% of respondents
3.1 Sample Procedure and Data Collection
had a degree, and 32.7% had a master’s degree.
The majority of respondents (92%) made at least one
The study focused on Portuguese tourists who use or have
trip per year: 34.5% travelled once, 57.3% travelled two to
already used mobile travel applications at one or more
five times, and 8.3% travelled more than five times. The
stages. Considering that there are no national data on the
most frequent number of trips, which can be checked by
number of tourists using mobile travel applications, the
mode value (Mo = 2), is the range 2–5 trips per year. Nine-
sample was defined based on the total number of Por-
ty-seven out of 110 respondents (88.2%) knew some MTAs,
tuguese using smartphones, according to the Marktest
and only four (2.7%) had never used any MTA. Of the 93
telecommunications barometer (Grupo Marktest, 2018).
respondents who used MTAs, 20 (18.2%) had already used
The Marktest telecommunications barometer counted
them between one and five times, 22 (20.0%) had already
6.5 million individuals who own a smartphone (as of July
used them between five and ten times, and 51 (46.0%)
2017). Male individuals have the highest smartphone pen-
claimed to have used them more than ten times (consider-
etration rate, along with young people (96.6% between
ing all the trips they had made since using MTAs).
ages 15 and 24) and the upper and middle classes (91.4%).
The MTA types most recognised by respondents are
Based on the population identified, the objective was
flight and accommodation reservations (26%), restaurant
to work with a 95% confidence level and with a margin of
recommendations and reservations (16%), ticket purchas-
error of 9.34 concerning the population, defining a sample
ing and entertainment (14%), and travel guides (11%). The
collected from the 110 respondents.
ones that the respondents identified as the ones they use
The method of data collection was the survey through
the most are accommodation reservations (25%), flight
a questionnaire distributed and answered online. The
purchases (19%), flight check-in (18%), maps and naviga-
questionnaire was developed through the Google Forms
tion (13%), and critics and reviews (10%).
platform and shared in several Facebook groups related
to tourism and travel. The selection of respondents was
by convenience, as they were recruited by asking people
4.1 Main Motivations for Using MTAs
who are present in specific tourism groups on Facebook;
therefore it is not guaranteed that those who are not in the
The main motivations for using travel apps (Table 1) are
Facebook groups have an equal opportunity to respond.
their performance (28%), satisfaction (23%), and per-
The questionnaire had closed-ended questions, limited
ceived value (21%). These findings are also in line with
Impact of Mobile Applications in Changing the Tourist Experience  117

previous studies, which stated that the needs of travellers 4.3 MTA Impact on the Tourist Experience
concerning the use of smartphones are closely related to
perceived utility; that is, convenience, effectiveness, and The majority of respondents recognised the impact of
productivity (Kim et al., 2008; Okazaki et al., 2015; Wang using MTAs on the travel experience (Table 3). Of the
et al., 2014). respondents, 60.3% (has changed little, 4.5%; amended,
41.4%; it has changed a lot, 14.4%) admitted that it affected
the experience somehow, and only 23.4% believed it had
4.2 Main Benefits of MTAs no impact.
Table 4 shows that the impact on the travel experi-
The main benefits of MTAs (Table 2) are ubiquity, or access ence comes from the fact that the MTAs allow for better
from any location (23%), immediate availability (21%), planning during the trip (27%) and greater convenience
access to information (20%), and convenience (15%). (18%). Also noteworthy are the security and connectivity
Another benefit is organisation and planning capacity factors, both with 11%. These figures confirm data from
(12%), which validates the motivations identified, as it is previous surveys that concluded that MTAs foster greater
possible to conclude that travellers seek solutions with connectivity and access to information and increase the
immediate and functional responses, as well as facilitat- sense of security, ensuring more fun, less uncertainty, and
ing the tasks associated with the planning phase that can less stress (Wang et al., 2014). On the other hand, they
be done during the trip, such as finding a restaurant or offer tourists the opportunity to enhance the experience
purchasing entrance to a monument or attraction. of a destination by providing relevant and personalised
information anytime and anywhere (Kramer et al., 2007).
These results are consistent with the issues raised
Table 1: Main motivations for the use of travel apps.
by Wang et al. (2016): Tourists assume that smartphones
Motivations Percentage have brought changes in the activities and emotions expe-
Performance 28% rienced, especially in the use of social apps. They allow
Satisfaction 23% users to maintain contact with their friends and families
Utility/perceived value 21%

Habit 10% Table 3: Influence of the MTAs on the travel experience.

Price 7% Influence Percentage

Rating of the app 6% Has not changed 0.9%

Management expectations 3% Has changed little 4.5%

Social value (everyone I know uses) 2% It had no impact 22.5%

Emotional value (feelings) 0% Amended 41.4%

It has changed a lot 14.4%

Table 2: Main benefits associated with travel apps.
Does not use MTAs 16.2%
Benefits Percentage

Ubiquity 23% Table 4: How it affected the experience.

Immediate availability 20% Influence Percentage
Access to information 20% Planning during trip 27%
Convenience 15% More convenience 18%
Organisation/capacity planning 12% Greater security 11%
Price 6% Greater connectivity 11%
Pragmatism 3% Greater productivity 9%
Personalisation 1% Greater quality 9%
Innovation 0% Less previous planning 6%
Entertainment 0% Sharing experiences during travel 5%
Security 0% More fun 4%
118 Sónia Dias, Victor Alves Afonso

and increase levels of security. Another reason that leads This paper also revealed that this evolution has taken
tourists to use smartphones and directly affects their place over the space of a decade. It is therefore expected
travel experience is the use of information services, such that the same speed of development will be maintained in
as Google Maps and Yelp, where mobile platforms are per- the future. The results highlight the importance and need
ceived as equivalent or even better performing than their to study the evolution of the travel apps’ influence on the
website counterparts. This is also consistent with previ- tourist experience and the importance of understanding
ous literature regarding the impact of technology and the the real use of MTAs by their users to understand the
potential that smartphones have to significantly influence impact they are having on travel and tourism. For
the tourist experience (Yu et al., 2018). Neuhofer et al. tourism, the MTA business is a real challenge because it is
(2013) indicated that over the past few years, experiences fundamental to keep up with the pace of customers’ needs
have considerably changed. Technology is an important and desires.
factor in co-creating modern experiences in tourism and Based on the study conclusions and the references
hospitality and a central element in adding a more per- mentioned previously, the following propositions were
sonal touch, increasing interactions and engagement, developed.
building more meaningful relationships, and adding
1. The main motivations for using travel apps are
value to the global experience. For example, smartphones
convenience, effectiveness, and productivity.
enable the tourism experience and the connection with
locals, which offers tourists the opportunity to have 2. The main benefits of using travel apps are ubiquity,
meaningful and authentic experiences (Huang et al., 2017; access to information, and convenience.
Wang et al., 2012).
3. Travel apps are changing the tourism experience.
Mobile technology provides tools in a proactive, con-
textual, and personalised way, influencing tourist behav- 4. Smartphones have the potential to change tourist
iour and improving their experiences (Tussyadiah & Wang, experiences by fostering greater connectivity and
2016). Thus, they play an essential role in helping tourists access to information and increasing users’ sense of
to manage their travel experiences more efficiently and security.
effectively (Yu et al., 2018).

5.1 Opportunities for further research

5 Conclusions This study has several useful implications for researchers,
application developers, travel organisations, and govern-
This exploratory study has examined how travel apps can
ments when rendering MTA services and disseminating
affect travel experiences. This paper revealed that mobile
information to their potential consumers. On the other
phones are changing the tourist landscape, seeking to
hand, it also contributes to the growing literature on the
meet the evolving needs of tourists, who require high-
MTA usage impact on tourism.
speed access to relevant information and multimedia
Several limitations warrant future research, however.
content (de Pablos et al., 2011). New travellers are their
First, this study was conducted before the COVID-19 pan-
own travel agents, looking for individualised experiences,
demic, changing how people travel and, in many ways,
gaining access to services and information through their
the way people engage with new technologies. Thus,
smartphones, anywhere and anytime (Werthner & Ricci,
future research could consider the situation before and
2004). Mobile applications have changed the way tourists
after COVID-19.
live and experience a destination (de Pablos et al., 2011).
Also, this paper is focused mainly on issues related to
In this context, MTAs assume a determining role.
the adoption of the technology and the impact on tourist
Mobile tourism is a relatively new trend (Kenteris
experience. In carrying out a future study, it is suggested
et al., 2009) but it has paved the way for a wide range
to consolidate, through the analysis in situ, the utilisation
of services at all stages of the journey, keeping tourists
of travel apps and its implications for the travel experi-
informed and more involved. Smartphones have become
ence locally. Future research should also seek to under-
the newest phenomenon in the tourism sector. New
stand the interconnections between the interests of the
tourism services based on new technologies allow tourists
tourism industry and the needs of customers, tourists, or
greater flexibility (Oh et al., 2009) and they can manage
tourism companies and organisations, an area of knowl-
their trips autonomously.
Impact of Mobile Applications in Changing the Tourist Experience  119

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