Proposal AIPHER

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HosmartAI Open Call #2 – EXPERIMENT Call for


Artificial intelligence to predict hospital emergency readmissions

Asesoramiento de Servicios Consorci Sanitari Alt Penedès-

Hospitalarios Garraf
Coordinating Organisation Healthcare entity


Open Call 2: Annex 3.1 – Proposal Template

Table of Contents

TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................................................................................ 1
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................................................ 1
1. OVERVIEW OF THE PROPOSAL (MAXIMUM 1 PAGE) ............................................................................... 2
1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................... 2
2. EXCELLENCE & INNOVATION (MAXIMUM 3 PAGES + 1 PAGE FOR IMAGE(S)) ......................................... 3
3. IMPACT & EXPLOITATION (MAXIMUM 2 PAGES) .................................................................................... 6
4. EXPERTISE AND EXCELLENCE OF THE TEAM (MAX. 2 PAGES) .................................................................. 8
5. PROJECT PLANNING AND VALUE FOR MONEY (MAXIMUM 3 PAGES) ................................................... 10
5.1 MAIN ACTIVITIES OF THE PROJECT ................................................................................................................... 10
5.2 VALUE FOR MONEY ...................................................................................................................................... 12
APPENDIX A ANNEX: ETHICAL/SECURITY CHECKLIST ............................................................................... 12

List of Tables
TABLE 1: CONSORTIUM COMPOSITION. ............................................................................................................................................... 2
TABLE 3: PROPOSED TEAM ................................................................................................................................................................... 8
TABLE 5: PERSON-MONTH AND PERSONNEL COSTS .......................................................................................................................... 12
TABLE 6: TOTAL BUDGET .................................................................................................................................................................... 12
TABLE 7: ETHICAL ISSUES.................................................................................................................................................................... 13

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Open Call 2: Annex 3.1 – Proposal Template

1. Overview of the proposal (maximum 1 page)

Table 1: Consortium composition.

Consortium partner Entity name Entity type Entity role
(SME; Healthcare entity; (Tech provider/ integrator;
Research institute; Other not- Tech adopter/ End-user;
for profit research entity) Competence centre - optional)
(The proposal must cover
minimum the first two roles))
Partner #1 Asesoramiento SME Tech provider/
(Coordinator) de Servicios integrator
Must be a for-profit Hospitalarios
Partner #2 Consorci Sanitari Healthcare entity Tech adopter/ End-user
(healthcare entity) Alt Penedès-

1.1 Executive summary

Health information technology (HIT) uses technology systems to store and manage patients’ data.
HIT industry is increasing in healthcare facilities and results in an efficient technology to store
patient records, avoid medical errors, reduce health care costs, decrease paperwork and loss
of information. Furthermore, HIT has potential to contribute to disease prevention, early
diagnosis, choose the better treatment for patients, among others.
Unplanned hospital readmissions are frequent and expensive for hospitals, being
approximately the 20% of Medicare patients readmitted in a period of 30 days after
discharge. However, different studies confirm that at least the 27% of readmissions can be
prevented. Nowadays, hospital readmissions are seen as a correctable marker of poor-quality
care leading to more organizations and health systems to adopt readmission rates as indicators
of quality. Therefore, hospitals tend to address the issue of readmissions more specifically by
identifying patients at high risk of readmission. These types of markers can help redirect the
provision of intensive transition interventions by dedicating more resources to patients with the
greatest needs. This approach is very attractive to hospitals because it allows scarce resources
to be concentrated where the impact can be greatest. In addition, these types of systems provide
a starting point for organizations and health systems to develop robust transitional care delivery
Artificial intelligence to predict hospital emergency readmissions (AIPHER) project aims to exploit
HIT by implementing an algorithm that will provide access to hospitals to a trustworthy prediction
of emergency hospital readmissions for those patients that were previously admitted in the
emergency department (ED) during the last 30 days. Asesoramiento de Servicios Hospitalarios
(ASHO) and Consorci Sanitari Alt Penedès-Garraf (CSAPG) will be the entities involved in the
project as a tech provider SME and as the end-user healthcare entity, respectively.
The impact of AIPHER will be measured by the good functioning of the algorithm, predicting
and avoiding a significant number of readmissions that leads to an important reduction of health
care costs of minimum 712,800€/year in CSAPG.

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Open Call 2: Annex 3.1 – Proposal Template

2. Excellence & Innovation (maximum 3 pages + 1 page

for image(s))

Current scenario
Currently, a physician discharges a patient when they consider that the patient is out
of danger. The physician is not supported by any specific tool to make this decision, merely
by its own knowledge and the results of the tests performed on the patient. This way to
work results in an average of 5% of patients being readmitted to the Emergency
Department within 72h (own data) and up to 20% within 30 days (literature data).

The availability of a risk marker showing the likelihood of a patient being readmitted
within 30 days would greatly help emergency doctors to reassess certain types of
patients. To date, when a patient is discharged from the hospital, the main
recommendation is to visit the primary care physician. Nonetheless, it is confirmed that this
measure does not work very well as a follow-up of patients. This project aims not only
study the predictive capacity of the algorithm but also the protocol and the most effective
way to present this information in the workflow.

AIPHER will result in a very attractive and promising technology for hospitals, however,
this system must be capable to automatically access all the structured data of the patient
being discharged. Another important barrier that this algorithm will find is the predictive
capability of the algorithm and how the particularization (re-training) to hospital patient
profiles works. These challenges will be taken into account during the project and
effective mitigation measures put in place.

Envisioned scenario
This technology based on artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms will be used as a predictor
in healthcare facilities by assessing the possibilities of patient’s readmissions in hospital.
The end-user, CSAPG, intends to implement the technology developed by ASHO in its
emergency room’s exit. When a patient is admitted into the hospital via the emergency
room, the algorithm will collect patients’ data from the hospital’s Electronic Health Records
(including clinical history but also demographic and socio-economic data (cmbd)) and
monitor its diagnostic and progression. Once a patient is discharged from hospital, the
algorithm will use the patient’s data to predict whether the patient is likely to return to
the emergency room within the next 30 days. This predictive tool will be very helpful to
emergency doctors, allowing to revaluate certain types of patients. When a doctor will
receive a warning that a patient is at risk of readmission, the doctor will have mainly 4
different options: ignore the warning (unlikely if the algorithm is working well), revert the
discharge (a very extreme option), recommend a visit with the primary care physician or
directly make an appointment, and recommend hospital follow-up, by means of calls or
home visits (which could also be done by primary care).

AIPHER will provide a support tool in a scenario where one currently does not exist
but is very much needed: a risk marker for ED patients being discharged.

To achieve this objective, AIPHER will use the storage platform and algorithm service of
ACUMOS AI. A platform that allows to algorithm designers to share their algorithms with
anyone who has access permissions. Thus, hospitals and healthcare facilities could obtain

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Open Call 2: Annex 3.1 – Proposal Template

the technology license and access, benefiting from this technology in their hospitals and

Technical approach
AIPHER will be integrated into the ACUMOS AI storage and service platform from
HosmartAI. The minimum required machines for running ACUMOS AI for docker-compose
method on Ubuntu 16.04 are: an application server with docker engine and a DB server
with Marida DB 10.2. To assure the well-functioning of this technology, AIPHER will need
32 CPU Cores (16 CPU Core-VM and 16 CPU DB-VM) with a memory of 64GB and
100GB of disk size each one.

Importantly, AIPHER will have some important challenges and barriers to defeat. An
AI process that follows best practices requires three datasets: train, test and validation.
Therefore, it will be necessary to retrain the algorithm with CSAPG’s EHR and also to fine-
tune the model for the hospital in question, it means, to find the hyperparameters that
work better in this specific case. The different phases will serve to obtain the necessary
datasets to complete the process with best practices. In summary, this system must be
capable to access hospital's data and all the structured data of the patient that is being
Access to CSAPG’s patient database and the subsequent retraining will also allow AIPHER
to surmount another challenge: achieving significant accuracy. ASHO has been working
on this algorithm for a long time and to date, has already validated the technology in a
laboratory (TRL4). The algorithm’s accuracy was, however, limited by the scope of the
available data: Our AIPHER is based on Graph Neural Networks (GNN), a design
architecture that tends to work much better with higher quantities of data. ASHO has
achieved an accuracy of 75% working with a limited and partially incomplete database
of 800 patients, as obtaining patient data outside of a specific partnership with a hospital
is quite difficult due to ethical and legal concerns. However, we expect reaching an
accuracy of >85% after retraining in phase I with CSAPG’s database of hundreds of
thousands of patients. Implementing and training the AIPHER algorithm locally in the
hospital will entirely remove most of the legal and ethical concerns, as the patient data
will never leave the hospital’s information system.

CSAPG will significantly benefit from this predictive tool that will allow to reduce the
number of patients that will return to the emergency room in the next 30 days, and
therefore, allowing to reduce health care costs of readmissions.

Engagement with the healthcare entity

ASHO will be in charge of the algorithm implementation and validation in one of the four
hospital’s that composes the CSAPG, the Sant Camil Residence Hospital. During the pilot,
the information of all discharges from the Emergency Department (ED) will be collected.
Every 30 days, working sessions will take place with ED professionals to re-evaluate and
assess specific actual cases collected during the previous 30 days. During these sessions,
the action protocol of these specific cases will be studied and will be evaluated by CSAPG
with the help of ASHO. These sessions will allow both partners to define the optimal time
and place to display AIPHER’s information during the workflow. Therefore, ASHO will be
committed to oversee technology implementation which will include the information of
different clinical parameters of patients. However, the final use of this technology and
parameters of interest will be always decided by the hospital.

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Open Call 2: Annex 3.1 – Proposal Template

Gender approach
Sex (as biological aspect) and gender (as socio-cultural aspect) are aspects that are
involved to the health and disease differences among individuals, therefore, must be
considered in any research project in the health domain. HIT has demonstrated the
potential of reducing sex and gender biases by effectively integrating sex and gender
differences during its design and learning processes. AIPHER will avoid gender biases by
considering both sex and gender dimensions, in the design of the algorithm, data collection
and analysis. Thus, the gender dimension approach will be included at all stages of the
project, providing equal opportunities for the equal participation of women and men, and
non-binary in project participants and involved workers. Furthermore, gender-inclusive
language will be used to avoid gender discrimination.
Therefore, human participants and workers of the involved entities will ensure gender/sex
balance and also no discrimination by ethnicity and socio-economic status, giving the same
opportunities for all individuals and assuring inclusiveness.


Figure 1. Outline of the technology use concept and its impact.

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Open Call 2: Annex 3.1 – Proposal Template

3. IMPACT & EXPLOITATION (Maximum 2 pages)

Expected benefits
Approximately 20% of patients who have been discharge from the hospital are
readmitted during the next 30 days, something that is very costly for hospitals. Current
data suggest that the 27% of readmissions are preventable. Hospital readmissions are
seen as a correctable marker of poor-quality care that are associated to a dysfunction
of the services provided to patients. Thus, hospitals are addressing the issue of
readmissions more carefully as readmission rates are considered indicators of quality. This
predictive model would be very useful to identify those patients with higher risk of
readmission, therefore, would be easier to refocus more resources to patients with the
greatest needs. AIPHER will be very interesting to hospitals as readmissions have a severe
impact on the quality of life and prognosis of patients, and reduce healthcare costs. The
current tax of hospital admission is very expensive, being of 5%/72h in the CSAPG but
with a predictive model this percentage could be reduced until 2%/72h. Considering that
the ED of CSAPG has an average of 48,000 patients per year, 30-day readmissions
would result in a saving of 712,800€.
This pilot project will test a predictive model for 30-day readmissions to ED, using the
data present in the patient's electronic medical record at the time of discharge. In this
pilot, no specific actions will be applied in the event of a readmission detection, otherwise
the predictive capacity of the algorithms could not be validated. Therefore, in AIPHER,
the result of the algorithm will not be shared with physicians until 30 days after patient
discharge, when the predictive ability of the algorithm could be validated. During the
pilot, the information of all discharges from ED will be collected and analyzed in real time
and compared with readmissions occurring after 30 days. Every 30 days, working sessions
will be held with ED professionals to re-evaluate and assess collected cases during the
previous 30 days with the aim to develop a protocol of action and the best moment to
show the information of the algorithm during the workflow.
At the beginning, the algorithm is intended to be used in public and private hospitals,
clinics, social-health centers and healthcare facilities. Furthermore, it is being considered
the option to also adapt the algorithm to possible solutions in the Pharmaceutical Industry.
In addition, these types of systems provide a starting point for organizations and health
systems to develop robust models of transitional care delivery.

Exploitation potential
The success and lasting impact of AIPHER depend on 1) the effective communication of the
benefits/usability of the AIPHER technology to the relevant audience (clinicians, hospital
managers, healthcare facilities…), stakeholders (e.g. public authorities) and general
audience; 2) AIPHER results being tailored and targeted to the specific needs of the
different practitioners and stakeholders, and then delivered in an appropriate, accessible
and easy-to-use format. For that reason, a good communication, dissemination and
exploitation strategy are needed to reach the maximum target audience and obtain the
maximum possible benefits. Exploitation activities will be developed during the evaluation
phase (phase III) with the aim is to provide business support that promotes the exploitation
of project outcomes. This phase will consider a business strategy and exploitation plan,
stakeholder impact, complete market analysis, direct and indirect competitor analysis,
scalability potential and dissemination activities from report. Dissemination strategy will
aim to raise awareness about the project’s ongoing activities, and transfer the knowledge
and results generated to the target audience. All results will be disseminated to the
healthcare sector, stakeholders and general audience via multiple approaches: press

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Open Call 2: Annex 3.1 – Proposal Template

releases, scientific papers, conferences, seminars, symposia, companies’ websites, and

social media that will be linked to companies’ websites. Companies will send E-mail alerts
to stakeholders with the latest news, making possible that subscribed users are always
keep updated.
AIPHER offer an innovative product with a huge target audience (healthcare centers,
pharmaceutical companies, clinicians...) and with no direct competition. There are other
companies that work with artificial intelligence and machine learning for healthcare
management suchas : Amalfy Analytics, Arterys, Enlitic, Butterflynetwork, Alma Medical
Imaging and Aiforia. However, any of these companies have developed an algorithm
predict patients’ readmissions in hospitals. Those above companies have been developed
algorithm to monitor hospital space occupation and booking beds, work with medical
images, radiology and ultrasounds. Therefore, it is expected that this innovative
technology will be implemented in the maximum number of hospitals in Spain. Also, this
technology could be implemented in Latino America as ASHO is starting their international
expansion in Dominican Republic and Chile, and therefore, are familiarized with the
sector. However, in a future this product could be developed in other languages and then,
implemented in different European countries.
This promising technology has been validated in a laboratory, being at TRL4. HosmartAI
will allow to achieve TRL6 which means that technology will be demonstrated in a relevant
environment. It is estimated that the commercialization of the technology will be 6 months
from the achievement of the TRL6. During this time the technology will be ready for
demonstration and testing with operational HW/SW systems, and all functionalities will
be simulated and tested in real scenarios, being ready to be implemented in a real
environment and product commercialization.

Contribution to HosmartAI KPIs

KPI Value at the end of
Number of healthcare professionals involved in this pilot? 41
Number of patients involved in this pilot? 24000
Number of HosmartAI tech implemented 1
• What are the Key Performance Indicators you will use to measure your project’s
Additional Pilot specific KPIs Value at the end of
Number of optimized algorithms? 1
Number of scientific articles to be published? 2
Presentations in events (webinar, online meetings, 1
campaigns, science festivals, conferences...)
Number of audio-visual tools to show results of the project? 1
Social networks Twitter ≥1035 followers
Facebook ≥ 2792 followers
Instagram ≥1596 followers
LinkedIn ≥ 814 followers
Expected number of visits to your websites ≥100 visits
Participations in radio and television programs? 1
Number of presentations at outreach events? 1
Expected number of press releases? 1

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Open Call 2: Annex 3.1 – Proposal Template

4. Expertise and excellence of the team (max. 2 pages)

Table 2: Proposed Team

Entity Name of the Role in the project Link to LinkedIn profile or Gender
person equivalent
ASHO Juli Climent Algorithm design and M
Querol development ulio-climent-querol

Data analysis
ASHO Gonzalo Algorithm N/A M
Hernández development
Data mining
ASHO Jordi García Technical system M
Carreras support ordi-garcia-carreras-
ASHO Julio César Technical system M
Tortosa support ulio-cesar-tortosa-
Garballo garballo-49376151
CSAPG Alejandro Clinical study design M
Rodriguez and Principal ofessionals/recerca/equip
Molinero Investigator /1/alejandro-rodriguez
CSAPG Carlos Pérez Data processing M
López Responsible ofessionals/recerca/equip
CSAPG Mariano Responsible for the M
Gutiérrez Coello integration of the n/marianogutierrezcoello/
algorithm into the ?originalSubdomain=es
hospital's systems
CSAPG Clarissa Fieldwork N/A F
Catalano coordinator

Asesoramiento de Servicios Hospitalarios (ASHO) - consortium leader

ASHO is a company with more than 25 years of experience in the hospital sector, specialized
in offering professional services with added value in hospital information systems. Its objective
is to contribute to greater quality and excellence, offering services and systems that facilitate
the management and work of its clients.
Participating team members have a wide experience on informatics and programming:
- Juli Climent Querolt (director I.A) is an expert on using Phyton, SQL, Cloud, Docker, Spark,
Framework IA (Tf, PyTorch…), Figma and algebra/calculus.
- Gonzalo Hernández Ortega (data scientist) has a Hugh experience on Phyton, SQL,
Framework IA (Tf, PyTorch…) and algebra/calculus.
- Jordi García Carreras (Director IT) accounts with a lot of experience in SQL data access, C,
C++, Pascal, PHP, JS languages, Linux Server (console), TCP/IP Networking, VPN, RDP,
Web Server.

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Open Call 2: Annex 3.1 – Proposal Template

- Julio César Tortosa Garballo (informatician) is an expert on SQL data access, PHP, and JS
languages, Linux Server (console), TCP/IP Networking, VPN, RDP, Web Server.

Consorci Sanitari Alt Penedès-Garraf (CSAPG)

CSAPG (Hospitals Cluster): is a legal entity that manages 3 county-level hospitals and an
outpatient rehabilitation centre in the districts of l'Alt Penedès and Garraf in Barcelona (Spain).
It has a reference population of 247,350 inhabitants and 457 hospitalization beds, besides
outpatient care. The CSAPG team members are experts in use cases design, defining clinical
specifications and pilot setting
Participating team members have a vast expertise in different background related to health,
engineering and integration of network systems in the hospital network:
- Alejandro Rodriguez Molinero (Medicine degree, PhD in Preventive Medicine and Public
Health) is the responsible for the research area.
- Carlos Pérez López (PhD in engineering) has a wide experience as a research consultant
and data engineer.
- Mariano Gutiérrez Coello is the Director of Information Systems of the Consorci Sanitari de
l'Alt Penedès i Garraf.
- Clarissa Clariano is a specialist in Hospital Emergency Care Department of the Consorci
Sanitari de l'Alt Penedès i Garraf.

ASHO is a national leader in the provision of hospital discharge coding services and automatic
coding of outpatient processes such as Emergency, Outpatient, Day Hospital, in which training,
teamwork and innovation is the core value, with the aim of earning the trust of customers through
a good work.
CSAPG is a public entity created on April 1, 2019, with the aim of responding to the health and
social needs of our reference population, through the implementation of hospital, care,
preventive, rehabilitative, teaching and research activities. CSAPG manage the Alt Penedès
Regional Hospital (headquarters), the Sant Camil Residence Hospital, the Sant Antoni Abat
Hospital and the Rehabilitation Center.
ASHO and CSAPG cover the necessary roles, providing solid partners and the adequate
scientific competences to the level of ambition of the project. In addition, ASHO and CSAPG
have already worked cooperatively in other projects. ASHO will be the technology providers
in this project and CSAPG will have a role of an end-user by implementing in their facilities the
technology developed by ASHO.

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Open Call 2: Annex 3.1 – Proposal Template

5. Project planning and value for money (maximum 3


5.1 Main activities of the project

Pilot Title:
Participant short ASHO CSAPG
Role Adapt the algorithm and develop Implement the algorithm in their
the interconnection blocks with the healthcare facilities
The main aim of this work is to implement the algorithm in a real environment and perform a
validation of its predictive capability in a prospective study.
Task 1: Project coordination and management (M1-M2)
ASHO will be involved in the coordination and management of the technical part by designing the
chronogram of the pilot project and describing all the different technologies that will be needed
during the project and fine tuning the algorithm to be ready to start with the pilot clinical trial.
CSAPG will be in charge of coordination and management of the healthcare facilities. CSAPG will
describe the number of patients, healthcare workers and healthcare facilities involved in the pilot.

Deliverables: D1 Report with a detailed Pilot Plan with a description of the setup

Task 2: Quality assurance and Risk management (M1-M2)

ASHO and CSAPG will take up a quality management approach by controlling reported resource
usage, review of project documents and algorithm development results, maintenance of the project
workplan. Moreover, an initial risk management plan will also be implemented to identify potential
mishaps during the entire project execution and prepare action plan that will deal with them should
they emerge. Provisions will be taken to minimize potential problems.

Deliverables: D2 Description of the risk management plan

Task 3: Ethical and legal surveillance (M1-M2)

ASHO and CSAPG will provide ethical oversight, analysis, and guidance on all aspects of the AIPHER
project, providing all necessary reports to legally accomplish the ethical issues affecting the project.
CSAPG will be in charge to assure data protection of patients.

Deliverables: D3 Document justifying all ethics issues, D4 Data protection document

Task 4: Algorithm training, validation and test dataset (M1-M2)

ASHO will first adjust the algorithm on a training data set, which is a set of examples used to fit the
algorithm the parameters, obtaining a trained model that generalizes well to new, unknown data.
During the validation ASHO will adjust the hyperparameters to have the best optimized model.
Finally, ASHO will use an independent data of the training data set to provide an unbiased
evaluation of a final model fit on the training data set to evaluate the performance of the model.

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Open Call 2: Annex 3.1 – Proposal Template

Deliverables: D5 Report of algorithm training, validation and performance.

Impact and Outputs of the 1st phase
List main Milestones: M.1 Optimization and performance of the model validated
List main KPIs: 1) Number of optimized algorithms
Task 1: Day-to-day project coordination and management (M3-M8)
ASHO and CSAPG will be in charge of the workplan control and update, schedule control,
implementation of corrective actions and results evaluation.

Deliverables: D6 Report of the project’s pilot development results and its operating system,

Task 2: Installation of the algorithm into the Sant Camil Residence Hospital and upload on ML
ACUMOS platform (M3)
ASHO will install the algorithm in one of the CSAPG hospitals to test pilot. CSAPG will bring access
to ASHO to all electronic medical records of the hospital.

Deliverables: D7 Document allowing the access to Hospital patients record

Task 3: Retrain the algorithm with real data from incoming patients and implementation (M4-
The designed algorithm by ASHO will obtain data from incoming patients to emergency department
in Sant Camil Residence Hospital and will adjust the developed model with real incoming patients’

Deliverables: D8 Internal report with all patient’s data to collect, D10 Internal report of algorithm
adjustments with patients’ data

Task 4: Pilot test (M6-M8)

The CSAPG will evaluate the predictive ability of the algorithm by assessing how many of those
patients that the algorithm predicted as positive readmission in a period of maximum 30 days from
the discharge, would be really readmitted.

Deliverable: D9 Provide a video demonstration of the pilot

Impact and Outputs of the 2nd phase
List main Milestones: M.2 Evaluation of the algorithm based on the pilot results and activities
List main KPIs: 1) Number of HosmartAI tech implemented, 2) Number of healthcare professionals
involved in this pilot, and 3) Number of patients involved in the pilot.
Task 1: Project coordination and management of market associated activities (M9-M12)
ASHO will perform an exhaustive evaluation of the business’s target market, competitors and
product price. CSAPG will Improve the market strategy and study the product potential scalability
to other countries.

Deliverables: D10 Report with all market associated activities ant the potential scalability of the

Task 2: Communication, dissemination and exploitation of AIPHER results (M9-M12)

ASHO will promote communication and dissemination of project results through CSAPG contacts.
Dissemination strategy will be composed by concise information in newsletters, campaigns, forums,
events, conferences, social media and audio-visual tools to show the main project results. The partners

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Open Call 2: Annex 3.1 – Proposal Template

will make sure HosmartAI’s contribution to the product’s development is acknowledged at every

Deliverables: D11 Dossier of attended events/meetings (dates, participant, place, contribution). and
scientific papers published.
Impact and Outputs of the 3rd phase
List main Milestones: M.3 Presentation of final dossiers on all communication and dissemination
performed activities.
List main KPIs: 1) Number of scientific articles to be published, 2) Presentations in events (webinar,
online meetings, campaigns, science festivals, conferences...), 3) Audio-visual tools to show results of
the project, 4) Social networks used to disseminate project results, 5) Expected number of visits to
your websites, 6) Participations in radio and television programs, 7) Number of presentations at
outreach events, and 8) Number of press releases.

5.2 Value for money

Table 3: Person-month and Personnel costs
Person- Monthly rate in € Direct personnel
Name of the person month (MR) costs
(PM) (Actual cost only) (PMxMR)
Juli Climent Querol 2 5000 10000
Gonzalo Hernández
Ortega 7 4000 28000

Jordi García Carreras 4 3000 12000

Julio César Tortosa
4 3000 12000
Alejandro Rodriguez
1 6500 6500
Carlos Pérez López 3 6500 19500
Mariano Gutiérrez
1 6500 6500
Clarissa Catalano 1 6500 6500
Total1 23 41000 101000

Table 4: Total budget

Item Amount (€)
Direct personnel costs (a) 101000
Other direct cost (Equipment) (b)
(Depreciation cost only)
Other direct cost (Software licenses) (c) 6000
Other direct cost (Travel expenses) (d) 0
Other direct cost (Others) (e) 0
Indirect costs (0,25 x (a +b +c +d+e)) 29000
Total 145000

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Appendix A Annex: Ethical/Security Checklist
Table 5: Ethical issues
Informed Consent
• Does the proposal involve children? YES
• Does the proposal involve patients or persons not able to give consent? YES
• Does the proposal involve adult healthy volunteers? NO
• Does the proposal involve Human Genetic Material? NO
• Does the proposal involve Human biological samples? NO
• Does the proposal involve Human data collection? YES
Research on Human embryo/foetus
• Does the proposal involve Human Embryos? NO
• Does the proposal involve Human Foetal Tissue / Cells? NO
• Does the proposal involve Human Embryonic Stem Cells? NO
• Does the proposal involve processing of genetic information or personal data NO
(e.g. health, sexual lifestyle, ethnicity, political opinion, religious or
philosophical conviction)
• Does the proposal involve tracking the location or observation of people? NO
Research on Animals
• Does the proposal involve research on animals? NO
• Are those animals transgenic small laboratory animals? NO
• Are those animals transgenic farm animals? NO
• Are those animals cloned farm animals? NO
• Are those animals nonhuman primates? NO
Research Involving Developing Countries
• Use of local resources (genetic, animal, plant etc) NO
• Benefit to local community (capacity building i.e. access to healthcare, NO
education etc)
Dual Use
• Research having direct military application NO
• Research having the potential for terrorist abuse NO
ICT Implants
• Does the proposal involve clinical trials of ICT implants? NO


Please indicate if your project will involve:

• Activities or results raising security issues: ……NO………..(YES/NO)

• 'EU-classified information' as background or results: Any potential “dual use” of results:
• Any potential “dual use” of results: ………NO………(YES/NO)

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