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after using the law for a long time to manifest my desires and after listening to all the YouTubers

talk about manifestation I have noticed something that is eye-opening upon self-introspection

I've seen that many individuals feel trapped and irritated while attempting to manifest their desires

I believe it is because they place too much emphasis on the physical object rather than the feeling of
having that thing or the state of mind that comes with owning that thing

you want to feel wealthy and all the objects such as cars houses Jets and Yachts are symbols of wealth

it is the sensation you wish to have

I was reading through the comments section on my YouTube channel when I came across a comment
the comment said how someone can feel wish fulfilled when it was never experienced in the past by
that individual for example I don't know how it feels like to have an Audi because I never had it I can
only feel wanting it because I always wanted it

Neville said that become the kind of a person who already have it, but how do I know who would I
become when I have it, how would I react, how would I think decide talk walk and all

please explain

so this comment struck me and I would like to answer it here because some of you unconsciously repeat
the same sort of mistake it happens when we misinterpret the law

ho is prominent has a certain amount of money and is wealthy, it is just a symbol that tells you that you

did you notice that many children correctly or what you have to do

all of the great manifestation teachers who know about the law will tell you, do what works best for you
they will say to feel as if you already have it because all those feelings are unique there is no single
machine that can show you exactly but there are brain scans and other tools that neuroscientists use to
learn more about the human brain and try to correlate it with Consciousness but all you have to be
concerned with is the feeling of being the person who owns the things

you would like to manifest you want those abs and that perfect body because you want to feel sexy,

you want that person because you want to feel loved,

you want that college because you want to feel important

you want that house because you want to feel wealthy

can you notice this? can you understand this? can you relate this to your desire when I ask you to close
your eyes and imagine hugging a specific person what do you feel can you tell me exactly, you will say it
is love but you can't exactly tell me what it is for lack of words you have given it that tack you just know
that it feels right and wonderful it is a happy wonderful exciting caring high level kind of emotion that
you call love this single word holds much more meaning than I mentioned

so the feeling is so unique that no one can tell you after reading this don't go trying to define the feeling
don't tell someone else that you have to feel like this or that to have that car you just have to ask
yourself this simple question how would it feel if it were true right now and you will know the feeling if
you call it wealthy and convey it to another he may misinterpret it because he has been blessed with
money since childhood perhaps he will feel important but I'm not sure are you getting me go back and
watch that

whenever you wanted something you got it did you get the car or the feeling of having that car you have
both physically, it was there but internally, you felt differently now, all of your decisions are now made
with A New Perspective can you see how your thought pattern shifted, this shift is living from the end
this shift represents the feeling of having your desire or feeling of wish fulfilled

it's amazing to have such a fancy object,

it doesn't come with feelings it only has the feelings and value you assigned to them whenever you buy
a new thing and think that this will make me happy it does make you happy but it is very short-lived
then it passes on to something else something bigger and you get caught in the endless loop of short-
term Pleasures now it is easier for the brands to sell you the stuff you don't really need by glamorizing it
and marketing it in a way that makes you think that having that thing will give you satisfaction they play
those advertisements and show them to you again and again again so that you will think more about
them and purchase those things from them well they are not wrong either they are doing their job and
running an economy
reminder is to take your attention away from the physical object and place sit on the feeling of having it
place your attention on the feeling of a wish being fulfilled the object is just a symbol and you want the
feeling that can be generated within you once your dominant feelings shift to the feeling of having your
desired outcome the object scenario or person manifests in your reality

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