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Name : Ervina Damayanti

NIM : 31210005
Major : D4 MIK

Electronic Health Record

Electronic Health Record (EHR) is the latest technology that can facilitate the performance
of medical recorders and other health workers. Not many have implemented it as the latest
technology in their medical record installations in Indonesian. used and visited by a doctor
or authorized health worker
In Indonesia, there are already several hospital that implement the EHR system and for
some hospital will get a turn to implement the system.for example RSUD Dr. Soetomo,
Surabaya since 2010
Advantages and Disadvantages of EHR
EHR has some advantages and disadvantages including:
 Less cluttered office space due to charts being store digitally
 Quickly transfer data inside and outside of your office
 Increase patient safety through the reduction in medical errors
 Increase practice efficiencies and cost savings.
 Convenience and Efficiency
 Inaccurate Information: Because of the instantaneous nature of electronic health
records, they must be updated immediately after each patient visit,or whenever
there is a change to the information. The failure to do so could mean other
healthcare providers will rely on inaccurate data when determining appropriate
treatment protocols.
 Hackers don’t need to access patient files to restrict them.
Ransomware attacks in 2017, initiated through malware and other security access
problems on electronic health record servers, cost numerous hospitals thousands of
dollars per incident. This software encrypts the EHR, making it inaccessible until a
“ransom” is paid to restore the data. Even if the ransom is paid, there is no
guarantee that the files weren’t copied and distributed to other people either.
 Frequent Updating Required
Since other healthcare professionals partnered with you, such as personal trainers
and pharmacists, may be using the same electronic health record system as you, it is
essential that you keep patient records updated after every appointment or
consultation. Otherwise, they may check the system later to find inaccurate data
without your knowledge, leading to inappropriate approaches to treatment.
Why EHR is certainly used in Indonesia
The EHR must be used because it is very important so for example going to the hospital the patient
data has been recorded in the EHR. officers no longer need to re-data.

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