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Lesson 3: Entrepreneurial Skills and 5.

Ability to innovate new

Competencies products and procedures or
Skills - are considered as the personal
abilities to do things well. They come from ● Problem - Solving Skills - is the
the totality of knowledge, practice or process of identifying a problem,
experience, and aptitude of a person. developing possible solution paths,
and taking the appropriate course of
● APTITUDE The scientific approach in solving
● PRACTICE / EXPERIENCE business problems involves:
1. Defining the real problem,
2. Gathering information about
Entrepreneurial Skills - refer to the set of the problem,
cognitive, technical, and interpersonal 3. Formulating alternative
skills required in the practice of solutions,
entrepreneurship 4. Evaluating alternative
● Cognitive - refer to the mental 5. Selecting and implementing
ability of the entrepreneur to learn the optimal solutions, and
new things, generate new ideas, and 6. Evaluating the decision.
express knowledge in both oral and
written forms. The human brain is The possible effects of each
responsible for the development of alternative solution must be
cognitive skills, which are essential grouped in the following
in making systematic and effective categories:
plans and monitoring. 1. Effect to the business in
The cognitive skills of an 2. Effect to the workforce
entrepreneur include the 3. Effect to the supplier of raw
following: materials and utility provider.
4. Effect to the end user and
1. Ability to understand written prospective consumers.
materials 5. Effect to the future operation.
2. Ability to learn and apply 6. Effect to other departments or
new information units
3. Ability to solve problems 7. Effect to the financial,
systematically marketing, and production
4. Ability to create new ideas operations.
In the process of evaluating each The interpersonal skills of an
alternative solution, the following criteria entrepreneur may include, among
must be considered: others, the following:
1. Availability of production resources
2. Cost involved in the implementation 1. Skills in verbal
3. Degree of the risk involved communication
4. Effect to the whole business 2. Skills in non-verbal
5. Nature, type, and size of the problem communication
6. Level of urgency 3. Skills in listening
7. Different forces in the environment 4. Skills in leading
5. Skills in negotiating
● Technical skills - are the abilities
and knowledge needed to perform CORE COMPETENCY - is defined as the
specific tasks. They are practical, combination of entrepreneurial concepts and
and often relate to mechanical, principles, entrepreneurial character traits
information technology, and entrepreneurial skills that provide and
mathematical, or scientific tasks. become the ultimate source of competitive
advantage of the entrepreneur.
The technical skills of an
entrepreneur include proficiency The Entrepreneurial Competency - The
and ability, among others, in the harmonious combination of entrepreneurial
following areas: concepts and principles, character traits
1. Information technology and entrepreneurial skills define
2. Feasibility study and business entrepreneurial competency
plan preparation
3. Technical writing skills The Entrepreneurial Competency as
4. Marketing Source of Competitive Advantage
5. Management and finance
Competitive advantage - refers to the
● Interpersonal skills - are basically strategic position and condition of the
about the relationship and interaction entrepreneurial venture that:
of the entrepreneur with the workers, 1. Provides the necessary attributes to
suppliers, creditors, prospective outperform competitors,
customers, and other members of the 2. Distinguishes the venture from
business community. competitors,
3. Achieves superior performance in
the industry, and
4. Produces products or develops
production methods that can hardly
be copied by competitors.

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