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without GCPs, how accurate can be the scale be using only geo tags?

If you have geotagged images but no ground control points (GCPs), the accuracy of
the scale in the final output can be affected by several factors, such as the accuracy
of the GPS data, the quality of the camera calibration, and the complexity of the

The accuracy of GPS data can vary depending on the quality of the GPS receiver and
the satellite coverage at the time of image capture. Typically, GPS accuracy can range
from a few meters to several tens of meters, depending on the conditions. This
means that the geotags alone may not provide highly accurate scale information,
especially in areas with limited GPS coverage or where the terrain is challenging.

However, using geotags can still help to improve the accuracy of the camera
alignment and 3D reconstruction, by providing a rough estimate of the camera
positions and orientation. This can help to reduce the error in the relative scale
estimation and produce a more accurate 3D model.

The accuracy of the scale using only geotags may also depend on the complexity of
the scene. In simple scenes with few distinctive features, it may be more difficult to
accurately estimate the scale using only geotags, whereas in complex scenes with
many distinctive features, the relative scale information from the images may be
more reliable.

Overall, the accuracy of the scale using only geotags will depend on a variety of
factors and may vary depending on the specific conditions of the image capture and
processing. Therefore, it is important to carefully evaluate the accuracy of the scale in
the final output and, if necessary, introduce a scale factor or adjust the model
dimensions based on some known measurements or references.

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