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Minjin Cho
Josiah Browne
Perla Hadarean
After another day of foiled
evilness, Doofenshmirtz lays down
to prepare for the next day. When
he thinks his day of hardship is
over, he is plagued with a dream of
Perry ruining another genius,
villainous plan. That platypus! He
could not stand the thought of
that annoying, medling platypus
destroying another one of his
masterful machines of evil
“Sleep is for the weary,” says
Doofenshmirtz, as he cannot even
close his eyes without envisioning
Perry. “I must design and create a
work of machinery so evil and so
incredible that Perry will never
see it coming!” Doofenshmirtz
glows red with rage, making a fist
so hard, his knuckles turn white.
“This WILL be the END of Perry
the Platypus!”
“What can I create that is above
and beyond anything I have ever
built?” Doofenshmirtz paces,
drawing and redrawing sketches of
machinery, but nothing is enough.
“No weapon or machine can fulfill
my need, so what can it be?” “An
AI sidekick! I must scan the
brains of the smartest humans in
the world and combine them to
create the quickest, most
intelligent being in existence!” 4
Across the city, Phineas and Ferb
eat breakfast with a groggy
Candace, who munches on her
ironic Smile Cereal, as Perry rests
under his favorite tree. “What’s
the plan for today, Ferb?” “Well
I’m not sure, but we seem to find a
relatively good idea by lunch.”
“That’s true, Ferb, but I was
thinking something simple, like a
treehouse?” “I must say, that
sounds splendid.” 5
“I must find some suitable
specimens for my machine. Let’s
try northwest, about 347
degrees.” Doofenshmirtz’s machine
scans for suitable brains, and
finally rests on Phineas and Ferb.
“Ah, two young boys. Well, I guess
you just never know where
intelligence lies, except in that
annoying platypus!”

Doofenshmirtz’s machine focuses
on the boys’ house, and he can
hear some chatter from the boys.
“Come on Ferb, you know that nail
goes up, not down!” “Phineas, I am
aware, but I have this weird
feeling we are being watched.”
“Sure Ferb, and while we’re on the
topic, can you not try to explain to
me the existence of psychotic
aliens in our yard again?!”
“Hey Ferb, can you pass me that…”
Phineas and Ferb freeze, a ring of
hypnotism swirling in their eyes.
Perry’s watch begins pinging, and
he sneaks away to hear about his
mission. “Perry, Doofenshmirtz has
been sighted with a brain
recreation machine, which we
believe he is going to use to create
an incredibly intelligent sidekick,
which will help defeat you in the
future!” 8
Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated
rings with the bang of a hammer
and swirling of a drill, as
Doofenshmirtz is wrapping up his
machine. “Now that I have finished
my machine, what parts of the
brain must I include? I think I
have them written down
somewhere . . . Ah YES! Here we

“AH the stem of the brain. How
could my robot sleep, eat,
breathe, or even regulate it’s
heart rate without it?! ALL the
information in the body is relayed
through the brain stem!”

“How could I forget the
cerebellum, the beautifully
crafted cerebellum. It will help
my creation learn how to move,
how to balance himself, and how
to be coordinated in his

“Oh the thalamus. The
consciousness and alertness of my
creation must be incredible. It
must be able to relay sensory and
motor signals better than any
human alive.”

“The system of the limbic. The
emotional creator and memory
keeper. My creation must be able
react to emotional stimuli in a
perfect and centered way, as I
also must remember to help it
reinforce its behavior. I need to
create so that it may act well to
my every command”

“Ah, the amygdala, that funny
fella. I must place this in my
creation to make it fear me, as
the amygdala processes fear in a

“The hippocampus, oh how I’ve
missed you. You must regulate the
temperature of my creation, and
make sure my organism is always
internally balanced and functional.
Also, I need my creation to be
able to memorize plans and
algorithms, and how could he do
that without a hypothalamus
“The pon, the pin, the pun. I need you
to connect my medulla with the
cerebellum. You must be the origin for
my creation’s cranial nerves that
transfer sensory information and
action instructions to and from my
sidekick’s face. How else would he
smile as he defeats that annoying
platypus? How would he sleep,
breathe, swallow, use the restroom,
hear, taste, see, or even have facial
sensations without you , pons?” 16
“The formation of the reticular,
reticular of course meaning have a
net-like structure. My sidekick must
be able stand up, be balanced, and
have good posture must he not?! He
must be able to track objects with
his eyes with perfect precision, so I
must enhance this reticular
formation. Of course how could I
forget! My creature needs it to
regulate its heart rate, understand
its habituation, and regulate the
pain signals from the lower body to
the cerebral cortex.”
“OH yes, the medulla is
responsible for doing many things
the body does without us having
to think about, for example
breathing and reflexes like
vomiting, coughing, sneezing, and

“Okay now to the lobes ahaha!
The frontal lobe, the
decision-maker. Such a necessary
component of my creation’s brain.
Can’t forget to add the part of
the brain that controls

“Next the parietal lobe. AH the
human sensor! Touch, pressure,
pain, heat, cold, all things I need
to include if I want my sidekick
to pass as human.”

“HE MUST SEE! The occipital
lobe! My man must be able
perceive distance, to see color, to
recognize faces, and to save
memory information that he

“The lobe of temporality! The
temporal lobe. Absolutely crucial!
Memory, emotion, hearing! How
could I leave my sidekick to walk
through life without such
intricate things! He must be able
to hear me and interpret what I
say, or else what good would he
do to me?!”
“Finally, corpus callosum! My
bridge between the brain! You
must link my brain together and
allow information to be
transferred from the left and
right hemispheres to one

“Ah, my machine is finally ready to
scan these parts of the brain! So
many parts, but it will all be worth it
when I bring down Perry the
Platypus! Behold, the
Doofenshmirtz firmly believed this
would be the end of his rivalry with
Perry, and that he would finally be
able to create his machines in peace!

Back at the house, Phineas and
Ferb are still standing in their
yard, staring off into the distance.
Candace is confused. She yells at
her brothers over and over again,
but they seem completely zoned in
on something she cannot see. “I
should call Jeremy to watch them
so I can leave :)”

“OHHHH Jeremy, my brothers are
acting weird, and I really just want
to go take a nap, so can you come
over?” As Candace talks to
Jeremy, Isabella walks through
the gate. “Whatchaaa dooooin? Oh
wait. Why are they just frozen?”
“I don’t know and I don’t care! I
just want my nap!” “I just want to
talk to Phineas!” “I’m calling my
mom! . . MOM! The boys are being
weird again!” “Honey, are you sure
they aren’t just doing what little
boys do on a summer day?” “No,
MOM, they are being weird! Please
come home now!”
Back at DEI, Perry drops onto the
balcony behind Doofenshmirtz, but
he fears it may be too late. “Ahh
Perry the platypus, how nice of you
to join me? I just have one button
to press, and this will ALL be
over!” As Doofenshmirtz reaches
for the button, Perry throws his
hat in what he hopes is a gap in the
machine. Doofenshmirtz finger
drops, Perry’s hat flies, AND . . .
Perry’s hat hits the machine in
between one of its gaps, and
BOOM SHE GOES! “Nooooo, how
could that happen? AGAIN!” Perry
glides off the balcony, as the
explosion propels him through the
air! “I will get you again PERRY
THE PLATYPUS!” Doofenshmirtz
stands up, just now noticing that
he is covered in brain parts. “Well
isn’t that just fantastic”
“Well, that treehouse kind of
backfired huh?” Ferb nods. “Was
it just me, or did you see a brain
just flipping around in the air with
some dude with a long name
laughing and yelling at Perry?”
Ferb nods again. “Just making
sure.” Ferb . . . well . . . nods again

Mom pulls into the driveway, and
walks in. “Well, Candace, I guess
sitting under a tree is peculiar.”
“Really?!” “No, Candace, this is just
another time that you waste my
time to come home and look at
your brothers doing absolutely
nothing.” Candace stares at her
brothers, mouth open, unable to
believe that they are completely
normal now. “Well, at least I can
go get that nap now.” “Hahaha you
wish Candace. You ruined my run to
the dry cleaners. Now you will do
the laundry for me.” “Nooooo” 30

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