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Biol. Rev. (2006), 81, pp. 425–455.

f 2006 Cambridge Philosophical Society 425

doi:10.1017/S1464793106007068 Printed in the United Kingdom
First published online 22 June 2006

Human cell type diversity, evolution,

development, and classification with special
reference to cells derived from the neural crest
Matthew K. Vickaryous* and Brian K. Hall
Department of Biology, Life Sciences Centre, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 4J1

(Received 6 July 2005 ; revised 29 March 2006; accepted 3 April 2006)


Metazoans are composed of a finite number of recognisable cell types. Similar to the relationship between species
and ecosystems, knowledge of cell type diversity contributes to studies of complexity and evolution. However,
as with other units of evolution, the cell type often resists definition. This review proposes guidelines for charac-
terising cell types and discusses cell homology and the various developmental pathways by which cell types arise,
including germ layers, blastemata (secondary development/neurulation), stem cells, and transdifferentiation. An
updated list of cell types is presented for a familiar, albeit overlooked model taxon, adult Homo sapiens, with 411
cell types, including 145 types of neurons, recognised. Two methods for organising these cell types are explored.
One is the artificial classification technique, clustering cells using commonly accepted criteria of similarity. The
second approach, an empirical method modeled after cladistics, resolves the classification in terms of shared
features rather than overall similarity. While the results of each scheme differ, both methods address important
questions. The artificial classification provides compelling (and independent) support for the neural crest as the
fourth germ layer, while the cladistic approach permits the evaluation of cell type evolution. Using the cladistic
approach we observe a correlation between the developmental and evolutionary origin of a cell, suggesting that
this method is useful for predicting which cell types share common (multipotential) progenitors. Whereas the
current effort is restricted by the availability of phenotypic details for most cell types, the present study demon-
strates that a comprehensive cladistic classification is practical, attainable, and warranted. The use of cell types
and cell type comparative classification schemes has the potential to offer new and alternative models for
therapeutic evaluation.

Key words : cell evolution, cell homology, germ layer, neural crest cells, neurons, transdifferentiation.


I. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 426

(1) Previous cell type categorisation schemes .......................................................................................... 427
(2) Cell types and the species analogy ...................................................................................................... 427
(3) Cell type homology ............................................................................................................................... 427
(4) Human cell types .................................................................................................................................. 428
(5) Development of human cell types ...................................................................................................... 428
II. Experimental procedures ............................................................................................................................ 430
(1) The data set ........................................................................................................................................... 430
(2) Methodological approach – classification schemes ........................................................................... 430
III. Results ........................................................................................................................................................... 431
(1) The updated list of cell types ............................................................................................................... 431
(2) Artificial classification of all cell types ................................................................................................ 433
* Author for correspondence : Tel : (902) 494-3335 ; Fax : (902) 494-3736 ; E-mail :
426 Matthew K. Vickaryous and Brian K. Hall

(3) Cladistic classification of neural-crest-derived cells .......................................................................... 434

(4) Comparison : artificial versus cladistic .................................................................................................. 434
IV. Discussion ..................................................................................................................................................... 434
(1) Application of the cladistic technique ................................................................................................ 434
(2) Employment of cell types and cell type classification schemes ....................................................... 436
(3) Neural crest as the fourth germ layer ................................................................................................. 437
(4) The evolution of cell types ................................................................................................................... 438
V. Areas for future research ............................................................................................................................ 440
VI. Conclusions .................................................................................................................................................. 440
VII. Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................................................... 441
VIII. References .................................................................................................................................................... 441

I. INTRODUCTION expression, membrane properties and the pattern of firing

(e.g. Somogyi & Klausberger, 2005; Toledo-Rodriguez
et al., 2005). In accordance with the current emphasis on
All organisms are composed of cells, minute compartments molecular biology, cell types have also been defined by gene
of fluid matrix with various chemical components shrouded expression patterns that give rise to a particular phenotype
in a limiting membrane (Alberts et al., 1989). Whereas no (Arendt, 2003). As will be discussed however, this overlooks
two cells are identical in appearance, generalized patterns of the role of epigenetic factors. Perhaps ideally, one or more
morphology and biochemistry suggest that all cells conform unique cell markers, molecules demonstrating unambiguous
to a relatively limited number of patterns (Willmer, 1970; evidence of identity and relationship, would characterise
Alberts et al., 1989 ; Valentine, 2003 ; see also Tyner, 1975; each cell type. Regrettably however, in many instances
Rowe & Stone, 1977 ; Rodieck & Brening, 1983). These such putative ‘ markers’ are neither unique nor evidence for
limited patterns of diversity are referred to as cell types. terminal differentiation (Adler, 2005).
Along with other mutable biological units such as genes All these methods require that cells (and thus cell types)
and species, cell types exist in nature but remain notoriously are static, terminally differentiated entities. However, cells
difficult to define precisely and unambiguously (Valentine, are not developmentally static. Indeed cells, like organisms,
2002, 2003). Consequently, consensus on how many cell undergo changes during their life span until their death and
types exist in multicellular organisms such as humans few cells can truly be considered incapable of undergoing
remains unclear. further re- and dedifferentiation events – particularly in vitro
In an operational sense cell types, like species, are gener- (Hall, 1970; Alberts et al., 1989; Fedak et al., 2002). Also,
ally treated as numerically restricted entities. While most as stated above, cells within a given cell type population
authorities (e.g. Alberts et al., 1989; Valentine, 2002, 2003) inevitably demonstrate some degree of morphological
acknowledge that some degree of variation exists between variability (Valentine, 2003). Furthermore, cell type identity
any two members of the same cell type, there is a consensus is complicated by unusual cells that share features with
that cell type morphology, cytoanatomy, molecular biology, two or more routinely encountered cells. For example, the
and biochemistry are not infinite. As observed by Alberts myofibroblast is a fibroblast-like cell found at sites of wound
et al. (1989, p. 995) ‘there is no continuum of adult cell healing that expresses a-actin otherwise typical of smooth
types intermediate in character ’. Herein, the issues of how muscle cells. Finally, cells and cell types evolve (Fedak et al.,
to classify cell types and what these schemes have to offer 2002; Arendt, 2003; see below). Consequently, acceptance
evolutionary biologists are investigated using a newly com- of a cell as an identifiable kind is often at the discretion (and
piled catalogue as the source of data. opinion) of the author (Bell & Mooers, 1997). As stated
According to Maclean & Hall (1987, p. 13) cell types may by Rodieck & Brening (1983, p. 121) ‘ [d]iscovery [of cell
be described as ‘different classes or kinds of differentiated types] is often a creative act ’.
cells ’. Traditionally, recognition and characterisation of Clearly characterising a cell as a cell type is not a
cell types have been based on morphological characters simplistic task. It is not enough for a particular cell to
visible using light and electron microscopy (Bell & Mooers, share a similar morphology, function, and set of biochemical
1997; Valentine, 2002, 2003). Those features, including properties with a given (i.e. named, identified, recognised)
cell, organelle, and inclusion size, shape, staining properties, cell type. As noted by Maclean & Hall (1987), several other
cytoskeletal architecture, surface structures, and – in the conditions need to be met :
case of organelles and inclusions – relative number and dis- (1) All cells under consideration should be at the same
tribution, are commonly supplemented with data pertaining stage of the cell cycle (gap phase 1, synthesis phase, gap
to function and topography (Maclean & Hall, 1987). More phase 2, or mitosis). During the cell cycle there are con-
recent techniques discriminating cell types include enzyme siderable differences in the amounts of protein, RNA and
histochemistry, antibody labeling, and gene expression DNA synthesised, and overall cell morphology and size are
data. In the case of neurons, the identification of cell types subject to change (Alberts et al., 1989). With few exceptions
(sometimes referred to as neuron species) may also include (e.g. osteoclasts), most cells ultimately enter senescence
the distribution of input and output synapses, protein and die.
Human cell types 427

(2) All cells under consideration should be at the same cell types under a limited number of headings. For example,
stage of ontogeny or maturation. Cells have limited life the ultrastructural atlas of human cells by Lentz (1971)
spans and may demonstrate some morphological differences identifies 178 different cell types grouped under 15 headings
throughout their existence. Cells representing stem or un- related to function, organ system, and/or tissue type. A
differentiated states, by definition, should not be considered more recent assessment of human cell type categorisation
or included as discrete cell types. Such progenitor or tran- is found in Alberts et al. (1989) who presented a tabulated
sitional states are subsumed into the listing as constituent list of 210 human cell types subdivided into 20 categories
members of differentiated cell type lineages. (see also Freitas, 1999). As with Lentz (1971) and Stevens
(3) If cells are to be compared between individuals, the & Lowe (1997), the categories used by Alberts et al. mostly
chronological age of each participant should be congruent. relate to function.
To these caveats the following additions should be added :
(4) All cells under consideration should be obtained from
(2 ) Cell types and the species analogy
in vivo, not in vitro, sources. Many cells change both their
morphology and their biochemical products considerably Given the vastness of cell types, difficulties arise in how
if maintained in culture. Chondrocytes placed in culture effectively and efficiently to organise the data set such that
lose their rounded appearance, stop producing type II it can be employed to address evolutionary and develop-
collagen, and come to resemble flattened fibroblasts ; ulti- mental questions, as well as more clinically related topics
mately they begin to produce type I collagen (Alberts including the discrimination of normal versus abnormal cell
et al., 1989; see also Nelander, Mostad & Lindahl, 2003). types and cell type distributions characteristic of pathologies
(5) If cells are to be compared between individuals, then and cancer. The problem becomes – what methods should
the sex of each participant may need to be considered. In be adopted to classify and organise cell types into smaller,
sexually reproducing organisms there are obvious differ- more exclusively nested subsets ? Similar questions have
ences in both the cells supporting the gametes (within the been considered by molecular biologists, particularly those
reproductive organs) and in the gametes themselves, as well concerned with genes and proteins. Among their responses
as cells that are sex-hormone dependent. are various computational sorting techniques such as hier-
archical clustering analysis (recursive partitioning of data
(1 ) Previous cell type categorisation schemes based on multiple variables), principal components analysis
(a multivariate statistical method), and relevance networks
One of the earliest efforts to establish practical groupings (interconnected associations of seemingly incongruent bio-
of cells comes from the work of Schwann (1839). Famous logical features, such as gene expression and drug resist-
for his elaboration with Schleiden of the cell theory ance). We employ two alternative approaches familiar to
(Mazzarello, 1999), Schwann proposed a five-group classi- most organismal biologists. Drawing on the notion that cell
fication scheme for tissue types that effectively established types represent (by definition) (terminally) differentiated
our modern view of cell categorisation. His categories states (i.e. end points), and that ultimately all cell types are
included isolated/independent cells (blood and lymph), derived from a single source, the zygote, useful analogies
independent cells in combination (epithelium), cells welded may be derived from a comparison between the diversity of
by intercellular substance (bone, enamel), fibre cells (tendon, cell types and the diversity of organisms (Tyner, 1975 ; Rowe
loose connective tissue), and cells whose walls have broken & Stone, 1977 ; Rodieck & Brening, 1983; Maclean &
down and whose cavities have run together (muscles, blood Hall, 1987). Biological systematists and taxonomists have
vessels, nerves) (Schwann, 1839, as cited in Hall, 1969). experience in developing, testing and adapting classification
More recent efforts have modified this scheme into a schemes for large data sets. Whereas cell types form tissues,
four-group subdivision consisting of epithelial, muscular, organs, and organ systems, groups of species form popu-
nervous, and connective tissues (e.g. Junqueira, Carneiro & lations, communities, and ecosystems. As such, the analogy
Kelley, 1989). between cell types and organisms is not only convenient
Two intriguing alternatives also deserve mention, but practical.
although neither is widely adopted. Willmer (1970) pro-
posed a system wherein progenitor cells were classified based
on morphology and behaviour in culture. This scheme used (3 ) Cell type homology
characteristics such as the presence of desmosomes, whether As a matter of convenience, lists of cell types typically
or not the cells are phagocytic, and if the cells persist as assume that all member cells of a particular cell type (i.e.
individuals or masses. Willmer’s four-group classification of those given the same name, e.g. chondrocytes) are hom-
the minimum number of progenitor cells includes epithelio- ologous, regardless of germ layer origin or topographic
cytes, mechanocytes (fibroblasts), amoebocytes (wandering position. However, this notion is not universally accepted
cells) and nerve cells. A scheme presented by Stevens & (e.g. Wolpert, 1969 ; Lewis & Wolpert, 1976 ; see also
Lowe (1997) categorises groups of cell types according to Maclean & Hall, 1987 ; Alberts et al., 1989), and it is accurate
function (in vivo), resulting in an eight-group subdivision: to state that, e.g. a chondrocyte is not a chondrocyte on
epithelial, support, contractile, nerve, germ, blood, immune, the basis of : differences in responsiveness to hormones
and hormone-secreting cells. (e.g. pubic symphysis chondrocytes); morphology (articular
Whereas explicit tabulations are rare in the literature, surface chondrocytes) ; rates of growth (nasal septum carti-
most textbooks of histology and cytology do group different lage chondrocytes) ; and/or extracellular matrix products
428 Matthew K. Vickaryous and Brian K. Hall

(thyroid cartilage chondrocytes) (Hall, 2005). Whereas convenient, and therapeutically self-serving. Although the
cell types in both the developing forelimbs and hindlimbs number of relevant examples is great, one topical case
form muscle, cartilage, and bone, each population of tissue- in point concerns the importance of understanding the
forming cells is considered to be nonequivalent (Alberts et al., local microenvironment or niche that surrounds stem cells.
1989). Developing limb buds must be specified as either Various studies have now demonstrated that stem cell
forelimb or hindlimb. In mice and the domestic fowl, the identity is influenced by the identity of adjacent cell types
gene encoding the Tbx5 transcription factor is expressed in (Spradling, Drummond-Barbosa & Kai, 2001; Powell,
forelimbs, while the hindlimbs express the related gene 2005; Taichman, 2005).
Tbx4 (Gilbert, 2003). Thus, it could be argued that by
definition, these expression patterns indicate that the cell ( 5) Development of human cell types
types of each region are not homologous. Recent molecular,
biochemical, embryological, and physiological experiments As in all sexually reproducing metazoans, the entirety of
illustrate that even among cells of a particular anatomical human cell type diversity begins from a single newly formed
locale, all attributed to the same type, there are differences cell, the totipotent zygote. The zygote undergoes a series
in inductive influence and responsiveness to chemical signals of repeated mitotic divisions – cleavage – dividing into pro-
(Alberts et al., 1989). gressively smaller daughter cells or blastomeres (numbering
The task of interpreting cell homology is further compli- two, then four, eight, etc …). Unique to mammals, cleavage
cated by selective affinity. As cells differentiate they become produces a compact ball of cells (the morula) that develop
increasingly discriminatory or selective with regard to a fluid filled space segregating the blastomeres into two
their cellular associations. Whereas cells from a common groupings – an outer assemblage surrounding (thus inter-
embryological origin (e.g. mesoderm) will initially associate, nalising) an inner cluster (Moore & Persaud, 1993). The
as differentiation proceeds they become increasingly selec- outer assemblage is called the trophoblast, and will ulti-
tive, with chondrocytes sorting out from skeletal myocytes. mately give rise to the chorion (an extraembryonic organ,
This selective affinity also occurs within developing lineages, precursor of the placenta). The smaller, internal grouping of
such that fully differentiated cells will not associate with their blastomeres, the inner cell mass or embryoblast, contributes
(undifferentiated) precursors (Maclean & Hall, 1987). to the embryo proper, as well as to extraembryonic organs
Admittedly, all members of a named cell type (as for each such as the yolk sac, allantois, and amnion. Following
species) are not identical. However, not being identical is implantation into the uterine wall, the embryoblast becomes
not the same as not being homologous. And even while a reconfigured to form a bilaminar embryonic disc. The layer
particular cell type may arise from more than one develop- of the embryonic disc called the embryonic epiblast provides
mental origin (e.g. chondrocytes from mesoderm or the the majority of the cells contributing to the embryo proper.
neural crest), as observed by Hall (1995, 2005), homology During the earliest stages of gastrulation two germ layers
is a statement of pattern and not process. Cell types may of the epiblast are established, beginning with ectoderm
themselves be homologous (e.g. all osteocytes are hom- and endoderm. A third germ layer, mesoderm, forms
ologous as cells) and yet nonequivalent at the population secondarily (see below ; Hall, 1999, 2000). Shortly there-
level (not homologous at the level of tissues or organs) (see after, during neurulation, a fourth germ layer arises, the
also Maclean & Hall, 1987). Similarly, the same cell type neural crest. All the somatic cell types of the human body
(with common functions, morphologies and distributions) arise from one of these four pluripotent germ layers, the
can be recognised in different taxa. For instance, Gall et al. ectoderm, endoderm, mesoderm, and neural crest.
(1986) identified peripolar cells in the kidneys of 17 different However, human cell type diversity is not strictly
species of mammals, including humans, giraffes, and the achieved by a simple unidirectional pathway, zygotepgerm
platypus. Morphologically, these cells also resembled peri- layerpcell type (see Table 1). In some instances one differ-
polar cells previously described for amphibians. entiated cell type may convert to a second differentiated
cell type, a process generally referred to as either trans-
differentiation or metaplasia (the latter term often is restric-
(4 ) Human cell types
ted to pathological transformations or alterations in
Without question, no other taxon has received as much identity at the level of tissues). This phenotypic conversion
active and historical interest in the identification of cell may either be direct (without de-/re-differentiation and
types and cell type diversity as Homo sapiens. As much of without mitosis) or indirect (with de-/re-differentiation and/
this attention has come from specialised clinical studies, it or mitosis) (Slack & Tosh, 2001). Thus, even once differ-
may be argued that, at least in some instances, the degree entiated, many cell types remain phenotypically plastic
of atomization is overly generous (McShea, 1996). Further- (Eisenberg & Eisenberg, 2003).
more, outside of anthropology, palaeoanthropology, and An alternative pathway giving rise to cell types occurs
primatology, humans are not commonly considered as in the caudalmost region of the embryo, the tail bud or
model organisms for the study of evolution. As observed caudal eminence, and during regeneration. As has now
by Slack (1985, p. 463) ‘Although it is quite common to been demonstrated for representatives of all major ver-
mount a search for an animal model which manifests a tebrate lineages (including humans), cells from the caudal
disease or condition of Man, it is perhaps less usual to do region of the embryo develop without the formation of germ
the reverse ’. Nevertheless, employment of Homo sapiens layers, beginning instead as an ectodermally covered hom-
as a model for evaluating cell type diversity is sensible, ogeneous cluster of mesenchymal cells – a blastema (Hall,
Human cell types 429

Table 1. Pathways to cell type diversity

Gastrulation :
zygotepgerm layerpcell type
Secondary development/neurulation :
zygotepblastemapcell type
Direct transdifferentiation (=cellular metaplasia) :
zygotepgerm layerpcell type 1 – cell type 2
Indirect transdifferentiation :
zygotepgerm layerpcell type 1 – de-/re-differentiation/mitosis – cell type 2
Stem cell :
zygotepgerm layerpstem cell1pasymmetric mitosispcell type+stem cell
Hybrid cell2 :
zygotepgerm layerpcell type 1+cell type 2 (or cell type 1 ?)pformation of synkaryonpmitosisphybrid cells
There is evidence to suggest that stem cells are capable of transdifferentiation, particularly in response to environmental influence
(see text for details).
Although it remains unclear if humans acquire any cell types by spontaneous non-pathologic cell hybridization, giant syncytial cells (e.g.
multinucleated osteoclasts) may represent a special instance of cell hybridization between members of the same cell type that fail to undergo
mitosis (see text for details).

1998 b, 2005 ; O’Rahilly & Müller, 1999 ; Handrigan, 2003). (e.g. treatment with an inactivated virus). It has been
Neurulation of the caudal region occurs as cells from suggested however, that giant syncytial cells, such as multi-
the blastema coalesce, giving rise to a solid cord that later nucleated osteoclasts, represent a form of in vivo spon-
cavitates to form a neural tube, a process referred to as taneously developing cell hybrid (Ringertz & Savage, 1976),
secondary neurulation (in opposition to primary neurulation albeit one wherein nuclear fusion and mitosis are arrested
involving gastrulation). For humans, the secondary neural (resulting in the formation of a heterokaryon). Similarly,
tube joins with the rest of the presumptive central nervous multinucleated muscle fibres (myotubes), developing from
system at the level of the second sacral vertebra (O’Rahilly the coalescence of numerous mononuclear skeletal muscle
& Müller, 2002). In addition to the caudal portion of the cells, may also represent a form of spontaneously developing
neural tube, cells of the blastema differentiate and con- cell hybrid. To make matters more complicated, in human
tribute to the hindgut, blood vessels, somites, trunk neural jaw muscles the multinucleated (hybrid) cells may demon-
crest cells, and the notochord (Hall, 1998b ; O’Rahilly & strate the presence of multiple myosin heavy-chain protein
Müller, 1999). Formation of a blastema-like mass of de- isoforms (Korfage et al., 2005), creating a hybrid form of
differentiated cells is also characteristic of regeneration, such a hybrid cell. Another possible example of a syncytial
as following amputation of the fingertip of young children (heterokaryon) cell hybrid is the syncytiotrophoblast, a
(Hall, 2005). multinucleated mass that facilitates the implantation of the
In adults there are also populations of stem cells, i.e. blastocyst into the uterine wall. However, notwithstanding
non-differentiated cells that (re)supply differentiated cells the aforementioned, support for cell hybrids as non-patho-
(Maclean & Hall, 1987). Stem cells are multipotent, typically logical, naturally occurring entities seems to be limited.
generating a particular tissue lineage of cells (e.g. lymphoid As all somatic cells within a multicellular organism begin
progenitors give rise to both T and B lymphocytes; from a morphologically homogeneous population that con-
Eisenberg & Eisenberg, 2003). They may also be capable tains the same genome, cell fate (and differentiation into
of transdifferentiation – converting from one cell lineage to a particular cell type) is a consequence of the combination
another ; e.g. neural stem cells into endothelial stem cells of epigenetic factors and gene expression. Whereas some
(Wurmser et al., 2004 ; see also Slack, 1985; Slack & Tosh, RNAs and proteins are common to many cells (e.g. cyto-
2001). Furthermore, there are numerous examples of skeletal proteins), others are exclusive (cell markers, such as
specific cell types (e.g. chondrocytes) arising from multiple haemoglobin in red blood cells). Moreover, even among the
sources (e.g. during development from mesoderm and commonly produced molecules, the amounts synthesised
neural crest ; from a regeneration blastema, and/or by de- and stored differ between various cell types. Thus, differ-
differentiation) and progenitor cells that are capable of ences in amounts and patterns of gene expression have
giving rise to more than one mature (differentiated) cell the potential to offer a unique descriptor for each cell type,
type (see below). albeit one that is sensitive to changes in the cell cycle or
One last developmental pathway deserves mention. At the age of the cell (Nelander et al., 2003; Sarwal & Alemi,
least in vitro, it is possible to hybridize different somatic cells. 2005). Recent work by Jongeneel et al. (2005) has deter-
In most (virtually all ?) instances, hybrid cells – mononuclear mined that differences in gene expression profiles between
(synkaryon) cells resulting from the fusion of two or more various cell types are largely regulated by a relatively limited
different cells – are the product of extrinsic manipulation number of cell-type-specific genes.
430 Matthew K. Vickaryous and Brian K. Hall

The generation of phenotype however, is not only a ( 2) Methodological approach – classification

function of the genomic blueprint. Interfacing with and schemes
moulding the outcome of gene expression are epigenetic
As noted previously, for the purposes of categorisation, a
factors. Although various interpretations of the term ‘epi-
parallel may be drawn between cell types and species.
genetic ’ exist (reviewed by Müller & Olsson, 2003), we are
Species arguably represent the most fundamental classifi-
particularly concerned with the sum of all internal (embry-
cation unit in biology (at least from the viewpoint of bio-
onic ; including covalent modifications of the chromatin
diversity) and while consensus on how to define the term
configuration that transcriptionally silence genes) and ex-
is lacking (there are as many as 20 different species con-
ternal (environmental) factors. As such, epigenetic factors
cepts ; Harrison, 2002), some of the most popular concepts
may include maternal cytoplasmic contributions, cell and
rely on character-based definitions – observed similarities
tissue dynamics, DNA methylation, histone modification,
between two or more entities. Two approaches, artificial
imprinting, temperature, humidity, and nutrient levels
classification and cladistics, receive attention here.
(Müller & Olsson, 2003 ; see also Hsieh & Gage, 2004,
Artificial or key classification is a tool of convenience
2005). Some, including DNA methylation and histone
often employed to identify an unknown from a previously
modification, may be inherited. Others, for example mech-
established registry. In this context, artificial refers to an
anical influences and temperature, are condition specific.
unnatural arrangement that does not exist beyond human
However, all contribute to cell type specificity.
perception. For units such as cell types, readily observed
phenotypic characters (morphological, biochemical, or
otherwise observable features) permit the unknown to be
II. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES sequentially sorted into increasingly more exclusive and
nested subgroups (e.g. epithelial cells separated from
nervous tissue cells). Mayr & Bock (2002) identified this
(1 ) The data set
variety of ordering system as a ‘ downward classification ’,
The updated registry of human cell types presented herein whereby an initial grouping is divided in a step-wise
(Appendix 1) was created by consulting a variety of sources fashion into smaller clusters. It is important to recognise
from the literature, including Lentz (1971), Solcia et al. that as the selection of partitioning characteristics is
(1987), Alberts et al. (1989), Anderson (1989), Campbell et al. arbitrary – albeit convenient – such features do not reflect
(1989), Matthews (1989), Yelnik et al. (1991), Kolb, Lindberg homologies.
& Fisher (1992), Dacey (1994), Mugnaini & Floris (1994), Arguably, the artificial classification scheme resembles a
Ostapoff, Feng & Morest (1994), Kiernan (1998), Caterina decision tree. However, unlike many decision trees, our
& Julius (1999), Sanders et al. (1999), Canning & Fischer artificial scheme is not reliant upon algorithms ; cell types are
(2001), Cant & Benson (2003), Somogyi & Klausberger organised based on a predetermined series of hierarchical
(2005), and Yáňez et al. (2005). The catalogue was initially a priori decisions. Beginning with the cell as a component
assembled assuming that all cell types recognised in the of one of the four basic tissue types (epithelial, nervous,
literature are natural entities (i.e. exist independent of muscular, and connective tissue; the ‘ special purpose ’
investigation and investigator ; Rodieck & Brening, 1983). criterion of Mayr & Bock, 2002), subsequent decisions
In addition, this rationale draws attention to even poorly were based on histological/cytological characterisations
known and weakly supported cell types, with the expectation commonly used to describe cells. These criteria included
that future investigations will provide more definitive evi- the relative position of a cell to other anatomical structures
dence supporting (or refuting) such claims (see also Rodieck (e.g. covering or lining), function (e.g. support or blood/
& Brening, 1983). The composite data set was then modified immune), and biochemical product (e.g. mucous or seb-
as follows : aceous). Inherently, such decisions are fraught with subjec-
(1) Any cell types identified as stem or immature tivity. In an attempt to remain conservative, in this analysis
members of a particular cell type lineage were removed. these decisions were made in consultation with traditional
(2) Redundant cells (cells present on more than one list) human histological texts (e.g. Rhodin, 1974 ; Bloom &
were removed so that each cell type was represented only Fawcett, 1975), as well as the different classes of cell types
once. presented by Lentz (1971), Alberts et al. (1989), and
(3) In situations where the single inclusive cell type of Campbell et al. (1989).
one (group of ) author(s) represented several exclusive For the purposes of organisation artificial classifications
cell types of another (group of ) author(s), the default was to are often represented as dendrograms. When completed, the
accept the largest number of subdivisions as the actual structure of the catalogue is reflected by the topography of
number of cell types, except in situations that contradicted the dendrogram. Arrangements of cell types closely linked
statement 1 (above). For example, Lentz (1971) listed four in the dendrogram are considered to be more pheno-
different cell types corresponding to stages in the maturation typically similar than cell types that were separated earlier
series of an epithelial keratinocyte. Since these ‘ cell types ’ during the sorting process. Once established, artificial
are deemed to represent immature members of the epi- classifications have the advantage of permitting consistent,
thelial keratinocyte lineage, only one cell type (epithelial systematic, and reproducible groupings of an unknown unit
keratinocyte) is retained. Similarly, erythrocytes are a single (e.g. species or cell type). However, they do not (necessarily)
cell type. reveal developmental (or evolutionary) origins (e.g. more
Human cell types 431

than one cell type may be derived from a common Nineteen characters were scored (Appendix 2). The
multipotential precursor, a pattern of descent not always selection of characters is essentially arbitrary, although
reflected by the dendrogram). each must be shared by at least two cell types. For the
The alternative approach is to categorise cell types on the purposes of this analysis, many of the characters listed
basis of shared-derived characteristics or synapomorphies. were gleaned from written descriptions of cell types from
Cladistics (a term often used synonymously with phylogen- various histological sources; e.g. Paulsen (1993, p. 307)
etic systematics) is a comparative technique that assumes describes chromaffin cells as ‘… contain[ing] large nuclei,
all units under consideration are, in some fashion, related abundant electron-dense secretory granules …, a well-
to each other, and that the genealogy of the units may be developed Golgi complex, a few profiles of RER [rough
recovered by analysing intrinsic (and inherited) characters. endoplasmic reticulum], and many oval mitochondria ’.
More specifically, the relationship between compared units Other characters are related to the sites of neural crest origin
is gleaned from the study of shared-derived characters – and migration, and reactions with antibody labels.
synapomorphies – considered to represent homologies. In order to evaluate if particular cell characteristics were
For cell types, species and the like, it is predicted that closely derived during differentiation (as opposed to already present
related units share one or more derived characters, to the in the embryonic germ layer precursor), an undifferentiated
exclusion of more remotely related units. In the (likely) event neural crest cell was used as the outgroup to polarize the
that data appear to conflict, the most parsimonious character states. A complete matrix of character states used
arrangement (requiring the fewest assumptions) is usually in this analysis is presented in Appendix 3. The computer
taken to be the most likely arrangement. In the interests program Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony (PAUP*
of efficiency, computer programs (typically involving a 4.0b10 ; Swofford, 2000) was employed to evaluate the
parsimony algorithm) carry out the cladistic analyses. character state data, using the branch and bound search
Cladograms are testable hypotheses based on numerous algorithm to find an exact solution. The analysis was opti-
sources of transparent data. As such they can be readily mized to favour both reversals over parallelisms (a so-called
examined and tests can be repeated with (or without) accelerated evolutionary transformation or ACCTRAN)
the addition or subtraction of information. Furthermore, and parallelism over reversals (a delayed evolutionary
cladograms are extremely responsive to such modifications transformation or DELTRAN).
to the original data set (Stone, 1996). Interestingly, this
scheme accurately approaches the concept of a testable
method (based on multiple sources of data) for classifying III. RESULTS
cell types first suggested by Rowe & Stone (1977), work that
pre-dates widespread adoption of cladistic methods. As
(1 ) The updated list of cell types
they note, one of the main advantages of such a method is
that it permits the classification to be modified with experi- Although there may be many tens of trillions of cells in a
ence and the addition of new data. mature human body (including 1012 glial cells and 1011
The pattern of clustering may be displayed as a series of neurons in the brain alone; Gilbert, 2003), the most com-
nested boxes or ellipses (a Venn diagram), although it is prehensive published tabulation of cell types suggests
typically depicted as a branching diagram or cladogram, that there are only some 210 varieties (Alberts et al., 1989).
similar to the classification dendrogram. Also similar to However, while this list is extensive, it is by no means
the classification dendrogram, selection of synapomorphic complete; a recent calculation by Freitas (1999) suggests a
features used in the cladistic analysis is a priori. However, theoretical maximum of 370 cell types in humans. Indeed,
unlike the classification dendrogram, interpretation of the as Alberts et al. (1989) admit to making no attempt to
topography of the cladogram is a posteriori. The resulting identify all the various types of neurons and other
cladogram demonstrates an interpretation of common nervous system cell types, their catalogue grossly under
descent based on the pattern of shared-derived features. In represents this group of cell types. As estimated by
the present study, the cladogram of cell types (representing Bonner (1988) and Valentine (2002), there may be as many
the cladistic classification) is used to interpret the pattern of types of neurons as there are other types of cells. In support
cell type interrelationships. of this claim, a recent summary identified 14 types of
Although some cell types are the focus of considerable neurons from the enteric nervous system of the guinea
attention, most linger in relative obscurity. Thus, infor- pig small intestine, each with a unique combination of
mation for analysing interrelationships between large morphological and biochemical properties (Furness, 2000).
numbers of cell types is limited. In our analysis, only eight Other data suggest that smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts
types of cells (plus one outgroup ; see below) were con- may also represent an uncalculated diversity of cell types
sidered, all of which are derivatives of the neural crest germ (Maclean & Hall, 1987 ; Alberts et al., 1989 ; Fries et al.,
layer (sensu Hall, 1998a, 1999, 2000; see below). Owing to 1994 ; Freitas, 1999).
the availability of data, strictly speaking some of these cells Our revised data set yields a total of 411 cell types present
(e.g. sympathetic neurons) may represent groups and not in normal, healthy (i.e. free from pathology) human adults
necessarily a single cell type. In addition, for other cells (Tables 2–5, organised by germ layer of origin ; Appendix 1).
immature members of the lineage were included in the All but two of the cell types are somatic. As previous cell
scoring (e.g. for some characters features of osteoblasts were type inventories have generally neglected nerve cells, the
scored for osteocytes). tabulation of 145 neuron types (representing almost one
432 Matthew K. Vickaryous and Brian K. Hall

Table 2. Alphabetical listing of 211 adult Homo sapiens cell types derived from ectoderm (including two cell types derived from
both ectoderm and endoderm). Abbreviations : FSH, follicle stimulating hormone ; MSH, melanocyte stimulating hormoe ;
TSH, thyroid stimulating hormone


astrocyte, fibrous neuron, amacrine semilunar type 2 neuron, ganglion G21

astrocyte, protoplasmic (velate) neuron, amacrine small-field diffuse neuron, ganglion G22
Boettcher cell neuron, amacrine spiny neuron, ganglion G23
choroid plexus cell neuron, amacrine stellate-varicose neuron, ganglion M
ciliary pigmented epithelial cell neuron, amacrine thorny type 1 neuron, ganglion P1
ciliary unpigmented epithelial cell neuron, amacrine thorny type 2 neuron, ganglion P2
Claudis cell neuron, amacrine tristratified neuron, giant cell
columnar cell with microvilli neuron, amacrine type A1 neuron, giant diffuse bipolar
columnar cell without microvilli neuron, amacrine type A2 neuron, globular bushy cell
cone photoreceptors, blue sensitive neuron, amacrine type A3 neuron, Golgi cell
cone photoreceptors, green sensitive neuron, amacrine type A4 neuron, granule cell
cone photoreceptors, red sensitive neuron, amacrine type A5 neuron, hippocampal-septal
dark cell, crista ampullaris neuron, amacrine type A8 neuron, horizontal type HI
dark cell, endolymphatic sac neuron, amacrine type A12 neuron, horizontal type HII
duct cell, intercalated, salivary gland neuron, amacrine type A13 neuron, horizontal type HIII
duct cell, nonstriated neuron, amacrine type A14 neuron, interneurone specific cell I (IS-I)
duct cell, striated, salivary gland neuron, amacrine type A17 spidery-diffuse neuron, interneurone specific cell II (IS-II)
ependymal cell neuron, amacrine type A18 neuron, interneurone specific cell III
epithelial cell, anterior lens neuron, amacrine type AII (IS-III)
epithelial cell, conjunctival neuron, amacrine wavy neuron, interplexiform
epithelial cell, olfactory, olfactory cell neuron, amacrine wiry neuron, invaginating midget bipolar
epithelial cell, olfactory, supporting neuron, amacrine wooly diffuse neuron, lacunosaum-moleculare perforant
epithelial cell, olfactory, sustentacular cell neuron, antenniform cell path associated
gland cell, Bowman’s dark neuron, axo-axonic neuron, lacunosaum-moleculare-radiatum
gland cell, Bowman’s light neuron, back-projection perforant path associated
gland cell, ceruminous neuron, basket cell type I neuron, large spherical bushy cell
gland cell, lacrimal neuron, basket cell type II neuron, mitral cell
gland cell, mammary neuron, basket cell type III neuron, motor, A-alpha (IA)
gland cell, Moll neuron, Betz cell neuron, motor, A-gamma
gland cell, salivary, mucous neuron, bilaminar neuron, neostriatal cholinergic interneuron
gland cell, salivary, serous neuron, bistratified neuron, neurogliaform cell
gland cell, sweat, apocrine neuron, bistratified giant bipolar neuron, nigral dopaminergic cell
gland cell, sweat, eccrine clear neuron, blue cone bipolar cell type a neuron, octopus cell
gland cell, sweat, eccrine dark neuron, blue cone bipolar cell type b neuron, olfactory
gland cell, von Ebner’s neuron, CA1 oriens alveus interneuron neuron, olfactory bulb granule cell
hair cell, cortical neuron, CA1 pyramidal neuron, olfactory cortex interneuron (deep)
hair cell, cuticular neuron, CA3 pyramidal neuron, olfactory cortex interneuron
hair cell, cuticular, root neuron, cell of Martinotti (superficial)
hair cell, external neuron, chandelier neuron, olfactory cortex pyramidal cell
hair cell, Henle’s layer neuron, clavate cell neuron, stratum oriens, lacunosum-
hair cell, Huxley’s layer neuron, dentate granule cell molaculare interneuron (O-LM)
hair cell, medullary neuron, diffuse cone bipolar cell type a neuron, periglomerular cell
hair cell, organ of Corti, inner neuron, diffuse cone bipolar cell type b neuron, Purkinje cell
hair cell, organ of Corti, outer neuron, double bouquet cell (DBC) neuron, pyramidal cell
hair cell, shaft neuron, elongate cell neuron, Renshaw cell
hair cell, sheath neuron, flat midget bipolar neuron, Retzius-Cajal cell
hair cell, type I neuron, fusiform cell neuron, rod bipolar cell
hair cell, type II neuron, ganglion G3 neuron, Schaffer collateral associated
hyalocyte, vitreous body of eye neuron, ganglion G4 neuron, small spherical bushy cell
interdental cell neuron, ganglion G5 neuron, spinal la interneuron
keratinocyte neuron, ganglion G7 neuron, spinal motor
lens fibre cell neuron, ganglion G8 neuron, striatal leptodendritic
light cell neuron, ganglion G10 neuron, striatal microneuron
Merkel cell, epidermis neuron, ganglion G11 neuron, striatal spidery
Muller cell neuron, ganglion G12 neuron, striatal spiny
myoepithelial cell neuron, ganglion G16 neuron, thalamic relay
neuron, amacrine cholinergic stratum 2 neuron, ganglion G17 neuron, thalamic reticular
neuron, amacrine cholinergic stratum 4 neuron, ganglion G19 neuron, tufted cell
neuron, amacrine semilunar type 1 neuron, ganglion G20 neuron, type I stellate cell
Human cell types 433

Table 2 (cont.)


neuron, type II stellate cell pituitary cell, anterior, growth hormone squamous cell, endolymphatic sac lining
neuron, unipolar brush cell (UBC) secreting squamous cell, perilymphatic space lining
oligodendrocyte, interfascicular pituitary cell, anterior, prolactin secreting stellate cell, perilymphatic space lining
oligodendrocyte, satellite pituitary cell, anterior, TSH secreting stria vascularis basal cell
phalangeal cell, inner supporting pituitary cell, FSH secreting stria vascularis intermediate cell
phalangeal cell, outer supporting pituitary cell, intermediate, MSH secreting stria vascularis marginal cell
pigment epithelial cell, retina pituitary cell, luteinizing hormone supporting border cell
pillar cell, inner supporting secreting supporting cell, organ of Corti
pillar cell, outer supporting pituitary folliculo-stellate cell supporting cell, vestibular apparatus
pineal interstitial cell planum semilunatum cell tanycytes
pinealocyte rod cell type I taste bud cell
pituicyte sebaceous gland cell vestibular apparatus membrane cell
pituitary cell, anterior, secretory cell, oxytocin
adrenocorticotrophic secreting secretory cell, vasopression

ectoderm and endoderm

epithelial cell, stratified squamous

type II taste bud cell

third of the entire catalogue) is of particular significance. (prostatic epithelial cells) were included. With few excep-
Amongst the diversity are 25 peripheral nervous system tions, acceptance of this compilation requires that each cell
(enteric, motor, parasympathetic, and sympathetic) neurons, type listed is presumed to represent a mature, fully differ-
60 special (visual) sensory neurons and 55 central nervous entiated entity (cells are terminally differentiated) and that
system neurons. The list also includes : these cells have a stable differentiation. It is worth observing
(a) Three varieties of mineraloclasts, including multi- however that some cell types appear to be phenotypically
nucleated osteoclasts, mononucleated osteoclasts, and transient and develop as a specific response to a particular
chondroclasts. Whereas most histology texts only identify condition. For example, López et al. (2004) demonstrated
multinucleated osteoclasts, recent work has indicated that that renin-secreting cells of the kidney (which function in
mononucleated osteoclasts are common in mammals and regulating blood pressure and electrolytes) differentiate
responsible for finer scale bone resorption than the multi- in response to fluctuations in homeostasis. If homeostasis is
nucleated form (see Eckhard, Hansen & Hall, 2001). As our normal, many (although not necessarily all) of these cells de-
tabulation only considers adult cell types, we have omitted differentiate into non-renin-secreting cells such as smooth
odontoclasts (dentinoclasts) and cementoclasts, which are muscle or epithelial cells. In addition to renin-secreting cells,
present during root resorption of the deciduous dentition. our tabulation includes other ‘ condition-specific’ cells in-
Similarly, ameloblasts (enamel depositing cells present cluding plasmacytoid dendritic cells (dendritic-like cells
during tooth formation) were also excluded from the final formed in response to viral infection) and myofibroblasts
list. (fibroblast/smooth muscle-like cells present at healing
(b) Four types of interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) (see wounds). Although an effort has been made to provide a
Appendix 1), pacemaker cells that mediate inputs from greater representation of neuron diversity, it is also ac-
the enteric nervous system to the smooth muscle cells of knowledged that, as for previous cell type catalogues, this
the gastrointestinal musculature (Sanders et al., 1999). group remains inadequately represented. Moreover no
Historically these cells have been likened to each of neurons, effort was made to explore fibroblast or smooth muscle
smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts. diversity (see Fries et al., 1994; Freitas, 1999).
(c) Five sympathoadrenal (SA, or adrenergic) cell types,
including sympathetic adrenergic neurons, two types of
(2 ) Artificial classification of all cell types
chromaffin cells (epinephrine and norepinephrine secreting)
and two types of small intensely fluorescent (SIF) cells A total of 34 terminal artificial classification categories
(type I cells, the endocrine cell-like form, and type II cells, (designated A to HH) were obtained, as nested subsets of
the interneuron-like form) (Matthews, 1989). the original fourfold polychotomy. The resulting artificial
(d) Fifteen types of gastroenteropancreatic cells, each classification scheme is presented in Fig. 1. Appendix 1
secreting a unique combination of one or more peptides provides a detailed summary of all cell types included in
and hormones. each artificially derived category, as well as the germ layer
For the sake of completeness, cell types that are exclusive of origin (ectoderm, endoderm, mesoderm, neural crest,
to either females (e.g. corpus luteal cells), or to males extraembryonic endoderm, and uncertain germ layer
434 Matthew K. Vickaryous and Brian K. Hall

Table 3. Alphabetical listing of 59 adult Homo sapiens cell types derived from endoderm (including two cell types derived from both
endoderm and ectoderm, one derived from both endoderm and mesoderm, and two derived from extraembryonic endoderm)


acinar cell gastroenteropancreatic endocrine cell, gastroenteropancreatic gastrin/

alpha cell P cell cholecystokinin secreting (TG) cell
argentaffin cell gastroenteropancreatic gastroenteropancreatic very large (VL) cell
beta cell enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cell gastroenteropancreatic X cell
brush border cell, intestine (with microvilli) gastroenteropancreatic gastrin secreting gland cell, Brunner’s
centroacinar cells (G) cell gland cell, bulbouretheral
chromophobic (C) cell gastroenteropancreatic glucagon gland cell, parathyroid
ciliated respiratory tract cell secreting (A) cell gland cell, prostate
Clara cell gastroenteropancreatic glucagon- goblet cell
delta cell dependent insulinotropic peptide Hassall’s (thymic) corpuscle epithelial cell
duct cell, bile duct secreting (GIP) cell hepatocyte
duct cell, gall bladder gastroenteropancreatic glucagon-like oxyntic (parietal) cell
epithelial cell, intestinal peptide-2 secreting (GLP-2) cell Paneth cell
epithelial cell, lung (pulmonary) gastroenteropancreatic motilin secreting pneumocyte, type I
epithelial cell, prostatic (M) cell pneumocyte, type II, great alveolar cell
epithelial cell, respiratory, basal cell gastroenteropancreatic neurotensin (septal cell)
epithelial cell, respiratory, brush cell secreting (N) cell principal (chief) cell
epithelial cell, respiratory, ciliated cell gastroenteropancreatic pancreatic pulmonary (P) endocrine cell, bombesin
epithelial cell, transitional polypeptide secreting (PP) cell secretory stomach cell
epithelial cell, urinary system gastroenteropancreatic peptide tyrosine thymic epithelial-reticular (TER) cell
epithelial mucous membrane cell tyrosine (PYY) secreting cell thymocyte
gastroenteropancreatic cholecystokinin gastroenteropancreatic secretin secreting thyroid follicular cell
secreting (CCK) cell (S) cell zymogenic cell

endoderm and ectoderm endoderm and mesoderm extraembryonic endoderm

epithelial cell, stratified squamous podocyte, glomerular epithelial cell oocyte

type II taste bud cell spermatozoa

origin ; see also Tables 2–5) and the traditional tissue type to Schwann cells) ; and non-polarized extracellular matrix se-
which each cell type is commonly assigned. creting cells (osteocytes+chondrocytes). By contrast, the
cladistic scheme does not find either the epithelial cell group
(3 ) Cladistic classification of or the nervous tissue cell group. Instead, all biogenic amine-
neural-crest-derived cells handling cells are clustered, ([parafollicular+chromaffin
cells]+sympathetic neurons), with sensory neurons posi-
The results from our cladistic analysis, presented as a tioned outside this cluster, as members of the endocrine
cladogram of cell type interrelatedness (Fig. 2), finds the cell lineage. The position of Schwann cells is basal to all
same single most parsimonious outcome (with 29 steps) other cell types. However, the non-polarized extracellular
from both the ACCTRAN and the DELTRAN optimiz- matrix-secreting cell group (osteocyte+chondrocyte) is
ations (consistency index=0.6552 ; retention index= recognised.
0.6970 ; rescaled consistency index=0.4566). Notably, there
is no support for a monophyletic lineage of neurons.
Sympathetic neurons are positioned as the sister group to
(chromaffin+parafollicular cells), with sensory neurons as
the next successive outgroup. Osteocytes+chondrocytes
also form a discrete clade. ( 1) Application of the cladistic technique
The cladistic technique has previously been employed to
(4 ) Comparison : artificial versus cladistic
compare a variety of different entities, including species,
In order to provide a visual comparison between the two genes and DNA sequences, and even mathematical models
methods, the artificial classification was pruned to include (Stone, 1996). For species or other taxonomic units, cladis-
only those cells participating in the cladistic classification tics assists in the recovery of the pattern of interrelation-
(Fig. 2). Not surprisingly, the results are incongruent. The ships and provides a framework for hypotheses concerning
artificial classification finds three main arrangements : epi- organismal evolution. And just as species (or other taxo-
thelial cells ([parafollicular+chromaffin cells]+melano- nomic units) evolve, so do genes and proteins (Pevsner,
cytes); nervous tissue cells ([sensory+sympathetic neurons]+ 2003). Thus, it is not surprising that many molecular
Human cell types 435

Table 4. Alphabetical listing of 105 adult Homo sapiens cell types derived from mesoderm (including one cell type derived from
mesoderm and endoderm and ten derived from mesoderm and neural crest)


adipose cell, brown interstitial cell of Cajal, submucosal muscle cell, cardiac ordinary
adipose cell, lipocyte of liver region (IC-SM) muscle cell, cardiac, nodal heart
brush border cell Kupffer cell muscle cell, satellite, skeletal
cementoblast Langerhans cell, epidermis muscle cell, skeletal, intermediate
chondroclast leukocyte, basophil muscle cell, skeletal, red cell (slow)
ciliated female reproductive cell leukocyte, eosinophil muscle cell, skeletal, white cell (fast)
ciliated male reproductive cell leukocyte, globule muscle spindle, nuclear bag
corpus luteum cell leukocyte, granulocyte muscle spindle, nuclear chain
dendritic cell leukocyte, neutrophils myofibroblast
duct cell, collecting tubule Leydig cell non-ciliated cell, ductuli efferentes
duct cell, ductus epididymidis littorial cell nucleus pulposus cell
duct cell, seminal vesicle and prostate lymphocyte, helper T parietal cell, kidney glomerulus
gland lymphocyte, IgA B peripolar cell
endothelial cell, central nervous system lymphocyte, IgE B plasma cell
endothelial cell, continuous lymphocyte, IgG B plasmacytoid dendritic cell
endothelial cell, corneal lymphocyte, IgM B principal cell, epididymis
endothelial cell, fenestrated lymphocyte, killer cell Purkinje fibre cell
endothelial cell, lymphatic lymphocyte, killer T secretory cell, renin
endothelial cell, splenic lymphocyte, suppressor T secretory endometrial cell
epithelial cell, distal tubule macrophage, alveolar secretory fallopian tube cell
epithelial cell, proximal tubule macrophage, connective tissue secretory seminal vesicle cell
epithelial cell, thick loop of Henle macrophage, multinucleated serosal cell
epithelial cell, thin limb loop of Henle macrophage, serous cavity Sertoli cell
erythrocyte macrophage, splenic tenocyte
fibroblastic reticular cell macula densa cell, distal tubule testis interstitial cell
follicle cell mast cell theca interna cell
gland cell, Bartholin’s megakaryocyte zona fasciculata and reticularis cell,
gland cell, Littré mesangial cell glucocorticoid secreting
interstitial cell of Cajal, deep muscularis mesothelial cell zona fasciculata and reticularis cell,
plexus region (IC-DMP) microglia mineralocorticoid secreting
interstitial cell of Cajal, intramuscular monocyte zona fasciculata cell
region (IC-IM) mononucleated osteoclast zona glomerulosa cell
interstitial cell of Cajal, myenteric multinucleated osteoclast zona reticularis cell
region (IC-MY) muscle cell, cardiac fibre
mesoderm and endoderm

podocyte, glomerular epithelial cell

mesoderm and neural crest

adipose cell, white chondrocyte, hyaline cartilage pericyte, blood capillary

chondrocyte, elastic cartilage fibroblast synovial A cell
chondrocyte, fibrocartilage muscle cell, smooth synovial B cell

biologists are familiar with the utility of cladistic analysis as patterns have the potential to provide a unique description
a means of comparison, and that molecular data (in the form of each cell type. Until recently however, collecting the large
of DNA, RNA, or protein sequences) has proven to be a amounts of expression data necessary to compare different
powerful phylogenetic tool. In addition to facilitating the cell types was prohibitively time-consuming. Fortunately,
estimation of genealogy, molecular sequence data are also since the 1990s this particular obstacle has been largely
used to group genes and proteins into respective families and overcome with the advent and widespread use of DNA
understand gene function (Liberles, 2005). microarrays that permit rapid determination of what genes
Although we have chosen to focus our analysis on (and their relative expression levels) are being transcribed
phenotypic characters, it is worthwhile observing that the by a particular cell at a particular moment. Given that the
cladistic methodology is well suited to the incorporation of resulting gene expression profile may consist of information
gene expression data. As discussed above, gene expression from thousands of genes, the amount of data is enormous.
436 Matthew K. Vickaryous and Brian K. Hall

Table 5. Alphabetical listing of 47 adult Homo sapiens cell types derived from the neural crest (including ten cell types derived
from both neural crest and mesoderm) and two cell types of uncertain germ layer origin

neural crest

carotid body type I cell neuron, enteric, sensory neuron, sensory, warm fibre
chromaffin cell, epinephrine secreting neuron, enteric, stubby neuron, sympathetic, adrenergic
chromaffin cell, norepinephrine secreting neuron, parasympathetic, cholinergic neuron, sympathetic, B-fibre
enteric (astrocyte-like) glial cell neuron, parasympathetic, non-adrenergic/ neuron, sympathetic, C-fibre
epithelial cell, stratified squamous corneal non-cholinergic neuron, sympathetic, cholinergic
melanocyte neuron, sensory, A-beta IB odontoblast
myoepithelial cell, iris neuron, sensory, A-beta IIB parafollicular (C) cell
neuron, enteric, interneuron neuron, sensory, A-delta cold fibre satellite cell
neuron, enteric, motor to neuron, sensory, A-delta type I Schwann cell
gastroenteropancreatic endocrine cell neuron, sensory, A-delta type II small intensely fluorescent (SIF) cell, type I
neuron, enteric, motor, excitatory neuron, sensory, C-fibre non-peptidergic small intensely fluorescent (SIF) cell,
neuron, enteric, motor, inhibitory neuron, sensory, C-fibre peptidergic type II
neuron, enteric, secretomotor/vasomotor neuron, sensory, mechanoreceptor, other squamous cell, pia-arachnoid
neuron, sensory, proprioceptor, other
neural crest and mesoderm

adipose cell, white chondrocyte, hyaline cartilage pericyte, blood capillary

chondrocyte, elastic cartilage fibroblast synovial A cell
chondrocyte, fibrocartilage muscle cell, smooth synovial B cell

uncertain germ layer origin

carotid body type II cell

secretory cell, endorphin

In order to manage effectively this quantity of information, Bonner (1988), cell types were employed to estimate evol-
the emerging field of bioinformatics draws upon statistical utionary complexity. According to Bonner (1988), complexity
algorithms and computational analyses to provide the not only refers to the overall number of integrated parts,
necessary tools to exploit even the subtlest gene expression but also alludes to differences in structure and function.
differences between various cell types. As such, complexity is often framed in a hierarchy, with
A word of caution : i.e. in spite of their revolutionary each part divisible into various subparts.
contributions to molecular biology, microarrays are not Among organisms, Bonner (1988) suggested that one way
without drawbacks. Gene expression data are sensitive to to measure complexity is to count the number of cell types.
changes in the cell cycle and cell ontogeny, and thus rep- He cited several examples, ranging from taxa with a single
resent extremely specific samples that may not be charac- cell type (bacteria) to those with more than 100 (vertebrates).
teristic of all members of the same cell type. Furthermore, Hence, there is a correlation between the advent of the
unless all genes are represented by DNA probes on the neural crest germ layer and its cell type derivatives, and
microarray (as a complete reference collection) the gene the complexity of craniates (as measured by the overall
expression profile for a given cell type will be deficient and number of cell types ; Carroll, 2001). Valentine, Collins &
thus inaccurate. Other possible problems include exper- Meyer (1994) plotted the maximum estimated number of
imental errors introduced during the hybridization of RNA cell types for a given taxon against a (prehistoric) time scale
to its complement and that cellular RNA production may and found a quantifiable trend towards increasing the
be exaggerated compared with the actual proteins pro- maximum number of cell types over time.
duced, thus gene expression is not (necessarily) correlated to By contrast, genes do not necessarily provide an index of
function (see Sarwal & Alemi, 2005). evolutionary complexity, as they tend to be conserved and
are not directly related to the number of cell types present
in an organism (Carroll, 2001; Valentine, 2002, 2003).
(2 ) Employment of cell types and cell type
Although this notion has generally been accepted, some
classification schemes
have cautioned that taxa such as humans have received
Despite the fundamental importance of cell types to relatively rigorous treatment, to the extent of possibly over-
histology, cell type catalogues have found only limited emphasising minor differences between cell types, while
application, typically as a means of organising cells and most other organisms have only been subjected to (at best)
tissues for histological perusal. Beginning with the work of a cursory analysis (McShea, 1996).
Human cell types 437










Fig. 1. The artificial classification scheme of cell types. The entire tabulation of 411 cell types was sorted into increasingly smaller,
more exclusive subsets based on commonly cited histological and cytological features, beginning with the cell type as a component of
one of the four basic tissue types. A total of 34 terminal groupings (assemblages) were recovered, labeled A to HH. The germ layer(s)
of origin for cell types from each assemblage are designated by symbols. See text and Appendix 1 for details. CNS, central nervous
system ; ECM, extracellular matrix ; PNS, peripheral nervous system.

(3 ) Neural crest as the fourth germ layer embryonic cells is not evident. Among amniotes, including
domestic fowl, mice, and humans, cells giving rise to the
With the exception of protozoans, sponges, ctenophorans, embryo proper come from the epiblast of the bilaminar
and cnidarians, all animals have long been assumed to de- embryonic disc. Cells that migrate out of the epiblast form
velop from three germ layers: ectoderm, endoderm, and the presumptive endoderm while those that remain form the
mesoderm (excluding, for the moment, the role of secondary presumptive ectoderm. Mesoderm develops secondarily as
development/neurulation). Although the term ‘layer’ a secondary germ layer and as a result of inductive inter-
seems to imply a sheet-like assemblage, in many instances actions between presumptive ectoderm and endoderm
throughout development the stratified nature of these (Hall, 1999, 2000).
438 Matthew K. Vickaryous and Brian K. Hall

(intraembryonic) endoderm (including one shared with

mesoderm and two shared with ectoderm). However, in-
cluded among the major derivatives of the neural crest are
sensory and autonomic neurons, fibroblasts, and smooth
muscle cells, all of which are immense assemblages that
remain to be fully subdivided.
Therefore, even conservative estimates demonstrate that
from a numerical standpoint, neural crest cell derivatives
are every bit as diverse as those from the classical germ
layers. Perhaps more important than quantity of resultant
cell varieties is the near ubiquitous distribution of neural-
crest-derived cell types. Unlike other germ layers, neural
crest derivatives are components of every basic tissue type
(Fig. 3). Both ectoderm and mesoderm contribute to three
basic tissue types, while endoderm is found in only one,
epithelium. The observations of Hall (1998a, b, 1999, 2000)
are fully supported, and it is unequivocally demonstrated
that the neural crest contributes to a broad diversity of cell
types associated with every major tissue type.

Fig. 2. A comparison of the cladistic and artificial classification ( 4) The evolution of cell types
schemes. A cladistic analysis of eight cell types (plus one out-
group ; an undifferentiated neural crest cell) all derived from the As noted previously, an increase in cell type diversity is
neural crest yields a single most parsimonious tree (tree length correlated with the evolution of the neural crest germ layer.
of 29 steps). The artificial classification scheme from Fig. 1 was Whereas diploblastic and triploblastic animals demonstrate
pruned to include only those cells participating in the cladistic approximately 11 and 50 cell types respectively (Bonner,
analysis. A quick comparison of the two techniques demon- 1988; Carroll, 2001), quadroblastic taxa such as humans
strates that the results are generally not congruent, with each have more than 400.
method largely recovering a different pattern of cell type in- Two hypotheses have been forwarded to explain how
terrelatedness. See text for details. this increase in cell type diversity might have been
accomplished : (1) new cell types arose from undifferentiated
(embryonic germ layer) or stem cells ; or (2) existing differ-
Recently, Hall (1998 a, b, 1999, 2000) concluded that the entiated cell types developed new phenotypes via trans-
neural crest also qualifies as a secondary germ layer. Similar differentiation (Eisenberg & Eisenberg, 2003). In support of
to mesoderm, the neural crest arises as a result of inductive the transdifferentiation hypothesis, Eisenberg & Eisenberg
interactions. Also similar to mesoderm, neural crest cells (2003) noted that many invertebrates (e.g. echinoderms)
migrate from the neural tube to disperse throughout the demonstrate smooth muscle cells, which are characterised as
developing embryo. Hall (1998 a, b, 1999, 2000) notes that if expressing a particular set of molecules (e.g. smooth muscle
mesoderm is accepted as a germ layer based on the diversity a-actin). Similarly, cardiac myocytes from avian embryos
of cell types and structures that it contributes to, then the also transiently express these smooth muscle proteins. Thus,
neural crest, which also gives rise to a variety of other cell Eisenberg & Eisenberg (2003) theorized that cardiac myo-
types, should also be considered a germ layer. Indeed the cytes evolved from more primitive and ubiquitous smooth
neural crest has been widely recognised as unusual among muscle cells.
embryonic cells. As noted by Willmer (1970, p. 136), neural Gene expression patterns, cell behaviour, plasticity, and
crest cells are ‘ the fly in the ointment of the classical germ- morphology have also yielded evidence of ‘ protoneural crest
layer theorists ’. cells’ in non-vertebrates such as amphioxus (a cephalo-
The notion of neural crest cells as a germ layer forms the chordate), ascidians (urochordates) and even echinoderms
basis of the quadroblastic embryo, and is a feature confined (Stone & Hall, 2004). Thus, while the neural crest germ
to craniates (hagfish & vertebrates) (Hall, 1999, 2000 ; see layer is exclusive to vertebrates, precursor cells, representing
also Shimeld & Holland, 2000). The artificial classification latent homologues of neural crest cells and neural crest
scheme permits an independent test of the neural crest as a cell derivatives, have been identified in non-vertebrate
source of cell type diversity. Of the 411 cell types considered taxa.
(including two from extraembryonic endoderm and two of In another example, the interrelationship between carti-
uncertain derivation), 37 are derived solely from the neural lage and bone cells has considerable developmental support.
crest and 10 are shared by both neural crest and meso- Various bone markers are expressed during chondrocyte
dermally derived cells. Accordingly, neural crest cells con- differentiation (Eames, de la Fuente & Helms, 2003) and
tribute to a maximum of 47 different cell types, compared hypertrophic chondrocytes demonstrate an intermediate
with 211 from ectoderm (including two shared with endo- combination of downregulated cartilage markers and up-
derm), 105 from mesoderm (including 10 shared with regulated bone markers (Aubin et al., 1995). Furthermore,
the neural crest, and one with endoderm), and 57 from chondrocytes are capable of transdifferentiating into
Human cell types 439

Germ (A)

Sweat (D)
Other (E)

Acidophilic (F)
Basophilic (G)

Protein (J)
Steroid (K)

Keratinizing (L)

Duct (O)
Hollow viscera (P)
Endothelial (Q)

Endolymphatic (S)

Lymphocyte (V)
Monocyte (W)
Leukocyte (X)
Other (Y)

Myocyte (FF)
Spindle (GG)

Fig. 3. The artificial classification scheme of cell types derived from the neural crest. The results of Fig. 1 were pruned to reveal the
diversity of cell type assemblages that originate from the neural crest. Unlike all other germ layers the neural crest contributes to
components of every basic tissue type. See text for details. See Fig. 1 for abbreviations and Appendix 1 for label identities.

osteoblasts (Hall, 1970, 2005; Aubin et al., 1995). There also method for examining issues of cell type evolution is the
exists an intermediate between cartilage and bone, chon- cladistic classification. For vertebrates, the neural crest
droid bone (Mizoguchi et al., 1997 ; Hall, 2005). provides a particularly intriguing source of data, with con-
Interestingly, whereas cartilage has chondrocytes and bone siderable in vitro and in vivo data.
has osteocytes, the cell type present in chondroid bone is Similar to mesodermal cells, neural crest cells demon-
presently unclear and unnamed. strate a high degree of phenotypic plasticity, both prior to
However, short of exhaustively documenting the diversity and following differentiation (especially in vitro), which is
and homologies of cell types between various craniate and strongly mediated by imposed signals from the local
non-craniate taxa (discussed below), the most convenient environment (Anderson, 1997). In other words, neural crest
440 Matthew K. Vickaryous and Brian K. Hall

(and mesodermal) cell type identity is not determined not normally considered in culture protocols. With human
intrinsically at the germ-layer stage. However, certain cells in limited supply for use in medical and biomedical
identities have a predictable distribution under non- applications (Hay, 1996), the use of cell types and cell
manipulative conditions. Fate maps of avian embryos type comparative classification schemes has the potential
demonstrate that cell type derivatives of the neural crest to offer new and alternative models for therapeutic
arise from particular regions of the rostrocaudal neural tube evaluation.
axis. For example, chondrocytes and osteocytes differentiate
from cranial neural crest cells, but not from those of the
trunk region. Using the cladistic classification scheme it is V. AREAS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH
hypothesized that, based on the most parsimonious distri-
bution of shared-derived characters, chondrocytes and
Whereas we have chosen to focus on Homo sapiens as a model
osteocytes share a close common ancestry. This notion is
taxon, the tabulation and categorisation of cell types from
independently supported by developmental evidence with
other well-known and intensively investigated taxa, includ-
numerous observations documenting progenitor cells giving
ing Mus musculus, Xenopus laevis, Danio rerio, and Drosophila
rise to either cartilage and bone cells. One such cell popu-
melanogaster, would facilitate a much needed comparative
lation occurs at the temporomandibular joint in humans
evolutionary approach. However, just as for previous esti-
and mice where it gives rise to the condylar cartilage and
mates of human cell type diversity, tabulations for most of
osseous tip of the condylar process (Baume, 1962 ; Hall,
these taxa are incomplete. A histological investigation of
1970, 2005).
the optic lobe of wild-type Drosophila melanogaster (Fischbach
Another example is the relationship between chromaffin
& Dittrich, 1989) found more than 100 different types of
cells, parafollicular (C) cells, and sympathetic neurons, all of
neurons, compared with some estimates suggesting only
which are considered by the cladistic classification scheme
50 to 90 cell types for the entire organism (Bonner, 1988 ;
as a unified group (the clade of biogenic amine-handling
Valentine, 2003). Clearly, this remains an important topic
cells). In sheep, both parafollicular and chromaffin cells
for further investigation.
demonstrate a variety of neural properties in culture and,
As discussed, the use of DNA microarrays has an obvious
along with sympathetic neurons, are responsive to b-nerve
future role in defining and discriminating cell types.
growth factor (Barasch et al., 1987). Whereas parafollicular
However, this should not be interpreted as justification for
cells closely resemble neurons (to the point of being called
abandoning more traditional phenotypic characterisations ;
paraneurons), other evidence suggests that chromaffin
molecular data do not replace cytology and histology. As
cells share a common progenitor with sympathetic neurons
eloquently demonstrated by Toledo-Rodriguez et al. (2005)
(Barasch et al., 1987). Furthermore, in rats, sympathoadrenal
for juvenile rat neurons, the same cell types identified
progenitor cells in culture produce either chromaffin cells
by gene expression data are also recovered using more
or sympathetic neurons, but are unable to differentiate
traditional morphologically based diagnostic methods.
into glia cells, sensory neurons, or melanocytes (Anderson,
Thus, the two techniques not only corroborate each
another, but enhance the data set. What is currently needed
In humans, the results of the cladistic classification
is greater emphasis on reintegrating the intimately related
scheme also receive support from the study of cell lines
and yet increasingly divorced subdisciplines of histology
established in culture from neuroblastomas, an early child-
and molecular biology.
hood cancer arising from the neural crest. These cell lines
In addition to the aforementioned phenotypic-gene
include N (neuroblastic) cells, small and rounded with
expression assimilation, various other sources of data are
neurite-like processes, and S (substrate-adherent) cells,
also worth exploring. For instance, many cell types share
larger, flattened and fibroblast-like (Ciccarone et al., 1989).
(at least in part) differentiation pathways and in doing so
Whereas the N cells have been likened to noradrenergic
express the same specific transcription factors during
neurons, the S cells more closely resemble melanocytes.
development – e.g. among haematopoetic cells, both
Each of these cell types is derived from a common pre-
megakaryocytes and erythrocytes arise from a common
cursor, and each may spontaneously transdifferentiate
multipotential progenitor cell and share the zinc finger
into the other (Ciccarone et al., 1989), consistent with the
transcription factor GATA1 (Romeo et al., 1990; Auron,
proximate position of these cell types to one another within
2005). Similarly, some closely related cell types may actively
the cladogram.
suppress one another, as in mice where motorneurons
Perhaps not surprisingly, these results demonstrate a
can curb the differentiation of interneurons (Thaler et al.,
strong (albeit independently derived) correlation between
1999). Additional data may be gleaned from common
cell type evolution (as proposed by the cladistic analysis) and
inherited epigenetic factors, such as specific patterns of
development (as evidenced by in vitro studies). Ultimately this
DNA methylation.
relationship may prove to be useful in a clinical context.
From a practical standpoint, knowledge of cell type diversity
and evolution may offer a theoretical means of prediction
for the fields of medicine, biochemistry, and pharmacology. VI. CONCLUSIONS
With continued refinement of the cell type list and classifi-
cation scheme it may become possible to explore, by infer- (1) Cell types are mutable biological units, comparable
ence, reactions to drugs and chemical agents on cell types with species and genes. As such, most definitions are
Human cell types 441

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SPRADLING, A., DRUMMOND-BARBOSA, D. & KAI, T. (2001). Stem Journal of Comparative Neurology 486, 344–360.
cells find their niche. Nature 414, 98–104. YELNIK, J., FRANCOIS, C., PERCHERON, G. & TANDE, D. (1991).
STEVENS, A. & LOWE, J. (1997). Human Histology, 2nd Edn. Mosby, Morphological taxonomy of the neurons of the primate striatum.
Toronto. Journal of Comparative Neurology 313, 273–294.
444 Matthew K. Vickaryous and Brian K. Hall

Appendix 1. Catalogue of 411 Homo sapiens cell types. Alphabetical assemblage designation refers to the terminal categories of the
artificial classification scheme (Fig. 1). The symbolpindicates a more exclusive subdivision of the preceeding category. Organs and
other anatomical entities listed under notes are offset by square brackets. List of abbreviations : CCK, cholecystokinin ; CNS,
central nervous system ; ct, connective tissue ; ECM, extracellular matrix ; endo, endoderm ; ecto, ectoderm ; ep, epithelial tissue ;
extra endo, extraembryonic endoderm ; GABAergic, gamma-aminobutyric acidergic ; meso, mesoderm ; mm, muscular tissue ;
ncrt, neural crest ; ns, nervous tissue ; PNS, peripheral nervous system ; VIP, vasoactive intestinal peptide ; ?, germ layer of origin
remains uncertain. Primary sources of information : Alberts et al. (1989) ; Anderson (1989) ; Canning & Fischer (2001) ; Campbell
et al. (1989) ; Cant & Benson (2003) ; Caterina & Julius (1999) ; Dacey (1994) ; Lentz (1971) ; Kieranan (1998) ; Kolb et al. (1992) ;
Matthews (1989) ; Mugnaini & Floris (1994) ; Ostapoff et al. (1994) ; Sanders et al. (1999) ; Somogyi & Klausberger (2005) ; Solcia et al.
(1987) ; Yáňez et al. (2005) ;Yelnik et al. (1991). See text for details

Assem- Germ Traditional

blage Cell type layer tissue type Notes

A oocyte extra endo ? spermatozoa are usually referred to as epithelial
A spermatozoa extra endo ep based on how they develop within the
seminiferous tubules and, by default, some
authors also characterise oocytes in a similar
fashion leading to difficulties in categorising
follicular cells
B epithelial mucous membrane cell endo ep merocrine gland ; product secreted by exocytosis
[respiratory tract]
B gland cell, Bartholin’s meso ep merocrine gland ; vaginal lubricant [female
reproductive tract]
B gland cell, Brunner’s endo ep merocrine gland ; alkaline solution of mucous
and enzymes [duodenum]
B gland cell, bulbourethral endo ep merocrine gland ; mucous [male reproductive
B gland cell, Littré meso ep merocrine gland ; mucous
B gland cell, salivary, mucous ecto ep merocrine gland
B goblet cell endo ep merocrine gland ; mucous [respiratory, digestive
B secretory stomach cell endo ep merocrine gland ; mucous
epitheliumpsomaticpglandpexocrinepprotein secreting
C acinar cell endo ep merocrine gland [pancreas]
C gland cell, Bowman’s dark ecto ep merocrine gland
C gland cell, Bowman’s light ecto ep merocrine gland
C gland cell, lacrimal ecto ep merocrine gland ; tears
C gland cell, salivary, serous ecto ep merocrine gland
C gland cell, von Ebner’s ecto ep merocrine gland ; secretion to wash over taste
buds [tongue]
C Paneth cell endo ep merocrine gland [small and large intestines]
C pneumocyte, type II, great alveolar cell endo ep merocrine gland
(septal cell)
C secretory fallopian tube cell meso ep merocrine gland
C zymogenic cell endo ep merocrine gland ; secreting pepsinogen
D gland cell, ceruminous ecto ep modified sweat gland ; wax
D gland cell, mammary ecto ep modified sweat gland
D gland cell, Moll ecto ep modified sweat gland [eyelid]
D gland cell, sweat, apocrine ecto ep apocrine gland ; odoriferous secretion, sex
hormone sensitive
D gland cell, sweat, eccrine clear ecto ep clear secretion
D gland cell, sweat, eccrine dark ecto ep dark secretion
E gland cell, prostate endo ep merocrine gland ; components of seminal fluid
E hepatocyte endo ep merocrine gland
E oxyntic (parietal) cell endo ep merocrine gland [stomach]
E sebaceous gland cell ecto ep holocrine cell ; lipid-rich sebum
E secretory endometrial cell meso ep merocrine gland ; secreting mainly carbohydrates
E secretory seminal vesicle cell meso ep merocrine gland
Human cell types 445

Appendix 1 (cont.)

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blage Cell type layer tissue type Notes

F pituitary cell, anterior, growth hormone ecto ep somatotrophe
F pituitary cell, anterior, prolactin secreting ecto ep mammotrophe
G pituitary cell, anterior, adrenocortico- ecto ep corticotrophe
trophic secreting
G pituitary cell, anterior, thyroid- ecto ep thyrotrope
stimulating hormone secreting
G pituitary cell, follicle stimulating ecto ep gonadotroph
hormone secreting
G pituitary cell, intermediate, melanocyte ecto ep corticotrophe
stimulating hormone secreting
G pituitary cell, luteinizing hormone ecto ep gonadotroph
epitheliumpsomaticpglandpendocrinepnon-pituitarypamino acid
H argentaffin cell endo ep enterochromaffin [EC] cell, secreting serotonin
[stomach, small and large intestines]
H chromaffin cell, epinephrine secreting ncrt ?ns [adrenal gland]
H chromaffin cell, norepinephrine secreting ncrt ?ns [adrenal gland]
H pinealocyte ecto ?ns secreting melatonin
H small intensely fluorescent (SIF) cell, ncrt ?ns interneuron-like form ; synthesise and store
type I catecholamines
H small intensely fluorescent (SIF) cell, ncrt ?ns endocrine-like form ; synthesise and store
type II catecholamines
H thyroid follicular cell endo ep thyroid hormone secreting
I alpha cell endo ep [islet of Langerhans]
I carotid body type I cell ncrt ?ct the carotid body contains various peptides
(enkephalin, neurotensin, bombesin), with
smaller amounts of amines (norepinephrine and
epinephrine) (Stevens & Lowe, 1997)
I chromophobic (C) cell endo ep [islet of Langerhans]
I delta cell endo ep secrete somatostatin [islet of Langerhans,
respiratory and digestive tracts]
I gastroenteropancreatic CCK secreting endo ep also called I cell [small intestine]
I gastroenteropancreatic en- endo ep unknown product, ?serotonin [stomach]
terochromaffin-like (ECL) cell
I gastroenteropancreatic endocrine cell, endo ep [stomach, small intestine]
P cell
I gastroenteropancreatic gastrin secreting endo ep [stomach]
(G) cell
I gastroenteropancreatic glucagon endo ep [pancreas]
secreting (A) cell
I gastroenteropancreatic glucagon- endo ep also called K cell [small intestine]
dependent insulinotropic peptide
secreting (GIP) cell
I gastroenteropancreatic glucagon-like endo ep also called L cell [small and large intestines]
peptide-2 secreting (GLP-2) cell
I gastroenteropancreatic motilin secreting endo ep [small intestine]
(M) cell
I gastroenteropancreatic neurotensin endo ep [small intestine]
secreting (N) cell
I gastroenteropancreatic pancreatic endo ep [pancreas]
polypeptide secreting (PP) cell
I gastroenteropancreatic peptide tyrosine endo ep also called L cell [small and large intestines]
tyrosine secreting (PYY) cell
I gastroenteropancreatic secretin secreting endo ep [small intestine]
(S) cell
446 Matthew K. Vickaryous and Brian K. Hall

Appendix 1 (cont.)

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blage Cell type layer tissue type Notes

I gastroenteropancreatic gastrin/CCK endo ep also called TG cell ; main products are C-terminal
secreting cell gastrin and CCK [small intestine]
I gastroenteropancreatic very large (VL) endo ep unknown product [small intestine]
I gastroenteropancreatic X cell endo ep unknown product [stomach]
I Hassall’s (thymic) corpuscle epithelial endo ep epithelial cells that become embedded within the
cell thymus ; granules contain keratohyalin
I parafollicular (C) cell ncrt ep secrete calcitonin [thyroid]
I pineal interstitial cell ecto ?ns secrete luteinizing hormone
I principal (chief ) cell endo ep [parathyroid]
I pulmonary (P) endocrine cell, bombesin endo ep [respiratory tract]
I secretory cell, endorphin ? ?ep [gut and respiratory tract]
I secretory cell, oxytocin ecto ?ep, ns [hypothalamus]
I secretory cell, vasopression ecto ?ep, ns [hypothalamus]
I Sertoli cell meso ep Sertoli cells are polyfunctional ; they secrete
inhibitin, support the developing spermatozoa and
phagocytose residual bodies (Stevens & Lowe,
I testis interstitial cell meso ct
I thymic epithelial-reticular (TER) cell endo ep [thymus]
J beta cell endo ep insulin secreting [islet of Langerhans, respiratory
and digestive tracts]
J gland cell, parathyroid endo ep parathyroid hormone
J peripolar cell meso ep granulated epithelial cell localized at the vascular
pole of the glomerulus ; granules contain albumin,
immunoglobulins, and neuron-specific enolase
J secretory cell, renin meso ep renin secreting cells regulate blood pressure ;
appear to represent precursors for various other
cell types (including smooth muscle and epithelial
cells) that dedifferentiate in response to stress
(López, et al., 2004) [juxtaglomerular apparatus,
K corpus luteum cell meso ep progesterone secreting [ruptured ovarian follicle]
K follicle cell meso ct estradiol [ovary]
K Leydig cell meso ep Interstitial cell ; secretes androgens in foetus [testis]
K theca interna cell meso ep or ct ? estrogen secreting [ovarian follicle]
K zona fasciculata and reticularis cell, meso ep steroid hormones, glucocorticoids [adrenal gland]
glucocorticoid secreting
K zona fasciculata and reticularis cell, meso ep steroid hormones, mineralocorticoids secreting
mineralocorticoid secreting [adrenal gland]
K zona fasciculata cell meso ep relatively large, foamy-looking, cortisol secreting
cells [adrenal gland]
K zona glomerulosa cell meso ep relatively small cells that cluster in groups ;
steroid hormones and mineralocorticoids
secreting [adrenal gland]
K zona reticularis cell meso ep cells arranged as interconnecting cords ;
androstenedione [adrenal gland]
epitheliumpsomaticpsurface epitheliumpcoveringpkeratinizing
L hair cell, cortical ecto ep
L hair cell, cuticular ecto ep
L hair cell, cuticular, root ecto ep [hair root]
L hair cell, external ecto ep [hair root]
L hair cell, Henle’s layer ecto ep [hair root]
L hair cell, Huxley’s layer ecto ep [hair root]
L hair cell, medullary ecto ep
L hair cell, shaft ecto ep
L hair cell, sheath ecto ep [hair root]
L keratinocyte ecto ep [epidermis, fingernails, toenails]
Human cell types 447

Appendix 1 (cont.)

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blage Cell type layer tissue type Notes

epitheliumpsomaticpsurface epitheliumpcoveringpnon-keratinizing
M epithelial cell, anterior lens ecto ep
M epithelial cell, conjunctival ecto ep
M lens fibre cell ecto ep crystallin containing
M melanocyte ncrt ?ep
epitheliumpsomaticpsurface epitheliumpliningpserosal cell
N mesothelial cell meso ep
N serosal cell meso ep [lining peritoneal, pleural and pericardial cavities]
N synovial A cell meso, ncrt ct phagocytic with numerous lysosomes
N synovial B cell meso, ncrt ct abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum ; produce
synovial fluid
epitheliumpsomaticpsurface epitheliumpliningpducts
O brush border cell meso ep [proximal tubule of kidney]
O centroacinar cells endo ep also called duct cell [pancreas]
O ciliated female reproductive cell meso ep [oviduct and uterus]
O ciliated male reproductive cell meso ep [ductuli efferentes]
O ciliated respiratory tract cell endo ep
O duct cell, bile duct endo ep
O duct cell, collecting tubule meso ep [kidney]
O duct cell, ductus epididymidis meso ep [epithelium]
O duct cell, gall bladder endo ep
O duct cell, intercalated, salivary gland ecto ep
O duct cell, nonstriated ecto ep present in sweat, salivary, and mammary glands
O duct cell, seminal vesicle and prostate meso ep
O duct cell, striated, salivary gland ecto ep
O epithelial cell, distal tubule meso ep [kidney]
O epithelial cell, prostatic endo ep
O epithelial cell, proximal tubule meso ep [kidney]
O epithelial cell, thick loop of Henle meso ep [kidney]
O epithelial cell, thin limb loop of Henle meso ep [kidney]
O epithelial cell, transitional endo ep
O epithelial cell, urinary system endo ep
O macula densa cell, distal tubule meso ep cells packed into a zone of the distal tubule ad-
jacent to the glomerulus ; may function as a sensor
monitoring Na+ and Clx levels (Stevens & Lowe,
O non-ciliated cell, ductuli efferentes meso ep
O parietal cell, kidney glomerulus meso ep
O podocyte, glomerular epithelial cell ?endo, meso ep
O principal cell, epididymis meso ep
epitheliumpsomaticpsurface epitheliumpliningphollow viscera
P brush border cell, intestine (with endo ep
P Clara cell endo ep neither ciliated nor mucous producing ; function
unknown [lung]
P epithelial cell, stratified squamous endo, ecto ep may arise from either ectoderm or endoderm and
may represent undocumented diversity of cell
types [tongue, oral cavity, esophagus, anal canal,
distal urethra, vagina]
P epithelial cell, stratified squamous ncrt ep [cornea]
P epithelial cell, intestinal endo ep
P epithelial cell, lung (pulmonary) endo ep
P epithelial cell, olfactory, olfactory cell ecto ep
P epithelial cell, olfactory, supporting ecto ep
P epithelial cell, olfactory, sustentacular ecto ep
P epithelial cell, respiratory, basal cell endo ep
P epithelial cell, respiratory, brush cell endo ep
448 Matthew K. Vickaryous and Brian K. Hall

Appendix 1 (cont.)

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blage Cell type layer tissue type Notes

P epithelial cell, respiratory, ciliated cell endo ep

P pneumocyte, type I endo ep flattened cells lining the airways
P type I taste bud cell ecto ep taste bud supporting cell
P type II taste bud cell endo, ecto ep experiments by Stone et al. (1995) demonstrate that
taste bud cells can arise from either ectoderm or
endoderm and share a common progenitor with
local oral epithelial cells ; taste bud cells are not
neurogenic ectoderm
epitheliumpsomaticpsurface epitheliumpliningpendothelial cell
Q endothelial cell, continuous meso ct
Q endothelial cell, CNS meso ct
Q endothelial cell, fenestrated meso ct
Q endothelial cell, lymphatic meso ct
Q endothelial cell, corneal meso ep
Q endothelial cell, splenic meso ep
Q littorial cell meso ct
epitheliumpsomaticpsurface epitheliumpliningpCNS derivative
R carotid body type II cell ? ?
R choroid plexus cell ecto ep secreting cerebrospinal fluid
R ciliary pigmented epithelial cell ecto ep [eye]
R ciliary unpigmented epithelial cell ecto ep [eye]
R ependymal cell ecto ?ep, ns
R Merkel cell, epidermis ecto ?ns sensory receptors of the epidermis ; contain
neuroendocrine vesiscles ; neuroepithelium
R myoepithelial cell, iris ncrt ?ep contractile cells
R neuron, mitral cell ecto ns second order neurons contacted by olfactory
neurons [olfactory bulb]
R neuron, olfactory ecto ns olfactory neuroepithelium
R neuron, olfactory bulb granule cell ecto ns interneuron [olfactory bulb]
R neuron, periglomerular cell ecto ns olfactory interneuron [olfactory bulb]
R neuron, tufted cell ecto ns second order neurons contacted by olfactory
R pigment epithelial cell, retina ecto ep
R squamous cell, pia-arachnoid ncrt ep
R tanycytes ecto ?ep, ns ependyma cells with long basal processes
epitheliumpsomaticpsurface epitheliumpliningpendolymphatic cells
S Boettcher cell ecto ep [organ of Corti]
S Claudis cell ecto ep [organ of Corti]
S columnar cell with microvilli ecto ep [endolymphatic sac]
S columnar cell without microvilli ecto ep [endolymphatic sac]
S dark cell, crista ampullaris ecto ep [vestibular apparatus]
S dark cell, endolymphatic sac ecto ep [vestibular apparatus]
S hair cell, organ of Corti, inner ecto ep
S hair cell, organ of Corti, outer ecto ep
S hair cell, type I ecto ep [vestibular apparatus]
S hair cell, type II ecto ep [vestibular apparatus]
S light cell ecto ep [endolymphatic sac, vestibular apparatus]
S vestibular apparatus membrane cell ecto ep
S phalangeal cell, inner supporting ecto ep [organ of Corti]
S phalangeal cell, outer supporting ecto ep [organ of Corti]
S pillar cell, inner supporting ecto ep [organ of Corti]
S pillar cell, outer supporting ecto ep [organ of Corti]
S squamous cell, endolymphatic sac lining ecto ep
S squamous cell, perilymphatic space ecto ep
S stellate cell, perilymphatic space lining ecto ep
S stria vascularis basal cell ecto ep [cochlea]
S stria vascularis intermediate cell ecto ep [cochlea]
S stria vascularis marginal cell ecto ep [cochlea]
S supporting border cell ecto ep [organ of Corti]
Human cell types 449

Appendix 1 (cont.)

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blage Cell type layer tissue type Notes

S supporting cell, organ of Corti ecto ep

S supporting cell, vestibular apparatus ecto ep
connective tissuepsupportpstorage
T adipose cell, brown meso ct
T adipose cell, lipocyte of liver meso ct
T adipose cell, white meso, ncrt ct
connective tissuepsupportpECM secreting
U cementoblast meso ct secrete cementum
U chondrocyte, elastic cartilage meso, ncrt ct
U chondrocyte, fibrocartilage meso, ncrt ct
U chondrocyte, hyaline cartilage meso, ncrt ct
U fibroblast meso, ncrt ct may represent an undocumented diversity of
cell types (Fries et al., 1994) ; may also include
U fibroblastic reticular cell meso ct
U hyalocyte, vitreous body of eye ecto ct
U interdental cell ecto ep secrete tectorial ‘membrane ’ covering hair cells
of organ of Corti
U mesangial cell meso mm
U nucleus pulposus cell meso ct fomerly notochord [intervertebral disc]
U odontoblast ncrt ct
U osteocyte meso, ncrt ct
U pericyte, blood capillary meso, ncrt mm spindle-shaped, putatively contractile cells ;
assume role of mesenchyme following injury and
differentiate into myofibroblasts and new blood
vessels (Stevens & Lowe, 1997) ; considered by
some to be a non-skeletal muscle cell (category
U planum semilunatum cell ecto ep secrete proteoglycan [vestibular apparatus]
U tenocyte meso ct connective tissue cell of tendons
connective tissuepblood/immuneplymphocytes
V lymphocyte, helper T meso ct
V lymphocyte, IgA B meso ct
V lymphocyte, IgE B meso ct
V lymphocyte, IgG B meso ct
V lymphocyte, IgM B meso ct
V lymphocyte, killer cell meso ct
V lymphocyte, killer T meso ct
V lymphocyte, suppressor T meso ct
V plasma cell meso ep
V thymocyte endo ct
connective tissuepblood/immunepmonocyte
W chondroclast meso ct
W dendritic cell meso ct [in lymphoid tissue]
W Kupffer cell meso ct [liver]
W Langerhans cell, epidermis meso ct
W macrophage, alveolar meso ct [lung]
W macrophage, connective tissue meso ct sometimes referred to as a histiocyte
W macrophage, multinucleated meso ct
W macrophage, serous cavity meso ct
W macrophage, splenic meso ct [spleen]
W microglia meso ns [central nervous system]
W monocyte meso ct
W mononucleated osteoclast meso ct some argue that osteoclasts may arise from
monocytes and/or macrophages (see Hall, 2005)
W multinucleated osteoclast meso ct
W pituitary folliculo-stellate cell ecto ct non-endocrine, ‘excitable ’ cell
W plasmacytoid dendritic cell meso ct produces interferons in response to viruses ; also
called plasmacytoid monotcytes and interferon
producing cells
450 Matthew K. Vickaryous and Brian K. Hall

Appendix 1 (cont.)

Assem- Germ Traditional

blage Cell type layer tissue type Notes

connective tissuepblood/immunepleukocyte
X leukocyte, basophil meso ct
X leukocyte, eosinophil meso ct
X leukocyte, globule meso ct
X leukocyte, granulocyte meso ct endometrial
X leukocyte, neutrophils meso ct
X mast cell meso ct
connective tissuepblood/immunepother
Y erythrocyte meso ct
Y megakaryocyte meso ct
nervous tissuepgliapPNS
Z enteric (astrocyte-like) glial cell ncrt ns
Z pituicyte ecto ?ns pituitary cell
Z satellite cell ncrt ns encapsulating nerve cell bodies [PNS]
Z Schwann cell ncrt ns
nervous tissuepgliapCNSpastrocytes
AA astrocyte, fibrous ecto ns
AA astrocyte, protoplasmic (velate) ecto ns
AA Muller cell ecto ns retinal support cells
nervous tissuepgliapCNSpoligodendrocytes
BB oligodendrocyte, interfascicular ecto ns
BB oligodendrocyte, Satellite ecto ns
nervous tissuepneuronpPNS
CC neuron, enteric, interneuron ncrt ns secrete serotonin
CC neuron, enteric, motor to ncrt ns
gastroenteropancreatic endocrine cell
CC neuron, enteric, motor, excitatory ncrt ns
CC neuron, enteric, motor, inhibitory ncrt ns
CC neuron, enteric, secretomotor/ ncrt ns
CC neuron, enteric, sensory ncrt ns
CC neuron, enteric, stubby ncrt ns
CC neuron, motor, A-alpha (IA) ecto ns myelinated ; proprioception [muscle spindle]
CC neuron, motor, A-gamma ecto ns myelinated ; motor to intrafusal fibres to muscle
CC neuron, parasympathetic, cholinergic ncrt ns
CC neuron, parasympathetic, non- ncrt ns [respiratory system and smooth muscle
adrenergic/non-cholinergic (NANC) innervation]
CC neuron, sensory, A-beta IB ncrt ns myelinated ; tonic proprioception ;
CC neuron, sensory, A-beta IIB ncrt ns myelinated ; tendon proprioception
CC neuron, sensory, A-delta cold fibre ncrt ns thermoreceptor ; sensitive to cooling
CC neuron, sensory, A-delta type I ncrt ns nociceptor/mechano-thermoreceptor ;
hyperalgesic pain
CC neuron, sensory, A-delta type II ncrt ns nociceptor/mechano-thermoreceptor ; pricking
(first) pain
CC neuron, sensory, C-fibre non-peptidergic ncrt ns unmyelinated ; burning pain ; nociceptor,
CC neuron, sensory, C-fibre peptidergic ncrt ns unmyelinated ; burning pain ; nociceptor,
CC neuron, sensory, mechanoreceptor, other ncrt ns
CC neuron, sensory, proprioceptor, other ncrt ns
CC neuron, sensory, warm fibre ncrt ns thermoreceptor ; sensitive to gentle warming
CC neuron, sympathetic, adrenergic ncrt ns also present in special (visual) sensory component
of the CNS (category DD)
CC neuron, sympathetic, B-fibre ncrt ns myelinated ; preganglionic
CC neuron, sympathetic, C-fibre ncrt ns unmyelinated ; postganglionic
CC neuron, sympathetic, cholinergic ncrt ns also present in special (visual) sensory component
of the CNS (category DD)
Human cell types 451

Appendix 1 (cont.)

Assem- Germ Traditional

blage Cell type layer tissue type Notes

nervous tissuepneuronpCNSpspecial (visual) sensory

DD cone photoreceptors, blue sensitive ecto ns
DD cone photoreceptors, green sensitive ecto ns
DD cone photoreceptors, red sensitive ecto ns
DD neuron, amacrine cholinergic stratum 2 ecto ns medium-field amacrine cell [retina]
DD neuron, amacrine cholinergic stratum 4 ecto ns medium-field amacrine cell [retina]
DD neuron, amacrine semilunar type 1 ecto ns large-field amacrine cell [retina]
DD neuron, amacrine semilunar type 2 ecto ns large-field amacrine cell [retina]
DD neuron, amacrine small-field diffuse ecto ns small-field amacrine cell [retina]
DD neuron, amacrine spiny ecto ns medium-field amacrine cell [retina]
DD neuron, amacrine stellate-varicose ecto ns large-field amacrine cell [retina]
DD neuron, amacrine thorny type 1 ecto ns large-field amacrine cell [retina]
DD neuron, amacrine thorny type 2 ecto ns large-field amacrine cell [retina]
DD neuron, amacrine tristratified ecto ns medium-field amacrine cell [retina]
DD neuron, amacrine type A1 ecto ns small-field amacrine cell [retina]
DD neuron, amacrine type A2 ecto ns small-field amacrine cell [retina]
DD neuron, amacrine type A3 ecto ns small-field amacrine cell [retina]
DD neuron, amacrine type A4 ecto ns small-field amacrine cell [retina]
DD neuron, amacrine type A5 ecto ns small-field amacrine cell [retina]
DD neuron, amacrine type A8 ecto ns small-field amacrine cell [retina]
DD neuron, amacrine type A12 ecto ns medium-field amacrine cell [retina]
DD neuron, amacrine type A13 ecto ns medium-field amacrine cell [retina]
DD neuron, amacrine type A14 ecto ns medium-field amacrine cell [retina]
DD neuron, amacrine type A17 spidery- ecto ns large-field amacrine cell [retina]
DD neuron, amacrine type A18 ecto ns large-field amacrine cell [retina]
DD neuron, amacrine type AII ecto ns small-field amacrine cell [retina]
DD neuron, amacrine wavy ecto ns large-field amacrine cell [retina]
DD neuron, amacrine wiry ecto ns large-field amacrine cell [retina]
DD neuron, amacrine wooly diffuse ecto ns medium-field amacrine cell [retina]
DD neuron, bistratified giant bipolar ecto ns [retina]
DD neuron, blue cone bipolar cell type a ecto ns axon terminal branches in sublamina a [retina]
(Kolb et al., 1992)
DD neuron, blue cone bipolar cell type b ecto ns axon terminal branches in sublamina b [retina]
(Kolb et al., 1992)
DD neuron, diffuse cone bipolar cell type a ecto ns axon terminal branches in sublamina a [retina]
(Kolb et al., 1992)
DD neuron, diffuse cone bipolar cell type b ecto ns axon terminal branches in sublamina b [retina]
(Kolb et al., 1992)
DD neuron, flat midget bipolar ecto ns [retina]
DD neuron, ganglion G3 ecto ns [retina]
DD neuron, ganglion G4 ecto ns [retina]
DD neuron, ganglion G5 ecto ns [retina]
DD neuron, ganglion G7 ecto ns [retina]
DD neuron, ganglion G8 ecto ns [retina]
DD neuron, ganglion G10 ecto ns [retina]
DD neuron, ganglion G11 ecto ns [retina]
DD neuron, ganglion G12 ecto ns [retina]
DD neuron, ganglion G16 ecto ns [retina]
DD neuron, ganglion G17 ecto ns [retina]
DD neuron, ganglion G19 ecto ns [retina]
DD neuron, ganglion G20 ecto ns [retina]
DD neuron, ganglion G21 ecto ns [retina]
DD neuron, ganglion G22 ecto ns [retina]
DD neuron, ganglion G23 ecto ns [retina]
DD neuron, ganglion M ecto ns also called parasol or giant parasol ganglion cell
DD neuron, ganglion P1 ecto ns also called midget ganglion cell [retina]
DD neuron, ganglion P2 ecto ns also called shrub or small parasol ganglion cell
452 Matthew K. Vickaryous and Brian K. Hall

Appendix 1 (cont.)

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blage Cell type layer tissue type Notes

DD neuron, giant diffuse bipolar ecto ns [retina]

DD neuron, horizontal type HI ecto ns [retina]
DD neuron, horizontal type HII ecto ns [retina]
DD neuron, horizontal type HIII ecto ns [retina]
DD neuron, interplexiform ecto ns [retina]
DD neuron, invaginating midget bipolar ecto ns [retina]
DD neuron, rod bipolar cell ecto ns [retina]
DD neuron, sympathetic, adrenergic ncrt ns also present in the PNS (category CC)
DD neuron, sympathetic, cholinergic ncrt ns also present in the PNS (category CC)
DD rod cell ecto ns [retina]
nervous tissuepneuronpCNSpother
EE neuron, antenniform cell ecto ns [cochlear nuclei, medulla oblongata]
EE neuron, axo-axonic ecto ns non-pyramidal, GABAergic (interneuron)
[cerebral cortex]
EE neuron, back-projection ecto ns non-pyramidal, GABAergic (interneuron)
[cerebral cortex]
EE neuron, basket cell type I ecto ns non-pyramidal, GABAergic (interneuron),
parvalbum positive, CCK negative [cerebral
EE neuron, basket cell type II ecto ns non-pyramidal, GABAergic (interneuron),
parvalbum negative, CCK positive, VIP positive
[cerebral cortex]
EE neuron, basket cell type III ecto ns non-pyramidal, GABAergic (interneuron),
parvalbum negative, CCK positive, VIP negative
[cerebral cortex]
EE neuron, Betz cell ecto ns [cerebral cortex]
EE neuron, bilaminar ecto ns non-pyramidal, GABAergic (interneuron)
[cerebral cortex]
EE neuron, bistratified ecto ns non-pyramidal, GABAergic (interneuron)
[cerebral cortex]
EE neuron, CA1 oriens alveus interneuron ecto ns [hippocampus]
EE neuron, CA1 pyramidal ecto ns [hippocampus]
EE neuron, CA3 pyramidal ecto ns [hippocampus]
EE neuron, cell of Martinotti ecto ns non-pyramidal, GABAergic (interneuron)
[cerebral cortex]
EE neuron, chandelier ecto ns [cerebral cortex]
EE neuron, clavate cell ecto ns [cochlear nuclei, medulla oblongata]
EE neuron, dentate granule cell ecto ns [dentate region of archicortex]
EE neuron, double bouquet cell (DBC) ecto ns non-pyramidal, GABAergic (interneuron)
[cerebral cortex]
EE neuron, elongate cell ecto ns [cochlear nuclei, medulla oblongata]
EE neuron, fusiform cell ecto ns [cerebral cortex]
EE neuron, giant cell ecto ns [cochlear nuclei, medulla oblongata]
EE neuron, globular bushy cell ecto ns [cochlear nuclei, medulla oblongata]
EE neuron, Golgi cell ecto ns [cerebellar cortex]
EE neuron, granule cell ecto ns [cerebellar cortex, olfactory bulb, hippocampus]
EE neuron, hippocampal-septal ecto ns non-pyramidal, GABAergic (interneuron)
[cerebral cortex]
EE neuron, interneurone specific cell I (IS-I) ecto ns non-pyramidal, GABAergic (interneuron)
[cerebral cortex]
EE neuron, interneurone specific cell II ecto ns non-pyramidal, GABAergic (interneuron)
(IS-II) [cerebral cortex]
EE neuron, interneurone specific cell III ecto ns non-pyramidal, GABAergic (interneuron)
(IS-III) [cerebral cortex]
EE neuron, lacunosaum-moleculare ecto ns non-pyramidal, GABAergic (interneuron)
perforant path associated [cerebral cortex]
EE neuron, lacunosaum-moleculare- ecto ns non-pyramidal, GABAergic (interneuron)
radiatum perforant path associated [cerebral cortex]
EE neuron, large spherical bushy cell ecto ns [cochlear nuclei, medulla oblongata]
EE neuron, neostriatal cholinergic ecto ns [neostratum]
Human cell types 453

Appendix 1 (cont.)

Assem- Germ Traditional

blage Cell type layer tissue type Notes

EE neuron, neurogliaform cell ecto ns non-pyramidal cell, GABAergic (interneuron)

[cerebral cortex]
EE neuron, nigral dopaminergic cell ecto ns [substantia nigra]
EE neuron, octopus cell ecto ns
EE neuron, olfactory cortex interneuron ecto ns [olfactory cortex]
EE neuron, olfactory cortex interneuron ecto ns [olfactory cortex]
EE neuron, olfactory cortex pyramidal cell ecto ns [olfactory cortex]
EE neuron, Purkinje cell ecto ns [cerebellar cortex]
EE neuron, pyramidal cell ecto ns [cerebral cortex]
EE neuron, Renshaw cell ecto ns interneuron [spinal cord]
EE neuron, Retzius-Cajal cell ecto ns [cerebral cortex]
EE neuron, Schaffer collateral associated ecto ns non-pyramidal, GABAergic (interneuron)
[cerebral cortex]
EE neuron, small spherical bushy cell ecto ns [cochlear nuclei, medulla oblongata]
EE neuron, spinal Ia interneuron ecto ns [spinal cord]
EE neuron, spinal motor ecto ns [spinal cord]
EE neuron, stratum oriens, lacunosum- ecto ns non-pyramidal, GABAergic (interneuron),
molaculare (O-LM) dendrites in stratum oriens, axons in stratum
lacunosum-molaculare [cerebral cortex]
EE neuron, striatal leptodendritic ecto ns [neostratum]
EE neuron, striatal microneuron ecto ns [neostratum]
EE neuron, striatal spidery ecto ns [neostratum]
EE neuron, striatal spiny ecto ns [neostratum]
EE neuron, thalamic relay ecto ns [thalamus]
EE neuron, thalamic reticular ecto ns interneuron [thalamus]
EE neuron, type I stellate cell ecto ns [cerebral cortex, cerebellar cortex, medulla
EE neuron, type II stellate cell ecto ns [cerebral cortex, cerebellar cortex, medulla
EE neuron, unipolar brush cell (UBC) ecto ns [cerebellar cortex, cochlear nucleus]
muscle tissuepskeletalpmyocyte
FF muscle cell, satellite, skeletal meso mm
FF muscle cell, skeletal, intermediate meso mm
FF muscle cell, skeletal, red cell (slow) meso mm
FF muscle cell, skeletal, white cell (fast) meso mm
muscle tissuepskeletalpspindle
GG muscle spindle, nuclear bag meso mm
GG muscle spindle, nuclear chain meso mm
muscle tissuepnon-skeletal
HH interstitial cell of Cajal, myenteric region meso ?mm pacemakers of the gastrointestinal musculature
(IC-MY) [intermuscular space between the circular and
longitudinal muscle layers of the stomach, small
intestine and large intestine ; Sanders et al., 1999] ;
considered by some to represent ECM secreting
support cells (category U) or PNS neurons
(category CC)
HH interstitial cell of Cajal, submucosal meso ?mm pacemakers of the gastrointestinal musculature
region (IC-SM) [submucosal surface of the circular muscles
of the large intestine ; Sanders et al., 1999] ;
considered by some to represent ECM secreting
support cells (category U) or PNS neurons
(category CC)
HH interstitial cell of Cajal, deep muscularis meso ?mm pacemakers of the gastrointestinal musculature
plexus region (IC-DMP) [small intestine ; Sanders et al., 1999] ; considered
by some to represent ECM secreting support cells
(category U) or PNS neurons (category CC)
454 Matthew K. Vickaryous and Brian K. Hall

Appendix 1 (cont.)

Assem- Germ Traditional

blage Cell type layer tissue type Notes

HH interstitial cell of Cajal, intramuscular meso ?mm pacemakers of the gastrointestinal musculature
region (IC-IM) [osesophagus, stomach and large intestine, as well
as the lower oesophageal, internal anal and ileo-
colonic sphincters ; Sanders et al., 1999] ; considered
by some to represent ECM secreting support cells
(category U) or PNS neurons (category CC)
HH muscle cell, cardiac fibre meso mm
HH muscle cell, cardiac ordinary meso mm
HH muscle cell, cardiac, nodal heart meso mm
HH muscle cell, smooth meso, ncrt mm may represent an undocumented diversity of cells
types (Freitas, 1999)
HH myoepithelial cell ecto ?ep contractile cells resembling smooth muscle cells
and found adjacent to exocrine glands and the
basement membrane
HH myofibroblast meso ? ?mm demonstrates features of both fibroblasts and
smooth muscle cells
HH Purkinje fibre cell meso mm

Appendix 2. List of characters used in the cladistic analysis

1. Endocrine cell : no (0) ; yes (1)

2. Desmosomes : absent (0) ; present (1)
3. Metabolism of biogenic amines : no (0) ; yes (1)
4. Large nucleus : no (0) ; yes (1)
5. Large number of granules : no (0) ; yes (1)
6. Extensive rough endoplasmic reticulum : no (0) ; yes (1)
7. Centrally located nucleus : no (0) ; yes (1)
8. Extensive Golgi apparatus : no (0) ; yes (1)
9. Abundance of free ribosomes : yes (0) ; no (1)
10. Abundance of mitochondria : no (0) ; yes (1)
11. Elongate cell morphology : no (0) ; yes (1)
12. Secretes extracellular matrix product : no (0) ; yes (1)
13. Peripherin : present (0) ; absent (1)
14. Migration route relative to the neural tube : dorsolateral (0) ; ventral (1)
15. Neural crest cells derived from trunk region : yes (0) ; no (1)
16. Labels with sympathoadrenal (SA) monoclonal antibodies 1–5 : no (0) ; yes (1)
17. Labels with osteonectin : no (0) ; yes (1)
18. Expresses chromogranin A (CgA) : no (0) ; yes (1)
19. Expresses neuron-specific enolase (NSE) : no (0) ; yes (1)
Human cell types 455

Appendix 3. Character-state distribution among eight neural-crest-derived cell types and one outgroup (undifferentiated
neural crest cell). Characters listed numerically to correspond to those in Appendix 2. Primitive states scored ‘ 0’, missing data ‘ ? ’,
and derived states ‘1’


cell type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

undifferentiated neural 0 0 ? ? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 0 0
crest cell
chromaffin cell 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1
melanocyte 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
parafollicular cell 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ? 0 1 1
Schwann cell 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
osteocyte 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 ? 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0
chondrocyte 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 ? 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0
sympathetic neuron 1 1 1 1 ? 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
sensory neuron 1 1 0 1 ? 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

summary cladogram measures :

tree length=29 steps.
consistency index=0.6552.
retention index=0.6970.
re-scaled consistency index=0.4566.

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