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Ochuko Mathias Ogbodu

400 Level - 1710303069

Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry

Over 200 Days: What the future holds for the common man?
It is a shame that poverty has covered our sense of reasoning and a bigger shame
that the conscience of the common man is greatly dependent on a substance called
Today, the common man and his household are regarded as trash, I mean useless
entities because the common man has allowed his dignity to be bought by the rich,
so the rich regard him as filthy rags.
ASUU has been on strike for over 200 days out of God’s ordained 365 days in a
year and these slaves of the rich are contented with it only showing a social media
Politicians are been faulted by the common man as his enemy of progress
forgetting too soon that a slave will only enjoy the trembled scrap from the
rich’s table.
A businessman invest his earned hard money on any sure investment with a
positive hope of making profits. This also implies to our business-oriented
politicians who are seen by the common man as been corrupt. How will you
justify a man who invest his millions and billions in an unproductive venture? How
will you tell a man who lavish his money on slaves without exploiting them?
My question is who is to be blamed for this mischief, unprecedented misfortunate
and this inhuman predication that has enveloped our dear country and its
educational sector? Education is seen as the “Power-House” of any economy by
the Westerners but reverse is the case for the most religious fundamental country
in the world who preaches God and practice the opposite.
The gods are not to be blamed, but the common man. Yes, the common man who
has sold his tomorrow and the tomorrow of his generation for a plate of porridge,
the man who has no dignity in the sight of the rich, the man who allow religion and
ethnicity to encage his reasoning. You and I are the common man, the Nigerian
dying masses, the millions of unemployed teeming youth, hunger-starved
Nigerians among others.
Election is fast approaching like a wide fire in the harmattan and these so called
“enemy of the common man” will come as Angel Gabriel to Virgin Mary
promising heaven and earth to their money-bought masses just to fulfill all
Academia (ASUU and other elites) are used by this political businessmen in
rigging elections thereby serving as a tool in the hand of the devil in bringing
havoc and calamities upon the land whereas, youths who are deprived of their
right and are left in the hands of uncertainty will canvass their energy, time and
resources for these wolves in sheep clothing.
Strike in public education is like monthly menstrual cycle, normal to students and a
must-pass route for the children of the common man. Forgetting that time is not
on strike, the time of the common man is been tossed like a coin with age limit
standing as Goliath.
Our masters’ children are busy schooling abroad, hence these so-called masters
shows no concern to the dying public schools occupied by the common man.
Children from the political world graduate at a very ripe time where billions of
naira jobs awaits them, ministerial/commissioner vacancy calling, contracts
knocking, board of trustee in public and private sectors is their inheritance among
others while the child of the nobody roams on the street for years looking for a
primary school to teach after attaining a good class of degree in a prestigious
public school.
Elites, religious leaders and the master’s employees cover their faces to the
happenings in the educational sector and suddenly turn deaf and dump in speaking
the truth, maybe because they are afraid of being enemies to their master or fear of
been sacked of their ungodly positions. A positions that gives an employee the
legal right in diverting billions of Naira as his personal gains. I only wonder the
billions of dollars that has been diverted by the employee’s employer as profit for
his political venture.
According to Nelson Mandela, “…Education is the most powerful weapon which
you can use to change the world”.
I conclude by saying, the bad seed you bury today will germinate to be a bad tree

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