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JEST Physics-2023: Full Length Test-1 Physics by fiziks

Online Test Series

PHYSICS Joint Entrance Screening Test (JEST - 2023)


1. This paper contains three parts: Part A, Part B and Part C

2. Part A and Part B contains multiple choice questions and only one of the four options in
each question is correct. Questions in Part C has integers between 0 and 9999 as answers.
3. Part A contains 25 questions, and each carries 1 (one) mark for the correct answer and –
1/3 (negative one third) mark for incorrect answer.
Part B contains 15 questions and carry 3 (three) marks each for correct answer and –1
(negative one) mark for incorrect answer.
Part C contains 10 questions and each carries 3 (three marks). The answer to these
questions must be answered by integers of 4 digits each. Note that if the answer is, e.g. 5,
you must fill in 0005. If it is 0, you must fill in 0000. If the zeros are not filled in (where
required), the answer will not be credited. There are NO NEGATIVE MARKS for these
4. Only non-programmable scientific calculator is allowed and exchange of calculators
among the candidates is not permitted. Use of other items like electronic diary, writing
pads, pencil box, beeper, cameras, mobile phones, palmtops, laptops, pagers etc. are not
permitted inside the examination hall.

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JEST Physics-2023: Full Length Test-1 Physics by fiziks

Part-A: 1-Mark Questions

Q1. Which of the following relation is true?

(a) δ ( x 2 −=
a 2 ) 
δ ( x − a ) + δ ( x + a ) 
2a 

(b) δ ( x 2 − a= ) 1

δ ( x − a ) + δ ( x + a ) 
a 

(c) δ ( x 2 −=
a 2 ) 
δ ( x − a ) − δ ( x + a ) 
2a 

(d) δ ( x 2 − a= ) 1

δ ( x − a ) − δ ( x + a ) 
a 

Q2. Suppose C is the closed curve defined as the circle x 2 + y 2 =

1 with C oriented anti-

∫ ( xy dx + x ydy ) over the curve C equals

2 2
clockwise. The value of

(a) 2 (b) 0 (c) 3 (d) infinite

Q3. For an N × N matrix consisting of all ones,

(a) all eigenvalues = 1 (b) all eigenvalues = 0
(c) the eigenvalues are 1, 2,....N (d) one eigenvalue = N , the others = 0

Q4. Using dimensional analysis, Planck defined a characteristic temperature TP from powers

of the gravitational constant G , Planck’s constant h , Boltzmann constant k B and the

speed of light c in vacuum. The expression for TP is proportional to

hc5 hc3 G hk B2
(a) (b) (c) (d)
k B2G k B2G hc 4 k B2 Gc3

0 , for x < 3
Q5. If f ( x ) =  , then the Laplace transform of f(x) is
 x − 3 , for x ≥ 3
(a) s −2 e3s (b) s 2 e3s (c) s −2 (d) s −2 e −3s

Q6. An infinitely long very thin straight wire carries uniform line charge
density 8π ×10−2 C / m . The magnitude of electric displacement vector at a point located
20 mm away from the axis of the wire is

(a) 1C / m 2 (b) 2 C / m 2 (c) 3 C / m 2 (d) 4 C / m 2

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JEST Physics-2023: Full Length Test-1 Physics by fiziks

Q7. The value of the magnetic field required to maintain non-relativistic protons of energy
1MeV in a circular orbit of radius 100 mm is
1.67 ×10−27 kg , e =
(Given: m p = 1.6 ×10−19 C )

(a) 1.4 Tesla (b) 1.6 Tesla (c) 1.8Tesla (d) 2.0 Tesla

Q8. The magnitude of the magnetic dipole moment associated with a square shaped loop
carrying a steady current I is m . If this loop is changed to a circular shape with the same
current I passing through it, the magnetic dipole moment becomes . The value of p
is ______.
m 2m 3m 4m
(a) (b) (c) (d)
π π π π
Q9. A plane electromagnetic wave from within a dielectric medium (with ε = 4ε 0 and

µ = µ0 ) is incident on its boundary with air, at z = 0 . The magnetic field in the medium

( )
is H ˆjH 0 cos ωt − kx − k 3 z , where ω and k are positive constants.

The angles of reflection and refraction are, respectively,

(a) 450 and 600 (b) 300 and 900 (c) 300 and 600 (d) 600 and 900

Q10. A diode at room temperature (kT = 0.025 eV ) with a current of 1µA has a forward bias
voltage VF = 0.4V . For VF = 0.5V , the value of the diode current (in µA ) is
(a) 40 (b) 45 (c) 50 (d) 55

Q11. In the following circuit, the time constant RC is much greater than the period of the

input signal. Assume diode as ideal and resistance R to be large. The dc output voltage

across resistance R in volts is

(a) 75 C
(b) 68
24 Vrms
(c) 60  R
(d) 55

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JEST Physics-2023: Full Length Test-1 Physics by fiziks

Q12. The current gain of the transistor in the 12V

following circuit is β dc = 100 . The value of

3k Ω 20 µ F
collector current I C is_________ mA V0
150 k Ω
(a) 1.6 Vi
20 µ F
(b) 1.2
(c) 0.8 3k Ω

(d) 0.4

Q13. For this circuit the frequency above which the gain will decrease by 20 dB per decade is
(a) 15.9 kHz 10 kΩ
V(in ) +
(b) 1.2kHz
V(out )
(c) 5.6 kHz 1000pF −
(d) 22.5 kHz
1 kΩ

2 kΩ

Q14. A 3 - bit analog-to-digital converter is designed to digitize analog signals ranging from
0V to 10V . For this converter, the binary output corresponding to an input of 6 V is
(a) 011 (b) 101 (c) 100 (d) 010

Q15. A particle which is constrained to move along the x -axis, is subjected to a force in the
same direction x of the particle from the origin as F ( x ) =−kx + ax 3 . Here k and a are

positive constants. For x ≥ 0 , the functional form of the potential energy U ( x ) of the

particle is
(a) (b)

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JEST Physics-2023: Full Length Test-1 Physics by fiziks

(c) (d)

Q16. From a given sample of uniform wire two circular loops P and Q are made, P of radius
r and Q of radius nr . If the moment of inertia of Q about its axis is four times that of
P about its axis, the value of n is
(a) 42 / 3 (b) 41/ 3 (c) 41/ 2 (d) 41/ 4

Q17. If kinetic energy matrix (T ) and potential energy matrix (V ) is given by

m 0 0   k −k 0 
   
0 m 0 V =
 − k 2k −k 
 0 0 m  0 −k −k 
  

 
If normal frequency is given by ω = k / m and corresponding normal mode is A  0 
 −1
 
then value of A is given by

1 1 1 1
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2m + M 2m  2m 
2m  1 + 
 M 
Q18. If the gravitational force is assumed to vary inversely as the nth power of distance r ,
then how does the time period of a planet revolving around the sun depend upon r ?
(a) r n (b) r − n (c) r ( n +1) / 2 (d) r ( n −1) / 2

Q19. Which of the following operators is Hermitian?

d d2 d2 d3
(a) (b) (c) i (d)
dx dx 2 dx 2 dx 3

1 2 + i 
Q20. Consider a spin S =  / 2 particle in the state φ = 
3  2 
. The probability that a

measurement finds the state with S x = + / 2 is

(a) 5 /18 (b) 11/18 (c) 15 /18 (d) 17/18

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JEST Physics-2023: Full Length Test-1 Physics by fiziks

Q21. In a one-dimensional system, the boundary condition that the derivative of the
wavefunction ψ ′ ( x ) should be continuous at every point is applicable whenever

(a) The wavefunction ψ ( x ) is itself continuous everywhere.

(b) There is a bound state and the potential is piecewise continuous.

(c) There is a bounded state and the potential has no singularity anywhere.
(d) There are bound or scattering states with definite momentum.

Q22. Consider the transition of liquid water to steam as water boils at a temperature of 1000 C
under a pressure of 1 atmosphere. Which one of the following quantities does not change
discontinuously at the transition?
(a) The Gibbs free energy (b) The internal energy
(c) The entropy (d) The specific volume

Q23. A system of N non-interacting classical point particles is constrained to move on the two-
dimensional surface of a sphere. The internal energy of the system is
3 1 5
(a) Nk BT (b) Nk BT (c) Nk BT (d) Nk BT
2 2 2

Q24. For an ideal Fermi gas in three dimensions, the electron velocity VF at the Fermi surface

is related to electron concentration n as,

(a) V F ∝ n 2 / 3 (b) VF ∝ n (c) VF ∝ n1 / 2 (d) V F ∝ n1 / 3

Q25. Consider a system of 3 fermions which can occupy any of the 4 available energy states
with equal probability. The entropy of the system is
(a) k B ln 2 (b) 2k B ln 2 (c) 2k B ln 4 (d) 3k B ln 4

Part-B: 3-Mark Questions

Q1. The differential equation x exp ( x ) , where y = e 2 at x = 1 , has the solution y =
− xy =

(a) exp x 2 + x ) (b) (1 − x ) exp ( x ) + exp (1 + x )

(c) exp (1 + x )(1 + ln x ) (d) exp ( x ) ln x + exp (1 + x )

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JEST Physics-2023: Full Length Test-1 Physics by fiziks

Q2. The components of the electric and magnetic fields corresponding to a plane
electromagnetic field propagating in vacuum satisfy
 
Ex = Ey =− Ez = Bx = − By = Bz = 0
3 2
A unit vector along the direction of propagation of the plane wave is

iˆ + ˆj + 2kˆ iˆ + ˆj + 2kˆ
(a) (b) −
6 6

2iˆ − 2 ˆj + kˆ 2iˆ − 2 ˆj + kˆ
(c) (d) −
3 3

Q3. A parallel plate capacitor is formed by two circular conducting plates of radius a
separated by a distance d , where d  a . It is being slowly charged by a current that is
nearly constant. At an instant when the current is I , the magnetic induction between the
plates at a distance from the centre of the plate, is
µ0 I µ0 I µ0 I µ0 I
(a) (b) (c) (d)
πa 2π a a 4π a

Q4. In a digital circuit for three input signals ( A, B and C ) the final output (Y ) should be

such that for inputs

0 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0

the output (Y ) should be low and for all other cases it should be high. Which of the

following digital circuits will give such output?

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

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JEST Physics-2023: Full Length Test-1 Physics by fiziks

Q5. There simple harmonic oscillators, with amplitude A1 > A2 > A3 , pass through their

respective equilibrium positions with the same velocity. If these oscillators have the same
mass, then their characterstic frequencies ω1 , ω2 and ω3 be related to each other as

(a) ω
=1 A1 ω=
2 A2 ω3 A3 (b) ω
= 2
1 A ω=
2 A2 ω32 A3

(c) ω=
1 A1
ω= 2
2 A2 ω3 A32 (d) ω=
1 / A1 ω=
2 / A2 ω32 / A3

Q6. If a plane wave propagating in z -direction is represented by

 E ( x )  i(ωt − kz +φ )
E ( x, y , z , t ) =  e , then
 E ( y ) 

(a) The light is REP when Ex ≠ E y and φ y − φx ≠ π / 2

(b) The light is REP when Ex = E y and φ y − φx =


(c) The light is RCP when Ex ≠ E y and φ y − φx ≠ −π / 2

(d) The light is REP when Ex = E y and φ y − φx ≠ 0

Q7. If fluid is moving with velocity υ with respect to stationary narrow tube. If light pulse
enter into fluid in the direction of flow, then what is the speed of light pulse measured by
observer who is stationary with respect to tube?
 nυ   υ 
1+ 1+
c c c  c nc 
(a) c (b) (c)   (d)  
n n  1+ υ n  1 + nυ
   
 nc   c 
Q8. If Lagrangian of system is given by
L = Iθ 2 + m r 2 + r 2θ 2
where pr and pθ are generalized momentum conjugate to r and θ then

Iθ + mr 2θ, pr =

(a) pθ = mr and both pθ and pr are constant of motion.

(b) p=
θ Iθ, p=
r mr + mrrθ , where pθ is constant of motion but pr is not.

Iθ + mr 2θ, pr =
(c) pθ = mr , where pθ is constant of motion, but pr is not.

Iθ + mr 2θ , pr =
(d) pθ = mr + mrrθ 2 , where both pθ and pr are not constant of motion.

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JEST Physics-2023: Full Length Test-1 Physics by fiziks

Q9. If a particle of mass m moves under the influence of central force given as f ( r ) = − .
If l is angular momentum of particle, then the shape of orbit is given as
(a) always unbounded
(b) always bounded
(c) If L2 > mk then unbounded and If L2 < mk then bounded
(d) If L2 > mk then bounded and If L2 < mk then unbounded.

Q10. The relativistic from of Newton’s second law of motion is

mc m c 2 − υ 2 dυ
(a) F = (b) F =
c −υ
2 2 dt c dt

mc3 dυ c 2 − υ 2 dυ
(c) F = (d) F = m
(c )
3/ 2
−υ 2 dt c 2 dt

Q11. Two point masses of mass m1 and m2 are connected by a string passing through hole in a

smooth table. Assume m1 constrained to move on table and m2 constrained to move in

vertical direction, then which one is suitable Langrangian of system?

(a) L=
( 1
m1 r 2 + r 2θ 2 + m2 z 2 − m2 g z

(b) L=
( 1
m1 r 2 + r 2θ 2 + m2 z 2 + m2 g z
1 1
(c) L = ( m1 + m2 ) r2 + m1r 2θ2 − m2 g ( l − r )
2 2
1 1
(d) L = ( m1 + m2 ) r2 + m1r 2θ2 + m2 g ( l − r )
2 2
Q12. Consider a quantum particle in a one-dimensional box of length L . The coordinates of
the leftmost wall of the box is at x = 0 and that of the rightmost wall is at x = L . The
particle is in the ground state at t = 0 . At t = 0 , we suddenly change the length of the box
to 3L by moving the right wall. What is the probability that the particle is in the ground
state of the new system immediately after the change?
9 81 0.5
(a) 0.36 (b) (c) (d) L
8π 64π 2 π
Q13. An electron in a hydrogen atom is in a state described by the wavefunction:

 1  2  2  1 
ψ (r ) = ψ 100 ( x ) + ψ 210 ( x ) + ψ 211 ( x ) − ψ 21,−1 ( x )
10 5 5 10
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JEST Physics-2023: Full Length Test-1 Physics by fiziks

where ψ nlm ( x ) denotes a normalized wavefunction of the hydrogen atom with the

principal quantum number n , angular quantum number  and magnetic quantum number
Neglecting the spin-orbit intersection, the expectation values of Lˆz and L̂2 for this state

3 9 2 3 9 2 3 9 2 8 3 2
(a) , (b) , (c) , (d) ,
10 5 4 25 5 10 10 5

Q14. An ideal gas is passed through a cyclic process where the corresponding changes in the
thermodynamic potentials are plotted on the adjoining graph. Here U is the internal
energy and F is the Helmholtz free energy. The efficiency of this cycle is given by
U1  F 
(a) 1 − (b) 1 − exp  − 2 
U2  F1 

U1  F  U   F 
(c) 1 − exp  − 2  (d) exp  1  − exp  − 2 
U2  F1   U2   F1 
Q15. A one-dimensional quantum oscillator of natural frequency ω is in thermal equilibrium
with a heat bath at recuperative T . The mean value E of the energy of the oscillator

can be written as
ω ω ω  ω 
(a) sec h (b) Csch  
2 2 K BT 2  2 K BT 

ω  ω  ω  ω 
(c) cot h   (d) tan h  
2  2 K BT  2  2 K BT 

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JEST Physics-2023: Full Length Test-1 Physics by fiziks

Part-C: 2-Mark Numerical Questions

Q1. The function ecos x is Taylor expanded about x = 0 . The coefficient of x 2 is − β e , then
the value of β is ______.
Q2. The value of the integral
sin z

where C is the circle of centre z = 0 and radius = 1 is . Then value of α is____.
Q3. In a glass fibre, light propagates by total internal reflection from the inner surface. A very
short pulse of light enters a perfectly uniform glass fibre at t = 0 and emerges from the
other end of the fibre with negligible losses. If the refractive index of the glass used in the
fibre is 1.5 and its length is exactly1.0 km , the time t at which the output pulse will have
completely exited the fibre will be………. µ s
Q4. An intrinsic semiconductor of band gap 1.25eV has an electron concentration

1010 cm −3 at 300 K . Assume that its band gap is independent of temperature and that the
electron concentration depends only exponentially on the temperature. If the electron
concentration at 200 K is Y ×10 N cm −3 (1 < Y < 10; N =
integer ) , then the value of N

Q5. Electrons in a given system of hydrogen atoms are described by the wave function
υ/ ( r=
, θ , ϕ ) 0.8ψ 100 + 0.6 ei π / 3ψ 311

where the ψ nm denote normalized energy eigenstates. If Lˆx , Lˆ y , Lˆz are the components )
of the orbital angular momentum operator, the expectation value of Lˆ2x in this system is

……………. 10−2  2
Q6. Consider a particle diffusing in a liquid contained in a large box. The diffusion constant
of the particle in the liquid is 1.0 × 10−2 cm 2 / s . The minimum time after which the root-
mean-squared displacement becomes more than 6 cm is ……………… min
p p
Q7. If transformations Q =
q− ,P =
q+ are canonically transformed, then the value of α
α α
is __________.

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JEST Physics-2023: Full Length Test-1 Physics by fiziks

Q8. A relativistic particle of mass m and velocity zˆ is moving towards a wall. The wall is
moving with a velocity zˆ . The velocity of the particle after it suffers an elastic collision
is υ ẑ . The value of 10 υ is equal to __________ times c.
Q9. If potential energy is given by

= k e −(θ2 −θ1 ) + e(
θ3 −θ 2 ) −(θ1 −θ3 )
V +e 
 
and θ1 , θ 2 , θ3 are generalized coordinates then V 22 element of potential energy matrix is

_______ times k.
Q10. The moment of inertia tensor of a shaft is given by
 6ma 2 0 2ma 2 
 
I = 0 8ma 2 0 
 2ma 2 0 2ma 2 

If shaft is rotated about z -axis then the torque about about origin is _________ mω 2 a 2 ˆj .

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