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Cl Stepmother Trap


It was morning!

Waking up from b inding sun ight, Tang Youyou opened her eyes w ith a splitting

What she saw was an unfamiliar room,and when she Looked down,there were clothes
scattered all around.

With her eyes suddenly opened wide, she used one hand to support her back, trying her
best to reca lwhat had happened Last night .
She had been knocked unconscious. She really had no memory of what happened Last

At this moment,she was naked. The faint burning sensation of pain on her body
stimulated her nerves.

No matter how dullone was, one shou d know w hat had happened.
At this moment,she was naked. The faint burning sensation of pain on her body
stimulated her nerves.

No matter how dullone was, one shou d know w hat had happened.

Tang Youyou endured the pain of her body and puled b anket tight y around her. The air
was stillfi ed with the air of ust.
Having overheard her stepmother caling her mother a mistress, she was furious and Let
her stepbrother who was teasing her fall off from the balcony.
Subsequently,she was knocked out by her stepmother and stepsister. Then she woke
up in this hotel.
Tang Youyou pushed herself off the bed in anger and quickly picked up her clothes.
Sudden y,a watch fell down.
On the back of the chair beside her, there was a man's suit jacket.
Tang Youyou pushed herself off the bed in anger and quickly picked up her clothes.
Sudden y,a watch fell down.
On the back of the chair beside her, there was a man's suit jacket.

Tang Youyou angri y threw his watch against the wall. He had taken away her
virginity,so he just gave a watch in return?

Go to hell!

Feeling uncomfortable about her private parts, she walked to the bathroom, her bruised
face was reflected in the mirror.

Her two eyes were black to the point that they turned purple, and her eyes were swol
en.Her beautiful eyes had now turned into slitty eyes.
Tang Youyou Looked at her bruised face and thought back to the scene that the
stepmother and her daughter violently beating her up yesterday.Besides fear, resentment
a so surged into her heart.

Which bastard would choose to sleep with her when her face was swolen Like this? He
was simp y
Tang Youyou ruth ess y scrubbed herse f multip e times. to the point where a Layer of
skin was almost washed off. On y then did she shake her slender Legs and leave the hotel.

Ten minutes Later, the other room door of the hotelwas opened and a charming young
girlwalked out.
The girlLooked proud and complacent as she quickly wa ked to Tang Youyou's room. She
took out a room card from her bag and opened the door.
Looking at the messy bed,she Laughed maliciously.

Following that,she forcefully lifted the b anket. w hich was covered in blood.She gritted
her teeth and said, "It is indeed she is a virgin,so she and Lu Xua nchen had been dating
for two years, and it's true that they didn't have sex? Great,if Xuanyuan Chen knew that
she was nolonger a virgin, he would definitely kick Tang Youyou away. "
Just as Tang Xuerou was about to take a photo of the evidence in the room with her ce
lphone for her mother to see.
The man outside the door gestured to the two bodyguards in b ack behind him,and the
two men immediately rushed in.
"Hey,what are you alldoing ..." Tang Xuerou was so scared that her face turned pale.

"Don't worry Miss. we are on y confirming that my Young Master did indeed spend the
night in this room." The man stillmaintained his po
lite attitude.

"Your Young Master?" Tang Xuerou's eyes widened a Little.

At this moment,two bodyguards came out quickly. One of them was holding a suit
jacket. whi e the other man was ho ding a watch in his hand.
The young man took it and Looked it over, then respectful y gave Tang Xuerou a name
card: "This is my Young Master's name card. Congratulations. he willhelp you fu fi
lany of your wishes."

"Who is your Young Master?" Tang Xuerou hesitated, but stillstretched out her hand to
accept the name card.
"Ji Xiaoha n!" The man enunciated the name clear y.
There was a knock on the door.

Tang Xuerou was shocked, she walked to the door with a guilty conscience, opened the
peepho e and peeked outside.
"Who is it? What are they doing?" Tang Xuerou asked fiercely.

"Iam here on beha f of my Young Master to thank you for saving his Life." The man
outside said respectfully.
Tang Xuerou was startled. After hearing the word "thank you",she immediately
extended her hand to open the door.

The man outside the door gestured to the two bodyguards in b ack behind him,and the
two men immediately rushed in.
"Hey,what are you alldoing ..." Tang Xuerou was so scared that her face turned pale.

"Don't worry Miss, we are only confirming that my Young Master did indeed spend
the night in this room." The man still maintained his po
lite attitude.
C2 Returning Home from Abroad after a Period of Five Years

Five years Later!

On the international p ane flying to Z country,a few girls he d onto their phones to
secretly took photos of two cute babies in the economy class.

The Little boy wore a smallplaid shirt,grey jea ns,and a pair of Large,jewel-Like eyes.
Under his small,exquisite nose was a thin,red Lip,which were moist and breathtakingly
Beside him was a de icate, doll-Like girlabout the same age as him. She had waist-Long b
ack hair, thick bangs that covered her snow-white forehead, and a shiny gemstone
hairpin. Her eyes were as clear as crystal,just Like the boy's. Her mouth was slightly
open,Licking a Lolipop. She was just too cute that people cou dn't remove their eyes from

"Sis, stop taking pictures of us. If you continue, I'llget angry!" Noticing that the girls
were secretly taking photos, the Little boy immediate y tried to persuade them with a
chi dish voice.
The 20-odd gir s next to him immediately felt embarrassed and turned off the camera w
ith a red face.
"Oh my god, so cute,so beautif ulLitt e Treasure. Oh my God,Iwa nt to stealthem!"

"Can't you see that there's another woman sitting beside them? Their mom is here, so
don't think too much. "
Beside of the two cute babies,a young girlwas napping, Leaning against the back of a

The girlhad snow-white skin and a pretty sma lface shaped in melon seeds. Her waist-
Long hair had been pul ed to the side and tied into a ponytail. She was wearing a Loose
b ack T-shirt and white denim shorts. She Looked very pretty and innocent.
"Brother, sha lwe wake Mommy up? She hasn't had Lunch yet! " The Little girlasked
in her childish voice as she Looked at the Little boy beside her.
"Let Mommy sleep a Little Longer, it's stillear y." The Little boy was her o der
brother.A though he was sti lyoung,he had a precocity in him. His pair of beautifulbig
eyes gave off a wisdom incongruous with his age. He was different from the naive and
adora b e Little girlbeside him, he Looked calm and colected.

"Mommy's so pitiful. She worked all night and didn't sleep allnight." On the Little gir
's cute Little
"Let Mommy s eep a Little Longer, it's stillear y." The Little boy was her o der
brother.A though he was sti lyoung,he had a precocity in him. His pair of beautifulbig
eyes gave off a wisdom incongruous with his age. He was different from the naive and
adora b e Little girl beside him, he Looked calm and colected.

"Mommy's so pitiful. She worked all night and didn't s eep a lnight." On the Little gir
's cute Little face, there was a hint of affection.
"Xiao Nai,don't make mother angry anymore, okay?" Tang X iaorui stroked his sister's
Litt e head as he advised her Like a Little adult .
"Mm, I'll be good!" Tang Xiaonai's tender Little face immediately b oomed into a
thoughtful smi e. Half an hour Later,the p ane stopped at CapitalInternationalAirport
of Z.
"Mommy,it's time to get off the p ane!" The Little boy reached out his Little
hand,gently pushed at
Tang Youyou's arm, and whispered into her ear.

"Ah ..." Tang Youyou woke up from her stupor, reached out her hand and rubbed her s
eepy eyes, then Looked down at the two cute Little babies. She cou dn't he p but smi e
"Sorry,Mommy is too tired. Have you eaten yet?" Tang Youyoulooked apologeticaly at
her twin baby boy and gir ,and asked gently.
"Yes, we finished our bread and drank a bott e of milk.Mommy,are you hungry? I Left
you bread and milk! " Tang Xiaona i smiled sweetly, ooking extremely cute.

Tang Youyou sighed in re ief, shook her head: "I'm not hungry,let's go!"

After undoing the seat belts of the them, Tang Youyou held their hands and walked out
of the cabin.

After five years, she had finally returned!

C3 Cute Baby

Tang Youyou was a Little dazed. She Looked down at the two Little babies beside her,
what happened was almost Like a dream.
Five years ago,when she discovered that she was pregnant. she was determined to go to
the hospital and had an abortion.However,she was to d that her b ood type was very
rare, and if she took away her chi d, it wou d be very difficult for her to be a mother
again in this Lifetime.

Fortunately,she had given birth to her chi dren,a pigeon pair.

"Mommy,our Luggage is here!" A cute Little baby who was on y four years old and
was in his most naive times,was especially curious about everything.
One big box and two small boxes, a totalof three boxes were conveyed in front of
them.Tang Youyou took down the boxes, each of the two babies dragged one.
"Let's go back to great aunt's home!" Tang Youyou came back this time because of her
career. A famous design company in Z country had found her and was very interested
in her idea of fashion design. The compa ny offered her a job opportunity with high sa
ary and hoped her returned to Z.
When Tang Youyou was overseas. she had a ready emptied her pocket money and the
Living expenses that her had swind ed from her father.

Seeing that her two children needed her to raise them,she had no choice but to give up
her studies and return to Z to work.
Before that she told her aunt that she was going to return from abroad. Coincidentally,her
aunt's children had allgone out to study and work, so she was Left alone at home. When
she found out that Tang Youyou was returning,she took the initiative to help her take
care of the two Little fellows.

Everything seemed to have been arranged perfectly. Tang Youyou was tired from
wandering abroad,so she realy wa nted to see her relatives. Furthermore, her two Little dar
ings had become sensible as wel,so she finally decided to set foot on herjourney back
As the three of them walked along the aisle, two incredib y beautifulbabies caught the
attention of the passengers beside them.
"Such a beautiful pigeon pair, their genes are realy good."
"So cute. I really want to hug them."

"Are they the chi dren of a celebrity? Why does they Look so beautiful? they Look Like

Tang Youyou Listened to the discussions of the peop e around her about her chi dren,and
cou d not help but stare at the two babies.

Indeed,her baby boy and girl are both breathtakingly beautiful,just in different way.

Her son was handsome and cool and her daughter was sweet and cute. However,the on y
similarity was that both of them were extreme y beautiful. Not a single flaw could be
seen on their facial features.

On the streets abroad, there were a ways people came to chat up,and there were even
people who came to ask twolittle babies to make advertisements.
Tang Youyou caressed her face,feeling that her babies didn't very much Look Like her

Thus, what these two Little felows inherited weren't her good genes at al ,but their
father's. Thinkinn nf fathP.r.T;inn Yrnivnu c:nlrl swP.;it tric:klinn rlnwn hP.r
Thinking of their father, Tang Youyou fe t cold sweat trickling down her back. The
man was her nightmare!
"Mommy,why are you in a daze this time? Should we ca la taxi?" A sma lhand gently
pushed Tang Youyou,and her son's calm and pleasa nt voice sounded by her ear.
Tang Youyou immediately woke up from her stupor, squatted down,and adj usted her
son's collar. She then patted her daughter's head and said,"Remember what I told you to
do. When you arrived great aunt's home, you have to call her 'great aunt'."
"Don't worry, Mommy, we know how to do!" Tang Xiaor ui Laughed Like a Little cute
demon. Tang Youyou extended her hand out to stop a taxi and brought the two Little
babies onto it. The taxi drove off Airport Avenue and headed towards the city.
C4 Jade Maiden 'wasn't Used to Describe Her

Tang Youyou Looked out of the window and sudden y,she saw a familiar face on the bil
board. It was Tang Xuerou.
In these five years, it was unknown what kind of Luck she had encountered, but she
actually went from an unknown girlin art schoolto a famous ce ebrity. Among a
lkinds of Labe s on her it was the word "Jade Maiden",which Left the deepest
impression on Tang Youyou.
Jade Maiden?

Heh,Tang Youyou Laughed cold y from the bottom of her heart.

As far as she knew, Tang Xuerou had been changing boyfriends nonstop since high
school. After entering the art schoo ,she was even date with a second-generation rich.
But now,she was viewed as a Jade Maiden in the eyes of men.

Anyway, the wor d was never fair. Tang Youyou Lowered her head, and held her two chi
dren tightly in her arms.
She didn't want to dig into her past grudges. Her only goalnow was to raise the twolittle
things by her side.

Other than that, there was nothing else she would ask for.

The twolittle fellows seemed to be alittle tired as theyle aned against her bosom, their eyelids
Tang Xiaonai's willpower was not strong enough,so she fellasleep very quickly.Tang
Xiaorui was like alittle man,although he was a so sleepy,he kept himse f from s eeping.

Because later Mommy was going to hug his sister. So he had to stay awake and notlet
Mommy too tired.
"Mommy,that bui ding is so tall!" Tang Xiaorui suddenly pointed to the ta lbui ding
outside the window that was erected as a huge pillar that reached the sky, and exclaimed
out oud.
Tang Youyoulooked in the direction of where he pointed with hislittle finger.Sure
enough,in the middle of the large bui dings,there were two skyscrapers, two times higher
than the rest,and the most spectacu ar and amazing thing were the countless corridors in
the air between the two
Tang Youyou Looked in the direction of where he pointed with his Little finger.Sure
enough,in the middle of the Large bui dings,there were two skyscrapers,two times
higher than the rest,and the most spectacu ar and amazing thing were the countless
corridors in the air between the two
bui dings. They were simply representatives of power.

"Yeah, they are big and tall,so spectacu lar." Tang Youyou Listened to her son and rep
lied smi
ing y. "Irealy wish Icould go in and take a Look." Tang Xiaorui hoped innocently.
Tang Youyou burst out in Laughter and rubbed his Little head, "That's where people
work, it won't wouldn't receive visitors."

Tang Xiaorui pursed his Lips. Hearing his mother's words, he felt a Little disappointed.

This beautiful bui ding in Z Country was called King's International. It symbo ized the
owner's supreme authority in Z Country, and a so showed the owner's wealth and

At this moment,on the first floor of the King's International Building,a si ver Limited
edition of Parganicar was parked in front of the hall.
A young woman wearing a fish-tai ed skirt stepped out of the car.Her wavy red hair
made her Look very coquettish.

Without making a sound,Tang Xuerou walked in high heels towards the elevator in an
extremely charming manner.
She pressed on the sixty-sixth floor and thought that no matter what,she would see Ji
Xiaohan and invite him to her birthday party.

Tang Xuerou Lifted her enchanting Long hair and intentionally moved it to her right
chest,revea ing her snow white and beautif ulneck. After staying in the entertainment
industry for so Long, she was very clear on what was attractive to men.

The thick and heavy door of the office of the Preside nt of King Internationalwas pushed
open by the assistant. Tang Xuerou walked in Leisure y.
In a spacious and bright office, there was a black desk in the midd e of the room. The
entire office was fi ed with b ack, white, and grey co ors, the co d and hard aura
perfectly matched the owner's
The thick and heavy door of the office of the President of King Internationalwas pushed
open by the assistant. Tang Xuerou walked in Leisurely.
In a spacious and bright office, there was a black desk in the midd e of the room. The
entire office was fil ed with b ack, white, and grey colors, the cold and hard aura
perfectly matched the owner's temperament.

When Tang Xuerou stepped in,her charming eyes were Like a straight Line that was
glued onto the Lazy and noble Looking man sitting on the big chair behind the desk.
The man wore an orthodox b ack suit and a b
lack shirt. Lookina nob e and mysterious.

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