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Samere Harton

Mrs. Hunyor
Theology 1
7 January 2022
Sin & Evil Essay

We sin because we are human. Humans are born with original sin. We have original sin

because Adam & Eve disobeyed God by eating the apple from the forbidden tree in the Garden

Of Eden. The Fall From Grace is when Adam & Eve ignored God and was asked to leave after

they sinned against him. We now do not live a perfect life because of Sin.

My vision of the world without sin would be made harmless and without mistakes. If the

world was made without sin, Jesus would not have had to sacrifice his life for us. We would

have a perfect relationship with our Savior. There wouldn’t be anyone committing crimes and

doing evil things. Everyone would have a good relationship with others, The world would be


There are a couple of ways we are destined for glory despite sin. First way is praying,

when we pray we are putting our faith in God and acknowledging his presence. Second way is

trusting God, when we trust God we are believing in him and trusting in what he has planned for

us. Another way is to confess sin, God wants us to be aware of our sins and do better, when we

confess our sins he will forgive. Lastly, give thanks to God Our Father!

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