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Thalassemia: An overview

Article  in  Journal of the Scientific Society · January 2014

DOI: 10.4103/0974-5009.126696

19 6,112

3 authors:

Ramesh Aggarwal Anupam Prakash

Lady Hardinge Medical College Lady Hardinge Medical College


Meenakshi Aggarwal



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Review Article

Thalassemia: An overview
Ramesh Aggarwal,
Anupam Prakash1,
Meenakshi Aggarwal2 This article provides an insight towards diagnosing and managing thalassemias. It begins by
Department of Medicine, Lady Hardinge describing the structure of normal hemoglobin and elaborates on our understanding of the
Medical College and Associated pathophysiology of thalassemia. An overview of transfusion therapy and its complications
Smt. SK and Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia including endocrinopathies and cardiomyopathy has also been discussed.
Hospital, Departments of 1Medicine, and
Microbiology, Lady Hardinge Medical
College and Smt. SK Hospital, New Delhi,

Address for correspondence:

Dr. Ramesh Aggarwal,
Department of Medicine, Lady Hardinge
Medical College and Associated
Smt. SK and Dr. Ram Manohar
Lohia Hospital, New Delhi, India. Key words: Cooley’s anemia, thalassemia, β thalassemia
E-mail: rameshlhmc@gmail.com

INTRODUCTION which can damage red blood cells (RBC). However, the
tetramer formed by α and β chains are soluble and prevent
Thalassemia syndromes are genetically transmitted any cell damage. Normal globin production is regulated
autosomal recessive hemoglobinopathy characterized so that any new chain formed will have a partner to pair.
by reduced rate of synthesis of one or more of the In thalassemia syndromes, this regulation is impaired
globin polypeptide chains of hemoglobin.[1] This clinical resulting in overproduction of either α or β chain and
spectrum of this disease can vary in severity from underproduction of other. This mismatch results in
asymptomatic laboratory abnormalities to death in utero. accumulation of unpaired chains and hence insolubility
and precipitation of such globin chains. The major adult
HUMAN HEMOGLOBIN: STRUCTURE hemoglobin A (HbA) has two α and two β chains (α2 β2),
AND FUNCTION minor adult hemoglobin has two α and two δ chains (α2 δ2)
and fetal hemoglobin has two α and two γ chains (α2 γ2).
Human hemoglobin consists of a tetramer of globin
polypeptide chains: A pair of α-like chains with 141 Genetics of human hemoglobin
amino acids and a pair of β-like chains with 146 amino The human hemoglobins are encoded in two gene
acids.[2] Each globin polypeptide chain enfolds a single clusters: α-like globin genes present on chromosome 11
heme moiety, which can bind a single oxygen molecule. and β-like globin genes on chromosome 16. Normally
Thus one molecule of hemoglobin can bind and transport an individual inherits two β-globin genes and 2-α globin
four molecules of oxygen. Unpaired polypeptide chains genes from each parent i.e., normal adult hemoglobin
of hemoglobin are insoluble and tend to form inclusions, is α2 β2. Depending upon whether the genetic defects
or deletion lies in transmission of α or β globin
Access this article online chain gene, thalassemias are classified into α and
Quick Response Code β-thalassemias.[3] Thus, patient with α-thalassemias have
Website: impaired production of α chains whereas patient with
www.jscisociety.com β-thalassemias have impaired production of β chains.
Each of two main types of thalassemias may occur as
DOI: heterozygous (minor) or homozygous state (major).
10.4103/0974-5009.126696 The former is generally asymptomatic while the latter
is severe congenital hemolytic anemia.
Journal of the Scientific Society, Vol 41 / Issue 1 / January-April 2014 3
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Aggarwal, et al.: An overview of Thalassemia

EPIDEMIOLOGY form tetramers called Hb Barts, whereas in adults

unpaired β chains form tetramers called HbH. The
The overall prevalence of β-thalassemia in India is 3-4% accumulated HbH form inclusions and precipitates
with an estimate that around 10,000-12,000 children in erythrocytes. Patients manifest with thalassemia
are born every year with β-thalassemia major. A recent intermedia having moderate hemolytic anemia and
study in India showed that the overall prevalence of ineffective erythropoiesis. Variable degree of jaundice,
β-thalassemia trait[4] was 2.78 % and varied from 1.48% splenomegaly and sometimes hypersplenism complicate
to 3.64% in different states, whereas the prevalence the clinical picture.
of β-thalassemia trait in 59 ethnic groups varied from 4. Hydrops fetalis: (—/—) Homozygous α-thal-1.
0% to 9.3% respectively. β-thalassemia is prevalent in
Mediterranean countries, the Middle East, Central Asia, This homozygous state cause total absence of α globin
India, Southern China and countries along the north in fetus and hence no useful hemoglobin is produced
coast of Africa and in South America.[5] α-thalassemias beyond the embryonic stage. Instead the excess γ globin
is prevalent in peoples of Western African and South forms tetramers (Hb Barts) which has very high affinity
Asian descent. About 15% of American blacks are silent for oxygen. As a result the fetal tissues are not able to
carriers for α-thalassemias.[6-8] In India, the prevalence extract oxygen from this hemoglobin and suffer from
of α-thalassemia is estimated[9] to be around 12.9%. tissue asphyxia, edema hence called hydrops fetalis,
Region-wise and caste-wise analysis showed the retardation in brain growth, skeletal and cardiovascular
highest prevalence of α-thalassemia among the Punjabi deformities and gross enlargement of the placenta
population originating from the northern region of India. ultimately leading to death in utero.
The Maldives has the highest incidence of thalassemia
in the world with a carrier rate of 18% of the population. β-thalassemia
Thalassemia is common in areas where malaria is β-thalassemias can be classified into:
endemic like Asia and Africa because the abnormal RBC 1. Thalassemia minor or β-thalassemia carrier or
provides an unfavorable environment for the malarial β-thalassemia trait.
parasite to complete its life cycle.[10] 2. Thalassemia intermedia.
3. Thalassemia major or Cooley’s anemia or
CLINICAL FEATURES Mediterranean anemia.

α-thalassemia Anemia is mild in thalassemia minor and it increases

The patients with α-thalassemia may remain in severity from intermedia to major froms. Children
asymptomatic and are frequently suspected on the basis develop pallor, jaundice, feeding problems, growth
of a routine blood count. The four classic α-thalassemias retardation, hepatosplenomegaly and sometimes
syndromes are:[11] endocrine dysfunction. Ineffective erythropoiesis and
1. Silent thalassemia: (-α/αα): This condition arises compensated erythroid hyperplasia produce bone
when only a single α allele on one chromosome is marrow expansion. Maxillary marrow hyperplasia and
deleted. The patient remains asymptomatic in a silent frontal bossing lead to characteristic “chipmunk” facies.[12]
carrier state. Skeletal deformities like genu valgum and pathological
2. Thalassemia trait: fractures of long bones and vertebrae may occur early due
a) -α/-α homozygous α-thal-2: It arises when single to cortical invasion by erythroid elements. Susceptibility
α allele on each chromosome is deleted. to infection and improper transfusion of blood may lead
b) —/αα heterozygous α-thal-1: It occurs when both to death in first decade of life in severe cases.
alleles on one chromosome are deleted.
These conditions are generally asymptomatic and are
detected on routine blood investigation. • Thalassemia minor: It is characterized by mild anemia
3. Hemoglobin H (HbH) disease: (—/α) Heterozygous with hematocrit rarely <30-33%. There is profound
α-thal-1/α-thal-2. microcytosis and hypochromia. Mean corpuscular
volume (MCV) and mean corpuscular Hb (MCH)
This condition arises when the offspring is doubly are reduced. Hemoglobin electrophoresis shows
heterozygous for α-thal-2 and α-thal-1. The normal increased HbA2 level.
HbA production is reduced to 25-35% and unpaired • Thalassemia intermedia: It is characterized by Hb
chains accumulate in RBC’s. In fetus unpaired γ chains level between 7 and 10 g/dl, MCV between 50 and
4 Journal of the Scientific Society, Vol 41 / Issue 1 / January-April 2014
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Aggarwal, et al.: An overview of Thalassemia

80 fl and MCH between 16 and 24 pg. The affected from developing iron overload. Patients who receive
RBC’s show microcytosis, hypochromia anisocytosis, more than 100 units of packed RBCs usually develop
poikilocytosis and nucleated RBC. hemosiderosis. Serum ferritin, liver biopsy and imaging
• Thalassemia major: Patients will have severe anemia modalities like magnetic resonance imaging and super-
with Hb level (<7 g/dl), MCV < 70 fl and MCH < 20 pg. conducting quantum-interference device can measure
The peripheral smear shows profound microcytosis iron overload in the body. Complications arising from
apart from features as in thalassemia intermedia. iron overload are cirrhosis, endocrine dysfunction[14,15]
Both HbA2 and HbF levels can be elevated in this (glucose intolerance, hypogonadism, hypothyroidism,
form. hypoparathyroidism) and cardiomyopathy. To
• α-thalassemia trait: Hemoglobin is usually normal prevent these complications iron chelating agents like
and there may be mild microcytosis and hypochromia. desferoxamine (parenteral use) and deferasirox (oral use)
HbA2 and HbF levels are normal. should be used early when starting transfusion therapy.
• HbH disease resembles thalassemia intermedia.
Bone marrow and cord blood transplantation
MANAGEMENT Bone marrow transplantation (BMT) remains the only
definitive cure currently available for patients with
The management of thalassemia is guided by the severity thalassemia. However the major limitation of allogenic
of anemia, suppression of excessive erythropoiesis and BMT[16] is the lack of an human leukocyte antigen-
prevention of excess iron overload. identical sibling donor. Cord blood transplantation is
another option where with a low risk of graft versus
Blood transfusion host disease.
Severe anemia with hemoglobin <7 g% for more than
2 weeks is widely accepted as an indication to start blood Gene therapy
transfusion.[13] The goal should be aimed to maintain Gene therapy for thalassemia is not very successful and
a pre pretransfusional Hb level of 9 to 10 g/dl and a the future of this therapy will depend on efficiency of
post-transfusion Hb level of 13 to 14 g/dl. Such regime gene delivery and various other factors such as viral
generally prevents growth impairment, organ damage titers, non-oncogenic insertion, the variable expression
and bone deformities. Care should be taken to avoid faster of globin genes and the variable contributions of the
transfusion exceeding 5 ml/kg/h and amount of transfused β-thalassemia phenotype.[17]
RBC should not exceed 15 to 20 ml/kg/day. The frequency
of transfusion is usually every 2 to 4 weeks. Prevention
Thalassemia can be diagnosed antenatally by genetic
Patients with thalassemia intermedia may survive without analysis. Amniocentesis or chorionic villous sampling
chronic transfusion but the development of hypersplenism provides fetal deoxyribonucleic acid sample, which
may require splenectomy in such patients. Vaccination can be analyzed for presence of thalassemia. Genetic
against Streptococcus pneumoniae, Hemophilus influenzae and counseling can be done to the individuals at risk
Neisseria meningitidis may be required in such individuals. regarding the genetic risk of having affected children
These individuals may develop iron overload from and the natural history of the disease.
increased gastrointestinal absorption of iron even without
transfusion and therefore chelation therapy is started Prognosis
when the serum ferritin concentration exceeds 300 ng/ml. Patients with thalassemia minor have excellent
prognosis. Thalassemia intermedia may survive without
Carriers of α-thalassemia generally do not need blood transfusions till adulthood. However as the
treatment because their anemia is very mild. Prophylactic requirement for transfusion increases and associated
iron should never be given to carriers of α-thalassemia as complications like hypersplenism develop the prognosis
they are at risk of developing iron overload. Individuals become unfavorable. Earlier thalassemia major was lethal
with HbH disease may require blood transfusions and by the age of 5 years without any treatment. However
splenectomy. Oxidative drugs should be avoided in with the early initiation of blood transfusion and iron
these patients. chelation therapy these children can survive up to
second and third decades. Carriers of α-thalassemia
Transfusional hemsiderosis have excellent prognosis and survive like other normal
Thalassemia patients on chronic transfusion are individuals. HbH disease may remain healthy or suffer
susceptible for acquiring bloodborne infections apart from complications especially iron overload. Infants
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Aggarwal, et al.: An overview of Thalassemia

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How to cite this article: Aggarwal R, Prakash A, Aggarwal M.
9. Nadkarni A, Phanasgaonkar S, Colah R, Mohanty D, Ghosh K. Prevalence
Thalassemia: An overview. J Sci Soc 2014;41:3-6.
and molecular characterization of alpha-thalassemia syndromes among
Indians. Genet Test 2008;12:177-80. Source of Support: Nil. Conflict of Interest: None declared.

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