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The topic for today’s discussion is all about “Threat to National Security”.

So, the word threat means the

expression of an intention to inflict injury to another or to show some dangerous acts towards to other
person. First on the line is the intention it is either declared or indicated to inflict injury in which it is
your will to hurt someone. The second is force which to carry the intention. The threat to National
Security is defined as an intention, declared or indicated to jeopardize, prejudice or in any way endanger
by the use of force or any means the security of state. Next is the classification of Threat to National
Security with accordance of the source. The threats to national security are: Terrorism: It is the biggest
threat to a nation because the main victim of terrorism is the common people and the children.
Naxalism: It is an internal threat caused due to rebellious groups within a nation. Even they disrupt the
normalcy of the nation. Every nation faces threats. These threats can be social, such as aggression from
a neighboring country, infiltration from a terrorist group or global economic trends that compromise the
nation’s welfare. In other cases, threats can be natural, such as hurricanes or viral pandemics. Any
threat challenges a nation’s power and disrupts its well-being. Now, terrorist can be classified into
different groups. For internal threats first is the Local Communists it’s objective is to overthrow the
established government through violent means. Second, the New People’s Army or also known as (NPA)
it is remains to be the most serious threat to the security of the country as it sustained its arm struggle
to achieve its ultimate goal of toppling the government and supplant it with a communist form of
government. At the start, it has adopted the Maoist doctrine of encircling the cities form the country
side. Secessionist movement or the movement of Moro Islamic Liberation front(MILF) who takes part in
complete withdrawal from an association or federation especially from a political group. The ultimate
purpose of this movement is to create an independent Bangsa Moro comprising the whole part of
Mindanao, Palawan, Sulu, Basilan and Tawi-Tawi. Next is the Ultra Rightist Group this group is composed
of former military personnel, Marcos Loyalist, former politicians, business tycoons and other big wigs
who are critical of the present set up of government. Now is the External Threats, first is the
Superpower build-up in the Indian ocean the proximity of the United States and Russian forces stationed
in the area could trigger an armed confrontation. This will have the significant impact on Philippine
security owing to our close military relations with the United States. Maritime Claims/Dispute the
unresolved maritime disputes in the south china sea continue to be a tension and conflict. The more
explosive of these are the peoples republic of china-socialist republic of vietnam dispute over the
ownership of the parcels and the spratlys and their boundaries in the Gulf of Tonkin, the Indonesia-
Vietnamese continental shelf boundary claims to kalayaan being raise by China, Vietnam, Taiwan,
Malaysia, Brunei and the Philippines. The danger of armed clashes in the disputed territories remains
with the military presence of claimant countries. Next is Chinese Naval Presence in the South China Sea,
forces in the area as evidenced by their continued naval patrol along South China Sea(West Philippine
Sea) and their reported construction of a logistic base at Spratly Island expose the country to Chinese
political and intelligence maneuverings. There can be no intermediate degree between actual and
potential threat. The disintegration, whether in part or as a whole of any of the elements involving the
integrity and sovereignty of a state.

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