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Detailed Lesson Plan in Technology and Livelihood

Education, Quarter 3- Module 3 Week 3

Enhancing/Decorating Bamboo, Wood and Metal Projects

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

a. Identify the types of innovative finishing materials

b. Give an important of innovative finishing materials
c. Draw and choose one among the seven types of innovative
finishing materials.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Enhancing /Decorating Bamboo, Wood and Metal Arts Projects

Subtopic: Types Source of Innovative Finishing Materials
References: Industrial Arts Grade 6 Learners Module 3 Week 3
Instructional Materials: Marker, Power point Presentations,
Laptop, Projector

Values Integration: Value the importance of Types Source of

Innovative Finishing Materials.

Skills: Develop the skills of type’s source of finishing materials.

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Learners’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Routine Activities
a. Prayer (The students recite the prayer)
Everybody stand, let us pray.

b. Greetings “Good morning, Teacher Jen, good morning

Good morning children’s! classmates, good morning!”

c. Classroom Routine
(The students will arrange the chairs and pick
Before you take you seats, kindly
up papers or trash)
arrange your chairs properly and
Pick up some pieces of papers
Under your desk.
“Thank you, ma’am”

All right, you may now take your

d. Checking of Attendance
(The class secretary will tell the names of the
Now let us check your attendance,
students who are absent)
okay class secretary who is absent

e. Classroom Rules
Children’s, let me remind you of our
classroom rules which is the two-
The students will listen)
months rule. If someone is
Talking here in front, you must listen.
Do not talk with your seatmate and do
not roam around unless it is
Am I clear to you
“Yes ma’am!”

Very good!
“Teacher” we discuss about the process in
enhancing/ decorating finished products
f. Review of past lessons
Now let us have a review, what was
our previous lesson about?

Yes, that is right! we discuss about No ma’am
the process in enhancing/ decorating
finished products
Do you have any question regarding to
your topic last time?
“Yes ma’am”

All of you already know the process lets

proceed in our first activity.

g. Motivation
Okay class, before we proceed to our (The students answer in 30 seconds)
new lesson, let’s have an activity first. This
activity is called “Word Puzzle” wherein you Yes, ma’am
are just going to find words either written
vertically, horizontally and or in slant. I will give
you 1 minute to write your answer on your
Are you ready? (The students will check their paper)

>Presents Picture of the Word Puzzle<

Your 1 minute starts now!
Are you all done?

Very good class! So, there are five words

that can be found in the puzzle:
“Ma’am I guess our topic for this morning is
Analysis about the Types of Innovative finishing
Okay class that is the end our activity, now can
you guess what our topic is for this morning?

Yes, good guess!

C. Lesson Proper
>Presentation of the Lesson<

(The students will read the objectives)

Our lesson for this morning is about Types of
source of innovative finishing materials. But
before we start with our discussion, let us read
first our objectives.
Thank you!

Now, let us start the discussion by identifying

the types of innovative finishing materials. Who
among you here knows what the type’s “Ma’am, the type’s source of innovative
sources of innovative finishing materials are? materials are first we have what we called
Paint, Varnish and Shellac.”
(Call a student to share their thoughts)

Very Good! Thank you Jocelyn!

As you remember class, we are done with the

process in enhancing/ decorating finished
products right but today we are going to know
the Types Source of Innovative Finishing

There are sources of finishing materials like:

Finishing materials. are usually designed for

Interior or exterior finishing.

1. Shellac

-It is good finish for many projects. It comes from

the excreta of insects called a luc bug the color I
yellow and appears like small pieces of
cellophane. Before it is used, it is mixed with
denatured alcohol.
Yes, teacher!
Are you still following children? That’s good to

2. Varnish

Varnish- it is another finishing material that

Who can read varnish? beautifies and preserves a project. It is made
Yes, Renz! from copal gum dissolved in pure boiled linseed
oil. Copal gum comes from resin of pine trees
buried several feet below the ground. Linseed oil
comes from oil of cotton seed. When varnish
becomes sticky and hard, did turpentine to take it
thin and usable again. Varnish and turpentine
are sold in cans and bottles.

Thank you Renz!

3. Lacquer
(All of the students are reading)

Lacquer- this is a synthetic product which is

largely used in all manufactured articles. This
finishing material could retain the natural colour
of the material to which it is applied. Like
varnish and shellac it is sold in cans and bottles.
All of you children read the meaning of The solvent used is lacquer thinner.

Stain (Tina)- is coloring material which is

applied to the surface of wood to improve its
appearance. There are three kinds of stain: oil
stain, water, stain, and spirit stain.
4. Stain
When you mix the dye (tina) with petroleum, the
results is oil stain.

When the dye is mixed with water, it is now

water stain

When the dye is mixed with alcohol, the mixture

is called spirit stain.
Children kindly read the description of stain.

5. Paint
Paint- it is another finishing material that is
always used because of its beautiful color and a
good protector of materials. The body of paint is
a mixture of four elements: pigment, vehicle,
thinner and drier. It comes in cans of different
sizes. When the paint gets sticky or hard, add
paint thinner. If thinner is not available, use
Who wants to read?
gasoline or petroleum as a substitute.
Yes, Lance!

Thank you, Lance!

Now let’s proceed to the

6. Sand Paper

-It is made grits, usually ground silica, flint, Yes, ma’am!

quartz, or emery glued to thick paper or cloth,
No ma’am!
Sand paper for wood is called flint paper and for
metal it is called emery cloth at present we have
water proof abrasive for metal. Both are used for
smoothing rough surface of objects
Do you understand children?

Any question?

Now let’s proceed to the last.

7. Glue

Yes, Teacher!

-glue is a paste for wood materials. It is in No teacher!

powder or in cake form. It is manufactured
from fish, animals, and plastic resin.
The seven different kinds of finishing materials
Did you understand children? a. Shellac
Do you have any questions? b. Varnish
c. Paint
d. Lacquer
e. Stain
Remember class that there are seven different f. Sandpaper
kinds of finishing materials and what are those g. Glue
again children, anyone from the class?

Yes, Marco!
“Yes, ma’am”

Thank you, Marco!

Those are the different types of finishing

Are we clear with that
class? Brilliant!
Alright that was our topic for today.

D. Application

Now to test what you have learned, each of

you will match type A and B. You are given 2
minute to perform.
Direction: Match Column A with Column B.
Write your answer before the number. (Each student will answer)

1.Stain a. comes from oil
2.Glue seed
3.Linseed-oil b. It is a colouring
4.Copal gum material which is
5.Luc bug applied to the surface
of a wood to
improved its
c. It is a paste for (The student will share their answers)
wood materials
“Ma’am we discuss about types source of
d. Comes from resin
innovative finishing materials. We learn what
of pine tress
the types and the meaning of it.
e. It comes from the
excreta of insects.
E. Generalization
Now class can you share what have you learn
about our discussion today?

(Call student to sum up the discussion)

Very well said, Romelito!

IV. Evaluation
A. Direction:

Draw the smiling face if the sentence is correct

an sad face if it is wrong
____1. When you mixed the dye (tina) with
petroleum the result is oil stain
2. When varnish becomes
sticky and hard, add water to make it
usable again.
Yes, teacher!
3. The body of paint is a mixture of four
4. When the dye (tina) is mixed with
alcohol, the mixture is called spirit stain
5. When the dye (tina) is mixed
(All students are answering)
with water, the mixture is called water

Are you done?

Pass your paper to the front.

B. Direction: 9-15. Draw and choose 1 among 7
types of innovative finishing materials Create a
(The students will write the assignment on their
brief explanation.

V. Assignment

Directions: Conduct a simple survey using

technology (For example, mobile phone or internet )
and other data gathering method available to you in
order for you to determine the

1. Market trends on products made of bamboo, wood,

and metal.

2. Customer’s preference of products.

3. Types/source of Innovative finished materials,

accessories, and design.

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