MC&PLC Syllabus

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Programme Code & Name: MZ & BE-Mechatronies Engineering, 19MZC23 MICROCONTROLLERAND PLC LPC 3003, COURSE OBJECTIVES: “To impart basicso varies microcontrollers. ‘To impart the knowledge on 8051 microcontrollers Programme. ‘To impart the knowledge on interfacing various microcontrollers. ‘To impart the knowledge on PLC. ‘To impart the knowledge on Applications of various PLC. ‘COURSE OUTCOMES 19MZC23.CO1: Familiarize varies microcontrollers. 19MZC23.CO2: Write the 8051 microcontrollers Programme. 19MZC23,CO3: Interface various microcontrollers. 19MZC23,CO4: Explain various PLC systems. 19MZC23.COS: Illustrate the various applications of PLC. TOMZCH.COT |X T9MZC23,COD T9MZC23,CO3 T9MZC23,COs T9MZC23.CO5 | |*-[ UNITE: INTRODUCTIONTOMICROCONTROLLER. 9 8081 Architecture: -Memorymap-Addressing modes, /O Ports-CountersandTimers -Serialdats- V0 Interrupts Instractionset, Data transfrinstructions,ArithmeticandLogical Instructions Jump andCall Instructions, ‘AssemblyLanguageProgramming tools. UNITIE: MICROCONTROLLER PROGRAMMING 9 8051 AssembiyLanguageProgramming-Blocktransferarithmeticoperations,Codeconversion, ‘Timedelaygeneraton, Interrupt programming, Lookuptabletechniques UNITIII: MICROCONTROLLERAPPLICATIONS 8 InterfacingofKeyboards-Interfacingo'DisplayDevices-Pulsemeasurement-AnalogtoDigital and DigitaltoAnalogConverter-InterfacingHardware Circuit SerialData Communication NetworkConfiguration. UNITIV: PROGRAMMABLELOGIC CONTROLLERS. 9 Introduction —Principlesofoperation-PLC Architectureandspecifications -PLChardware components Analog&digitall/ Omodules,CPUS:memory moduleProgrammingdevices-PLC ladderdiagram,Convertingsimplerelay ladderdiagramintoPLCrelayladderdiagram.PLC programmingSimpleinstructions— Manually operatedswitches-Mechanically operatedaProximity switches-Latching relays, UNITV: APPLICATIONSOFPROGRAMMABLELOGIC CONTROLLERS. 9 “Timerinstructions-On delay, Offdelay,CyelicandRetentivetimers,Up/DownCounters control instructions ~Data ‘manipulatinginstructions, math instructions; Applications of PLC ~ Simple materials handling applications, Automatic control of warehouse door, Automatic lubrication of supplierConveyorbelt, ‘motorcontrol,A.utomaticearwashingmachine,Bottle labeldetection and processcontrol application TOTAL: L:4s TEXT HOOKS: Yaar Sune | __ Autor) Tie tt roomier | pian aaa Tsao ——] 1 MaziJ.G.Maadi&R.DMe | Embedded 2h" EditionPearsonEduc 2006, a Sobtmasensyec | ain 5 7 | tds aaa | 51 Morale Haram, | “ECR | unaswamy M.S Software & Applications as 2 | 3_| Gary Dunning Tntroduetion “Thomsonl-earning 2001 ON 0 a of Studies jepartment of Mechanical Engine: MUTHAYAMMAL ENGINEERING COLLEGE _._... (AUTONOMOUS) RES'? 637 408, RAMAKKAL Dist, Programme Code & Name: MZ & BE-Mechatronics Engineering [toProgrammabjeLogicContoles REFERENCES: Yearaf SLNo.} Author) Tie ofthe Book Publisher Publcatio a GalcotiaPublications (P) 1 | singh. | Mfcroprocesors and Ld, First edition, New 1997 "sont Delhi Programme Contallas: An | 3rd Editon, levir, 2 a Engineers Guide Indian Reprint aoe pay) Microcontrollers Fundancnals and | Taylor & Francis Indian 3 Valdes-Perez | apptications with PIC Reprint 2013 [Botton | Programmable Logie Conwolers | Sth Eton Newnes 2009 UW

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