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Travel and holidays

This portfolio is important
because it serves as our first
test. So we formed a group of
English III to do exercises
together to achieve the best
results. The group has five
members, from the Faculty of
Business Administration,
Banking, Economics, Accounting
and all are harmonious, active,
and effective. Each member of
the team actively gives opinions
and contributes to the content of
the group's work to ensure the
completion of the task in the best
way and on time.

Team 7
1. Task division
Name Topic Form Task

- 10 questions with
provided answers.
Phạm Thúy An - Vocabulary: 10 new
Travel and holidays Summarizing words/ phrases with
meaning and a related

- 10 questions with
provided answers.
Trần Ngọc Linh - Vocabulary: 10 new
Travel and holidays Matching words/ phrases with
meaning and a related

- 10 questions with
provided answers.
Nguyễn Thị Hồng - Vocabulary: 10 new
Shopping Q&A words/ phrases with
Giang 21A4070018
meaning and a related

- 10 questions with
provided answers.
Nguyễn Thu Thảo - Vocabulary: 10 new
Shopping Multiple choice words/ phrases with
meaning and a related

- 10 questions with
provided answers.
Trần Thu Oanh  - Vocabulary: 10 new
Shopping T/F words/ phrases with
meaning and a related
2. Timeline
- Set up group
08.02 - Choose topics

10 - 20.02 Each member finds content for 2 topics.

22.02 Check Level B1

- Meeting 
24.02 - Each member chooses a form of

- Making portfolio
25.02 - 10.03 - Finishing teamwork report and reading

3. Meeting Report

Name of group Group 7

Travel and holidays

Name of topics

Date 24.02.2023

Link GG meet: https://meet.google.com/xvp-irgk-kda

Leader Phạm Thúy An

Trần Ngọc Linh

Nguyễn Thu Thảo
Nguyễn Thị Hồng Giang
Trần Thu Oanh 

Fashion Trucks

3 reasons why

shopping is actually
good for you

Advantages and

Disadvantages of
Online Shopping

Man travels the World

to Photograph Melting

How to get around in
Viet Nam

topic: Shopping
For many years, food vendors in American cities have
offered "meals on wheels" --- selling food from trucks.
Hungry people can find more than just hot dogs or
pretzels in these vehicles. Many serve high-quality
food from other cultures. Now looking for new clothing
is becoming as easy and satisfying as exploring the
tasty offerings of food trucks.Kelly Jean Kelly tells us
about a new movement: the fashion truck. Once a
month, just after sunset, trucks fill an outdoor parking
lot in Los Angeles, California.
Some trucks sell all kinds of food products, from sweet
ice cream to spicy seafood. Others

have clothing or jewelry for sale. These vehicles are known as fashion trucks. Many people have never seen a
fashion truck before.
"When you come in, it's kind of like like going into a closet, you know, and you sift through everything. It's
really cute."
Janelle Shepard is exploring everything inside the J. D. Luxe fashion truck. The back of the truck is a mini-
store. Clothing hangs on one side. Jewelry and purses are on the other side. The store is stylish and looks well
organized. There is also a very small room for trying on clothes.
The cost of owning a truck is much lower than making monthly payments for temporary use of store. And
there is another reason to use a truck: you can take your business to the customers. But there are difficulties.
The biggest challenge is definitely the weather. When it's cold, it's cold outside and there's no one here.
Another issue is keeping the truck in good condition. When a vehicle breaks down, the repairs can take days.
Business stops during the repair work. Meagan Rogers is a fashion school graduate. She says owning a
fashion truck has enabled her to start earning money while her classmates are still working in unpaid
Fashion trucks are giving Internet businesses some competition. California Fashion Association President
Ilse Metchek says impulse purchases were once a big part of in-store sales. Impulse buyers are people who
make purchases because of a sudden urge. Now many people make purchases online, where Ms. Metchek
says impulse buying is rare. She says American shoppers may be more compulsive in fashion trucks. "This
is a way to attract impulse purchasing. There's a lot of money out there right now, just a lot of loose
change." And there is a lot to purchase with that loose change. She says business owners are putting more
than just nice stores on wheels. "Any kind of business you can put in brick and mortar, you can put into a
So, there is a truck that sells flowers, and another that features specialty sportswear. A non-profit group, St.
Vincent de Paul, sells used goods from its store on wheels. Such trucks have also attracted the attention of
local officials. Ms. Steffe says she is working with the city of San Francisco to create laws to rule the
growing industry.


topic: Shopping
1. What is the biggest challenge to use a truck fashion? 6. Benefits of owning a truck are:
a. Weather a. The cost is much lower
b. Vehicle breaks down b. Can take your business to the customers
c. High cost c. More convenient
d. Keeping the truck in good condition d. Both a, b
2. The back of the J. D. Luxe truck is a mini-store. What 7. What’s the author’s main purpose when writing this
does it look like? passage?
a. So small a. Introduce to fashion for everyone
b. Stylish and looks well organized b. Describe fashion trucks
c. So large c. Update on the fashion business by trucks
d. So messy d. Tell about food trucks
3. What is the purpose of Ms. Steffe’s job with the city of 8. Vehicles which have clothing and jewelry for sale
San Francisco? are known as
a. She sells her goods a. Clothing trucks
b. Market management b. Fashion trucks
c. Create laws to rule the growing industry c. Jewelry trucks
d. Solve business problems d. Does not mentioned in the text
4. According to California Fashion Association President 9. According to Ms. Metchek, where is impulsive
Ilse Metchek, what was once a big part of in-store sales? shopping becomes rare?
a. Impulse purchases a. On the internet
b. Shopping habit b. Fashion shops
c. Shopping hobby c. Fashion trucks
d. Both b&c 10. Local officials pay attention to non-profit group, St.
5. How often do trucks fill an outdoor parking lot in Los Vincent de Paul because:
Angeles, California? a. They sell banned substance
a. Everyday b. They break the law
b. Every week c. They sell used goods
c. Once a month d. They sell goods at high price with low quality
Key :
d. Once a week

1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.C

topic: Shopping
a crisp biscuit baked in the form of a knot or
Pretzel (n) stick and flavored with salt
Ex: They sell beautiful loaves and pretzels.

making you feel pleased by providing what

you need or want
Satisfying (adj) Ex: It is very satisfying to know that the
project was a success.

to examine closely
Sift (v) Ex: He sifted the evidence carefully.

to hold
Hang on (phrasal verb) Ex: He was driving so fast I had to hang on
tight whenever he turned.

having a special quality that makes a person or

Stylish (adj) thing seem different and attractive
Ex: She is a stylish person.

a machine or vehicle breaks down, it stops

Break down working
(phrasal verb) Ex: Our car broke down and we had to push it
off the road.

you suddenly want to, although you haven’t

planned to
Impulse (n) Ex: He called Mai on impulse and invited her
to lunch.

a strong wish
Urge (n) Ex: I had a sudden urge to slap him in the face.

do not want to stop doing if it’s so interesting

Compulsive (adj) or exciting
Ex: Her latest book is compulsive reading.

the coins that you carry with you

Loose change (n) Ex: Carry some  loose change to make
emergency public telephone calls.
topic: Shopping
1. The thrill of the chase. The hunt for the biggest and best deal, keeps us
constantly scanning the internet, signing up for notifications, and waiting
for the sales. When we have finally found our favourite pair of shoes for
half the price, and they can be delivered free of charge, it gives us such a
thrill that even though we will probably never wear said shoes, we don’t
Three care!
When we perceive a win, we feel good. According to a study done by
reasons DataReportal.com, 49.3% of people love free shipping (especially from
why EcoTomble which has free shipping - always and on everything!), because it is
considered a win for them. In an article by Oberlo.com, consumers would
shopping “much rather enjoy the ease of having their purchase delivered to them at no
cost instead of going out to a store to physically view and inspect the product,
is purchase it, and obtain it immediately after purchase – even if it means having
actually to wait.”
From the same study by DataReportal.com, 38.1% of consumers ranked
good coupons and discounts more highly than other customers’ reviews (31%) or
loyalty programs (25%). (https://au.oberlo.com/statistics).
for We have seen from the recent Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sales that people
will wait for a bargain and enjoy their purchase more because they have been
you a super-sleuth and discovered a better deal. It makes people feel in control and
proud of themselves.
2. Shopping for, and purchasing, something we desire, like a new pair of shoes or a gorgeous
outfit, releases serotonin and dopamine, the feel-good chemicals in our brain. It floods our body
and makes us feel happy.Remember, we are constantly seeking out pleasurable activities. That’s
why we continue to repeat the behaviour…so we can continue to feel good. This also includes
buying gifts for loved ones. Oftentimes we experience more joy in the giving than we do in the
receiving !
3.Self-image. This one is a bit more interesting and
requires a lot of time with our noses in psychology
books! But the gist of shopping and self-image is
that one feeds the other. When we buy cheap things,
like 5 white t-shirts from a discount store for $10,
we tend to do it quickly and without thinking. Why?
Because it doesn’t make us feel anything. There’s no
reward or motivation going on, it is simply a
transaction…like we are buying a loaf of bread or a
carton of milk. But when we upgrade our purchases,
for example, buying a better car or a brand-new
jacket, it increases our sense of worth.


topic: Shopping
1. Why do we feel happy when buying a new 9. What is the gist of shopping and self-
pair of shoes? image?
A: It floods our body and makes us feel happy. A: The gist of shopping and self-image is that
one feeds the other.
2. Do you feel happy when buying a gift for your 10. Why shopping is good for you?
beloved people? A: It makes us feel happy, self-image and it is
A: Yes, it helps us to experience more joy in the the thrill of the chase
giving than we do in the receiving!
3. Do people love free shipping or go out to store
to view and inspect the product ?
A: They love free shipping.
4. What is the most popular form of
A:The most popular form of discounts are
coupons and discounts.
5. Why does buying a car increase our sense
of value?
A: It helps us have motivation going on.
6. What makes people feel in control and
proud of themselves?
A: People will wait for a bargain and enjoy
their purchase more because they have been
a super-sleuth and discovered a better deal.
7. What percentage of people like free
shipping ?
A: It's about 49,3% of people love free
8. Why do we buy cheap things, we tend to
do it quickly and without thinking?
A:Because it doesn’t make us feel anything.
There’s no reward or motivation going on, it
is simply a transaction.

topic: Shopping
to buy something
Purchase (v) Ex: You can purchase insurance online.

very beautiful or pleasant

Gorgeous (v) Ex: The bride looked gorgeous.

the way that someone behaves

Behavior (n) Ex: Her behavior is often addapling.

an act of exchanging something for money

Sale (n) Ex: I haven’t made a sale all morning.

something that is made to be sold, usually something that

is produced by an industrial process or, less commonly,
Product (n) something that is grown or obtained through farming
Ex: The product is so good it sells itself.

something on sale at a lower price than its true value

Bargain (n) Ex: This coat was half-price - a real bargain

to ask an amount of money for something, especially a

service or activity 
Charge (v) Ex: The local museum doesn’t charge for

a large shop where you can buy many different types of

Store (n) goods
Ex: A department store

something given in exchange for good behavior or good

Reward (n) work
Ex: There is a reward for whoever finishes first 

having a particular value, especially in money

Worth (adj) Ex: Our house is worth 200.000$ 
Advantages and Disadvantages

topic: Shopping
of Online Shopping
Technological advancements are changing our standards and lifestyle. One of the fascinating aspects of
technology has favored is Online shopping that is the best way to business and safe transactions over the
internet. It provides us broader way to search, choose and delivered the desired products and services at
our specified addresses.
People these days are tugged up with several work pressures. They are spending much of their time
intervals in offices or other important works. Traditional ways of shopping require a larger time to be
consumed by visiting different stores for different products. Therefore online shopping provides a way to
tackle the same by saving time and effort.
Everything in this world is connected with both positive and negative aspects. The same is with online
shopping too. On one hand, it is benefitting, and on the other hand, it has disadvantages too.

Advantages of Online Shopping: Disadvantages of Online Shopping:

It provides us with a convenient way of shopping. The products we buy, generally when delivered,
We can see different products and services just by do not match with one we have ordered.
one click. Different variants are available in the If we require the product immediately, then we
required size and shapes. cannot have that option or we will have to pay
It saves us from the rush and crowd of the extra charges.
markets. Also, saves our time wasted in roaming Offline shopping has a benefit to buy the product
from one shop to another and standing in queues
and use it immediately, but when we opt for online
for hours for billing purposes.
shopping the same benefit is not granted.
We get products in our price ranges and also at a
Many of the times we save our card details for the
lower price.
transaction purpose, hackers use the same card
We can order dresses according to our choice and
details for the cybercrime.
occasion requirements. As most of the time, we are
unable to get the dress we want, in offline The returning of any product may be chargeable
shopping. and time taking too.
Most of the time, damaged goods are received.
The outbreak of COVID-19, throughout the world was
most devastating for us. During those times, moving
outside was banned and different countries were under
lockdown for several months. People, all over the world,
preferred online mediums to get their products and
services ordered and delivered.
Therefore it can be stated that online shopping has
been the best choice or alternative. People have been
provided with the option of getting delivered every
product at their doorstep.
Online shopping is the love of youngsters of today’s
generation. It is an interesting way of exploring several
products with variety and different prices at the same
portal or place. Online shopping has blessed us with
emerging ideas to give surprises to our closed ones on
their special days. But on other accounts, it has some of
the impacts too.


topic: Shopping
1. They spend more time shopping instead of sitting in the
office or doing other important work.

2. Online shopping saves a lot of time and effort to go to the


3. Online shopping saves us from the crowds and the time it

takes to move from one store to another.

4. Buying online saves us time and effort, but we have to

pay a higher price to get the same product as in the store.

5. The products we buy, usually when delivered, match the

product we ordered.

6. When shopping online, we can't try and use the product

immediately like buying it at a store.

7. If the products received do not match the ordered

products, we reserve the right to return them at no

additional charge.

8. Experiencing the outbreak of covid, we can affirm that

online shopping is the best choice or alternative.

9. Online shopping is the hobby of all young people today.

10.Online shopping helps us get new ideas, surprise loved

ones on special days.

Key :
1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.T 7.F 8.T 9.F 10.T

topic: Shopping
the activity of buying and selling goods and services
business (n) Ex: My brother's in business.

a government system or private organization that is responsible for a

particular type of activity, or for providing a particular thing that people
service (n) need
Ex: I've worked in public health services throughout my career.

something that is made to be sold, usually something that is produced by

an industrial process or, less commonly, something that is grown or
product (n) obtained through farming
Ex: They do a range of skin-care products.

a single piece of information or fact about something

detail (n) Ex: We don't know the full details of the story yet.

cybercrime crime or illegal activity that is done using the Internet

(n) Ex: The corporate battle against cybercrime is unending.

chargeable (of income) subject to tax

(adj) Ex: If something is chargeable, you can be asked to pay for it.

an unexpected event
surprise (n) Ex: Don't tell Anne we've arranged a party for her - I want it to be a

an official record of all the money a person or company has spent and
accounts (n) received
Ex: I keep my own accounts.

an alternative plan or method is one that you can use if you do not want
alternative to use another one
(adj) Ex: The opposition parties have so far failed to set out an alternative

why you do something or why something exists

purpose (n) Ex: His only purpose in life seems to be to enjoy himself.
topic: Travel and Holiday
Man travels the World to
Photograph Melting Glaciers
(A) Not too long ago, 41-year-old Garrett Fisher flew in a small airplane close to the surface of Europe's
largest glacier, which is in Norway. Fisher combines two activities he loves, flying and photography, trying
to photograph every glacier on Earth. He wants his photos to show the beauty of glaciers before some of
them disappear. Scientists say many glaciers are melting or getting smaller because the Earth's average
temperature is increasing. For Fisher, this means that time is running out. The melting pushes him to try to
photograph the glaciers before it is too late.
(B) As a child, Fisher lived next door to a small airport in the state of New York. His grandfather was a pilot
and took Fisher on plane rides when he was a young child. The older man would tell him: "Whatever you set
your mind to, you can do."
(C) In the late 1990s, a friend told Fisher that the world's glaciers were disappearing. This pushed him to
combine his love of flying and photography to photograph the Earth's remaining glaciers. He believed he
was in a race against time. He believes his photographs could be of great value to future generations. So, he
has launched Global Glacier Initiative, a non-profit group to support and show his work. He plans to open his
photos to the public for research.
(D) Fisher flies a small plane called a Piper Super Cub
which can carry two people. The plane smells of oil
and feels like an old car. It is his choice for the
dangerous flying over the glaciers. "The weather's bad,
extremely cold, the winds are very strong and the
flying's extremely technically challenging," Fisher said.
"And to photograph glaciers, we're getting very close
to all of this action. So, it requires a lot of skill, time
and determination." He added: "I've been told by many
pilots that I'm crazy." He has detailed plans in case of a
crash on a glacier. He estimates he can survive for
about 24 hours if he goes down. And he has measured
the tail of the plane to be sure he can stay inside it
while waiting for help. Some people would ask, why
risk flying over glaciers when satellites already give
pictures of them? Fisher said that satellite images don't
capture the beauty of glaciers the way his photos can.
His photos show the colors, shapes, and shadows as
the light from the sun hits the glaciers. "Science has all
of the data we need...The problem is, it's not beautiful,"
he said.
(E) Fisher has paid for his glacier photography with his
own money. But it is costly. Money is running out and
Fisher is looking for people who will help support his
work. He hopes his photos will make people care more
about glaciers. He is chasing the perfect image; one so
beautiful it can make people and policymakers act. "We
can live without them. We will live without them,"
Fisher says. "However, it hurts us to lose them."

topic: Travel and Holiday

Reading Passage has five paragraphs A-E. Which paragraph contains the
following information? Write the correct letters A-E in boxes 1-10. You
may use any letter more than once.

1. Satellite images of glaciers do not show the colors, shapes and shadows of
2. Piper Super Cub is the name of plane Fisher flies.
3. He has to pay for his hobby.
4. Fisher was allowed on a plane by his grandfather when he was a child.
5. The Europe's largest glacier is in Norway.
6. The melting has gotten faster and glaciers are getting smaller.
7. Fisher lived in New York.
8. The Global Glacier Initiative is the group that will present Fisher's work.
9. Flying around the glacier requires skilled flying technique.
10. Just in case he crashed on the glacier and needed help he measured the tail
of the plane to make sure he could stay inside.


2 D

3 E

4 B

5 A

6 A

7 B

8 C

9 D

10 D

topic: Travel and Holiday

the outer or top part or layer of something
Surface (n) Ex: Tropical rain forests used to cover ten percent of the
earth's surface.

a large mass of ice that moves slowly

Glacier (n) Ex: Nearly 50% of the shoreline is dominated by the
calving ice fronts of the large outlet glaciers.

to turn from something solid into something soft or liquid,

Melt (v) or to cause something to do this
Ex: Melt the chocolate over a pan of water.

the result you get by adding two or more amounts

together and dividing the total by the number of amounts
Average (n) Ex: On average, I earn about one and a half thousand
pounds a month.

Run out (phrasal all of something has been used or it is completely finished
verb) Ex: My patience is beginning to run out.

a new plan or process to achieve something or solve a

Initiative (n) problem
Ex: The German leadership lauded the Russian initiative.

to a very great degree

Extremely (adv) Ex: Access to the services of these systems was
extremely limited, often to an urban population.

In case of  in preparation for when something happens

(phrase verb) Ex: A doctor is on call in case of emergencies.

a device sent up into space to travel around the earth,

used for collecting information or communicating by
Satellite (n) radio, television, etc
Ex: The World Cup was transmitted around the world by

a member of a government department, legislature, or

other organization who is responsible for making new
rules, laws, etc.
Policymaker (n) Ex: The policymaker wants to avoid particularly bad
outcomes, and therefore wants policy to be robust against
specification errors that could have particularly severe
topic: Travel and Holiday
How to get around in Viet Nam:
all the transport options for the
perfect trip
For first-time visitors looking to tick off some of Vietnam’s most popular cities and towns there’s no better
way to navigate the country than by train. The main line weaves along the coast from HCMC to Hanoi
stopping almost everywhere you’d want it to.Trains classified as SE are the smartest and fastest, while
those referred to as TN are slower and older. There are four main ticket classes on trains, these are: hard
seat, soft seat, hard sleeper and soft sleeper. Fares are affordable and vary depending on route, class, and
train type. Multiple trains ply the HCMC to Hanoi line in both directions each day. When it comes to
booking, tickets can be bought at railway stations a couple of days in advance of travel, or online 60 to 90
days in advance. When booking online most travelers use Bao Lau, which is both simple and reliable. You
can also use the official Vietnam Railways website, but only if you have a Vietnamese credit card.

Buses offer one of the cheapest ways to get around Vietnam, making them a big hit with budget travelers.
They are also highly convenient, with the extensive bus network spanning to the far-flung corners of the
country. You’ll find at least one bus station in every town. These can look chaotic but many now have ticket
offices with official prices and departure times clearly displayed. Aim to buy tickets a day in advance to be
certain of securing seats. Alternatively tickets can be bought directly through bus companies online, such as
Sinh Tourist, or purchased at most hostels or hotels (sometimes with direct pick up). Additionally, in the
country’s popular backpacker haunts you’ll see lots of signs advertising "Open Tour" or "Open Ticket" buses.
These services, catering mostly to foreign budget travelers, run between HCMC and Hanoi and allow
passengers to hop on and hop off the bus at any major city along the way.

Traversing the length of Vietnam on two wheels is a

lifelong dream for many seasoned bikers. It’s also a
relatively cheap and enticing way for foolhardy
travelers (usually with far less bike experience) to
journey between Vietnam’s two largest cities.
Motorbikes are sold by backpackers in hostels in both
HCMC and Hanoi, used to travel from one to the
other, and then sold on. As a result bikes aren’t
always in the best condition.
If you’re short on time then domestic flights can be
a good way to get from A to B in Vietnam. The
country has impressive domestic flight connections,
with new routes opening up all the time, and very
affordable prices (if you book early). Airlines accept
bookings on international credit and debit cards. Note,
however, that cancellations are quite common. It’s
safest not to rely on a flight from a small regional
airport to make an international connection the same
day – travel a day early if you can. Vietnam Airlines
is the least likely to cancel flights. Airlines operating
domestic routes in Vietnam include Bamboo Airways,
Jetstar, and Vietnam Airlines.


topic: Travel and Holiday


You can experience Vietnam travels by many different means of transport.

Firstly, you can take a trip on the direct train from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh
City which can stop every destination you want. Then, bus is one of the

cheapest means of transports for you to explore Vietnam from the city to
the far-flung of the country. It is suitable for those who want to savor the

most spectacular sceneries.Moreover, coming across Vietnam by

motorbike also could be adventures that you have never tried. You can
rent motorbikes at hotels, but motorbikes are not always in the best
condition. Finally, touring by plane is an optimal choice as well if you have

to travel a long distance. Choose a faithful airline and enjoy your journey.

topic: Travel and Holiday

a person who visits a place
visitor (n) Ex: We’re having visitors next week.

the side or border of land next to the sea

coast (n) Ex: The coast was very rocky.

a piece of card or paper which gives the holder a certain right, eg of

ticket (n) travel, entering a theater, etc
Ex: Ticket price for children is $2.50.

an arrangement to buy a travel ticket, stay in a hotel room, etc at a

booking (n) later date
Ex: Did you make a booking for the restaurant?

used to refer to places that are a great distance away

far-flung (adj) Ex: She has travelled to the most far-flung corners of the world.

a building where you pay to have a room to sleep in, and where you
hotel (n) can sometimes eat meals
Ex: We stay in a hotel on the beach. 

a group of houses, shops, schools etc, that is bigger than a village but
town (n) smaller than a city
Ex: I’m going into town to buy a dress. 

budget a person who travels with very little or even no money at all
Ex: After over a decade of traveling the world on a budget, I’ve met a
traveler (n) lot of long-term travelers.

without any order/ in a completely confused state

chaotic (adj) Ex: It was really chaotic just before the show started.

the price of a journey on a train, bus, ship, etc

fare (n) Ex: He didn’t have enough money for his bus fare.
Checked by website:

01. Fashion Trucks

02. 3 reasons why shopping is actually good

for you

03. Advantages and disadvantages of Online

Checked by website:

04. Man travels the World to Photograph

Melting Glaciers

05. How to get around in Viet Nam: all the

transport options for the perfect trip
Dear Mrs. Thu Huong,
We want to say many thanks to teacher Huong who
supports us in doing this project. In carrying out it,
we couldn't help making mistakes. We hope that you
can feedback to us that will helps us make
improvements in the upcoming projects. We are really
grateful for your comments. Finally, we wish you good
health, happiness, and success in your life.

Team 7

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