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Nigeria Stable but Non-Permanent Democracy

Open Letter to All Nigeria Political Parties Leaders and The Wider Public
Understanding Loss and Win: Addressing the unavoidable impacts of
political power change: Reducing the impact of bad governance in Nigeria.

I am consulting remotely as a spokesperson for non-governmental organisations

(NGOs). The NGGC in its sub-associations is the representative voice of
Nigerians at home and abroad. It promotes and champions Nigeria’s reputation –
the world’s largest economy in Africa. I‘ve often turned my nose up at internal
toxic election stories going on in my country. There are reports and accusations
of “bourgeois” activities, bullying, humiliation, seizure of properties, and
complaints of being used as a weapon by all. There are also competing factions
within the civil society which breeds animosity and leaves some sides declaring

hilariously that the system is ‘broken’ at the most recent general election in
Nigeria. We have always thought of what is happening now and it is the more
reason we pulled out from the registration of our party (NAVP) proper.

Positive manifestation
To enhance confidence in this report, I bring with me today a symbol of past
divisions and present realities, although what is happening in speeches to map
the hegemonic narrative of condemning the just concluded election matters little
to us and to the average common Nigerians we represent at the neglected
grassroots level. However, since the impact of election cancelation goes beyond
those directly involved to innocent Nigerians, we are here to spread knowledge
and advise as corrective surgery aimed at repression, or memory, summoned by
the ethical behavior and optics to address issues which those clamoring for the
cancellation lay claims.

I am directing this letter at all the presidential candidates and their supporters
and those not really facing up to this. I will continue until the short-sightedness of
sacrificing human dignity for political gain is consumed. So this edition is for
pulse readers of our broadcasts as this edition affects our priorities. There are of
course societal reasons after adjusting for days for the contents to be published
that will show studies gap than coincidence with the ongoing most gullible
supporters that take up this cause, both of which are those predominantly of
those that undermined the lower-profile interests.

In its drive toward the logical, however, the NGGC’s motion of expression
conveniently sheds any funky residue of the probable mischief-makers’ gathering
rumbles on Feb 25th election: I am thinking particularly of the political faction and
epistle of hegemonic narrative on which retired army in general, participate in
their sentiments, particularly General Olusegun Obasanjo and associates’ highly
charged non-visionary messages published a few days ago offering introductory
musings on the multiwire future that faces “womblanders”, and coinage of the
innocent population of the unborn.

I can imagine that an issue affecting the common people like poverty, for
example, would get little or no attention or much emphasis as it put on lifetime
effects on common people. The limit reinforced the expansion of their
flamboyance lifestyle fostered to live so comfortably while other people are in

desperate situations. They have to protect other people just like they have to
protect themselves and their ill-gotten wealth and investment.

Tips in prevention: International relations

Each election in its specific coinage has a unique history with its own preferences
and aspiration; Just as it is frustrating to remain inactive in their career breaks, it
is frustrating for a system to have an election canceled at the last minute. It is
also problematic – when our political practices do the same, so let’s be

considerate. Canceling or appealing election results is a loss of income for the

nation and reflects badly on our reputation. Having to chase up other practices
generates extra work and frustration for the denigrating government officials –
and is damaging to the practice image of the leaders. The world is looking as we
develop a reputation for being unreliable or disorganised and it will not help us
recruit the investors we need.

It is hard not to be struck in retrospect by the vision that drives the now logically
expanded in order to probe their assessment as they found recognition in more
of their traditional way. Can they explain how they left their full-time military
career and work up to their current position? Although young people stay away or
leave soon after joining in conversation or are particularly deterred by toxic
convictions and priorities are skewed. The negative culture sometimes infects,
and in its effect, we are witnessing poor youth representation which is another
obvious problem (if it’s important to note that). Ethnicity is less of an issue in our
present secular society focusing on the outcomes in the immediate election

The incoming administration in its education and youths’ development

department must critically examine the historical political contexts of the Nigerian
political sphere. When I have met a range of youth, many of them have only been
good at descriptive. To ensure that the realities are appropriately understood and
recommendations are rigorous enough to achieve their purpose. The idiom of
phases could thus be plotted and structured, schematised, and categorised in the
academic curriculum so that what is old and relevant in ongoing practice could be
clearly and confidently intelligible, its proper place laid open to view to better
understand these new ways to inform decision making.

Evaluating evidence
Take, for instance, our notes contain eloquently recorded incidents of
assassination, routine attack, arrest, detention, ‘voluntary’ return, exile, and
rendition. The murders of the June 12 election winner’s wife received widespread
coverage in the local press, on television, and on the radio. These are compiled
from a database of our organisation’s archived reports, reports from human rights
groups, and court documents from the different cases that could have been
registered in the International Criminal Court (ICC).

I included three cases where the Obasanjo government is suspected but has not
been proven, to have played an active role. This includes attacks against a
popular TWAIL scholar, the ignited military armory that killed thousands of
innocent children in Lagos, and the assassination of an opposition leader serving
in his government in December 2001. The list of cases against them is unlikely to
be exhaustive; as many cases go unreported. The database nonetheless offers a
useful complement to our other methods in analysing uncle Sege’s atrocities.
Where presented the question marks that studied our stages of inquiry for his
incarceration under the Abacha regime can definitely be replaced.

Yes, it is a piece of hope, but it is not from the hope on which the people danced
but the one that the likes of Obasanjo helped to pull down. It is a piece of the
'Hope 93. Some 30 years ago the light at the end of the tunnel that popular will
would have seen and lasted a thousand years was cast down and those who had
been outcasts brought to an end military rule but still far from where we chose to
live as free people, but we were left in its wake of expansion continental wealthy
army general. Nonetheless, the basic impulse behind that expansion has
something of the status of a denial, as well as a dream or wish. The wish is that
we might all one day yet become on par with others.

The few of us that remain had functioned at the pinnacle of the pyramid model to
the army generals who, in their lifetime, ruins with thousands dead, millions of
homes destroyed with the likes of Maroko in Lagos that led people on the streets

in mass hunger. So how do the Generals survive their administrations under the
current funding federalism structure? Once again the violent protest against the
denial of the basic people of Nigeria knew the terrible price of civil rights when
people were steadfastly ready to be paid for conflict and for dreams of upholding
the democratic process in consequence.

I wonder less at General Ibrahim Babangida’s silence as to origins with no less

than the architect of the June 12, 1993, presidential election annulment,
however, his useful involvement has reshaped the past experiences, so the
voices of and texts of the Generals belong to another school of thoughts, where I
say “their voices is old lyrics”. I would only like to hear the voices of young blood
with expanded consciousness on how advocates of democracy after the June 12
election cancellation slept in the mud and rain and how the women volunteers
gave us food cooked with sawdust from the improvised Abacha stove. I do not
mean to debase these leaders and their supporters but it is important to ignore
this individuality and avoid assumptions associated with their age or professional
group membership.

These things, I mean democracies like weather gradually change temperature

and it’s a process of becoming man’s ongoing historical drive to manifest his
consciousness outside of his mind, in front of his eyes. Have they spoken of
consciousness or viewers or experiences; they never mentioned June 12
annulment that is here are metaphor, logics, makers, and forms. This is because
the conceptual outcome is structured, and categorical: their concern is the nature
of the medium, and they want to demonstrate above all that lessening the
practical bondage political structure of our country has to be eroded or be
forsaken for such a range of abnormal process, operations – as to be finally and
definitively surpassed.

Treating reality
The supporters of Mr. Obi as a category has built some kind of good movement
of this new logic and of its own achievements; they secured on the periphery,
countered by various structures and operation, all of which is not addressable
here and could not be useful for the young democrats to measure both their new
ambitions in the 2023 and its ongoing quandary in the funiculate century on our
home country. Henceforth, the Generals and their gullible supporters should
makeshifts accept their own limitations as the tribal wisdom of Jagaban now

A great leader profits from accepting differences, tolerance, and understanding.

Without any bias, Asiwaju has demonstrated this all along. At this junction, the
adjustment of my thinking is that the political structure is dramatically shifting and
adjusting and I appeal to Comrade Obi to change his mind about not serving
under the incoming administration but to serve and stay for a good time. He
should feel positive about the outcome of the election and the lives of those
common people, even if their determined movement has shrunk. Democracy can
be stable but its drivers are non-permanent.

This is a very historical moment from any perspective. It is time for the winner of
the election to put the ‘National Action Plan’ agenda on the table and start
having a very broad discussion about how to address issues of the current-day
political displacement of some sections and people. He should identify with
minority rights, stop tribal hate crime from becoming unbearable and prepare the
youths for national growth while responding and relieving all burdens within the
tribal communities on national issues. Overall he would be testing the resolve of
developing nations to uphold and maintain and break away from political regimes
of dictatorship and the official aesthetic policies of capitalism by adopting
international modern scholars to suit this context of confronting International
Governmental Organizations (IGOs).

Planned Impact

Where will NGOs fit into all this? Part of our role will be as a consultant to this
multidisciplinary primary care team. The other part will be to step into the space
that is the increasingly complex area of the interface. We are hereby elevated
from community house office registrars and formally take on the mass of work
that sits between national and international campaigns against any
maladministration and bad governance. So, we won’t give the incoming
administration breathing space. Our non-violence network will also engender
discussions between the executive and legislature arms involved in the
enactment and enforcement of restructuring our country through round-table
discussions of the 1999 constitution on legitimising the exercise of sovereign,
disciplinary, and biopower.

This discourse sets the conditions for the emergence of proactive TASK, we
hereby call on lawyers, religious leaders, and NGO employees to brace up for
civil action immediately after the incoming administration is sworn in. To this end,
I have adopted a critical approach to important literature reviews of scholars to

be clear throughout this broadcast. It should be noted therefore that, the source,
whether human or technical, of any particular piece of intelligence to which we
refer in this Report has been scrutinized, we are able to test the source or to
examine the original notes from which the sanitised script was prepared.

Sir, His Excellency President Muhammadu Buhari

I have been made happy by the receipt of our letter dated the 1st of January
2023 as reflected in the high opinion of his excellency President Muhammadu
Buhari’s abilities and personal qualities, with which the reputation in the
concluded election was impressive. Our organisations’ learn with peculiar
pleasure, his obliging impartiality, and our satisfaction is complete in the
assurance he gave in his speech. He has too much merit not to be possessed by
all democracy antagonists.

I beg my compliments to Sir Raf Aremu the Aaco/ NGGC Chairman, and every
trustee and follower and all Nigerians with every assurance of my friendship.
With great consideration, I have the honour to be Your most Obedient Servant.

To select for questioning, I relied on personal contacts via email or phone such
as those sponsored by NGOs or the Muftiate of ‘The University of Sheffield,
University of Westminster, and Northampton University (UK).,

Our expression depends upon you, view in the post, please append this
correspondence to anyone in your custody record.

Papers of NGGC, AACO, NAVP


EARLY ACCESS LINK Note: this link will eventually disappear!

https:// 02-02-2023

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You Are Looking At

All Agreed Campaign and Nigeria Good Governance Crops Paper

Akerele Abayomi Abiodun

From Europe to Nigeria, America, and other Continents

February 2023

A follow-up letter will be sent later in the month to the coming President titled:

The “Rethinking” of the Dream; Don’t Miss the Chance: Your Elected Purpose is


CITE AS: Akerele A. Abiodun (2023) ‘Understanding Loss and Win: Addressing
the unavoidable impacts of political power change: Reducing the impact of bad
governance in Nigeria’, Aaco / NGGC Letter of Analysis, 01-10, DOI: To link to
this article: http://

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