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Time: 10 Min 2nd Revision Test-9th Biology (Objective) Marks: 10

Paper N0. 01 (Ch=01,04,05)
Name : __________________________________ Section___________________ Roll No __________
Note: Cutting, overwriting, rewriting, use of ink remover & lead pencil is not allowed

Q.No.1 Encircle the best answer. (10)

1. Forest is an example of:
a) Population b) Community c) Species d) Biosphere
2. The number of bio-elements are:
a) 90 b) 92 c) 16 d) 06
3. The percentage of hydrogen in human body is:
a) 18 % b) 16 % c) 21 % d) 10 %
4. Significance of meiosis described by:
a) August Weismann b) Oscar c) Morgan d) Walther Flemming
5. In adult human ……………….billion cells die each day by apoptosis:
a) 50 to 60 b) 50 to 70 c) 60 to 70 d) 70 to 80
6. Duplication of chromosome occur in:
a) G1 phase b) G2 phase c) G0 phase d) S phase
7. Each ribosome is made up of almost equal amounts of protein and ………………………?
a) m RNA b) r RNA c) t RNA d) All of these
8. Chromosomes are composed of DNA &…………………:
a) Protein b) Lipid c) Fat d) Carbohydrate
9. Centrioles are involved in the formation of:
a) Chemicals b) Protein c) Flagella d) Pseudopodia
10. Which process would move the small molecules faster through membrane?
a) Filtration b) Diffusion c) Effusion d) Osmosis


Time: 1:20 Hr 2nd Revision Test-9th Biology (Subjective) Marks: 40
Paper N0. 01 (Ch=01,04,05)

Q.N0.02 Give the short answers. (20)

1. Write the contribution of Rudolph Virchow in cell theory?
2. Write the name of major biological issues today?
3. Differentiate b/w micromolecules & macromolecules with one example?
4. Define colonial type of cellular organization?
5. How cytokinesis processes differ from plant to animals?
6. How malignant & benign tumors are formed?
7. Differentiate b/w blebs & apoptotic bodies?
8. Differentiate b/w cristae & cisternae?
9. Write down the functions of cytoskeleton?
10. Give a difference b/w endocytosis & exocytosis?

Q. No.03 a) Explain compound tissues in plants? 07

b) Write the contribution of Muslim scientist in biology? 06
Q.No.04 Write a note on cell membrane. 07


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