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What verbs should I use for each domain?

Cognitive Affective Psychomotor

Remembering Receiving (listening and  Imitation (learner imitates an action
being attentive) after a visual demonstration)
 Define
 Duplicate  Ask  Align
 Draw  Choose  Balance
 List  Describe  Follow
 Label  Follow  Grasp
 Memorize  Give  Hold
 Name  Hold  Place
 Recall  Identify  Repeat
 Recite  Locate  Rest
 Repeat  Name  Step
 Reproduce  Point to
 State  Select Manipulation (performance of an
 Sit action with written/verbal instructions)
Understanding  Erect
 Reply  Align
 Classify  Use  Balance
 Describe  Follow
 Discuss Responding (active  Grasp
 Explain participation)  Hold
 Identify  Place
 Locate  Answer  Repeat
 Recognize  Assist
 Report  Comply Precision
 Select  Conform
 Translate  Discuss  Accurately
 Paraphrase  Greet  Errorlessly
 Visualize  Help  Independently 
 Label  Proficiently
Applying  Perform  With balance
 Practice  With control
 Apply  Present
 Change  Read Articulation (display of coordination of
 Choose  Recite a series of related acts)
 Construct  Report
 Demonstrate  Select
 Confidence
 Dramatize  Tell 
 Coordination
 Employ  Write
 Harmony
 Illustrate  Integration 
 Interpret  Valuing (value attached to  Proportion
 Modify a subject)         Smoothness
 Operate  Speed
 Produce  Complete  Stability
 Schedule  Describe  Timing
 Sketch  Differentiate
 Solve  Explain Naturalization (high level of
 Translate  Follow proficiency)
 Use  Forms
 Write  Initiate  Automatically
 Invite  Effortlessly
Analyzing                 Join  Naturally 
 Justify  Professionally
 Categorize  Propose  Routinely
 Compare  Read  Spontaneously 
 Contrast  Select  With ease
 Deduce  Share  With perfection
 Discriminate  Study
 Distinguish  Work
 Examine
 Question Organization (beginning
 Separate to build consistent value
 Test system)

Evaluating  Adhere
 Alter
 Appraise  Arrange
 Argue  Combine
 Decide  Compare
 Critique  Complete
 Criticize  Defend
 Defend  Explain
 Judge  Generalize
 Prioritize   Identify
 Rate  Integrate
 Rant  Modify
 Select  Order
 Support  Organize
 Value  Relate
 Evaluate  Synthesize

Creating Characterization (value

system controls behavior)
 Assemble
 Construct  Act
 Create  Discriminate
 Compose  Display
 Develop  Influence
 Formulate  Listen
 Invent  Modify
 Originate  Performs
 Write  Practices
 Propose
 Qualify
 Question
 Revise
 Serve
 Solve
 Use
 Verify

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