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Basic Orientation Seminar on Youth Apostolate

Time allotted: 8 hours

1. For the young to identify himself and his uniqueness;
2. To identify the challenges of the youth of today;
3. To deepen their understanding about the Catholic Youth Ministry;
4. To understand God’s vision and the vision- mission of the CYM;
5. To be informed about the Youth Apostolate of the Philippines, particularly, of the Diocese of
6. To express their willingness to be involve in the Church’s mission.

A. Ikaw nah! Kuhamo???

Suggested Song: Who Am I
a. Activity:
i. The facilitator will instruct each participant to look for an object that will represent /
symbolize him/ herself. Let the participants think of an adjective to describe themselves
related to the object they chose and let them share their names with their adjectives
Example: (flower) I am beautiful Jorrie.. (tzarlang!)
After everybody has spoken, generalize the idea of the activity.

Note: If the participants are more than 20, break them into small groups.

***Transition to key points:

“Everyone is unique. Though there are people with the same names, or for some instance, same face,
each person has his/ her own personality, characteristics and values.”
Who are the youth?

According to the Pontifical Council for the Laity, young men and women ages 13- 39 years old are
considered youth.

Filipino Catholic Youth

- Single Filipino Catholic youth from 13- 39 years old who normally belong to a parish.
On the board, write the different settings to where a youth is found and let the participants write their
observations under each category.

Who are the youth at home? In the society? In the church?



Weak pag family na hisgutan Walay paki sa palibot Dili gasimba
Affected sa mga family probs Pala- barkada Ga simba lang ug birthday
Maluyahan pagmakasab-an sa Friendly; laagan Dili mo apil sa mga church
mama activities

Note: Tell the participants to look at the youth in general, not just themselves and write their observations.
*Sum- up the answers:

In short, the youth are:

 Family- directed (close family ties, extended family, affected sa mga family probs)
 Highly interpersonal (friendly, sociable)
 Not very society- oriented (dili kayo mak ialam sa mga kalihukan sa society; dili mag pa register sa
 Personal but individualistic in prayer (instead of saying , “Lord, maayo unta ang health ni mama para
maka trabaho siya ug tarong”, we say: “LORD, mag pa dala naunta dayon si mama ug kwarta oi.”
 Nominal in their faith (sa ngalan lang... “unsa imong religion bai?”, “katoliko! Katulo- liko!” LOL!
 Decreasing in their appreciation of the sacraments (“dawbe? Mag- minyonaka?”, “dah! Di na nah uso
ang kasal2 o!”
 Distant from the church’s teachings and life (in spite of the feeling of belongingness to her)
 Text2 sa simbahan, date date kamulo gasimba

B. BUKYO, Make a Stand! Now nah!

Suggested Song: Make a Stand or Disciples of the Lord
Upon knowing the present youth situations, how do you feel now? (Solicit answers)
Possible answers: sad, disappointed, and challenged…
Unsa gyud diay kaha ang hagit niini para kanato?

***Simple! To MAKE A STAND!

And the question is... HOW?

The youth should:

 Become evangelized evangelizers (transformed transformers)…
 Promoter of life- to uphold moral values…
 Builder of community of LOVE- with affirming and positive attitude in life and toward others…
 Agent of social transformation- with concern for others and active to take a step for change.
 Partner of the church in her mission – to be involved in the realization of the church’s mission.
 PRAY... – develop Christ- centered values by reading the bible and sincerely PRAYING.

C. One step at a time!

Suggested Song: Welcome to the House of God, Hawak Kamay
Since we are all called and challenged to make a stand ang step kanaba?

 Do you think your coming here has a purpose?

 What are you here for?
 What are you doing here?

***Actually, you are here to do a ministry... a very EXTRA ORDINARY
MINISTRY.... the Catholic Youth Ministry...

Filipino Catholic Youth Ministry

It is the specific branch of the church’s mission, directed to and involving the young in general. It goes
beyond the concepts of clubs, activities, programs, and modules for the young people. All these fall within a
comprehensive effort on the part of the Church to reach out to, and at the same time involve, young people as
active participants and agents in her mission. (Ka-lakbay, 2004)

D. Through the eyes of GOD

Suggested Song: Dios ng Bagong Sayaw
“There is a vast field of challenges laid upon us, but what does God say? Ano ba ang say ni GOD?
GOD says:
“I envision the young to become more and more like JESUS, my son and be active participants in building
my kingdom.”
Vision– Mission of the Catholic Youth Ministry

Catholic Youth Ministry in the Philippines shares in God’s vision for young people. He who created us in
His image and likeness envisions young people to gradually becoming more and more like Christ, His son, and
becoming active members of His kingdom.

(YE– FSW Facilitators’ Guide, 2006)

 The CYM breathe through the following goals:

-to establish and strengthen the youth’s relationship with Christ;
-to provide opportunities for personal growth; and
-to encourage community involvement. (Ka-lakbay, 2004)

In view of this vision, the catholic Youth ministry commits itself to accompany the young people
through the phases of growth, namely: believing, belonging and begetting.
This then is the renewed paradigm of the Catholic Youth Ministry in this 3rd millennium: the process of
journeying that the entire Christian community makes with the young in order to lead them to Christ, the
perfect human person, and to committed service in God’s kingdom. YE– FSW Facilitators’ Guide, 2006)

 (Introduce Y-MI if available)

E. Cross my heart <3

After being aware of God’s love for you with the presence of the church and her people, write 5 initial
promises that you and GOD will seal.

*The participants will be provided with papers where the promises shall be written.

*If a mass will be celebrated, let the participants (with their promises) stand before the priests during
the offertory as a sign of their heartily submission of themselves and their promises to GOD... without
the presence of the mass, a para- liturgy shall be prepared.

Community singing: Youth Serving Youth

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