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Sightsavers Reference Request Form

Name of Referee: Rasel Mahmud Contact No: 01700799762

Name of Candidate: Rinku Immanuel Costa

Reference Questions:

For how long have you known this candidate?

From: 10/2016 To: 12/2018

Please specify the time period you have worked with this candidate:

From: 10/2016 To12/2018

What was your professional relationship during their employment? (For example: Director / line
manager / supervisor / colleague)? Please confirm your job title during this time.


Please specify the candidate’s job title/s during their employment?

Executive (Import)

Please provide a brief description of the type of work that the candidate was responsible
 Tracking shipments and communicate with clients about the package’s progress.
 Coordinate shipping with customers agents for clearance on overseas deliveries.
 To provide efficient delivery logistics through data management fill out import
 Documentation, compile carrier and route assignments
 Answer all customer inquiries in accordance with the Customer Service Policy standards
 Further increase customer satisfaction and business share through proactive and regular
 Keep records of all goods shipped, received, and stored.
 data, and dispatching deliveries
 Working on non-documents shipment release

Can you describe the candidate’s relationship with co-workers, and with supervisors?

Professional, Team work in activities.

What would you describe as the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses?

Strengths are willingness to learn, self- motivation, Team Work.

Weaknesses is Anxiousness.

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Did the candidate meet the expectations of the role? What was one of the candidate’s
most memorable accomplishments whilst working with you?

Yes, Tracking shipments and communicate with clients about the package’s progress

What skills would you have liked to see the candidate develop to reach their full

Ensuring good cooperation.

Have you seen any behaviours or beliefs in this candidate that may be inconsistent with
regards accountability, teamwork, transparency, and inclusive diversity?

No. Candidate was abided by all policies

Sightsavers is committed to the well-being, Safeguarding and protection of

children and adults at risk. To the best of your knowledge, has the candidate ever
behaved in a manner that could compromise a child or vulnerable adult’s well-
being or protection (safety or security)? Please explain any potential concerns you
may have.

Candidate followed organization policy.

Would you recommend the candidate for the position they applied for? Why or why not?

Yes. Candidate has qualifications and willingness to work.

Why did or is this person leave or leaving the organisation or their current job?

Better opportunity

Is there anything else that you would like to add or believe we should know before hiring
this candidate (e.g., disciplinary issues, non-performance, personal values, criminal
offences, any offences related to sexual harassment etc.?)


Thank you for your responses. This information will be held by Sightsavers to assess the
candidate’s suitability for the position for which they are being considered.

Signed: Rasel Mahmud Date: 15-12-2022

Current job title: General Manager, Head of National Operations

Current organisation: Bangladesh Express Co. Ltd

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Current email:

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