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AP, PIN-524 413




Name of the Student : B.JATHIN

Hall Ticket No : 20KB1A0425
Academic Year : 2022-2023
Department : ECE
Project Guide : DR. G. HARINATHA
PIN-524 415


Si. No. Name of the Chapter Page

1 Introduction

2 Survey of Agricultural Lands in Community Area

3 Problems analyzed and analysis of problems

4 Suggestions

5 Survey & Community Awareness Programmes

6 Conclusion
Student’s Declaration

Community Service Project Report

Submitted in accordance with the requirement for the degree of ………….

Name of the College:


Name of the Faculty Guide:

Duration of the CSP: From………To………

Name of the Student:

Programme of Study

Year of Study:

Register Number:

Date of Submission:
I,…..............,a student of …….Program, Reg. No. ………………of the Department
of……., ……………… College do hereby declare that I have completed the
mandatory community service from…….. to ………….in ………………. (Name of
the Community/Habitation) under the Faculty Guideship of.................., (Name
of the Faculty Guide), Department
of………………in …………………………… College

(Signature and Date)


Faculty Guide

Head of the Department

I hereby declare that the project entitled “Community Service Project

on Smart Agriculture Awareness” submitted by me to controller of

examinations, N.B.K.R Institute of Science & Technology (Autonomous),

Vidyanagar in partial fulfilment of the requirement of the award of the Bachelor

of Technology. This is a record of actual project work carried out by me under

supervision of

B.Lakshman Rao, Lecturer in Department of IT and AIDS and Mentor for the

Community Service Project. I further declare that the work reported in this

project has not submitted and will not be submitted, either in part or in full, for

the award of any degree in this institute or any other institute or university.

Name :
Date :
This is to certify that the project entitled “Smart Agriculture

Awareness” in Kommanetur, Gudur(M), Nellore(Dist.), AP, PIN-524 406 is

Bonafide project work of G.SAKETH, Registered Number: 20kb1a3012 done

under supervision of B.Lakshman Rao, Lecturer in Department of IT and AIDS

and Mentor for the Community Service Project.

Signature of the Student

Signature of the Mentor

Signature of the HOD

I am extremely grateful to my beloved director Dr.V.Vijaya Kumar

Reddy garu, N.B.K.R Institute of Science & Technology (Autonomous),

Vidyanagar for my CSP orientation.

The entire CSP work has been of carried out of our mentor of

B.Lakshman Rao, Lecturer in Department of IT and AIDS, and my friends I

express deep sense gratitude and sincere thanks to my mentor and my friends

for spending their precious time with me in discussing various typical problems

relating to this Community Service Project and their kind of Co-Operation.

The practice of cultivating the soil, producing crops, and keeping livestock is
referred to as farming. Agriculture is critical to a country’s economic
development. Nearly 58 percent of a country’s primary source of livelihood is
farming. Farmers till date had adopted conventional farming techniques. These
techniques were not precise thus reduced the productivity and consumed a lot of
time. Precise farming helps to increase the productivity by precisely determining
the steps that needs to be practiced at its due season. Predicting the weather
conditions, analyzing the soil, recommending the crops for cultivation,
determine the amount of fertilizers, pesticides that need to be used are some
elements of precision farming. Precise Farming uses advanced technologies
such as IOT, Data Mining, Data Analytics, Machine Learning to collect the data,
train the systems and predict the results. With the help of technologies Precise
farming helps to reduce manual labour and increase productivity. Farmers have
been facing various challenges in these recent times, this includes crop failure
due to less rainfall, infertility of soil and so on. Due to the changes taking place
in the environment the proposed work helps to identify how to manage crops
and harvest in a smart way. It guides an individual for smart farming. The aim of
work is to help an individual cultivate crops efficiently and hence achieve high
productivity at low cost. It also helps to predict the total cost needed for
cultivation. This would help an individual to pre-plan the activities before
cultivation resulting in an integrated solution in farming.

Agriculture, or farming as it is commonly known, is the practice of
growing crops and raising cattle. It contributes greatly to a country’s economy.
Many raw materials and food products are produced by agriculture. Raw
materials such as cotton, jute is used by industries for manufacturing various
products that is used in day-to-day life. Agriculture not only helps for food
production but also produces resources needed for creating commercial
products. Agriculture used traditional techniques for cultivation of crops.
Conventional or traditional farming is mostly practiced all over the world. It
involves techniques suggested by experienced farmers. These techniques are not
precise hence results in hard labor and time consumption.

The application of digital technologies which includes robots,

electronic devices, sensor and automation technologies is associated with
Precision Agriculture. This technology aims to reduce workloads, increase
profitability and decision management. Precision agriculture additionally
referred to as precision farming is a farming control system that provides a
comprehensive approach to deal with the spatial and temporal crop and soil
variability to maximize profitability, optimize yield, improve quality of
production . Precision Agriculture is an efficient way to improvise the yield. On
discussing about the adoption rate of precision agriculture, the high value
enterprise farms adoption rate was more compared to low value enterprise
farms. The adoption rate of precision agriculture also depends on the country
and the geological locations. The adoption rate of Precision Agriculture in
mountain zone is less compared to farmers in the valley . The variation of
adoption rate is due to the high investments needed. Hence there needs a way to
reduce cost on machines hence all farm-size can adopt precision agriculture.

Precision agriculture is aided by advanced technologies such as IOT,

Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Science. The Internet of Things
(IOT) is a network of interconnected computational things like sensors and
smart gadgets that can communicate with one another and share data . In
agronomic applications, wireless sensor networks are being used to remotely
monitor ambient and soil characteristics in order to predict crop health. Using
WSN as a forecasting approach, the watering schedule of agricultural fields can
be predicted. Wireless Sensor Networks acquire data from external variables
such as pressure, humidity, and temperature, as well as soil moisture, salinity,
and conductivity.

Machine learning makes agricultural applications incredibly

efficient and simple. Data acquisition, model building, and generalization are the
three stages of the machine learning process. The majority of cases, machine
learning algorithms are used to deal with complex problems when human
competence is insufficient. Machine learning may be used in agriculture to
forecast soil parameters like organic carbon and moisture content, as well as
crop yield prediction, disease and weed identification in crops, and species
detection. Traditional machine learning is improved by Deep Learning by
adding additional complexity to the model and changing the input with various
functions that allow data representation in a hierarchical manner, through
multiple levels of abstraction, depending on the network architecture employed.
A significant benefit of Deep Learning is feature learning, or indeed the
automatic extraction of features from original data. The ability to identify
unknown things such as anomalies rather than just a collection of existing items
is a key aspect of the Deep learning model, which uses the homogeneous
properties of an agricultural field to discover faraway, badly obstructed, and
unknown objects.

Blockchain has swiftly become a key technology in a variety of

precision agriculture applications. The requirement for smart peer-to-peer
systems capable of verifying, securing, monitoring, and analyzing agricultural
data has prompted researchers to consider developing blockchain-based IoT
systems in precision agriculture. Blockchain plays a critical role in transforming
traditional methods of storing, sorting, and distributing agricultural data into a
digital format a way that is more dependable, immutable, transparent, and
decentralized. The combination of the Internet of Things and blockchain in
precision farming results in a network of smart farms. More autonomy and
flexibility are attained as a result of this pairing.
The above-mentioned technologies such as IOT, Data Science,
Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Blockchain deals mostly with data which are
very useful for understanding and providing great insights of data. Hence, these
advanced technologies are used in various agriculture practices such as
identifying the best crop for a particular location, identifying factors that would
destroy the crops such as weeds, insects and crop diseases to obtain insights
about the crop growth and help in decision making.

Agriculture can be divided into 7 important steps that includes Land

Management, Soil Preparation, Water Monitoring, Identifying the weeds,
Pesticides Recommendation, identifying diseased crops, and cost estimation.
Land Management refers to the monitoring physical features that includes
weather conditions, geological characteristics. This is important since there are
variations in climatic conditions across the globe which would affect the crops.
Rainfall is an important aspect of the earth’s climate, and its unpredictability has
a direct impact on agriculture, water management systems, and biological
systems. As a result, tools that assist in predicting rainfall in advance are
required so that crop management can be simplified.

Soil is an essential component of agriculture. Rooting, moisture and

nutrient storage, mineral reserve, anchoring, and a variety of other variables that
affect plant growth are all determined by soil depth . The initial step for Soil
preparation is testing the soil. It involves identifying the soil’s current nutrient
levels and the suitable amount of nutrients to be feed to a certain soil based on
its fertility and crop demands. The values from the soil test report are being used
to categorize a number of key soil parameters, notably Phosphorus, Potassium,
Nitrogen, Organic Carbon, Boron, as and soil ph. Irrigation is a type of
agriculture that plays an important role in water and soil conservation.
Complicated data could be used to maintain irrigation performance and
consistency when assessing systems with respect to water, soil, climate, and
crop facts .

Weeds are plants that is grown where it is not needed. It includes

plants that are not intentionally sown. Weeds compete for water, nutrients, light,
and space with agricultural plants, lowering crop yields. Weeds can diminish the
commercial worth of agricultural regions by lowering the quality of farm
products, causing irrigation water loss, and making harvesting machinery harder
to run. To control weeds, farmers often spray homogeneous herbicide spraying
throughout the field twice or three times during the growth season. However,
this method has resulted in the uncontrolled use of large volumes of herbicides,
which is harmful to humans, non-target animals, and the environment.

Plant diseases can have a devastating influence on food safety, as

well as a considerable loss in both the quality and quantity of agricultural goods.
Plant diseases can potentially prevent grain harvesting entirely in severe
circumstances. As a result, in the field of agricultural information, computerized
identification and diagnosis of plant diseases is widely needed. Many
approaches for doing this problem have been offered, with deep learning
emerging as the preferred method because to its excellent performance.
Hence this work focuses on the steps involved in cultivation of
crop. It uses Deep Learning and Machine Learning algorithms to deliver
solutions to various challenges faced during cultivation. It mainly focuses on
recommending the crops based on weather parameters, suggesting the nutrients
requirements and specifying the Growing Degree Days. It also helps in
identifying the weeds and recommending herbicides for the same. Many insects
ruin the crops hence pesticides are recommended based on the insects that are
present in the field. And finally cost estimation is very much needed in these
recent times. Crisis, uncertainties would result in great loss. Hence forecasting
the cost for cultivating a crop is necessary to plan for future uncertain events.
This work specifies various costs in cultivation for future years.


According to our survey the location code or village code of

Kommaneturu village is 592219. Kommaneturu village is located in Gudur
mandal of Sri Potti Sriramulu Nellore district in Andhra Pradesh, India. It is
situated 18km away from sub-district headquarter Gudur (tehsildar office) and
56km away from district headquarter Nellore. As per 2009 stats, Kommaneturu
is the gram panchayat of Kommaneturu village.

The total geographical area of village is 850 hectares. Kommaneturu has a total
population of 1,907 peoples, out of which male population is 953 while female
population is 954. Literacy rate of kommaneturu village is 49.13% out of which
56.03 % males and 42.24% females are literate. There are about 450 houses in
kommaneturu village. Pincode of kommaneturu village locality is 524406.
When it comes to administration, Kommaneturu village is administrated by a
sarpanch who is elected representative of the village by the local elections. As
per 2019 stats, Kommaneturu village comes under Gudur assembly constituency
& Tirupati parliamentary constituency. Gudur is nearest town to kommaneturu
for all major economic activities, which is approximately 18km away.

Google Map of Kommaneturu:

Population of Kommaneturu:

The total population of Kommaneturu is 1,907 out of which 953 are males and
954 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio of Kommaneturu is 1,001.

The population of Children aged 0-6 years in Kommaneturu village is 228 which
is 12% of the total population. There are 125 male children and 103 female
children between the age 0-6 years. Thus as per the Census 2011 the Child Sex
Ratio of Kommaneturu is 824 which is less than Average Sex Ratio (1,001) of
Kommaneturu village.

As per constitution of India and Panchyati Raj Act (Amendment 1998),

Kommaneturu village is administrated by Sarpanch (Head of Village) who is
elected representative of the village.
Kommaneturu Data as per our Survey:

As per the village Grama Sachivalayam data, following are some

quick facts about Kommaneturu village.
Connectivity of Kommaneturu:

Working Population:-

In Kommaneturu village out of total population, 1,111 were engaged

in work activities. 71.4% of workers describe their work as Main Work
(Employment or Earning more than 6 Months) while 28.6% were involved in
Marginal activity providing livelihood for less than 6 months. Of 1,111 workers
engaged in Main Work, 119 were cultivators (owner or co-owner) while 524
were Agricultural labourers.


 Seeds:
Seed is a critical and basic input
for attaining higher crop yields and sustained
growth in agricultural production.
Distribution of assured quality seed is as critical as the production of such seeds.
Unfortunately, good quality seeds are out of reach of the majority of farmers,
especially small and marginal farmers mainly because of exorbitant prices of better
Certified seed is the ultimate stage in seed production chain and is
the progeny of foundation seed. Production of breeder and foundation seeds and
certified seeds distribution have gone up at an annual average rate of 3.4 per
cent, 7.5 per cent and 9.5 per cent respectively.

 Manures, Fertilizers and Biocides:

Manures and fertilizers play the same

role in relation to soils as good food in relation to
body. Just as a well-nourished body is capable of
doing any good job, a well nourished soil is capable
of giving good yields. It has been estimated that
about 70 per cent of growth in agricultural
production can be attributed to increased fertilizer
But its use as such is limited because
much of cow dung is used as kitchen fuel in the shape of dung cakes. Reduction
in the supply of fire wood and increasing demand for fuel in the rural areas due
to increase in population has further complicated the problem. Chemical
fertilizers are costly and are often beyond the reach of the complex.

 Lack of mechanisation:

Little or no use of machines is made in ploughing, sowing, irrigating,

thinning and pruning, weeding, harvesting threshing and transporting the crops.
This is specially the case with small and marginal farmers. It results in huge
wastage of human labour and in low yields per capita labour force.
There is urgent need to mechanise the agricultural operations so that
wastage of labour force is avoided and farming is made convenient and efficient.
Agricultural implements and machinery are a crucial input for efficient and
timely agricultural operations, facilitating multiple cropping and thereby
increasing production.
Strenuous efforts are being made to encourage the farmers to adopt
technically advanced agricultural equipments in order to carry farm operations
timely and precisely and to economise the agricultural production process.

 Soil erosion:
Large tracts of fertile land suffer from soil erosion by wind and
water. This area must be properly treated and restored to its original fertility.

 Agricultural Marketing:
In most cases, these farmers are forced, under socio-economic
conditions, to carry on distress sale of their produce. In most of small villages,
the farmers sell their produce to the money lender from whom they usually
borrow money.
In order to meet his commitments and pay his debt, the poor farmer
is forced to sell the produce at whatever price is offered to him. The Rural Credit
Survey Report rightly remarked that the producers in general sell their produce
at an unfavourable place and at an unfavourable time and usually they get
unfavourable terms.
In the absence of an organised marketing structure, private traders
and middlemen dominate the marketing and trading of agricultural produce. The
remuneration of the services provided by the middlemen increases the load on
the consumer, although the producer does not derive similar benefit.


Technology integrated Agriculture:

Precision agriculture and smart farming involves the integration of

modern technologies (like the Internet of Things and Machine Learning) into
agriculture practices. It upgrades traditional agricultural practices to accelerate
processes, increase efficiency, production and quality of produce.

The driving power of smart farming is IoT? – connecting AI-enabled

machines and sensors on farms to make farming methods data-driven and data-
enabled. Technological advancements are now shaping every aspect of farming.
From producing to harvesting, every area of crop production and management is
getting far more scalable and cost-effective. Here are some technologies that are
truly making a difference.
Automation and Robotic Labour:

Farming is a labour-intensive task that requires lots of time and

effort. Usually, these tasks are repetitive and monotonous. Farmers can delegate
these labour-intensive tasks to robotics and automation-based solutions. Such
solutions have the capability to perform tasks that range from seeding and
watering to harvesting and sorting. Eventually, this technology integration
would result in higher productivity with minimal resource wastage.
Robotic Machinery also helps in supporting farm machinery. It is useful for
sowing, harvesting and other services and helps in avoiding human errors. Farms
can utilize robotic systems for pesticide spraying, harvesting, cultivating and
other such activities.

Seeding and Planting:

With driverless tractors and new IoT enabled machines rising, tasks
like seeding and planting are becoming more flexible and effortless. Initially, it
was a manual process, requiring a significant amount of effort to be put in by
farmers or farmhands. But with the help of machine learning and IoT
sensors/devices – farmers can now resolve problems like sowing the seeds in-
depth and spacing it at an appropriate distance for better plant growth, etc.
Farmers can also combine mapping and sensor data detailing to analyze soil
texture, quality, density, moisture and nutrient levels to better conduct the
seeding process. It will maximize the growth of the seeding process and increase
the chances of the harvest of the crop overall.

Irrigation and Crop Management:

Farmers can use irrigation for crops when farms have inadequate
rainfall or for maintaining landscapes. They can balance the right amount of
water and moisture content in the soil with the help of automatic irrigation.
Various methods through which irrigation systems can be installed are –

1. Solar-powered automatic irrigation system

2. Automatic irrigation sensing the soil moisture content.
3. Subsurface Drip Irrigation (SDI)
4. GSM based automatic irrigation system

Enabling the use of these methods with IoT devices and sensors
could help in soil sustainability as well.
Crop analysis and weed management are essential for crops. A
harvest depends on a good yield of crops. Thereby, farmers must install devices
that don’t require any intervention to remove weeds as well as help in other
tasks so that the growth of the crops are unaffected. With the help of sensors and
machines, farmers can monitor and analyze field conditions without even going
to the field and make strategic decisions for the whole farm or a single plant.

Drones and Sensors:

One among the most useful

tasks that drones could handle in farming,
is the remote monitoring and analysis of
fields. Drones can travel at a certain
altitude and visually check the crop’s
condition. It helps in saving time and
labour that would normally be involved in
manual checking.

Also, drones monitoring the farms can collect data related to farms
that help in the analysis of crops and fields. One can also embed multiple
sensors in the drones to collect the different conditions of the farms. These will
help in generating data and guiding maps that can help in guiding agribots and
other machines to ensure proper maintenance of the farms.

Also using data analytics and data management, farm owners can
create reports with insights into patterns on crop health, soil, climate, fields etc.
Such data derived from different farms could go to help scientists study and
improve farming practices.

We have just touched the tip of the iceberg. The use of technologies
could largely impact other types of farming like animal husbandry(livestock
farming), greenhouse setups, horticulture and many more. It is only a matter of
time before farmers across the country embrace modern technology and increase
their productivity and revenue for good.
Benefits of Smart Agriculture solution:

The smart farming solution operates through a data-driven approach

via sensors, where the data is turned into user-friendly information, enabling the
managers to make quicker and wiser decisions related to their farm business.
For instance, if the farm manager wants to allocate specific irrigation timings to
his/her field, the IoT solution facilitates the threshold selection and automates
the entire process of irrigating the fields unless the settings are changed. Apart
from automating the irrigation process, the managers can also have a transparent
display of the field activities on their connected gadgets to monitor in real-time.
Our team has created a website in which all the farmers of that village can register
themselves in that website. The admin will be the village agricultural officer. The
admin can monitor all the farmers who registered themselves. This website can store
all the farmer details at a place.
The following are the some of the screenshots of the website

Home page

Registration page for Farmers

Login page of farmers

Dashboard of Farmers
Farmers Profile

Farmer can change their password

Dashboard of Agricultural Officer

Socio-Economic Survey In Kommaneturu:

Meetings are organised by us in the presence of Village Agricultural Officer
with the farmers in the village to know about the crops they were cultivating,
problems they were facing, and so on in the village RBK Office (Rythu Bharosa
Kendram). The most common crops they were cultivating are lemon Plants,
Paddy. Mostly all the farmers are having lemon plants.

Survey of Farmers:

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