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● In olden times, spices were one of the in-demand products in Europe. They would
usually purchase these goods by either accessing the Silk Road or the Arabian-Italian
trade route. However, due to the closing of the land route of the Spice Trade in 1453,
the European Crusaders were tasked to find a method that would allow them to
purchase directly from the source. Thus, they thought about conquering the seas to look
for a way to the famed spice island (the modern day Moluccas Islands)
➢ This achievement was made possible due to the maritime school that was built
by the Navigator of Portugal, Prince Henry
● With Spain now gaining power as well as being able to manage the domestic problems,
one of their main goals was to obtain a fair share in the spice trade. By funding the trans-
Atlantic voyage of Christopher Columbus, the Spaniards were able to discover territories
that were on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. The Spaniards also funded the voyage
of Ferdinand Magellan.


● The expedition began on the august of 20, 1519 where the main goal of the voyage was
to discover a new maritime path towards the spice islands without disrupting their treaty
with portugal.
➢ 237 different men of varying nationalities followed Magellan in his voyage
➢ Out of the 5 ships, only three were able to reach the archipelago (not yet
Philippines at that time) as the two ships were subjected to man-made and
natural challenges
● Although their first few weeks were met with hospitality, they waged war when Magellan
found out that Lapu-Lapu, the chieftain of Mactan refused to trade with the Spaniards.
➢ Although they were the ones who had the upper hand, they were defeated and
one of the casualties was Magellan himself (died from a poison arrow).
➢ Only a few survivors were able to escape. However, when the team got back to
Cebu, they were attacked by their former allies which prompted them to leave the
island. Due to their number, they were only able to take 2 of the ships namely
Victoria and Trinidad.
➢ Victoria returned to Spain together with Antonio Pigafeta who was the assistant
of Magellan.

● Was born around 1940 and was the eldest son of Giovanni Pigafetta to second wife
Angela Zoga.
● Joined the delegation of Monsignor Francesco Chieregati when he was assigned as the
Papal Nuncio to Spain in 1519.
➢ It was this time around when he caught wind of the voyage.
● After presenting his credentials to Magellan and to the Casa de la Contratación, he was
admitted as one of the sobresalientes
● Was one of the 17 survivors who returned to Spain on the 6th of September 1522. He
then gave a written report to King Carlos V before returning to his native, Italy

● It recorded the events from their departure up until they (the survivors) returned to Spain
● Due to insufficient funding, Pigafetta wasn’t able to publish the book
● It consists of a very detailed explanation about the following
a. The individual fates of the five ships (Trinidad, San Antonio, Concepcion,
Santiago and Victoria)
b. How they survived unforeseen events such as food shortage, various types of
diseases, lack of confidence in Magellan’s leadership and
c. Hostility of the people encountered in their journey
● Gave us a glimpse as to how the island’s civilization was. How these islands, more
specifically the now present Visayas Islands, had political, economic and social
conditions as well as physical appearances, social life, religious beliefs and cultural
● It was stated in the journal that Magellan had a slave/interpreter named Enrique de
Malacca who helped in trade as well as learning their culture
● It also contained a very detailed explanation as to how Magellan died in battle


● March 16, 1521 (Saturday)

- Landed on the islands of Zamal
● March 17, 1521 (Sunday)
- Magellan instructed the men to move towards the adjacent island for a better
access of water and other resources (Homnhon)
- Magellan set up two tents for the sick and his mean and had an offering
slaughtered for the sick
 March 18, 1521 (Monday)
- 9 Islanders visited them (they were from an island called zuluan)
- They had the opportunity to learn about cocoanuts (coconuts), a fruit that comes
from palm trees.
- The captain-general (Magellan) traded with the natives seeing as they were
reasonable people. He gave the following to the men: red caps, mirrors, combs,
bells, ivory, and bocasine to name a few. In turn, the natives gave the following
as a trade: fish, a jar of palm wine (uraca), figs that were no more than one span
long, as well as two cocoanuts
- The Spaniards were able to find two spiring in which they have called it Acquada
da li buoni Segnialli (The Watering-place of good sign). After which, they were
also able to locate smaller islands in which they named it as San Lazaro as it
was found on the Sabbath of St. Lazarus
 March 22, 1521 (Friday)
- By the promise of the natives, they returned with coconuts, sweet oranges, a jar
of palm-wine and a cock in which the captain-general bought. They were also
visited by the chief who was adorned with tattoos and gold.
 March 28, 1521 (Thursday)
- They visited an area in the islands where a fire was lit in the previous night.
There, they were visited by the king of the area. The captain-general’s slave
became the spokesperson for both sides in which the communication was a
success. The king of that district wanted to gift Magellan’s crew with a bar of gold
as well as a basket full of ginger but the latter declined.
 March 29, 1521 (Friday)
- Magellan wished for some food and sent his interpreter to the king’s abode. With
this, they were given a jar filled with raw rice and large giltheads and other things.
Consequently, Magellan gave them a fine red cap, some knives as well as some
- Pigafetta began writing some native words which astonished the locals deeply.
- Magellan and the king was casi casi.
- According to Pigafetta, the gold that was found by sifting the earth in these
islands, was used to adorn the king. Additionally, he also mentioned that the king
was the most handsome among the bunch. Furthermore, the king, according to
the customs, was decorated in a manner that allowed him to show his status
amongst his tribesmen
 March 31, 1521
- It was the day that some, including the kings, were converted to Christianity.
They erected the cross at the top of the highest mountain as a remembrance of
the customs that the Spaniards practiced in reverence to Christian doctrines.
- The islands of Ceylon, Cebu, and Caraga were mentioned as the Magellan
wanted to know where they can get provisions.

 April 7, 1521 (Sunday)
- It was when the group reached the port of Cebu. Before reaching it, however,
Pigafetta noted the different flora and fauna that they have encountered during
their trip. An example would be the bats that are as big as eagles that they killed
in order to feed the group. It was in the Island of Gatighan where they
encountered the beast.
 April 8, 1521 (Monday)
- It was stated in Pigafetta’s journal that this was the day the Magellan and the
king of Mazua made the blood pact.
 April 9, 1521 (Tuesday)
- The king of Mazua was introduced to the Christian faith. It was after dinner that
the Captain-General asked about who was to become king after the passing of
the current king. Here, he also stated one of the 10 Commandments. “Honor thy
father and mother”
 April 10, 1521 (Wednesday)
- One of the Magellan’s men died during the night and asked the king for a burial
ground. As it was shown that the they have embraced Christianity, they allowed
the men to consecrate the ground. Furthermore, it can be seen that there was a
balance system thanks to the wooden scales
 April 13, 1521 (Saturday)
- The king was promised by Magellan to make him a Christian by Sunday.
 April 14, 1521 (Sunday)
- As promised, the king was made Christian by the Captain-General. However, not
all of the king’s men wanted to follow in his footstep thus they were threatened.
Furthermore, two of his children was taken in order to learn their language and
spread word of Spain.
- 40 women and 500 men came to be baptized including their queen.

 There were no significant events that happened in the 6th entry rather than the fact that
their idols were all burned. Furthermore, rituals were talked about in this entry. One of
the rituals was when the women of a certain village was to eat a hog. Here, 2 very old
women does an offering to the sun where they dance and speak among themselves.
The crowd will answer shortly and the process cycles. Another ritual was for the
deceased where the principal wife lies down upon him and places her mouth, hands,
and feet upon those of the deceased. Additionally, when it comes to intercourse, a man’s
penis is pierced at a young age. If not, then they are won’t to have intercourse (medj
madugo ang entry na ito kasi medj problematic ToT)

 April 26, 1521 (Friday)
- Zula, a chief of the island Mactan sent forth his son to present two-goats to the
captain-general. Here, it was stated that Zula couldn’t give his gifts because of
another chieftain Cilapulapu. Sixty of the Spaniard men set foot at midnight. The
Captain didn’t wish to fight. Instead, he gave orders that should they follow the
King of Spain, they wouldn’t result to war. However, the people under
Cilapulapu’s reign retaliated saying that if war is what they want, then war is what
they’ll give.
 April 27, 1521 (Saturday)
- The war was fought. The natives were relentless although at first, their weapons
dealt no damage. Seeing as they were losing, the General Captain gave orders
to burn their houses. Enraged by what Magellan did, they fought harder. In the
end, Magellan was killed by a pointed arrow along with 8 other men. The
anointed king wept and thus they did retreat.
- The Christian king sent forth a letter to the Mactan that should they give up their
commanders body along with the 8 that have died with them, they shall present
their merchandise. But alas, their plan did not succeed.
- Duarte Barbosa and Joao Serrao was made commanders. They instructed their
slave Enrique to tell the Christian king that they are to depart early morn.

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