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Personal Grooming& Fitness- Online Written Assignment

Learner Name
Reference IDy Batch

In Aviation, Hospitality. Travel & Customer
Course Tte Frankinn Certificete Course

ASSessor Name
Name of

Tconfirm that the work SuDmitod tor ns asgiment 15 n y ow.

Leaner Signature

Gudelines: Students to attempt the belbw questions for geting PASS/ MERIT
Write your responses in the space
provided bebw the questions
tis compulsory to attempt al questions of PASS-to clear the assignment
3 Review your answers before submitting the Assignment

nMELINE: You can take up to Two deys to submit the Assignments

PersonalGrooming Treatments -

a1. What i5 Grooming r P s

Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

a2. Classify Grooming7Pas9

as. What are the qualties required for working in the Aviabon, Hospitaity. Travel
& CUstOmer service lndustries?(Pass)

04 Name the Layers of the Skin?Pass)

05. Name diferent types of skin? (Pass)

Q6. What are the causes of Acne and dark Circde and also provide 02 remedies

for ench? Pass)

Personal Grooming& Fitness- Online Written Assignment

a7. What are the types of hair? Highlight the causes of dandnuff and provide 02
emedies? (Pass)

8 What are the Do's and Donts of Personal hygiene and Grooming Hygiene?

8.Why do you think ifs mportant to present yoursell as a professional in an

interview? (Distinction)


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