Resource - Flag Assessment Screening Tool

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Tick where relevant factors exist as potential indicators of poor outcome or delayed

Red Flags (Medical / Physical Factors)

Serious pathology or diagnosis (e.g., trauma, pain, weight loss/gain, fever, etc.)

Type Here .

Co-existence of other diseases and conditions (e.g., Cancer, drug use, etc.)

Type Here .

Failure of treatment / lack of response to treatment

Type Here .

Yellow Flags (Psychosocial Factors)

Attitudes and beliefs about pain and injury (e.g., fear avoidance, beliefs that pain is
harmful and won’t help recovery, beliefs that passive treatment is better than active
treatment, etc.)
Type Here .

Psychological conditions (eg. Depression, anger, bereavement, frustration, anxiety,

feeling useless / not needed, etc)
Type Here .

Diagnosis and treatment (e.g., perceived inconsistencies about the injury, conflicting
diagnoses, high number of visits to health professionals, lack of satisfaction with previous
treatment, etc.)
Type Here .

Behaviours including unhelpful coping strategies (e.g., fear of aggravation and pain,
catastrophising, overreaction to medical problems, use of extended rest, excessive reliance
on aids or appliances, high intake of alcohol or other substances, etc.)
Type Here .

Other (e.g., previous injury with extended period of time off work, previous persistent
pain problem, age of worker, etc.)
Type Here .

Family (eg. Over protective family member, family member highly involved in claim /
injury mgt, lack of family support, etc)

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Type Here .

Blue Flags (Perceived Features of Work or Social Environment)

Poor social support from work colleagues or unsupportive management style

Type Here .

Lack of job satisfaction, frequent job changes or poor vocational direction

Type Here .

High demand / low control

Type Here .

Physically demanding, uncomfortable, or manual work, or work which involved shift

work or inflexible schedules, no rest breaks, etc.
Type Here .

Black Flags (Factors which affect all workers equally)

Threats to financial security and progression, liability disputes, financial incentives,

Type Here .

Lack of contact with workplace, duration of sickness absence, etc.

Type Here .

Poor coordination between employers and those responsible for medical care
Type Here .


Travelling distance to nearest office

Type Here .

Language barriers (read, written, and spoken)

Type Here .

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