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Subject: Nursing care of gynecological problem

Prepared by: Alisha Pokhrel; Lecturer---KHC; Master in Nursing (WHD)

Model question with answer

1. Define infertility list its cause and briefly explain nurse role in infertility(2+3+5)
2. Define Prolapse and explain its management briefly(2+8)
3. Define and classify AUB and explain its causes(2+3+5)
4. Briefly explain about STIs(10)
5. Write short note on
b. Vescicovaginal fistula(VVF)
Define infertility list its cause and briefly explain nurse role in infertility
It is defined as a failure to conceive after 1 year of regular, appropriately timed intercourse in
absence of contraception. Infertility can be primary or secondary
 Primary infertility-----denotes those couples who have never conceived
 Secondary infertility------ indicates previous pregnancy but failure to conceive
Faults in the male
 Defective spermatogenesis
 Obstruction of efferent duct system
 Failure to deposit sperm high in vagina
 Errors in seminal fluid---
Faults in female---
 Tubal disorders: Blocked Fallopian tube
 Uterine disorders: inflammatory in nature (endometriosis), septate uterus, or fibroids
 Disorders of the ovaries (polycystic ovarian syndrome and other follicular disorders)
 Disorders of the endocrine system: imbalances of reproductive hormones
Nursing Strategies
 Giving anticipatory guidance.
 Providing a quiet, private place for consultation.
 Allowing adequate time for questions and discussion.
 Giving therapeutic touch.
 Maintaining personal contact during and after treatment cycles..
 Expressing positive and negative feelings.
 Providing easy access to nursing care.
 Follow up to discuss options and emotional status.
 Detailed explanation on various type of assisted reproductive technology
o Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI) –
o In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
o Zygot Intrafallopian Transfer (ZIFT)
Subject: Nursing care of gynecological problem
Prepared by: Alisha Pokhrel; Lecturer---KHC; Master in Nursing (WHD)

o Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

o Surrogate and gestational carrier

Nurse's Role
 Important role in supporting patients through complex journey of infertility diagnosis to
fertility treatment to pregnancy.
 Infertility evaluations and treatment are expensive, time consuming, invasive, stressful,
and not always successful, couples need support with this process.
 To help reduce a woman‘s anxiety, increase her knowledge and validate significance of
her experience throughout evaluation and treatment.
 To guide woman through grief that follows unsuccessful treatment
 Encourage feminine and menstrual hygiene.
 Advice women to seek prompt medical care whenever is infection.
 Explain problem of infertility with emphasis on effects of stress and psychological
 Teach newly married women about physiology of conception.
 Encourage infertile couple to seek proper medical care..
 Explain the exact causes of infertility after diagnosis.
 Encourage women to stick to treatment and never lose a hope.
 Advice regular check up with treatment.
 Listen to women’s concerns
Nurse’s role in prevention of infertility
Some but not all of infertility causes are preventable as:
 An advice to complete family before 35 years female age.
 Prevention and control of genital infection:
 Weight management
 Balanced diet
 Participating in moderate exercise
 Safe sex practice
 Prevention of Male infertility--Avoid use of alcohol, Marijuana & heavy metals,
Radiation to genital organs
Infertility is major health problem. It needs to be alleviate by several measure including health
education, prevention and evidence based cost effective treatment including assisted
reproductive technique.
Thank you

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