Oncology 1

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23) The following are appropriately matched

a) Cyclophosphamide /alopecia T
b) ampicillin/diarrhea T ( pseudomembranous colitis)
c) carbimazole/agranulocytosis T
d) Prednisolone/gastric erosion T
e) Vincristine/peripheral neuropathy T

59) Neuroblastoma may present with

a) Abdominal mass. T
b) Unilateral exomphalos. ?
c) Hematuria. F
d) Lowered VMA level. F

60) Nephroblastoma is
a) Sometimes bilateral. T
b) Associated with hemihypertrophy. T
c) Associated with aniridia. T

91) Nephroblastoma
a) Haematuria may be a presenting feature. T
b) Occurs commonly in the preschool age. T
c) The abdominal mass usually crosses the midline. F
d) High level of VMA in the urine is diagnostic. F
e) Surgery in combination with chemotherapy is the treatment. T

35) Childhood malignancy

a) Bilateral retinoblastoma is usually inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. F
b) Surgery is the TX of choice in early retinoblastoma. F
c) ALL of childhood carries a better prognosis than AML. T
d) Commonest site of occurrence of rhabdomyosarcoma is the GUT. F
e) R-S cells are characteristic of Hodgkin’s lymphoma. T

37) The ff are drugs known to cause BM depression

a) Aspirin F
b) Chlorabucil T
c) Chloramphenicol. T
d) Phenytoin sodium F
e) Cyclophosphamide T

46) Craniopharyngioma cause

a) Causes optic atrophy. T
b) May cause polyuria. T
c) Skull x-ray usually show calcification in area of tumor. T
d) May present as pituitary gigantism .F
e) Is a rapidly growing fatal malignant tumor. F

49) Peak incidence of the ff condition are as ff

a) Measles 3-12months. F
b) Burkitt’s 3-5 years. F
c) Kwashiorkor 2-3 years. F
d) Retinoblastoma 2-1 years
e) NS 5-7 years

94) Calcification on a plain radiograph of the abdomen is seen in

a) Tuberculous mesenteric lymphadenitis. T
b) Nephroblastoma. F
c) Acute pancreatitis. F (Chronic)
d) Rhabdomyosarcoma. ?
e) Disseminated retinoblastoma?

95) The ff are true of Wilm's tumor

a) It is an embryonal tumor. T
b) It is sometimes inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. T
c) it is frequently bilateral.F
d) IVU shows downward displacement of the affected kidney. F
e) With surgery alone the 5 year survival rate is 80%

37) Concerning Burkitt’s lymphoma

a) It is the common children malignancy in Ibadan. T
b) Its doubling time is about 72hrs. F
c) It is assoc. with t(8:14) abnormality. T
d) It may be complicated by CRF. T
e) It is found more commonly in well nourished children. F

38) The ff are seen in px with hyperkalemia

a) Seizure. F
b) Cardiac arrhythmia. T
c) Tall p wave on ECG .F (T WAVES)
D) Broad u wave on ECG. F
e) Bizarre qrs complexes. T

94) Craniopharyngioma
a) arise from the posterior pituitary gland. T
b) are the commonest intracranial tumours in children. F
c) may compress the optic chiasma. T
d) may become calcified. T
e) respond well to radiotherapy. F

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