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1. Explain the concept of a borderless world.

As what I understand on the discussion earlier, a borderless world is a idea/concept of a

globalization where there`s a lot of exchange of cultures happening. Which is some of them are

products, information, services and also technology.

2. How may cultural imperialism be considered advantageous and disadvantageous?

Some Cultural imperialism that I considered advantageous which is there`s a lot more

Educational opportunities that more people can have access to higher-level educational options,

increasing their chances of long-term success. And we can also gain access to some new

technology that helped countries in modernizing their economies and constructing new

infrastructure. Because it allows individuals of diverse cultures and ethnicities to converse more

openly, this process of growth tends to build safer societies over time. Cultural imperialism that

I considered disadvantageous is Losing of culture or Loss of a culture like what my professor said

in the discussion The lowland people of Filipinas wore the traditional Baro't Saya. It consists of

the "baro" blouse and the "saya" skirt, And for Filipino men wear a different
kinds of trousers

with a barong tagalong. Now because of Cultural imperialism the clothing we, The Filipino had is

just like what Spanish and the Americans wear. Actually, not just Filipino, all over the world I


3. How does globalization affect the political affairs of certain countries? Cite an example in the

contemporary times.

Over the last 30 years, the number of Filipinos living in poverty has remained stable, which is

one of the reasons for the country's continued underdevelopment is Uneven Growth and Job

Creation. There has been far too little growth in the contemporary sectors, and the growth that

has happened in manufacturing has been capital-intensive, resulting in a small number of jobs.

At the same time, many workers' low-quality education prevents them from obtaining higher-

paying positions but now, because of globalization we have a lot more educational opportunities

that a lot of can access a high-lever of education and it increasing their chances of long-term

4. As college students, how does globalization affect your life in a day to day basis?

As a student, I continue my studies through the use of technology and some stuff I got in china it

help me to organize my school stuff. Today`s education learning will enable us learners to

become more familiar and comfortable with abstract concepts and uncertain scenarios.

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