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Quote from a parent
Interviewer: What is the biggest thing that having a

References child with Williams

syndrome has taught you?
• Parent: The biggest thing we have learnt is that a
person with Williams syndrome is no
Kozel, B. A., Boaz, B., Kim, different to you and me. We all have different
personalities, have different needs and A quick guide to
C. A., Mervis, C. B., process information differently. We have a greater level
Osborne, L. R., Porter, M.,
& Pober, B. R. (2021).
of acceptance and empathy
by having a person with Williams syndrome in our lives.
Interviewer: What have been the major challenges
associated with having a
Williams syndrome
(Primer). Nature Reviews:
daughter with Williams syndrome?
• Parent: At first it is hectic. Appointments are ongoing
and seem to be never-ending.
Disease Primers, You are always planning for the next stage. Learning By Markens Fequiere &
7(1)https://0634sdzbhmp01- how to feed and care for your
Pablo Perez
child with Williams syndrome is the first step. Then,
y-https-doi-org.prxkeiser. moving on to therapy and the first
stage of learning with early intervention and transition to school. It is a rare genetic condition
72-021-00276-z Markens • Also, stranger danger is a big concern as Molly
that is visible at birth, and
accepts everyone as her best friend.
Fequiere, MSOTS Interviewer: What is your take-home message to new can happen to anybody.
parents of a child with
Williams syndrome?
• Parent: Don’t be afraid to ask for support especially in
the early years as there are
times that you will be overwhelmed
What are the What to do
The most common signs are Feel free to look for a second opinion
heart disease, developmental delays, when it comes to surgery; most
intellectual disability, sensitivity to sound, healthcare providers are not familiar with
Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity disorder, anxiety. this condition.
People with Williams syndrome often have Inform your doctor of the specific needs
musical interests and are extremely friendly with of your child.

Things to Home ideas

Reinforce safe behavior with family and
friends who come to visit by practicing

look out for personal space, appropriate greetings to

improve social skills.

Children with Williams syndrome are Organize medications and set a routine to
extremly social and trusting; they also tend follow every day to stay healthy.
to adventurous, leading to safety concerns.
Williams syndrome has a greater risk of Try breathing exercises or relaxing before
complications with procedures requiring going to sleep and after waking up to
anesthesia. manage anxiety.
75% of people with Williams syndrome
experience heart problems that require Reward drinking water and eating fruits and
surgery. vegetables
Digestive system or stomach issues such as
constipation, diarrhea and gluten
intolerance are common in people with this
condition, but drinking water, eating healthy
foods, and exercising can help reduce these

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