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European Journal of Anaesthesiology 2003; 20: 259–281

© 2003 European Academy of Anaesthesiology

ISSN 0265-0215


Important physical principles in anaesthesiology

A. Manohin*, M. Manohin†
Medical Center, Department for Anaesthesiology; †Elementary School Vodmat, Ljubljana, Slovenia

The aim of this Review is to introduce anaesthesiologists to the basic physical principles that are important for
their work. A better understanding of the underlying processes during anaesthesia is required for greater safety
and efficiency. Relevant physical quantities are presented along with the area of anaesthesiology where they are
used. This approach provides better targeting to the needs of practising anaesthesiologists. This text has been a
part of a specialist course in anaesthesiology at the University of Ljubljana for some years. Current results show
that both the students and the specialist anaesthesiologists now show a better understanding of the underlying
physical principles required for their work and are more successful in fulfilling the needs of their practical work.



Physics is a basic science about nature. It investigates observed body. Since 1981 there has been an interna-
those phenomena in nature that can be observed and tional agreement dividing physical quantities into
measured, and the measurement of which can be base units and derived units, the latter being defined
repeated in a controlled situation. Physics employs in terms of base units [1]. The base quantities are
mathematics as the basic language for expressing the mass, length, time, electric current, thermodynamic
relationship among quantities. The term ‘physics’ temperature, luminous intensity and the amount of
probably originates from Aristotle (384–322 BC) substance measured with respect to the number of
who chose it for his principal work on nature. Physi- elementary entities (atoms, molecules, ions, elec-
cal principles are involved in any process on the Earth, trons or other particles or groups of particles). The
or indeed in the Universe. It is of course not the aim derived quantities, on the other hand, include velocity,
of this paper to create some ‘special physics’ valid only acceleration, force, pressure, work, density, voltage,
for anaesthesiologists – instead, a review of physical resistance, etc. By agreement, the symbols denoting
principles with an application in anaesthesiology is physical quantities are typeset italicised.
provided. Physical quantities can be either scalar or vector.
Scalar quantities (e.g. length, work, power) are defined
with a single value (i.e. magnitude); with vectors
Physical quantities and units
(e.g. direction, force, momentum), we have to specify
A physical quantity is one of the basic notions in for direction along with the magnitude. Two angles
physics defined with a measuring method and its are required to describe a given direction in space,
units. It matches a property of a physical body, a thus making three values needed to describe a vector
characteristic of a phenomenon or a state of the completely.
Every base quantity corresponds to a base unit
(Tables 1a and 1b), defined with the international
Correspondence to: Aleksander Manohin, Medical Center, Department for
Anaesthesiology, Zaloška 7, SLO-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. E-mail: manohin@ system of units, usually abbreviated as SI (French for; Tel/Fax: ⫹386 1 522 35 57 Système International). Base units are defined in such a
Accepted for publication July 2002 EJA 640 manner that any adequately equipped laboratory in

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260 A. Manohin and M. Manohin

the world can produce a measure for any given unit names of which are derived from a family name (e.g.
and that those measures are equal throughout the N from Newton, Pa from Pascal, K from Kelvin,
world. SI specifies the permitted set of units and their J from Joule, W from Watt). Furthermore, several
symbols. All countries that ratified this agreement scientific journals including the European Journal of
are obliged to enforce their use in practice. Anaesthesiology use the capital letter L for litre instead
A derived SI unit is obtained from the appropriate of prescribed small letter l to avoid confusion with
equation expressing a derived quantity in terms of the cardinal numeral 1.
base quantities and the base units. Some derived
units have special names, e.g. the unit for pressure.
Measuring physical quantities
When the derived units have a form of a quotient
they can be written as a fraction e.g. ms , or using a During clinical or research work physical quantities
solidus (slash symbol), e.g. m/s (no more than one are measured. Measuring a quantity means counting
solidus can be used) or using a negative exponent, its units. The numeric value is called the measured
e.g. m s⫺1. The chosen notation has to be consistent number. An example might be to measure the length
throughout the text. Scientific journals such as the of a peripheral venous catheter or the time to awaken
European Journal of Anaesthesiology use the exponent after an induction dose of anaesthetic.
convention because, if there are more than two quan-
tities, confusion is otherwise introduced. Experimental errors
The units, both base and derived, are typeset in
Experimental data can be obtained using either a sin-
upright symbols. Unit symbols are unaltered in plu-
gle measurement or several repeated measurements,
rals and are not followed by a period (full point)
from which the average can be calculated. The errors
unless at the end of a sentence. Most unit symbols are
can be due to either the observer’s subjective error or
Latin small letters, an exception being those units the
the inadequate precision of the instrument used in
the measurement. As an example, let us take the
Table 1a. Base physical quantities, their symbols, units and actual width of the front panel of an anaesthesia
abbreviations. machine as being 1.295 m, while our measured value
is 1.285 m. The experimental error can be expressed
Base quantity Symbol Base SI unit Abbreviation either as an absolute error or as a relative error. The
Time t second s
absolute error is the difference between our measured
Mass m kilogram kg value (single or average) and the actual value. It is
Length l metre m expressed in the same units as the measured quantity.
Electric current I ampere A In our example, the absolute error is equal to
Temperature T kelvin K 1.285 ⫺ 1.295 ⫽ ⫺0.01 m.
Amount of substance n mole mol
Luminous intensity cd candela cd
The relative error is the quotient between the
absolute error and the actual value.

Table 1b. Some units used with SI or examples of the use of prefixes.

Base SI unit Larger unit Smaller units

Units for measuring length metre 1 km ⫽ 1000 m 1/10 m ⫽ 1 dm

1/100 m ⫽ 1/10 dm ⫽ 1 cm
1/1000 m ⫽ 1/100 dm ⫽ 1/10 cm ⫽ 1 mm
1/106 m ⫽ 1/105 dm ⫽ 1/104 cm ⫽ 1/103 mm ⫽ 1 µm
1/109 m ⫽ 1/108 dm ⫽ 1/107 cm ⫽ 1/106 mm ⫽ 1 nm
Units for measuring amount mole 1 kmol ⫽ 1000 mol 1/1000 mol ⫽ 1 mmol
of substance
Units for measuring ampere 1/1000 A ⫽ 1 mA
electric current
Other units for measuring kelvin (Other
temperature unit: degree
Celsius (°C))
Units for measuring mass kilogram 1 tonne ⫽ 1000 kg 1 ⫻ 100⫺1 kg ⫽ 1 dag
1 ⫻ 1000⫺1 kg ⫽ 1 ⫻ 10⫺1 dag ⫽ 1 g
1 ⫻ 10⫺6 kg ⫽ 1 ⫻ 10⫺4 dag ⫽ 1 ⫻ 10⫺3 g ⫽ 1 mg
1 ⫻ 10⫺9 kg ⫽ 1 ⫻ 10⫺7 dag ⫽ 1 ⫻ 10⫺6 g ⫽ 1 ⫻ 10⫺3 mg ⫽ 1 µg
1 ⫻ 10⫺12 kg ⫽ 1 ⫻ 10⫺10 dag ⫽ 1 ⫻ 10⫺9 g ⫽ 1 ⫻ 10⫺6 mg ⫽ 1 ng

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Physics for anaesthesiologists 261

In our example, the relative error is equal to defining one second as the fraction 1/86 400 of the
mean solar day.
⫺0.01 m
⬇ ⫺ 0.008 Mass, symbol m (symbol italicised). This is a physical
1.295 m quantity measuring the amount of matter. The base
unit is a kilogram (kg). One kilogram is the mass of
Calculated errors should be presented with a sen-
the international prototype of the kilogram, kept at
sible precision. The number of decimal places used
the International Bureau of Weights and Measures in
should be decreased to the precision achievable at
Sèvres, near Paris, France.
the measurement. For instance, if there are only 1 cm
Length, symbol l (symbol italicised). This is a physi-
units marked on the measuring tape used for a meas-
cal quantity measuring the distance between two
urement, the result should be rounded to 1 cm. Usu-
points in space. The base unit is a metre (m). The
ally, two significant figures suffice for practical work
original definition was where one metre equalled one
except that three figures may be desirable if the first
forty-millionth of the length of the meridian through
figure is 1, 2 or possibly 3. If the digit in the third
Paris. Since 1983, it has been defined as the length of
place after the decimal point is equal to or greater
the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time
than (⭓) 5, the digit on the second place would be
interval of 1/299 792 458 of a second.
increased by one (rounded up). The equals sign is
Current, symbol I (symbol italicised). This is a phys-
then replaced by the ‘approximates to’ symbol (⬇).
ical quantity related to the movement of the carriers
In our case, the relative error is ⬇⫺0.01. A sensibly
of an electric charge. It is defined in terms of the
rounded relative experimental error can be expressed
flow of charge. The base unit is an ampere (A). The
in per cent or per mille. In our example, it is equal to
ampere is that constant current that, if maintained in
1% or 10‰.
two straight parallel conductors of infinite length, of
negligible circular cross-section and placed 1 metre
Decimal exponents and the corresponding prefixes apart in vacuum, would produce between these
A physical unit can sometimes be too large or too conductors a force equal to 2 ⫻ 10⫺7 N per metre of
small to express conveniently the results of a meas- length.
urement of a physical quantity. In that case, we can Temperature, symbol T (symbol italicised). This is a
use either larger or smaller units denoted by prefixes. thermodynamic variable, used to describe a state of
The most common prefixes are shown in Table 2. a thermodynamic system. The base unit, kelvin (K), is
Only one prefix at a time can be used with a unit, i.e. 1/273.16 of the thermodynamic temperature of the
millimillimetre is incorrect. triple point of water.
Apart from the thermodynamic temperature
Basic physical quantities measured in kelvin, temperature is often given in
Time, symbol t (symbol italicised). The base unit is a degrees Celsius (°C). 0°C ⫽ 273.15 K, 100°C ⫽
second (s). A second is 9 192 631.770 periods of the 373.15 K. The numerical value of the temperature
radiation corresponding to the transition between the difference measured in kelvin is the same as the
two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the 133Cs numerical value of the temperature difference meas-
atom. This definition is consistent with an older one, ured in degrees Celsius, therefore the latter unit can
also be used to express the temperature difference.
Table 2. Decimal prefixes that can be added to physical units The thermodynamic temperature measured in kelvin
and their numerical value. is often referenced as absolute temperature, and 0 K
(⫺273.15°C) equals the temperature at which all
Power of Number of molecular movement stops.
Prefix Abbreviation 10 units Luminous intensity, symbol cd (symbol italicised).
giga G 109 1 000 000 000
Base unit is a candela (cd). This is the luminous inten-
mega M 106 1 000 000 sity, in a given direction, of a source that emits
kilo k 103 1 000 monochromatic radiation of frequency 540 ⫻ 1012
hecto h 102 100 Hertz and that has a radiant intensity in that direc-
deca da 10 10 tion of 1/683 watt per steradian.
Base unit: 1 1
deci d 1/10 0.1
Amount of substance, symbol n (symbol italicised).
centi c 1/102 0.01 This is a physical quantity, measuring the number of
milli m 1/103 0.001 elementary entities in the substance. The base unit is
micro µ 1/106 0.000 001 a mole (mol). One mole is the amount of substance
nano n 1/109 0.000 000 001 that contains as many elementary entities as there are
pico p 1/1012 0.000 000 000 001
femto f 1/1015 0.000 000 000 000 001
atoms in 0.012 kilograms of 12C. When the mole is
used, the elementary entities must be specified and

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262 A. Manohin and M. Manohin

may be atoms, molecules, ions, electrons, other parti- • Potential energy is the energy due to the position of
cles or specified groups of such particles. One mole of a body. The gravitational potential energy for a
gas contains at standard conditions (273.15 K, body of mass m at the height h is equal to Wp ⫽
101.325 kPa) 6.023 ⫻ 1023 molecules. The latter con- mgh ⫽ Fg h, where g is equal to the acceleration of
stant is called the Avogadro or Loschmidt number. gravity. Another form of potential energy is elastic
energy, for instance the energy of a coiled spring.
• Internal energy is the energy due to the movement
Derived units of the entities of matter. The change of internal
In anaesthesiology, the following derived physical energy when a body with a mass m is heated
quantities and units are most often used. through a temperature difference ⌬T is equal to
Wn ⫽ mc⌬T. Here, c is the specific heat, i.e. the
• Velocity is a physical quantity that measures the heat needed to heat 1 kg of a given matter for 1 K.
rate of movement. We can define it mathemati- Specific heat depends on external conditions; the
cally as v ⫽ ⌬s/⌬t, where ⌬s is the distance and extreme cases are the specific heat at constant vol-
⌬t is the time during which the movement ume cv and the specific heat at constant pressure
occurred. Its unit is m s⫺1. cp. However, the two values differ significantly
• Acceleration is a physical quantity measuring the only in gases – whereas in solids and liquids the
rate of change in velocity, i.e. the change in difference is small and can often be neglected. In
velocity ⌬v which occurred during the time ⌬t, or this latter case the subscript letter is omitted.
mathematically a ⫽ ⌬v/⌬t. Its unit is m s⫺2. • Power is a physical quantity defined as the work
• Force is a quantity describing the action of one done per unit time P ⫽ A/t. Its unit is J s⫺1, also
physical body on another. Its symbol is F. Because known as the watt (W). Taking into account the
of force, a free body with a mass m starts to move definition of a newton, kg m s⫺2 one can write the
with acceleration a ⫽ F/m. The unit of force is the unit of power as kg m2 s⫺3.
newton (N). One newton is equal to the force • Pressure is a physical quantity. When a force F
required to give a free body of mass 1 kg an accel- is evenly distributed over a flat surface, S, p ⫽
eration of 1 m s⫺2. Therefore 1 N ⫽ 1 kg m s⫺2. F S⫺1. The unit of pressure is N m⫺2 also called the
• Weight is the force with which the Earth attracts pascal (Pa). A popular larger unit is the kilopascal
another body. It is equal to the mass of the body (kPa): 100 kilopascals ⫽ 1 bar.
multiplied by the acceleration of gravity: Fg ⫽ mg.
The acceleration of gravity equals 9.81 m s⫺2. For The use of older units of pressure: mmHg, cmH2O
practical purposes, 10 m s⫺2 is often used. Acceler- or atmospheres is not encouraged and they should
ation of gravity means that a physical body falling be converted into SI units. Thus, 1 mmHg ⫽
freely in the absence of drag increases its velocity 0.133 kPa, 1 kPa ⫽ 7.5 mmHg, 1 cmH2O ⫽ 0.1 kPa,
by 9.81 m s⫺1 each second. 1 kPa ⫽ 10 cmH2O, and 1 atm ⫽ 1 bar (Table 3).
• Momentum is a physical quantity defined as either The European Journal of Anaesthesiology and many
the product of mass and the velocity of a body for other journals use mmHg for intravascular pressures
a point object, or the product of mass and the and cmH2O for pressures in the airway because these
velocity of the centre of mass for an object with are what anaesthesiologists see and use in everyday
non-zero dimension; G ⫽ mv. Its unit is kg m s⫺1. clinical practice. When publishing graphs, which
Taking into account the definition of a newton as also serve as nomograms, the use of the older units of
kg m s⫺2, we can also express momentum in units pressure is permitted as an exception if transforma-
of newton seconds, N s. tion into the SI units could lead to misreading of
• Work is a physical quantity defined as the product these nomograms. It is useful to add conversion fac-
of the resultant force acting in the direction of tors to the figure captions.
movement and the movement itself. If the force When quoting pressures, the relation to atmos-
is constant, one can write A ⫽ Fs, otherwise pheric pressure should be stated. To avoid possible
A ⫽ 冮F ds. The unit of work is N m, also known as confusion, it is often recommended that the pressure
the joule (J). difference should be quoted instead, i.e. the differ-
• Energy is a capability of a body or a system of bod- ence between the measured pressure and atmospheric
ies to perform work. Its unit is the joule ( J). The pressure. The term absolute pressure is also used
energy of a body or a system of bodies can be when atmospheric pressure is included.
kinetic, potential or internal.
• Kinetic energy is the energy due to movement. The • Volume flow is a physical quantity measuring
kinetic energy of a point object with a mass m mov- the volume of fluid that flows in a given amount
ing with a velocity v is equal to Wk ⫽ 12 mv2. of time, ⌽ ⫽ ⌬V ⌬t⫺1. The unit is m3 s⫺1. In

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Physics for anaesthesiologists 263

Table 3. Some older units for pressure with their conversion factors. Except kPa and bar, none conforms to the SI unit system and should
be converted to SI units.

Pounds per Inches of mercury Physical Technical Torr* (mmHg

Unit for pressure square inch (psi) (in. Hg) atmospheres kPa Bar atmospheres at 0ºC)

Pounds per square inch (psi) 1 2.036 0.068 6.895 0.0689 0.0703 51.715
Inches of mercury (in. Hg) 0.4911 1 0.0334 3.386 0.0338 0.0345 25.4
Physical atmospheres 14.696 29.921 1 101.325 1.0133 1.0332 760
kPa 0.145 0.295 0.01 1 0.01 0.01 7.501
Bar 14.503 29.53 0.9869 100 1 1.0197 750.06
Technical atmospheres 14.2233 28.959 0.9678 98.067 0.9807 1 735.56
Torr (mmHg at 0°C) 0.01934 0.03937 0.00132 0.133 0.00133 0.00136 1
Torr was popular for a time (see issues of Anesthesiology) following the first landing on the Moon by the US astronauts in 1969 because it is a
gravitationally independent unit.

anaesthesiology, the units L s⫺1, L min⫺1, mL s⫺1 evenly over a horizontal surface while a non-wetting
and mL min⫺1 are also used. one forms droplets.
• Density is a physical quantity measuring the mass In gases, the average kinetic energy is large enough
of a volume element. For a homogeneous body for the entities to move freely. Movement is random,
one can write ␳ ⫽ m V⫺1. The unit is kg m⫺3. with the entities colliding with other entities as well
• Specific weight is a physical quantity measuring the as with the vessel walls. The interaction between the
weight of a volume element. For a homogeneous entities is small except when collisions occur. Gas
body one can write ␴ ⫽ Fg V⫺1. The unit is completely fills the volume at its disposal. The inter-
N m⫺3. nal energy of an ideal gas is completely determined
by the kinetic energy of its molecules. We describe
such gases as systems of volumeless particles, which
State of matter
do not interact except at collisions. Very low-density
Matter consists of minute, randomly moving enti- gases can be approximately described as ideal gases.
ties. Those entities can be atoms, groups of atoms Real gases are the ones usually encountered in nature.
(i.e. molecules) or ions. Both attractive and repul- In real gases molecules weakly interact even between
sive forces act between them. It is the nature of these collisions. Real gases can only fill a finite volume.
forces, the kinetic energy of the entities and the Diluted real gases can approximately be treated as
external condition that define in which state the ideal gases.
matter exists: as solid, as liquid or as gas. Both liquids and gases have a common character-
In solids, the kinetic energy of the entities is small istic: they can flow. Therefore, the common name
enough so that the entity remains bound and local- fluids can be used for them. They share many com-
ized vibrating around its equilibrium position. Solids mon characteristics.
thus retain their shape and volume. When an exter-
nal force acts upon them they may change their
shape but return to their original shape if the acting Influence of temperature on the state of matter
force was small enough. The temperature at which a solid turns into a liquid
In liquids, the molecules randomly move and col- is called the melting point, and conversely the tem-
lide with other molecules. The average distance perature at which the liquid transforms to solid is
between molecules is approximately the same as in called the freezing point. Both temperatures are
solids but the molecules are not bound in any fixed equal for the same substance at the same pressure.
location. A liquid acquires the shape of the vessel and The temperature at which the liquid transforms to
forms a surface. The surface of a still liquid is perpen- gas or vice versa is called the boiling point (Fig. 1).
dicular to the resultant external force. If the only By heating a body towards the melting point, or
external force is weight, the surface is horizontal. If from the melting point towards the boiling point,
the vessel containing the liquid rotates, the centrifu- its temperature increases. Analogously the tempera-
gal force also has to be taken into account and the ture of a body decreases if the body is either cooled
surface attains the shape of a rotational ellipsoid. A from the boiling point towards the freezing point or
liquid can be either wetting or non-wetting. If it below the freezing point. The absorbed heat in the
wets the walls of the vessel, a rise due to capillary first case is used to weaken the bonds between the
action can be observed (e.g. water/glass); if not, there entities and increase the volume. A notable excep-
is a fall (e.g. mercury/glass). A wetting liquid spreads tion is water. Owing to its anomalous behaviour, the

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264 A. Manohin and M. Manohin

100 evaporation and the reverse process is called condensa-

4 tion. The temperature of vaporization increases with
80 pressure. Boiling 1 kg of liquid heated up to its boil-
ing point requires an input of heat energy equal to the
Temperature (°C)

specific latent heat of vaporization (or latent heat of
40 vaporization, qi). While liquidifying, vapour releases
the same amount of heat. To calculate the total
20 amount of heat required to boil a given amount of
2 substance the specific latent heat of vaporization has
to be multiplied by the mass of substance, Qi ⫽ qim.
0 2 4 6 8
• Evaporation: note that the liquid-to-gas transition
Time (min) also occurs at temperatures lower than the boiling
point. Here, the process is called evaporation. This
Figure 1.
Temperature as a function of time. A total of 1 kg ice with an initial
terminology is used to discriminate this process
temperature of ⫺10°C is uniformly heated at a pressure of 1 bar. In from the liquid-to-gas transition at the boiling
Phase 1, the ice is heated, but it remains a solid. The received heat for point when it is called boiling.
1 kg of water at 1 bar is 21 kJ. In Phase 2, the ice melts, changing its • Sublimation: direct conversion from solid to gas is
state from solid to liquid and it absorbs 335 kJ of heat. In Phase 3, called sublimation. Its reverse process deposition
the liquid is heated, but it remains a liquid absorbing 420 kJ of of crystals from gas shares the name with conden-
heat between 0 and 100°C. In Phase 4, evaporation occurs as the liq- sation. Both transitions occur at a given pressure
uid has reached its boiling point. It changes state from liquid to gas and temperature (called the sublimation tempera-
consuming 2260 kJ of heat. A graph showing the uniform cooling of ture). During sublimation an input of heat (heat
1 kg of water vapour from 100°C down to ice at ⫺10°C would look of sublimation) is required while at condensation
identical, but would travel in a reverse direction. heat is released.

volume of water is actually decreased – and its den- Dependence of the state of matter on pressure
sity is increased – when heated from 0 to 4°C. The state in which a quantity achieves its maximal
When exactly at the melting or the boiling point value under given conditions is called saturation. The
the temperature does not increase with the absorbed saturated vapour pressure (or boiling pressure) is the
heat. Instead, all of the absorbed heat is used to break pressure at which the vapour is in equilibrium with
the bonds between the entities and change the state the liquid or solid at a given temperature. At its boil-
of the matter. The heat, absorbed during melting or ing point the saturated vapour pressure is equal to
boiling is called latent heat because it does not result the pressure above the liquid (Fig. 2). From this we
in an increase of temperature. At the melting point can deduce that the boiling point can be affected by
and the corresponding melting pressure, the solid varying the pressure of gas above the liquid phase. At
and the liquid phases are in equilibrium. The phase high altitude, where the atmospheric pressure (which
change (the change in the state of matter) from solid equals to the pressure above the liquid) is lower, the
to liquid is called melting and the opposite process is boiling point is lower. For instance, on the top of
called solidification. The temperature of the melting Mount Everest water boils at as low as 70°C. On the
point increases with pressure if the density of the other hand, in a closed environment where the pres-
solid phase exceeds that of the liquid phase and vice sure can be kept above the atmospheric pressure, the
versa. Melting 1 kg of a substance at its melting boiling point is higher. In a pressure cooker for exam-
point requires an input of heat energy. This is cor- ple, where the pressure is 1 bar above the atmospheric
rectly called the specific latent heat of fusion, but pressure, water boils at 120°C.
commonly abbreviated to the latent heat of fusion The liquefaction of gas is governed by both pres-
(symbol qt). Conversely, 1 kg of liquid cooled to the sure and temperature. Gas can be liquefied by increas-
freezing point releases the same amount of heat while ing the pressure, but only up to the point where the
freezing. To calculate the total amount of heat critical temperature is reached. Above critical tem-
required to melt a given amount of substance the spe- perature, no phase change occurs as the pressure is
cific latent heat of fusion has to be multiplied by the further increased. The pressure at which gas liquefies
mass of substance, Qt ⫽ qtm. when the critical temperature is reached is called the
At the boiling point and the corresponding pres- critical pressure. At temperatures higher than the
sure the liquid phase is in equilibrium with the critical temperature the densities of the liquid and
gaseous phase. The phase from liquid to gas is called gas phase become equal, the surface dividing the two

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Physics for anaesthesiologists 265

222 C
Melting 6
Pressure (bar)


0.006 T3 Vapour

Sublimation 5 4 3 2
0 0.01 70 100 374
Temperature (°C)

Figure 2.
Phase diagram for water, with the triple point, T3, at which all three Volume
phases can coexist and the critical point, C, at which temperature and
pressure attain their critical value. Note that the pressure and temper- Figure 3.
ature scales are non-linear (used with permission of the publisher [4]). Phase diagram of pressure versus volume at a constant temperature
(isothermal compression or expansion of gas). Above point 1 and
between points 1 and 2, only the gaseous state is present. At point 2,
phases disappears and so does the boiling point. The the liquid phase appears; between points 2 and 5, the liquid and
gas in the state below the critical temperature is also gaseous phases coexist, the liquid phase gradually replacing the
called a vapour. gaseous one. Beyond point 5, only the liquid phase is present.
At condensation, the pressure does not increase as
long as some of the gas phase is still present (Fig. 3,
points 2–5). If the volume is then further decreased, the molecules collide elastically with each other as
the pressure rises abruptly (Fig. 3, points 5 and 6 well as the walls of the vessel. Collisions with the
and beyond point 6), since the compressibility of the vessel walls represent the pressure of gas, which is
liquid phase is much lower than that of the gaseous linearly proportional to the temperature of the gas
phase. In the opposite direction, decreasing the pres- and its density. The pressure is perpendicular to the
sure induces the transition from the liquid to vessel wall.
gaseous phase as the volume increases (Fig. 3, The pressure, volume and temperature of an ideal
beyond point 6 and between points 6 and 5). As long gas are interconnected with a relationship called the
as the liquid phase is still present, the pressure does universal equation of state: pV ⫽ nRT, where p is the
not decrease any further (Fig. 3, points 5, 4, 3 and 2). pressure of gas (units N m⫺2), V is the volume of gas
Then, if the volume is further increased, the pressure (m3), n is the number of moles of gas, R is the univer-
drops abruptly (Fig. 3, points 2 and 1 and beyond sal gas constant (8314 J K⫺1 kmol⫺1; modern usage
point 1) due to the much greater compressibility of seems to favour 8.314 J K⫺1 mol⫺1) and T the absolute
the gaseous phase. temperature of gas (expressed in K).
The critical temperature for oxygen is ⫺118°C, The compression and expansion of a gas usually
for nitrogen ⫺147°C and for air ⫺141°C. All of these occur adiabatically, i.e. without any exchange of heat
substances are thus in the gaseous phase at room between a gas and its environment. Therefore, the gas
temperature, regardless of pressure. Not all sub- usually cools down at expansion and heats up when
stances have such low critical temperatures: for car- compressed.
bon dioxide it is 31°C, and for nitrous oxide 36.4°C. The universal equation of state embodies three
The corresponding critical pressures are 73.8 and ideal gas laws, which pair-wise connect two thermo-
72.5 bar, respectively. This means that cylinders dynamic variables.
containing either of these gases at higher pressure
(but below the critical temperature) contain a • Boyle’s Law: at a constant temperature the pressure
mixture of liquid and gas. is inversely proportional to its volume: pV ⫽ k1.
• Gay-Lussac’s Law or Charles’s Law: at constant
Pressure in gases pressure the volume of gas is proportional to its
absolute temperature: V ⫽ k2T.
Clinical application of the gas laws • Amontons’s Law: at constant volume the pressure of
The kinetic theory of gases describes a gas as a gas is proportional to its absolute temperature:
collection of equal molecules moving randomly; p ⫽ k3T.

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266 A. Manohin and M. Manohin

There are in fact four laws that describe the behaviour oxygen is proportional to the amount of oxygen in
of pressure, temperature and volume in relation to the cylinder, while in a cylinder of nitrous oxide it
one another: Charles’, Boyle’s, Amontons’ plus the remains constant (51 bar at 20°C) provided that
Universal Gas Law. Toward the end of the 1600s, the emptying is relatively slow. In rapid emptying, cool-
French physicist Guillaume Amontons built a ther- ing will occur and the pressure will fall. The pressure
mometer based on the fact that the pressure of a gas remains constant as long as there is still some liquid
is directly proportional to its temperature. The rela- nitrous oxide in the cylinder, and only starts to drop
tionship between the pressure and temperature of a afterwards. The amount of nitrous oxide in the cylin-
gas is therefore known as Amontons’ Law. Joseph der is instead determined by weighing a partially
Louis Gay-Lussac (1778–1850) began his career in filled cylinder (the weight of an empty cylinder is
1801 by very carefully showing the validity of Charles’ marked on the cylinder).
Law for a number of different gases. Gay-Lussac’s A cylinder of nitrous oxide must never be com-
most important contributions to the study of gases, pletely filled with liquid nitrous oxide. Instead, some
however, were experiments performed on the ratio of space has to be left for the vapour. The saturated
the volumes of gases involved in a chemical reaction. vapour pressure increases with temperature and at
The law was first discovered by French physicist higher temperatures the pressure of vapour within
Guillaume Amontons (1663–1705) in 1699 or 1702. the cylinder could rise enormously and cause an
His experiments were repeated by Jacques Alexander explosion. Usually, at room temperature, the cylinder
Cesare Charles (1746–1823) in 1787 who realized that is filled to 90%, and 10% of the cylinder volume is
it applied to other gases besides air. Charles did not left for the vapour. The ratio of the masses of nitrous
publish it, but Gay-Lussac did in 1802 (called Charles’ oxide and water if the cylinder were to be completely
Law or Gay-Lussac’s Law, but not Amonton’s Law (in filled with water is also important. It is called the
other publications Amonton’s (Gay-Lussac’s) Law)). filling ratio and its usual value is 0.67 for tropical
All three laws together yield a relationship between countries and 0.75 for the UK.
the pressure, volume and absolute temperature of a A standard mixture of 50% oxygen and 50%
gas: pV ⫽ kT or p0V0/T0 ⫽ p1V1/T1. The constant k nitrous oxide is known as Entonox® (BOC Gases,
can be calculated from the constants k1, k2 and k3. Guildford, Surrey, UK). The pressure in an Entonox®
From this latter relationship, we can calculate the cylinder is 137 bar. The nitrous oxide is not liquified,
amount of oxygen available for the ventilation of the since both gases dissolve in one another at high
lungs of a patient. Here, we use the index ‘0’ to denote pressure. This means that oxygen lowers the critical
the values in the gas cylinder, and index ‘1’ to denote temperature of nitrous oxide and this is known as
the values in the reservoir bag. In this calculation we the Poynting effect (John Henry Poynting, a British
will neglect the cooling of gas at adiabatic expansion physicist, 1852–1914). The critical temperature for
and postulate both temperatures are equal. Then, the Entonox® mixture is ⫺7°C. If a cylinder is cooled
temperature can be removed from the equation: below this temperature the two gases separate. In
p0V0 ⫽ p1V1. The pressure in the cylinder is equal to such conditions, a mixture rich in oxygen exits the
p0; the value can be read on the pressure gauge. V0 is cylinder first being followed later with a hypoxic
the volume of the cylinder, specified on the cylinder mixture rich in nitrous oxide. If a cylinder has been
itself. p1 is the pressure of the oxygen at inhalation, cooled it needs to be put into a horizontal position
which is equal to 1 bar (the pressure on the outer side and left to rewarm at 5°C or above for at least 24 hours
of the flowmeter). The formula for V1 can thus be before use. During that period, the cylinder should
rewritten as V1 ⫽ p0V0/p1. If, for instance, the pressure be occasionally turned around its longitudinal axis
gauge on the 3-L cylinder displays the value 80 bar, (rolled) to promote remixing of the contents.
then the amount of oxygen available for lung venti-
lation is equal to 80 ⫻ 3 ⫽ 240 L. Taking into account • Dalton’s Law: The total pressure of a gas mixture
the respiratory minute volume, and the percentage of is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of all of
oxygen in the inspired mixture of anaesthetic gases, the gases in the mixture. The partial pressure of a gas
we can calculate the time for which we can ventilate is proportional to the concentration of that gas in the
the patient. This is particularly important during the mixture. The partial pressure is equal to the pressure
transport of patients. of this gas in the absence of other gases in the vessel.
It is important to understand that a simple calcu- As an example: in a cylinder containing pressurized
lation like this is only possible for oxygen, since air at 100 bar, the partial pressure of nitrogen is
pressurized oxygen in the cylinder is still in gaseous 79 bar, since 79% of air represents nitrogen.
state. Nitrous oxide, on the other hand, is partially Dalton’s Law actually applies only to ideal gases.
liquified – only its vapour above the surface leaves • Henry’s Law: The concentration of a dissolved gas
the cylinder. Therefore, the pressure in a cylinder of in a liquid solvent is proportional to the partial

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Physics for anaesthesiologists 267

pressure of this gas in the gaseous phase above Spring

the surface of solution. This is only valid if the sol-
vent (liquid) and the solute (gas) do not interact
• Avogadro’s Law: Equal volumes of gases under the
same temperature and pressure contain the same
number of molecules (Avogadro’s Number).

The volume of one mole of gas at standard temperature Disc

and pressure occupies 22.4 L. Standard temperature
and pressure (STP) is defined as 0°C, 101.325 kPa. Pressure
One mole is the molecular weight of that substance in
grams. For example, the molecular weight of nitrous Figure 4.
oxide is 44, so 44 g of nitrous oxide amounts to 1 mole, Heidbrink valve. The gas enters, pushing the plate up and exits
which expands to 22.4 L at STP. One gram of nitrous through the release outlets (used with permission of the publisher [5]).
oxide expands to 22.4 L/44 ⫽ 0.5091 L (509.1 mL).
If this value is multiplied by the amount of liquid
nitrous oxide (in grams) in the cylinder, we can thus
calculate the amount of gaseous nitrous oxide that Spring
exits the cylinder at STP.
We might wish to perform a similar calculation
for a highly volatile liquid anaesthetic kept in a bot-
tle where its volume is known. Here its mass in
grams that enters the formula above can be calcu-
lated if we know the volume V of the anaesthetic in
millilitres and its density ␳ (the conversion factor
between its mass and its volume): m ⫽ ␳V. The fol-
lowing is the calculation for halothane. The mass
of one mole of liquified halothane is 197 g, and its
density is 1.85 g cm⫺3. So, 1 mL (1 cm3) of liquified
halothane expands to (22.4 L/197) ⫻ 1.85 ⫽ 0.210 L P inlet Valve P outlet
of halothane vapour at STP.
Figure 5.
Schematics of a pressure-reducing valve. The gas enters and applies
‘Pop-off’, expiratory and pressure-reducing valves pressure on the membrane compressing the spring in the direction of the
arrows. Also connected to the membrane is a valve, which closes the gas
A ‘pop-off’ valve enables the release of gas from a sys- inlet as the force on the membrane increases, thus reducing the inflow
tem when the pressure within it rises beyond a cer- of gas. When the spring is relaxed, the ratio between the reduced and
tain limit. In many anaesthetic breathing systems non-reduced pressure is approximately equal to the ratio in the areas
(e.g. the Magill attachment) it is based on the of the inlet valve and the membrane. If additional force is applied to
Heidbrink valve (Fig. 4). When the force due to the the spring, it opposes the closing of the valve. Without the spring, the
gas pressure equilibrates with the opposing force of reduced pressure would decrease along with the decreasing non-
the spring (regulated by the anaesthetist), the valve reduced pressure in the gas cylinder. The spring reduces this unwanted
opens and gas is released from the system. At that effect but does not eliminate it entirely (used with permission of the
publisher [5]).
point the force is equal to the pressure of gas multi-
plied by the area of the plate connected to the spring.
Depending on the type, the pressure needed for open- the gas is supplied at the operating pressure (e.g. 5
ing the valve is either 0.2–0.3, 7 or 35 kPa. The force bar in Slovenia, 4 bar in the UK, 3–4 bar throughout
needed for opening the valve can be regulated by set- the rest of the world). When high-pressure cylinders
ting the tension of the spring. are used (this includes the auxiliary cylinders pro-
The pressure-reducing valve has two principal vided with the anaesthesia machine) reduction of the
functions: to reduce the pressure in the gas cylinder gas pressure is required. The simplest mechanism of
to the operating pressure and to minimize fluctua- the operation of a pressure-reducing valve is shown
tions in gas pressure. The latter would otherwise in Figure 5.
require frequent adjustment of the flowmeter. When If the valve on the oxygen cylinder is opened too
the gas is obtained from the central supply further quickly, the gas flowing from the cylinder com-
reduction of the gas pressure is usually necessary, as presses at the point of entering the valve and can

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268 A. Manohin and M. Manohin

Safety valve If the atmospheric pressure above the liquid sur-

Spring face is also considered, we have to add this to the
hydrostatic pressure: p ⫽ ph ⫹ pa.
2nd stage pressure 1st stage
Hydrostatic pressure in blood vessels depends on
reduction Filter reduction the patient’s body position. It affects the distribution
of the intravascular volume (orthostatic hypotension).
We also have to take it into account during direct
cylinder valve measurement of arterial pressure (correct setting of
and yoke manometer to the tip of the measuring tube) or
Sensing 2nd stage 1st stage
when measuring central venous pressure (correct
diaphragm valve valve Gas setting of the null point of the measuring system).

Figure 6. Relationship between pressure and tension

Entonox® two-stage pressure demand regulator (used with permis- in the vascular wall
sion of the publisher [5]). In the vascular system, pressure depends on the vol-
ume of the total vascular system as well as on the
elasticity of the vascular walls. The cross-sectional
adiabatically heat up to approaching 800°C [2]. The area of a blood vessel depends on the transmural
danger of overheating is reduced by building a nar- pressure (the difference between the pressure inside a
row nozzle followed by a chamber, where the gas blood vessel and the pressure outside): pt ⫽ pn – pz,
expands and cools down. If the gas cools down to where pt is the pressure difference, pn is the vascular
below 0°C any water vapour can freeze if the relative pressure and pz is the extravascular pressure (intra-
humidity is high enough. The danger of freezing is pleural space, abdominal cavity or other tissue). When
reduced by using a series of pressure-reducing noz- the external pressure is equal to atmospheric it can
zles, so the pressure is reduced step-wise and by be neglected; in that case the ‘pressure difference’ is
gradually increasing the nozzle size towards the exit, equal to the vascular pressure: pt ⫽ pn.
thus preventing any ice crystals from blocking the In a spherical or cylindrical vessel, the relationship
outlet. It is nevertheless recommended that the gas between the pressure of fluid inside the vessel and the
humidity should be kept as low as possible. tension in the vessel wall (the pressure exerted on the
A pressure-controlled valve reduces the inflow pres- vessel wall) is expressed by Laplace’s Law. This states
sure to the outflow limb of the valve in two stages. that at equilibrium (no change in pressure), the dis-
The first stage operates as a standard pressure-reducing tending pressure (pt, transmural pressure, or pressure
valve. In the second stage a decreased pressure in the across the wall) equals the developed wall tension (t),
outflow limb opens the valve and enables gas to flow i.e. force per unit longitudinal cross-sectional area of
from the high pressure source. A two-level control of the wall divided by the two principal radii of curva-
the gas pressure is used in the Entonox® apparatus ture (r1 and r2).
(Fig. 6). pt ⫽ t(1/r1 ⫹ 1/r2) ⫽ t/r1 ⫹ t/r2.
In a sphere (the heart), r1 ⫽ r2, so pt ⫽ 2t/r or
Hydrostatics t ⫽ rpt/2.
In a vessel, one radius is infinite, so pt ⫽ t/r or
Hydrostatic pressure t ⫽ rpt.
Hydrostatic pressure ph is the pressure in a stationary
Since wall thickness is another factor that influ-
fluid. It depends on the depth, the density of fluid
ences the load on an individual muscle fibre, the
and the acceleration due to gravity. However, it does
Laplace relation – when applied to sheets of muscle –
not depend on the orientation of the surface: it is
is frequently expressed in terms of stress s (rather
equal at every point at the same depth. It also does
than tension t) by also including the wall thickness d:
not depend on the shape of the vessel: ph ⫽ ␳gh,
where ␳ is the density of the fluid expressed in • For a cylindrical pipe (blood vessel): sc ⫽ (r/d )pt,
kg m⫺3; g is the acceleration due to gravity expressed where sc is the wall stress, r is the vessel radius, d
in m s⫺2; and h is the depth. The latter is measured is its thickness and pt is the pressure difference
vertically from the surface and is expressed in across the wall.
metres. The equation is always valid in liquids but • For a spherical shell (heart): sk ⫽ (r/2d )pt, where
only holds true for gases when the density does not sk is the wall stress, r is the radius of the spherical
depend on the depth (height). It is thus a useful shell, d is its thickness and pt is the pressure dif-
approximation for small height differences. ference across the wall.

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Physics for anaesthesiologists 269

From the given expressions it follows that the tension

in the vessel (cardiac) wall is directly proportional to
the pressure difference and the vessel (cardiac cavity)
radius, and inversely proportional to the thickness of
the vessel (cardiac) wall.
Pressure–volume ratio
As the pressure difference (pt) increases, so does the
volume of blood in the vascular system. The increase
in volume is largest at low pressure and decreases Figure 7.
with increasing pressure. The ratio between the pres- Bernoulli principle. h ⫽ Height of the column is proportional to the
sure and the volume depends on the vessel cross- pressure difference (used with permission of the publisher [5]).
section. The stronger the vessel is squeezed (muscles
in the vascular wall are activated) the greater the pres-
sure difference needed for a blood volume increase.
Conversely, the more the vessel is expanded (muscles
in the vascular wall are relaxed), the smaller is the
pressure difference needed for an increase of the blood
volume within the vessel.
The ratio between the change in the vessel volume
⌬V and the change in the pressure difference ⌬pt
is called vascular compliance and denoted by C: Suction
C ⫽ ⌬V/⌬pt. It is expressed in mL kPa⫺1. Its recip-
rocal value is vascular elastance: E ⫽ 1/C ⫽ ⌬pt/⌬V.
It is measured in kPa mL⫺1. Figure 8.
For a series of vessels, the compliances are addi- Venturi tube (used with permission of the publisher [5]).
tive. Thus, the total vascular compliance for an adult
is 1500 mL kPa⫺1 (200 mL mmHg⫺1). From this the
compliance of vessels in the thorax is 750 mL kPa⫺1
(100 mL mmHg⫺1), and the compliance of vessels Hydrodynamics
outside the thorax is also 750 mL kPa⫺1 (100 mL The two parameters important for the movement of
mmHg⫺1). The compliance of larger arteries (aorta) fluids in pipes, e.g. gas in the airways or blood in the
is low, only 7.5 mL kPa⫺1 (1 mL mmHg⫺1). Some- blood vessels, are the pressure difference between the
times the term ‘effective compliance of the vascular ends of the pipe and the resistance against the flow.
system’ is used for the compliance of the total vascu-
lar system, which emphasizes that vascular compli-
ance depends not only on the vascular wall but also Movement of gas
on the exchange of liquid between the capillaries and The injector system is often named after Venturi,
the surrounding tissue (Starling equilibrium). although its operation is actually based on the princi-
Apart from compliance, compressibility (␭) of ple discovered by Bernoulli in 1738, which is approx-
a blood vessel is also an important parameter: ␭ ⫽ imately 60 years before Venturi. Figure 7 illustrates
⌬V/(V⌬pt), i.e. fractional change of volume per the Bernoulli principle.
unit change of pressure. It is expressed in kPa⫺1. Its If a liquid flows along a pipe of varying diameter,
reciprocal value is volume elasticity modulus (K): its velocity increases as it passes through a constric-
K ⫽ (⌬p/⌬V)V, expressed in kPa. tion with a smaller cross-section and returns to the
Taking blood density into account, pulse wave previous value when the diameter returns to the
velocity (c) can be calculated from the volume previous value. The Bernoulli principle states that
elasticity modulus: K/␳ , where K is the volume the pressure reduces through the constriction – where
elasticity modulus and ␳ is the blood density. It is the velocity of fluid is high – and is higher where the
measured in m s⫺1. diameter is greater and the velocity is low. The pres-
Pulse wave velocity connects the vascular elastic- sure difference can be calculated as ⌬p ⫽ ␳g⌬h.
ity with the haemodynamics. It governs the propa- The shape of the pipe after the constriction is
gation of the pressure wave and the formation of a important. If it has a conical shape (Fig. 8) there is a
pressure curve (it causes an increase in the blood large pressure drop on the output side (the pressure
pressure amplitude in the peripheral arteries). can drop even below atmospheric pressure), which can

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270 A. Manohin and M. Manohin

Flow Flow

Figure 10.
Laminar (left) and turbulent (right) flows.
Figure 9.
Schematic illustration of the Coanda effect (used with permission of
the publisher [5]).
sum of the individual resistances: R ⫽ R1 ⫹ R2 ⫹
… ⫹ Rn. If, however, they are connected in parallel,
the reciprocal value of resistance is equal to the sum
be used to generate a suction force from the lower of the individual reciprocal values:
narrow pipe.
The injector principle can be used for oxygen R⫺1 ⫽ R1⫺1 ⫹ R⫺1 2 ⫹
… ⫹ R⫺1 n .
therapy to increase the concentration of inspired In both cases, R1 to Rn stand for any given number of
oxygen. Using a Venturi oxygen mask with an oxy- particular resistances.
gen inflow of more than 4 L min⫺1 in a considerable Resistance to the laminar flow of a viscous liquid
amount of air is entrained. The total flow of air and through a pipe with a circular cross-section is given
oxygen exceeds the patient’s maximal inspiratory by the Hagen-Poiseuille Law:
flow and thus ensures a relatively stable concentra-
tion of oxygen. The injector principle can also be ␲ r ⌬p
used for humidification. With a suitably placed ⌽⫽
8l ␩
water reservoir and sufficient gas velocity a fine
spray can be formed. A portable suction apparatus where ⌽ is the flow rate, r is the pipe (or blood ves-
can also be driven by a Venturi injector and the sel) radius, l is its length, ␩ is viscosity and ⌬p is the
principle can also be used to drive a ventilator. pressure difference between the ends of the pipe.
Viscosity denotes the opposition of a liquid to flow,
Coanda effect and its units are kg m⫺1 s⫺1 (or Pa s). If the flow rate
In the 1930s the Romanian aerodynamicist Henri- ⌽ is substituted by the ratio ⌬p/R – from the modi-
Marie Coanda (1885–1972) observed that a stream fied Ohm’s Law and the equation is rearranged – the
of air (or other fluid) emerging from a nozzle tends resistance, R, can be determined: R ⫽ (8/␲)␩(l/r4).
to follow a nearby curved or flat surface if the curva- It is expressed in N s m⫺5.
ture of the surface or angle the surface makes with The resistance is therefore linearly proportional to
the stream is not too sharp (Fig. 9). The principle is the viscosity and the length of the pipe and recipro-
used by fluid logic ventilators, where a minor increase cally proportional to the fourth power of the pipe
in pressure before the constriction can toggle the radius. This equation is valid for laminar flow, where
flow of gas from one side to another. thin layers of liquid slide past one another. The layer
adjacent to the wall is stationary, and the velocity
increases towards the centre of the pipe, reaching its
Movement of blood maximum in the middle. However, the equation does
Resistance in blood vessels arises from both the not hold for turbulent flow where the liquid under-
intrinsic friction between the molecules and the fric- goes irregular fluctuations and mixing (Fig. 10).
tion against the vessel walls. At laminar flow, the drag of the medium is lin-
Flow of a liquid through a pipe obeys Ohm’s Law: early proportional to the velocity of a body moving
I ⫽ V/R, where I is current, V is voltage and R is in the liquid. We call this linear or Stokes’ Law of
resistance. Resistance can be expressed here as R ⫽ drag. At turbulent flows, drag increases as the sec-
V/I. When a flow of liquid is considered, voltage is ond power of velocity. The boundary between the
replaced with the pressure difference ⌬p between the two modes depends on many parameters. A useful
ends of the pipe and current is replaced by flow rate criterion is the Reynolds’ Number (Re), named after
⌽, i.e. the amount of blood which flows through a English engineer and physicist Osborne Reynolds.
pipe per unit time. Resistance is then R ⫽ ⌬p/⌽. Re is proportional to the velocity of a fluid v, its den-
Pressure difference is expressed in kPa, volume flow sity ␳ and the diameter of the pipe, 2r, and inversely
in L s⫺1 or mL s⫺1, and resistance in N s m⫺5. proportional to the viscosity of the fluid ␩: Re ⫽
The total resistance of a group of blood vessels (R) v␳2r/␩. It has been shown that the flow is laminar
depends on how the vessels are connected. If they are for Re ⬍ 1, turbulent for Re ⬎ 2000, but it can be
connected in series, the total resistance equals the either laminar or turbulent in the intermediate range.

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Physics for anaesthesiologists 271

In the vascular system, the flow of blood is usually τ

laminar. Turbulence can however arise if the velocity
0 1 2 3 4
overly increases, e.g. if the cross-section narrows.
500 100
The viscosity of homogeneous fluids (e.g. water,

Volume (mL)

Volume (%)
electrolyte solution or blood plasma) depends only on
the temperature of the fluid (in liquids, viscosity
decreases as temperature increases, while in gases it V⬁
increases with temperature). However, the viscosity
of non-homogeneous fluids (e.g. blood, including 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
blood cells) depends also on the haematocrit and Time (s)
the velocity of the flow (the higher the haematocrit or
the lower the velocity, the higher the viscosity, and Figure 11.
vice versa – the lower the haematocrit or the higher Increase of gas volume in the lungs during inspiration when inflated
the velocity, the lower the viscosity). Viscosity also by the application of a constant pressure.
increases in stored blood because of coagulation dur-
ing storage. With a healthy heart and a normal blood at which a change of some quantity (y) in time (t) is
volume, the body can adjust to the changes in viscos- linearly related to this quantity itself: dy/dt ⫽ ky,
ity and consequently the resistance, so that the blood where k is a constant. This means that the larger
pressure can remain approximately constant even the quantity y, the larger the rate of change of a
though the haematocrit fluctuates between 0.2 and quantity dy.
0.5. However, at diminished blood volume or with a For our purpose, two examples of exponential
weakened heart regulation cannot be maintained. functions are of particular importance:
Flow through an orifice • When the initial value of the observed quantity is
The flow of fluid through an orifice is proportional to zero (y ⫽ 0) and the quantity increases over time t
the square root of the pressure difference between the (e.g. the increase of volume in the lungs during
two sides, to the square of the orifice diameter and to inspiration when inflated by the application of
the density of the fluid – as the flow through an orifice a constant pressure).
is always at least partially turbulent. Practically this • When the quantity y is maximal at the beginning
means that every change in the diameter of the airway and decreases during time t (e.g. the excretion of
(e.g. the change in the diameter of an endotracheal anaesthetic from an organ).
tube) can create turbulent flow and thus increase the
resistance. We try to prevent this by using short, wide In both cases, the quantity y would attain its final
tubes with smooth internal walls and without any value only in the infinite time (t → ⬁). As an example,
constrictions. Another possibility (unusual in anaes- the increase of the volume of gas in the lungs during
thesia) is substituting oxygen with an oxygen–helium inspiration is shown in Figure 11. On the abscissa,
mixture, as the density of helium (0.16 kg m⫺3) is sig- time t is shown in seconds (s). On the ordinate, the
nificantly less than the density of oxygen (1.3 kg m⫺3). volume V is shown, both in mL on the left-hand side,
and as percentage of change on the right-hand side.
Pressure–flow ratio As the volume increases, the rate of volume change
decreases. The total inhaled volume approaches
By changing the pressure difference (⌬p), blood flow 100% (500 mL), but does not attain it, because it is
in the vascular system also changes. The ratio hindered by the resistance of the airways and the
between pressure and flow in particular organs is not compliance of the lungs and the thorax. If a tangent
linear (as it is in the case of rigid tubes). This is is drawn through the initial value of y, it crosses the
because blood vessels can change their radius both 100% line (drawn parallel to the abscissa) at some
passively (due to pressure difference) and actively point in time (marked as ‘1’). The distance on the
(due to muscular activity), which affects their resist- abscissa between the initial value and this point is
ance against the flow and the flow itself. The vessels called the time constant. It is denoted with the Greek
whose walls contain a great amount of innervated letter ␶. This is the time that would be required for
muscle fibres change their radius actively while attaining 100% if respiration were hindered only by
those whose walls do not, change it passively. the resistance of the airways instead of also being hin-
dered by the compliance of the lungs and the thorax
Time constant and the already inspired volume of gas. We can mark
The time constant is a parameter of an exponential the abscissa at 2␶, 3␶ and 4␶ values (marks 2–4 on the
function. An exponential function describes a process graph), and thus show the percentage of total volume

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272 A. Manohin and M. Manohin


Figure 12.
Liquid manometer. p ⫽ Pressure; pb ⫽ barometric pressure;
h ⫽ height of the column is proportional to the pressure (used with
permission of the publisher [5]).


achieved at 2␶, 3␶ and 4␶. This depends on the Figure 13.

properties of the lungs. Aneroid barometer. The pressure acts on the measuring chamber and
deforms the flexible membrane; its deformation is mechanically con-
nected to the indicator (used with permission of the publisher [5]).
Measurements of pressure in fluids
Measurement of gas pressure
The simplest method for measuring gas pressure is
with a manometer (Fig. 12). For measuring minor
pressure differences manometers filled with water are
used, while for measuring major pressure differences,
manometers filled with mercury are used (the density
of mercury is 13.6 times greater than that of water).
A liquid manometer is a ‘U’-shaped tube, open on
both sides, and filled with either water or mercury.
On one side the pressure exerted is the atmospheric
pressure pa while on the other side there is the meas-
ured pressure p. If the measured pressure is greater
than atmospheric pressure the liquid in the column
open to atmospheric pressure rises (p ⫽ ␳gh ⫹ pa).
However, if the measured pressure p is smaller
than atmospheric pressure then the liquid level rises
in the column that is connected to the measured Pressure
Figure 14.
p ⫹ ␳gh ⫽ pa, or p ⫽ pa – ␳gh. Bourdon tube. The pressure within the tube deforms the curved tube
made from a flexible material (metal). The deformation is mechan-
In both cases, the measure for the pressure is the ically connected to the indicator (used with permission of the
density ␳ of the liquid (1 g cm⫺3 for water or publisher [5]).
13.6 g cm⫺3 for mercury) multiplied by the acceler-
ation of gravity g and the difference h in the height
of liquid in one and the other column. The quantity membrane deforms and vice versa. They can be used
␳gh is thus a measure of the gas pressure. for measuring pressures from 100 bar to 10 mbar.
Another form of liquid manometer is the mem- When the use of liquid manometers is not feasible
brane manometer where the measuring chamber is in clinical practice, pressure can be measured with
closed with a flexible membrane made from either sensitive electronic transducers or with barometers,
rubber or metal. It is thus suitable for measuring pres- e.g. aneroid barometers (Fig. 13) or a Bourdon gauge
sure in liquids. The higher the pressure the more the (Fig. 14).

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Physics for anaesthesiologists 273

Pressures significantly smaller than atmospheric Measurement of gas volume

pressure can be measured using a vacuum gauge.
The most commonly used ones are the McLeod For the measurement of small volumes of gas, spirom-
gauge, the Pirani gauge and the Penning gauge. eters are used. These can be divided into the dry type
The McLeod gauge is essentially a closed U-tube (e.g. Vitalograph® (Vitalograph Ltd Company UK,
manometer, which uses Boyle’s law (pV ⫽ constant) Maids Moreton, Buckingham, UK), which is conven-
to determine gas pressure. By raising the mercury ient for simple lung function tests) and those using a
level, a certain amount of gas is sealed off from the water bath (e.g. Benedict–Roth spirometer). For the
system to which the gauge is connected and trapped measurement of larger volumes of gas, dry types are
in the closed side of the manometer. When the mer- used exclusively (e.g. the domestic gas meter is sur-
cury level is raised further the trapped gas is isother- prisingly accurate and reliable if maintained [3]). A
mally compressed. The difference in mercury levels ‘wet gas meter’ (consisting of helical channels, half
on both sides of the U-tube corresponds directly to immersed in water, which are rotated by the flowing
the difference in pressure. gas) may also be used for measuring larger volumes. In
The Pirani gauge employs the dependence of ther- anaesthesiology, the Wright respirometer (or anemo-
mal conductivity of a gas on its pressure. The resist- meter) is also used for measuring gas volume.
ance of two equal heated filaments is measured
differentially. When the pressure of the gas con- Measurement of flow
nected to the vacuum system drops, the temperature
of one filament increases due to its lower thermal Flowmeters
conductivity and consequently its electrical resist- There are two designs of flowmeters in use: flow-
ance is changed. meters with a fixed orifice (with a variable pressure
The Penning gauge makes use of the fact that the drop across it) and those with a variable orifice (but
rate of ion production by a stream of electrons in a a constant pressure drop across it).
vacuum system is dependent on the pressure and the Flowmeters with a fixed orifice at the gas inlet
ionization probability of the residual gas. function by measuring the pressure drop across a
Pressures – significantly larger than atmospheric narrow orifice for which the pressure in the fluids
pressure – can be measured using a specially adapted does not fluctuate much. Therefore, the measured
membrane manometer. The piezoelectric manome- pressure drop can be used as a direct measure of flow.
ter exploits the voltage that arises between the sides An example of a flowmeter with a variable orifice is
of some crystals (e.g. quartz) when deformed, or a the Rotameter® (Omega Engineering Inc, Stamford,
manometer exploiting the pressure dependence of CT, USA) or Platon Gapmeter® (ABB, Gloucester-
any other material property, e.g. the electric conduc- shire, UK). This is a transparent glass or plastic tube,
tivity of manganese alloys. usually placed vertically, which is conically widened
towards the top (Fig. 15). This conical shape can be
either uniform or with two successive cones with dif-
Measurement of pressure in the circulation ferent tapers. The latter is used for precise measure-
The central venous pressure is measured with a ment of smaller flows as well as larger flows.
manometer filled with water connected to a patient Gas enters the meter at the bottom and flows
lying horizontally. The zero point must be set to the upwards, pushing the float up as it flows past it and
height of the right atrium. finally leaving the tube from the top. The higher the
Arterial pressure is commonly measured using float is pushed, the wider is the space between it and
a sphygmomanometer. A cuff on the upper arm is the tube walls, and vice versa. If the flow rate is low,
inflated until the flow in the brachial artery is the flow is laminar like the flow in a narrow tube.
occluded. The pressure is then measured using a mer- At higher flow rates the flow approximates to that
cury manometer or other suitable pressure gauge. through an orifice and is thus turbulent. This means
The flow in arteries can be determined by feeling the that at lower flow rates the viscosity of a gas is impor-
radial artery, with auscultation of the brachial artery tant, while at higher flow rates the density of gas
or ultrasound flow measurement in the radial artery predominates. Therefore, a flowmeter has to be cali-
(especially in paediatrics), with a pulse oximeter on brated for one particular gas.
the finger or with a special double cuff as in the oscil- The rotation of the float diminishes the measure-
lotonometer. The cuff must be of an appropriate size; ment error due to friction between the float and the
too wide or too narrow can lead to a measurement measuring tube while at the same time demonstrates
error. An alternative method is directly using an elec- the presence of gas in the tube. To diminish the elec-
tronic pressure transducer connected to a cannula in trostatic charge and potential for the float to stick to
the artery via a tube filled with liquid. the tube walls, most measuring tubes used in modern

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274 A. Manohin and M. Manohin

p1 p2


Heating coil

Figure 16.
In the Fleisch pneumotachograph, an array of smaller tubes are
placed lengthwise within the measuring tube. These tubes of small
diameter ensure laminar flow. The flow is determined by the measured
difference pressures, p1 and p2, using a differential pressure trans-
ducer. To diminish the levels of condensation, which is the primary
problem with this method, a heater is built in. The temperature has
to be kept as constant as possible to avoid the measuring error owing
to changed viscosity.
Figure 15.
Conical glass tube flowmeter. On the left-hand side is a flowmeter
with a spherical float; the right-hand side has a cylindrical float.
According to the Fick principle, the amount of a
Flowmeters with cylindrical floats are often referred to generically certain substance or indicator that enters or leaves an
by their industrial name, Rotameter®. Most modern flowmeters use organ in a certain unit of time is linearly dependent
cylindrical floats. on the blood volume flow through this organ, mul-
tiplied by the arteriovenous difference in concentra-
tion of the given substance or indicator. This can be
flow meters are anodized with a thin layer of tin. used as an indirect method for measuring cardiac
When the force of gas jet acting on the float equals output:
the gravitational pull, the float is in equilibrium and
V O2
does not move along the tube. However, it does not Q t ⫽ .
cease to rotate or vibrate. The flow rate is read from CaO2 ⫺ C␯O2
the top of float for a cylindrical float and at the mid-
dle of the sphere for a spherical float. .
The cardiac minute volume. (Qt) can be calculated
Flowmeters are usually calibrated for use at a tem- from the oxygen uptake (VO2) measured with a
perature of 20°C and a pressure of 1 bar. Using them at spirometer and the oxygen concentration measured
significantly lower or significantly higher temperature simultaneously in the arterial (CaO2) and mixed
or at increased pressure (e.g. in a hyperbaric chamber) venous blood (C␯– O2).
can therefore lead to errors. The described principles An electromagnetic flowmeter requires a blood
also serve as the basis for the Wright peak flow meter. vessel to be placed with its long axis across the field
between the poles of a magnet. The passage of blood,
Measuring gas flow with a pneumotachograph which is a solution of electrolytes (and thus a con-
The pneumotachograph is a device that indirectly ductor), induces a voltage perpendicular both to the
determines flow by measuring the pressure difference lines of force and to the blood flow and can be picked
across both sides of a lamellar resistance (Fig. 16). by electrodes appropriately arranged outside the ves-
sel (Fig. 17). Flow can also be measured using an
ultrasonic flowmeter with the indicator-dilution
Measurement of liquid flow (including blood) technique or via indicator temperature change.
In the limb plethysmograph, arterial volume flow is
determined by the volume increase in a limb when
the venous outflow is occluded. The change in vol- Heat and temperature
ume can be measured either by monitoring the water
level (volume displaced) with the limb submerged in The heat capacity of a body is the amount of heat
a chamber filled with water, or by measuring changes needed to increase the temperature of the body
in the limb’s circumference (strain gauge method). through 1 K. For a homogeneous body, it is equal

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Physics for anaesthesiologists 275

• Radiation (electromagnetic waves through a vac-

uum or a transparent substance).

• Evaporation (when a molecule with a higher kinetic
energy leaves the bulk of a liquid and evaporates,
Magnetic the average kinetic energy of the molecules in the
N field S liquid decreases and the temperature drops).

Accidental hypothermia should be prevented in

anaesthetic practice. Since the specific heat capacity
of gases is up to 1000 times smaller than the specific

heat capacity of liquids, humidification of gases is

Figure 17. much more important than heating dry gases. At the
Electromagnetic flowmeter. The arrows indicate the direction of same time, humidification decreases an otherwise
blood flow, the direction of the magnetic field (lines of force) and the major energy loss due to evaporation from the air-
direction of the induced electric field. Their direction can be deter- way. Human skin can also serve as a heat source. With
mined by the Ampere–Maxwell law (right-hand law): if you try to sensitive patients, radiation of heat through the skin
grab the current-carrying conductor with your hand, as shown with can be prevented by enveloping the patient in a thin
the thumb pointing at the direction of the current, the other fingers aluminium foil (‘space blanket’).
show the magnetic field direction.

to the mass of the body multiplied by its specific
heat (the specific heat is the amount of heat, needed A vaporizer is a piece of equipment containing a liqui-
to increase the temperature of 1 kg of the substance fied highly volatile anaesthetic through which gases
by 1K). are passed. By adjusting a regulating knob, anaes-
thetic vapour is added to this carrier gas. As already
Measurement of temperature noted, the boiling point of a liquid is the temperature
at which the saturated vapour pressure of this liquid
In clinical practice, temperature is measured using a equals the pressure above the liquid. At atmospheric
mercury thermometer, a thermistor or a thermocouple. pressure, the boiling point for diethyl ether is 34.6°C,
for halothane 50.2°C, for enflurane 56.5°C, for iso-
• Thermistor: semiconductor device with a negative flurane 49°C, for sevoflurane 58.5°C, for desflurane
temperature coefficient. Its resistance decreases 22.8°C and for water 100°C. The construction of a
with increasing temperature. Resistance is meas- vaporizer must take the boiling point of the particular
ured with an electronic circuit and shown on an liquified highly volatile anaesthetic into account.
indicator where the scale is already converted to Vaporizers can be classified according to their
temperature. location, the principle of operation and the method
• Thermocouple: operates on the principle of the of regulating the delivered concentration. According
Seebeck effect. A small thermoelectric voltage arises to their location, vaporizers can be positioned either
between two junctions of different conductors, within the breathing circuit or outside the breathing
kept at different temperatures which is propor- circuit. In the first type (‘vaporizer inside circle’ (VIC)),
tional to the difference in temperatures. The cir- the gaseous (carrier) mixture is drawn through the
cuit consists of two junctions of different metals. vaporizer by the patient’s inspiration or expiration
When one junction is warmer than the other, the (depending on whether the vaporizer is in the inspi-
resulting thermoelectric voltage can be measured ratory or expiratory limb of the breathing hose). Its
and displayed on a precalibrated scale. efficiency needs only to be low. If too much vapour is
inhaled, breathing is depressed or stops so providing
Heat transport some kind of safety system via this autoregulation.
Heat is carried spontaneously from a body with a However, the VIC mode can be extremely dangerous
higher temperature to a body with a lower tempera- if the patient’s lungs are ventilated by hand, or auto-
ture. The process continues for as long as the two matically by a ventilator, as very high concentrations
temperatures are different. Heat can be carried in of anaesthetic are quickly reached. The resistance of
one of four ways: a VIC vaporizer must be as low as possible so that it
does not pose extra difficulty for breathing. Its removal
• Conduction (transfer between two bodies in direct and reinsertion must be simple, as well as its cleaning
contact). and disinfection. In the second type, the vaporizer is
• Convection (heat transported by a fluid flow). placed directly in the path of the incoming fresh gas

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276 A. Manohin and M. Manohin

flow (vaporizer outside circle (VOC)) – before these construction of the vaporizer (imperfect mixing with
gases are admitted to any kind of circle breathing sys- vapours due to the improper flow of gas through the
tem. This is a plenum arrangement, i.e. it is necessary vaporizer). Modern vaporizers are designed to mini-
for the incoming gases to be passed under pressure mize these difficulties with an increased area for evap-
(from a pipeline or cylinder supply) through the vapor- oration and a reduced velocity of gas flow through
izer (of high internal resistance) to achieve vaporiza- the device with built-in helical tubes, obstacles or
tion of the liquid anaesthetic agent. walls through which the gas mixture has to pass.
According to their principle of operation, vaporiz- They also have to maintain a constant temperature.
ers can operate in one of two ways. Varying the pres-
sure, which in turn regulates the amount of vapour
added to the fresh gas input, or varying the flow by Temperature compensation
dividing the fresh gases into the port of entrance to A constant temperature in a vaporizer cannot be
the vaporizer and the port which bypasses it. achieved. Potential changes due to temperature can
Vaporizers can operate in various ways: be compensated for in several ways. A bimetallic
strip can be used that consists of two metal strips,
• First, as a carburettor where the liquified volatile with different coefficients of thermal expansion,
anaesthetic is injected into the mixture of anaes- bonded together. A change in temperature therefore
thetic gas and evaporates instantaneously. forces the strip to bend and this can be made to either
• Second, on the basis of flow bypass (variable-flow open or obstruct the gas port into, or out of, the
vaporizer) where part of the fresh gas is directed vaporizing chamber. An alternative method of ther-
through the vaporizer and is thus enriched by mostat is to use a very thin metal (usually phosphor
vapour. This latter process can either be accom- bronze) bellows containing a gas, commonly diethyl
plished by the gas flowing above the liquid (where ether. This closed bellows expands as the temperature
the concentration regulator is placed either before rises, and shrinks as it falls because the vapour of the
the vaporizer or after it), or by the gas actually contained liquid exerts a pressure depending upon its
flowing (bubbling) through the liquid – where the temperature. This movement is linked to a lever and
amount of fresh gases is regulated by a flowmeter disc (or metal pin) which covers or obstructs the port,
or a jet. thus opening or closing the gas inlet (or outlet),
hence regulating the flow of gas. A massive metal
Variable-flow vaporizers are not suitable for use with vaporizer (mostly made of copper) – with a large heat
desflurane because of its specific physical properties. conductibility which acts as heat sink – is used to
Its saturated vapour pressure is three to four times minimize the cooling of the vaporizer. Finally, the
higher than the vapour pressure of other liquified anaesthesiologist can regulate the concentration
volatile anaesthetics, its boiling point is 22.8°C (which manually using an additional scale according to the
is almost room temperature), and its minimal alveo- measured temperature of the liquid in the vaporizer.
lar concentration is 6–7%. A vaporizer therefore had
to be specially constructed for use with desflurane
(Ohmeda Desflurane Tec 6®; Datex-Ohmeda, Inc, Humidity and humidification
Madison, WI, USA): it has to be electrically heated
and pressurized. This is usually implemented by using Humid air is a mixture of dry air and water vapour.
a special reservoir for desflurane, heated to 39°C. The Dalton’s Law also applies to this mixture. Three
vapour pressure at this temperature is about 2 bar terms can be defined: absolute, maximal absolute
(including atmospheric pressure). A special valve and relative humidity. Absolute humidity is the par-
keeps the reservoir closed until the desired concentra- tial density of water vapour in humid air:
tion is reached and then opens it reducing the pressure ␳w ⫽ mw/V ⫽ pwMw/(RT),
to 1.1 bar (including atmospheric pressure).
The concentration of volatile anaesthetic in the where mw is the total mass of water vapour contained
respiratory mixture is directly dependent on the sat- in the volume V, pw is the partial pressure of water
urated vapour pressure, the surface area where evap- vapour, Mw is the mass of one mole of water, R is the
oration takes place, and inversely proportional to the molar gas constant and T is the absolute temperature.
length of use (the anaesthetic cools during evapora- Maximal absolute humidity is achieved when the
tion, this in turn decreases its vapour pressure; even partial water vapour pressure (pw) equals saturated
if the regulator setting is left unchanged the concen- water vapour pressure (ps): ␳s ⫽ psMw /(RT). The
tration of delivered anaesthetic falls). It also depends temperature, at which a given sample of air attains
on the ratio of the flow through the vaporizer and its maximal absolute humidity, is called the dew
the flow bypassing it (‘splitting ratio’) and on the point.

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Physics for anaesthesiologists 277

Relative humidity is the ratio between absolute Artificial humidification

humidity and maximal absolute humidity at a given Three basic methods of humidification can be dis-
temperature: tinguished. With heated humidifiers a chamber of
␳w p M RT p water is heated to 45–60°C and inspired gases pass
␩⫽ ⫽ w w ⫽ w over the water. The upper value of this temperature
␳s RT p s Mw ps range is chosen to discourage the growth of bacteria.
Possible dangers are infection if the water tempera-
ture drops too low, and scalding if it rises too high.
Measurement of relative humidity Another problem is condensation of water in the res-
Relative humidity can be measured with a hair piratory hoses. The device is effective in approxi-
hygrometer, by comparing the measured tempera- mately 80% of all cases.
ture difference of wet and dry thermometer bulbs or The design of a spray humidifier is based on the
by determining the dew point at the cooling of air. Venturi tube. Gas is forced into the water breaking
The operation of a hair hygrometer is based on the it into numerous minute droplets. An alternative is
fact that a human hair elongates in a humid environ- to create a very fine spray using a plate oscillating
ment. A hair is connected to the indicator, which with a frequency of 2 MHz (ultrasound). The major
directly shows the relative humidity on an appropri- problem with this design, especially with infants
ately calibrated scale. A hygrometer is accurate only and children, is water overload.
when the relative humidity is within the range The heat and moisture exchanger (‘artificial,
15–85%. If smaller precision is acceptable, a piece of so-called ‘Swedish nose’) or condenser humidifier
string can be used instead of a hair, as in the weather was originally constructed from a pack of wire gauze
indicator. inserted between the endotracheal tube and the anaes-
A wet and dry bulb hygrometer consists of two thesia breathing system. During expiration, water
identical thermometers. The bulb of one of them is condensed on the wires and this water was vaporized
covered with a muslin sleeve that is kept moist with during the next inspiration – thus water, from the
clean distilled water. The dry thermometer shows the patient, was conserved. Modern designs employ a
actual temperature while the temperature shown by corrugated sheet of hygroscopic material rolled up
the wet thermometer is lower because of the evapora- like corrugated cardboard, or use a hygroscopic foam.
tion of water. The amount of evaporation depends on They are efficient in approximately 80% of cases.
the humidity of the air. The difference in the two Great care must be taken that these devices do not
measured temperatures is a measure of humidity. The become blocked with secretions else respiratory
relative humidity then has to be read from tables. obstruction will occur; monitoring of pressure in the
A Regnault condensation hygrometer contains a airway is essential.
narrow silver pipe filled with ether and a thermome-
ter used to measure its temperature. Air is pumped
through the ether causing evaporation and thus cool- Dissolving of gases
ing of the silver pipe. When the air, which is in con-
tact with the silver pipe, becomes saturated with The solubility coefficient is the ratio between the
water vapour, the vapour condenses on the silver pipe volume of gas and the volume of solvent in which
which then appears as a fog (dew). The temperature the gas is dissolved. Originally, the solubility coeffi-
of this dew point is measured and the relative humid- cient was defined as the dissolved concentration of
ity is read from tables. Relative humidity can also the gas when the liquid was equilibrated with 1 bar
be measured by electric instruments with variable (1 atm) pressure of the gas. To allow for the vapours
resistance. of volatile anaesthetics the definition was extended
to dissolved concentration per unit applied partial
pressure – with the unit usually being the bar (atm)
Humidification in the airway for consistency with figures for gases at 1 bar (atm)
Inspired air achieves saturated humidity in the tra- pressure.
chea at 37°C. The saturated water vapour pressure is Two definitions of solubility coefficient are in use:
6.3 kPa (47 mmHg), which corresponds to a partial the Bunsen solubility coefficient and the Ostwald
concentration of 6.2% in the inspired air. Water con- solubility coefficient. The difference between the
centration here equals 44 mg L⫺1. At 21°C the partial two types of coefficient is that with the Bunsen coef-
concentration of water equals 2.4% or 18 mg L⫺1. ficient, the dissolved volume is expressed at standard
From this it is apparent that a patient can lose a temperature and pressure, dry (0°C, 101.325 kPa),
significant amount of water and heat if the lungs are while in the Ostwald it is expressed at the tempera-
ventilated with dry and non-heated gases. ture and pressure of the experiment, dry (often 37°C,

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278 A. Manohin and M. Manohin

101.325 kPa). Both coefficients change with the permeate through the membrane. A concentration
temperature at which the equilibration is performed, difference may manifest itself as pressure, which is
so temperature is relevant to partition coefficients. called osmotic pressure. Osmosis can be stopped if an
Partition coefficient is the ratio between the amount equal hydrostatic pressure is applied in the opposite
of substance between one and another phase, if the direction.
two volumes are equal and in a thermodynamic Osmotic pressure can be measured with an osmome-
equilibrium. With the partition coefficient, as with ter. This is a tube closed on one side with a semiper-
the Ostwald solubility coefficient, temperature has meable membrane. It is filled with the solution for
to be taken into account but not pressure. The parti- which the osmotic pressure is to be measured and
tion coefficient can be used when two liquids are placed vertically into a vessel filled with the solvent.
considered, while the Ostwald solubility coefficient The solvent passes through the semipermeable mem-
applies to both a liquid and a gas. brane and the level of solution in the tube rises until
the osmotic pressure is balanced by the hydrostatic
pressure. Once in equilibrium, on average an equal
Diffusion and osmosis
number of solvent molecules crosses the membrane
If two different gases, or two different liquids, in a in both directions. According to the pressure on
vessel are initially separated with an impermeable both sides of the membrane, solutions can be classi-
membrane into two compartments, once the mem- fied as hypertonic, isotonic or hypotonic. A living
brane is removed they start to mix. Fick’s Law of dif- cell, e.g. an erythrocyte, can also be used as an
fusion governs the movement of molecules. Graham’s osmometer. It either swells or shrinks depending on
Law is also useful for determining the diffusion rate. whether the osmotic pressure outside the cell is
It states that the diffusion of molecules is inversely greater or smaller than inside the cell.
proportional to the square root of their molecular The behaviour of solutes in an ideal solution is
weight. Heavier molecules thus migrate slower than governed by laws that are analogous to the gas laws.
those with a smaller molecular mass. This means that 1 mole of substance, at standard
Diffusion of any given substance is caused by its conditions, occupies 22.4 L and the osmotic pressure
uneven distribution. At the beginning one substance at 273 K is equal to 1 bar. This might be easier to
is on one side of the vessel, with the other substance follow if derived from the van’t Hoff equation for
on the other side. The two substances move in oppo- osmotic pressure:
site directions – from the area of higher concentra-
posm ⫽ cRT
tion to that of lower concentration. The flow, driven
by the concentration difference, persists until the where c is the concentration in mol L⫺1, R is the gas
concentration is equal everywhere in the vessel. constant, in J K⫺1, and T is the temperature in K.
Diffusion is faster in gases than in liquids while dif- This leads to the conclusion that 1 mol L⫺1 solution
fusion through solids is usually so slow that it can- produces an osmotic pressure of about 22.4 bar at
not be noticed. 273 K (incidentally, the van’t Hoff equation can eas-
Diffusion has been illustrated here in a single com- ily be derived from the ideal gas equation because
partment after the removal of a membrane. However, c ⫽ 1/V, where V is volume per mole). The total
in biological systems membranes are usually present. osmotic pressure of a solution is equal to the sum of
The diffusion rate in such cases also depends on the partial osmotic pressures for each component. Osmotic
properties of the membrane. In the lungs, for instance, pressure depends on the number of dissolved parti-
the alveolar membrane is moist and acts as a film of cles in a unit of volume. This means that the osmotic
water so that diffusion of a gas also depends on its pressure of 1 mole of a solution that dissociates into
solubility in water. Carbon dioxide is more soluble two ions is twice as large as the osmotic pressure of
than oxygen and thus moves faster even though its 1 mole of non-dissociating solution.
pressure difference is smaller than the pressure dif- The number of moles of solute dissolved in 1 L of
ference for oxygen. solution is the molarity of the solution. The freezing
When the membrane is semipermeable, i.e. per- point of a solution is lower than the freezing point
meable for some substances but impermeable for of pure solvent and the difference in temperature
others, a special type of diffusion called osmosis takes is proportional to the concentration of solute. One
place. In this case only one component (i.e. the sol- mole of solute dissolved in 1 kg of water lowers its
vent) can diffuse through the membrane while the freezing point by 1.86 K.
other (i.e. the solute) cannot. The membrane thus An older unit for measuring osmolar activity is the
separates both components and maintains the con- osmol. One osmol is equal to 1 mole of dissolved sub-
centration difference. The system tends to equalize stance provided that it does not dissociate nor perme-
the concentration of those components that can ate through the membrane. When the molecules of

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Physics for anaesthesiologists 279

solvent dissociate to two ions, 1 mole of solution Current density is defined as the electric current
produces 2 osmol of activity. Since the osmol is usu- divided by the cross-sectional area through which
ally too large a unit for expressing osmolar activity of the current is flowing. The smaller the cross-section
body fluids, a 1000 times smaller unit the milliosmol at equal current (i.e. the greater the current density)
is usually used in practice. the greater the risk of for tissue damage. Other fac-
Osmolarity is defined as the number of osmols of tors that can cause ventricular fibrillation are the
solute dissolved in 1 L of solution, while osmolality duration of passage of the current and its frequency.
is defined as the number of osmols of solute dis- Radiofrequency currents, e.g. in diathermy do not
solved in 1 kg of solution. Osmolarity thus differs cause ventricular fibrillation.
from osmolality because of the differences in density
and is affected by temperature. However, under
normal biological conditions, the difference is very Minimizing damage caused by electric current
small. An important exception here is that, inside When possible, conducting material that is antista-
the erythrocyte, water constitutes only about 70% tic should be used in place of non-conductors. All
of the volume of the solution (of haemoglobin in material should be allowed to leak static charges
water); so the osmolality is markedly less than the through the floor of the operating room. Apart from
osmolarity. this, insulation of electrical appliances is also an
Since 1984, a new unit has been used for osmolar- important factor for protection. According to the
ity, the molarity of solution. It is defined as the osmo- level of protection provided, electrical appliances can
larity of a solution, of which the osmotic pressure is be divided into three groups:
equal to the osmotic pressure of an ideal solution
with a concentration equal to 1 mole of solute per 1 L
of solvent. • Group 1: mains power cord with three wires (live,
neutral and ground). The ground is connected to a
Inside the vascular system, water and the majority
conductive housing. In case of accident (e.g. short
of ions permeate through endothelial membranes
circuit), the ground wire takes the current, causing
while plasma proteins cannot enter the interstitial
a fuse blowout.
fluid. The osmotic pressure of plasma proteins is
denoted by the term oncotic pressure. Oncotic pres- • Group 2: does not have a ground wire but there
is an insulating housing that provides alternative
sure is relatively small (approximately 1 milliosmol),
compared with the total osmotic pressure of blood
plasma (approximately 300 milliosmol). • Group 3: used for low-voltage current supplied
from remote transformers. Electrically heated blan-
kets, for example, fit into this group. If alternating
Electrical safety current is used, the voltage is not higher than 24 V;
if direct current, not higher than 50 V.
Electrical power lines supply us with alternating
electric current which in Europe has a voltage of
220 V and frequency 50 Hz. In North America it is Apart from the listed safety measures, electrical dam-
110 V at 60 Hz. According to Ohm’s Law, current age can also be reduced by building isolating trans-
is equal to the quotient of voltage and resistance. formers into all electrical appliances coming into
When an alternating current is used, it is more appro- touch with the patient (e.g. patient monitors). The
priate to use impedance rather than resistance. Imped- patient is therefore in contact only with the second-
ance is defined as the quotient of the effective voltage ary electric circuit, which is not grounded, so that the
across a circuit and the effective current through a current does not flow through the patient’s body to
circuit. Impedance takes into account both the ohmic ground.
(resistors) and non-ohmic (capacitors and inductors)
contribution. Direct current cannot flow through a
capacitor, while alternating current can. The imped- Dangers due to induced electric current
ance of a capacitor is inversely proportional to the Electric current induced by electric appliances is
frequency of the current. another possible danger. Also known as stray electric
Tissue damage caused by electric current depends current, it can flow through the patient or the med-
on the strength and density of a current. If a 1 mA ical staff to the ground. Although this current is very
current with a frequency of 50 Hz flows through the weak, it poses a possible source of danger for patients
body, paraesthesia is felt. If the current is gradually with a pacemaker or during use of catheters filled
increased, it is accompanied by increasing pain and with saline, which have been inserted directly into
muscular cramps until at 80–100 mA cardiac dys- the heart. The International Electrotechnical Com-
rhythmia and ventricular fibrillation occur. mission (IEC) has specified the maximum allowed

© 2003 European Academy of Anaesthesiology, European Journal of Anaesthesiology 20: 259–281

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280 A. Manohin and M. Manohin

values for current leakage for those types of electrical oxygen is 2–82%, the concentration in air 2–36%
appliances used in medicine. or the concentration in nitrous oxide 1.5–24%. Its
stoichiometric concentration in oxygen is 14%, and
the range where danger of explosion is present is
Fires and explosion 12–40%. The stoichiometric concentration of ether
As the use of inflammable material (e.g. ether and in air is 3.4%, so the criteria for explosion are
alcohol), as well as volatile anaesthetics, is still com- not met.
mon in the operating theatre in many countries, there Sources of fire danger include static electricity
is a possible danger of fire and even explosion. It is (present on all non-conductive materials, e.g. rubber,
referred to as fire if an inflammable material catches plastic, fabric, synthetic materials; some parts of
fire and explosion if the ignition is quick enough to anaesthesia apparatus and the respiratory system),
produce a pressure wave, which also manifests as a heat produced during diathermy (endoscopes, lasers,
sound wave. If the pressure wave has sufficient energy electrical cutting devices or haemorrhage preventing
to ignite adjacent inflammable materials then the devices), faulty electrical appliances, electric sparks.
ignition is very violent and causes detonation. Measures for preventing static electricity include
For ignition, three factors have to be met: inflam- the use of antistatic conductive materials instead of
mable material; oxygen or any other oxidant; and insulators (specific conductivity within the range
energy, to raise the temperature of the inflammable 50 k⍀ cm⫺1 to 10 M⍀ cm⫺1).
material above the critical temperature for ignition All materials have to provide a discharge of static
(also called the activation energy). electricity to ground while at the same time the con-
ductivity should not be too large in order to avoid
electric shock and possible death in case of accidental
Inflammable material connection to the live and ground wires. The resist-
Most modern liquified volatile anaesthetics are non- ance of the floor has to be 25–50 k⍀, measured by
flammable. However, oil and grease used to reduce two electrodes 1 m apart. The resistance of antistatic
friction are inflammable. Under increased pressure, footwear is required to be 0.1–1.0 M⍀. Moisture
they can ignite spontaneously (like fuel in diesel facilitates the discharge of static electricity along the
engines), so they must not be used for greasing sys- floor surface and it is advisable to keep air humidity
tems operating at increased pressure (oxygen, nitrous above 50%.
oxide, compressed air). Alcohol used for disinfection
is inflammable in air and even more so in oxygen or
Calculating percentage of solutions
nitrous oxide. Methane or hydrogen present in the
patient’s intestine are also possible sources of fire, e.g. In the literature, both old and modern units are
during diathermy with an open abdomen, or at insuf- often encountered that are not part of the SI system.
flation if nitrous oxide for laparoscopy; it is therefore A listing of those along with conversion factors often
recommended that carbon dioxide be used instead. proves helpful. This includes instructions for calcu-
The use of paper and plastic clothing in surgical lating the percentage of solutions (e.g. lidocaine,
rooms is an additional source of danger. Ether burns which is available in concentrations of 1 or 2%) and
slowly in air with a bluish flame; however, it is always conversion tables for units used in physics.
explosive when in contact with oxygen or nitrous Milligrams of active substance in 1 mL of liquid
oxide. It is advisable to stop the ether supply 5 min solution can be calculated if the relationship between
before exposing the patient to a possible source of mass (m), volume (V) and density (␳) is taken into
fire, and ventilate the lungs with a non-flammable account: ␳ ⫽ m/V or m ⫽ ␳V. For practical purposes
agent using a non-rebreathing system. it is sufficient to approximate the density of solution
For an estimation of the danger of explosion it is with the density of water: ␳water ⫽ 1 g cm⫺3 (1 mL
important to know the concentration at which the equals 1 cm3). If we insert this into the formula
amount of inflammable fumes matches the required above, we have: m ⫽ 1 g mL⫺1 ⫻ 1 mL ⫽ 1 g. We
amount of oxidant in the reaction exactly. This con- have thus calculated that 1 mL of solution which con-
centration is called stoichiometric concentration tains 1 g (or 1000 mg) is a 100% solution. The mass
(stoichiometry is the branch of chemistry that deals of a 1% solution is then 100 times smaller, or 10 mg
with the application of the laws of definite propor- in 1 mL.
tions to chemical activity). At this concentration
ignition is most violent, while at either higher or
lower concentrations its intensity decreases, until
the danger fades away at the level of inflammability. The authors thank Professor Saša Svetina, Head of
Ether, for example, ignites if the concentration in the Institute of Biophysics, Faculty of Medicine,

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Physics for anaesthesiologists 281

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