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LEVEL THREE - Fluency in Shipboard English. The seafarer can operate fluently in English for
most shipboard purposes, as well as unfamiliar ,emergency and management
situations. He should be able to express opinions, facts, or abstract topics.

1.What is your definition of a perfect job/place to live?

2.What will you be doing 10 years from now?
3.What makes a good seafarer?
4.What are the problems faced by a newcomer on board?
5.What advice would you give someone wishing to become a seaman?
6.What is your sailing experience?
7.If you hadn’t become a seaman , what would you have done?
8.Tell us about the different nationalities you have worked with?
9.How do you see the future of shipping?
10.Why do you want to work on board ship?
11.How can you avoid boredom during a voyage?
12.What is the best way of learning a foreign language?

13.What ,do you think, can be done to improve safety at sea?

14.What are the consequences of panic in emergency situations?
15.What was the most dangerous situation you faced?
16.What precautions should be taken to prevent hypothermia?
17.What is the role of English knowledge on board ship?
18.What is the role of emergency drills?
19.What do you think of pollution of sea?
20.Whould you ever refuse an order? In what situation?

LEVEL TWO – Operational Shipboard English A person can use English successfully
for most shipboard purposes including familiar and emergency situations. He should be able to express
his opinions, feeling or facts.

1.What situations make you feel happy/frustrated/angry/embarrassed?

2.What type of vessel do you prefer to work on?
3.What type of vessel did you last sail on?
4.When did you join the ship?
5.Which ports did you visit?
6.What are your plans for the future?
7.How long you lived in Gdynia?
8.What do you like/dislike about your home town?
9.Which season do you prefer?
10.What car would you like to have?
11.What were you doing at 7 pm yesterday?
12.What will you do if you lose your passport?
13.How long have you worked at sea?
14.Is keeping fit necessary?

15. What is fire/collision/going aground?

16.What other types of emergency can you name?
17.What are the biggest dangers at sea?
18.Do you know how to don a life jacket?
19.Can you locate abandonment instructions on the ship?
20.What would you do if you discovered fire on board?
1.Decsribe your greatest strengths / weaknesses.
2.Which is more important to you money or job satisfaction?
3.What have you learnt during your last training?
4.What is the most important technological invention of the 20thcen,according to you?
5.What are the disadvantages of working at sea?
6.In what ways could you describe yourself as being creative?
7.What major problem have you encountered recently, and how did you deal with it?
8.What were your responsibilities during your last training?
9.Describe your most recent accomplishments.
10.What salary would you like to get?
11.Is experience important when working at sea?
12.What have you repaired recently?
13.How would you improve the safety at sea?
14.What do you think is the most important skill that a Chief Eng.should possess?
15.Describe your last paper work?
16.How good are you at working in a team?
17.What is your educational background?
18.What safety regulations should be observed in the engine room?
19.What position would you like to take in our company?
20.What workshop experience do you have?

name fluency sentences interest general





1.Aby dostać pracę muszę napisać życiorys, podanie, oraz wziąć udział w rozmowie kwalifikacyjnej.
2.Podczas rozmowy kwalifikacyjnej powiem o swoich studiach, doświadczeniu zawodowym.
3.Dużo wiem na temat moich obowiązków na statku.
4.Zamierzam podać istotne informacje dotyczące mojego życia zawodowego.
5.Sądzę,że radzę sobie w sytuacji stresowej, umiem dotrzymywać terminów i mam dobre relacje z ludźmi.
6.Chciałbym wiedzieć, czy będę miał prawo do urlopu, w jakich okolicznościach dostaje się wymówienie.

Interview questions

10.What salary would you like to get?

Well, let me think. It is a very delicate mater. I would like to get a salary which is
appropriate to my work position. I believe that job satisfaction and improving my skill are
the most important factors. However I should get an average salary for this post, that is
about $ …….. .

11.Is experience important when working at sea?

Well, it is quite a serious problem. I can say that experience is very important for safety
at sea and for good and efficient work. I have gained lot of theoretical knowledge and
some practical experience. I graduated from a technical High School and I have a license
of a Mechanical Technician. Now I am the fourth year student of Gdynia Maritime
University, the Faculty of Marine Engineering. I am familiar with workshop processes such
as : welding, soldering, grinding, lathing, cutting wood and metal. I had almost ……….. hours
of workshop training at the university. I also had …….. months onboard training. It was in
………………….. on s/v Dar Młodzieży. My responsibilities included: assisting engineers in
maintenance works as well as some deck activities.

16. How good are you at working in a team?

As far as working in a team is concerned I can say that I don’t have problems with that.
During my studies I had ……hours of workshop training and we always had to work in
groups. I think that working in a team is more effective than working on your own. I
suppose I am also good at individual work. I can be very precise and I can concentrate on
my task . What else ? I easily get used to different conditions on the ship.

17.What is your educational background?

Well, I graduated from a technical High School and I have a license of a Mechanical
Technician. Now I am the fourth year student of Gdynia Maritime University, the Faculty
of Marine Engineering. My specialization is Ship Power plant Engineering. I have always
been interested in ships construction /design. Shipping is my family tradition. I am
familiar with workshop processes such as : welding, soldering, grinding, lathing, cutting
wood and metal. I had almost ……….. hours of workshop training at the university.
I also had …….. months onboard training. It was in ………………….. on s/v Dar Młodzieży. My
responsibilities included: assisting engineers in maintenance works as well as some deck

Interview phrases

Well , it’s an interesting question, ( worldwide problem, quite a difficult question, )

Let me think, What else can I say…. What could I add…
Everybody knows that….. , People believe that…. , It is well known that ……. .
I think, suppose, I am sure that…. , In my opinion …. , According to me …… , For me …..
I don’t think so, I am not so sure about that, It can’t be true .. .

Could you repeat please? Could you be more specific? What exactly do you mean?
What do you mean by …… ? I don’t quite understand what you mean.

I am the fourth year student of ……

I graduated from Gdynia Maritime University , the Faculty of Marine Engineering.
I am a graduate of GMU , my specialization was Ship Power Plant Engineering.

I have a Master degree in Marine Engineering M.SC. ( B.SC. Bachelor of Science )

I am working on my Master’s Thesis which deals with …

I am well qualified for …… I have good engineering skills . I am good at ….. repairs…..
I am familiar with ……….
I completed / attended ………………… courses.
I‘ve got certificates ….. ( all the necessary certificates.)
I completed an apprenticeship on board s/v Dar Młodzieży ( training )
I have 6 weeks/months of sailing experience ( seagoing experience )
I have some experience in ………servicing… , operating… , overhauling.. , working with …
replacing …. , reconditioning … , managing a small team.
I was responsible for …….

I have a working knowledge of …. German. ( intermediate, basic )

I am fluent in English (both spoken and written )

I am a quick learner, I work well under pressure. I work well in a team.

I am disciplined, cooperative, tolerant, ambitious hard working, open minded, easy to
approach, responsible. I have good communication ( management ) skills . I am ready to
learn, and improve my skills.
I feel motivated and well organized.
I am prepared to start work in…….. .
I will be available for employment in ……. December.

I hope to get reasonable salary.

( What does the job involve? Will I be entitled to paid holidays? What are the
possibilities of promotion? Will I be able to …)

1. Why should we hire you?

2. What are your three greatest strengths?

3. What can you contribute to our organization?

4. Assume that you are a candidate in the coming general election.  Tell me why you are the best
candidate in the field.

5. What is your greatest strength?

6. We've interviewed a number of highly qualified students for this position.  What sets you apart from
the others?

7. What are your strengths?

8. What part of your current job are you the most comfortable with?

9. What are your strong points and how have they helped you to succeed?


1. What is your greatest weakness?

2. Name your three greatest weaknesses.

3. Which is the worst of your three greatest weaknesses and why?

4. What are your weaknesses?

5. What part of your current job are you the least comfortable with?

6. What are your weak points and how have you overcome them?

7. What about yourself would you want to improve

8. In which area do you need to make the improvement in?

Entry Level

1. What are the characteristics of a successful team?

2. Tell us about an unsuccessful team of which you were a member. What, if anything, could you have
done differently?

3. Tell us about a successful team of which you were a member. What was the most outstanding
characteristic of that team? What did you contribute?

4. What are the important qualities a person should have to become an effective team member?

5. What qualities do you have that make you an effective team player?

6. Do you work better by yourself or as part of a team?

7. What can you contribute to establish a positive working environment for our team?

8. What type of people do you work best with?


1. What factors would you consider in assembling a project team?

2. Name some of the pitfalls to be avoided in building an effective team.

3. Through what tools can a committee become more useful or productive?

4. What actions can a supervisor take to establish teamwork in the organization?


1. Define leadership?
2. What personal qualities should a leader have?

3. What is your strongest leadership skill and how will it assist you for this job?

4. Provide us with an example of your leadership ability.

5. Discuss the different styles of leadership.

6. Name some of the circumstances under which a leader will fail.

7. What is the importance of leadership in the organization?

8. What role does leadership play for a supervisor or manager?

9. What have you done to develop your leadership skills?

10. What is the difference between a leader and a manager?

11. Tell us about a situation in which you demonstrated your leadership ability.


1. How confident are you that you can successfully perform the duties of this position and why?

2. Tell us about a situation that would demonstrate the level of confidence that you have in yourself.

3. Tell us about a situation that would demonstrate the level of confidence your manager has in you.

4. Tell us about a situation that would show the confidence your coworkers have in you.


1. Are you creative? Give us one example of your creativity.

2. Describe a situation where you came up with a creative solution to a problem.


1. Provide us with an example of your ability to work independently.

Give an example.  The example may relate what you did in an emergency situation.   If this is an
entry level position, use an example from school, church, or other volunteer activities.


1. What experience have you had in pressure situations?

2. Tell us about a pressure situation you were in that would demonstrate your ability to work under

3. Provide us with an example of how you’ve asserted yourself in an emergency or high-pressure


4. What does it take to get under your skin?

5. What are some constructive methods of dealing with stress?

6. Why are manhole covers round?

A test of your ability to think under pressure.  Would a round manhole cover or a square manhole
cover fall through the hole?

1. Briefly describe the most significant responsibility you have had in your career and what it taught

2. How do you handle responsibility?


1. How do you deal with risk on the job?

2. Name the greatest risk that you've taken?

3. Name the greatest risk that you've taken which resulted in failure.

Entry Level

1. How would you go about training a new employee?

2. What are the steps to take in identifying training requirements?

3. Aside from formal training, what other means may be used for developing employees?

4. What factors would you use in evaluating a trainee?

5. You have one slot available for a personal computer training class. There are two people who have
asked to be scheduled. Which factors will you consider in deciding which one of the two people will be

6. What are the four steps in Job Instruction Training?

7. What is the impact on the organization of inadequate employee training?

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