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Submitted in partial fulfillment of Master of Business Administration


(The Diet Pizza)

Faculty Guide Submitted By:

Mr. Anurag Shukla Abhinav Nishad
Department of Business Administration 31217


Affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. AKTU

Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology


I hereby declare that this submission is my own work. It contains no material previously
published or written by another person, nor has this material to a substantial extent been accepted
for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher

Abhinav Nishad

Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology


Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology

Mini Project Report is the one of the important parts of MBA program, which has helped me to

gain lot of experience, which will be beneficial in my succeeding career. For this with a ineffable

sense of gratitude I take this opportunity to express my deep sense of indebtedness and gratitude

to Dr. S. K. Bhalla, Director - Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology and Dr.Harit Kumar,

Head of Business Administration Department, for their encouragement, support, and guidance

in carrying out the project. I am very much thankful to, my Project Guide(Mr. Anurag Shukla),

Faculty – MBA Department for his/her interest, constructive criticism, persistent encouragement

and untiring guidance throughout the development of the project. It has been my great privilege

to work under his inspiring guidance.

I am also thankful to my parents and my friends for their indelible co-operation for achieving the

goals of this study.

Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology

Table of Content


2. Introduction 2-3

3.Abstract– Vision, Mission ,Strategy ,History, Facilities & Location, 4-5

Legal Entity &Ownership

4. Feasibility Analysis– Product , Industry , Organizational ,Financial, Market

A. Product Feasibility- 8-9

•Concept Testing
• Usability Testing

B. Industry Feasibility- 9-16

• Target Industry Attractiveness
• Pestle Analysis
• Market Timeless Considerations – Potter’s Five Forces Model

C. Organizational Feasibility– 16-18

.Management process
• Resource Sufficiency
• Human Resource Expense
• Blue Print Of The Diet pizza

D. Financial Feasibility- 18-21

• Capital Requirements

E. Marketing Feasibility- 22-28

• 7 P’s Of Service Marketing
5. Conclusion 29

6.Biblography 30

Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology

“The Diet pizza” will completely change your perception about what normal pizza is, we are

going to revolutionaries the pizza making , whether it’s base on topping everything will be

redefined, The base will be made up of Fruit pulp ,tomato pulp a lot more cauliflower will be in

it , suji and oats , we would make sure that uses amount of flour is used in every pizza that we

make for topping, we will use fresh veggies, mushroom, diet cheese ,corn, broccoli, beans,

capsicum and many more , we will try to give justice to our tagline “A GOOD APPETITE

FOR HEALTHY DIET” .All that matters to us is see happiness on your faces and when health

is the priority , you should not compromise with it even it losts more than you normal unhealthy

flour bread which is bring served to you as pizza will add 2-3 variants to server you something

which nobody is serving you , like chocolate pizza with a thing of veggies dipped in cream ,to

give you something that you have never experienced before we have a special addition of pizza

for people who are fitness conscious and can’t have normal pizza as it is loaded with extra

cheese and all kind of fat , we have diet pizza for them which will contain healthy veggies, with

a little amount of cheese and a thing base, so that you don’t have grave for a pizza ,we respect

every that you spend that’s why our intensive four is on giving you good quality food at the best

cost . And those of your wandering whether we have a delivery facility is available , so you don’t

have to visit the store, we will deliver steaming–hot food at your home, so that you can have

your pizza without any much in convenience a used .For customer satisfaction is everything and

fulfilling our promise of best food at the comfort of your home.

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Are you bored of eating normal dull pizza? Don’t you want a change on after eating pizza from a

irrespective store, your stomach ache get disturbed? Are you fed up that old-outdated stuffed

pizza, don’t you want something exciting and something new to reduce your taste? Well express

yourself up because we are looking forward to launching a pizza outlet in your city, a store

whose pizza is going to transfer your definition of what pizza is completely. Don’t worry it’s not

going to be that flour based pizza with few onions and capsicum on it but we are going to add a

little more value to the money you spent and serving you a kind of “pizza” you never ate before

,How many times we have witnessed a stomach ache after eating a pizza ,we all must have

expensed that, this happens because of low-quality cheese and absolutely rotten bread that they

use , so that their monetary gains without caring what will be the unwholesome effects of that,

many people suffer food poisoning ,their goal movement get disturbed ,Don’t you want to spend

money on something healthy, After, “HEALTH IS WEALTH”, we are going to create our outlet

with the motive health is after all the most important thing. Firstly pizza start in Italy.

Specifically, baker Raffaele Esposito from Napels is often credit for making the first pizza pie,

that street vendors in Naples sold flatbreads With toppings for many years before then.


Two major competitive companies are-


Tom Monaghan & Dave Brandon immediately loved the idea and officially the business

Domino’s originally had three dots, representing the three stores in 1965 Pizza opened its first

franchise location in 1967 and by 1978, the company expanded to 2000stores.Pizza Hut was

founded on June 15, 1958 by two Wichita State University students, brothers Dan &Frank

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Carency,as single location in Wichita , Kanas. Six months later they opened as second outlet and

within a year they had six Pizza Hut restaurants. Both the company started in India with only one

outlet but Domino’s had 101 outlets in april 2001 …And Pizza Hut also starts with only one

outlet outlet but it had 19 outlets in 2001.


The Diet Pizza offers a wide menu selection to appeal to many different customer preferences As

more people are beginning are eat healthy, whole wheat options are available for pizza crusts and

breadsticks .Multiple flavoured crusts options(diet cheese, garlic etc) along with an array of

pizza toppings ,also sets The Diet Pizza apart from the current competition. Finally, expanded

operating hours and fast, free delivery, allow customers multiple dining options.

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The project The Diet Pizza business has required knowledge and objective as follow

1-For study in the real situation and analysis situation.

2-For analyze to set the goal and management of project

3-For analyze competitor of the business in real situation

4-For study return and risk of project

Expectation of the project The Diet Pizza business are the way that conduct to the objective and

made the business accomplish. Can analysis situation and meet the way to solve the problem..

1-Can accomplish the goal and effective management of the project

2- Can generate modern The Diet Pizza that have unique different from competitor

3- Can generate income and achieve sale forecast or more

In the future if I already to expand my business ,I hope to expand in other province in other place

A consumer who is influential buying behaviour and use goods ,psychological factor composes

the persuasion, acknowledgement, the belief and the attitude the personality and the idea of


“The Diet Pizza” creates a friendly and pleasant environment for customers in a well designed

productive environment in which people can work happily. I focus to the look and taste of pizza

as well as to high-quality and healthy ingredients. I look tom provide the best possible value to

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my customers with the satisfaction of receiving a great value, both tangibility and intangibility. I

will also create a idea for more healthy, and concern about the environment .

- I use material from local area, cheaper price and easy to find it.

- I use material from local area, because I get new material and fresh more than Material other

area or far from my business located.

- My business set up near at Coaching area and Public park and many varieties of menus.

- If the customers order pizza the medium size, they can get healthy salad bar free and if they

order pizza large ,they can get free healthy fresh juice.


The Diet Pizza is currently registered with the Secretary of District as a limited liability company

under the name “PIZZA KING LLC” The company is owned by its three managing partners.


Each of the founding partners brings different experience to the company. Having experience in

the hospitality industry, management, and pizza making, the three partners have teamed upto

create “The Diet Pizza” to fill the current need in the market.


“The Diet Pizza” is located in a prime location in Coaching area of Kakadev , at the Neer Ksheer

Chauraha, not only does this appeal to all of the students, being centrally located on the main

street in that area, but also attracts general public

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What is Feasibility Study?
As the name implies, a feasibility analysis is used to determine the viability of an idea as

ensuring a project is legally and technically feasible as well as economically justifiable .It tells us

whether a project is worth the investment –in some cases, a project may not be doable .There can

be many reasons for this, including requiring too many resources from performing other tasks

but also may cost more than an organization would earn back by taking on a project that isn’t



Feasibility Analysis is a process of stipulate whether the business idea is can be progress well.

The main purpose of this analysis to evaluate the business idea is workable or not. This analysis

contributes for analysis of a business idea that can depend on the product/service analysis,

industry/market feasibility analysis, organizational feasibility analysis and financial analysis

which will proceed with the business plan.

1-Feasibility analysis is the process of determining if a business idea is viable.

2- It is the preliminary evaluation of a business idea, conducted for the purpose of determining

whether the idea is worth pursuing.


Several studies have investigated why this is the case. The consensus of the research is that

entrepreneurs tend to underestimate the amount of competition there will be in the market place

and tend to overestimate their personal chances for success.

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There is increasing demand among consumers for healthy meals and healthy kids meals.

Consumers are also more interested in where their food comes from and how it is produced, with

a growing demand for locally produced and organic ingredients. Diet Pizza operators are

responding by producing dough with healthier fats, offering whole pizza crusts, healthier

vegetable based toppings and salad.

As consumers increasingly look for value, Diet Pizza operators are expected to respond with

lower prices and promotions. Falling commodity prices will enable more aggressive pricing

consumers have less to spend , but they still want to dine out for convenience.


For the plan increases the number of branches abundantly a pizza, to be continued concern about

emphasize in provincial more and more. That’s depend on the latency’s of the location and the

area that come and opening of new mall, now abundantly a pizza has 203 branch amounts,

suppose end of this year has will about 208 branches, from the end of year last have about 198

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branch, which, this year open a little new branch last year more that open very arrive at 28 a

branch, because suppose next year economy situation will generally should improve.


I offer agriculture product to market for support the demand of fruit follow the trend of popular

that are increase in every year, and in the other hand that affect to decrease in area for

agriculture. For now will to put fruit to market that is jujube (jujube fresh milk).


a-Is an assessment of the overall appeal of the product or service being proposed.

b- The idea is that before a prospective firm rushes a product or service into ,development, it

should be confident that the product or service is what its prospective customers want.

c- The two components of a product/service feasibility analysis are:

1- Concept testing

2- Usability testing


1- A concept test showing a representation of the product or service to prospective users to gauge

interest, desirability, and purchase intent.

2- A concept statement is a one page description of a business that is distributed by a startup

entrepreneur to people whom are asked to provide feedback on the potential of the business idea.

Concept testing Information to include-

a-Description of the product or service being offered.

b- The intended target market.

c- The benefits of the product or service

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A concept test is usually followed by the development of a prototype or model of the product or


a- It is the method by which users of the product are asked to perform certain tasks in order to

measure the product’s ease-of- use and the user’s perception of the experience.

b- Usability test are sometimes called user’s test, beta test, or field trials, depending on the

circumstances involved.

c- While it is tempting to rush a new product or service to market, conducting usability test is a

good invest of an entrepreneur‘s or firm’s resources.

Parent Company “The Diet Pizza”

Category Healthy pizza eating joints

Quality Food & Beverages

Tagline/Slogan Healthy base for Healthy face

USP Pizza King gives good service,

healthy and tasty fresh pizzas at

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A market feasibility study determines whether or not real estate market has the ability to support

a particular development. Market areas are usually defined by 3, 5 or 8 mile drive time for

specific branches. Marketing is essential for the success of business. Sales become direct

interface among customs and products offered by companies, and marketing is an indirect

function between customer and the company. The purpose of the Marketing Feasibility study is

to determine the suitability of this property for profitable development, and to define optimal

products and amenities in accordance with projected market demand, and to project sales

absorption and annual revenues from development of this project.

a-Is an assessment of the overall appeal to the market for the product or service being proposed.

b- For industry/market feasibility analysis, there are three primary issue that a proposed business

should consider:

1-Industry attractiveness 2- Market timelines 3- Identification of a niche market.

A primary determinant of a new venture’s feasibility is the attractiveness of the industry it

a-Industries vary considerably in terms of their growth rate.

b-In general, the most attractive industries are characterized as the following:

(1)Are large and growing

(2) Are important to the customer

(3) Are fairly young rather than older and more mature.

(4) Have high, rather than low, operating margins

(5) Are not crowded.

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PESTLE Analysis

Economic Factors-
Some of the significant economic factors that affect business performance and conditions are

economic growth, consumer services industry growth rate, inflation, deflation, unemployment

rate, interest rate, wage policies. The type of economic system whether it is monopoly, oligopoly

or a perfect competition is also an important economic factor to consider.

Political Factors-
Political factors include government attitude to employment, consumer protection, the

environment, taxation, trade restrictions, societal reforms, as well as the burden of bureaucracy

and the level of corruption. Nowadays, the development of government bodies and the growth of

global trade and multinational organization can affect the business indirectly.

Social Factors-
The culture of an organisation in an environment is impacted by society’s culture and method of

doing things. This culture includes certain social factors like demography trends, power structure

in society. Every country has cultural norms, values, beliefs and religion which affect the

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working of the organization. Factors such as Demographic and life expectancy of people affect

the fact. Thus a thorough understanding of customers, their beliefs, attitudes, values, their

lifestyle and level of education.

Technological Factors-
Technological factors include the development of technology in manufacture and infrastructure.

Change in technology happens more and more frequently. Diet Pizza will require to keep up with

technology or face the risk of new entrants and competitors.

Legal Factor-
Legal factors include current and impending legislation that may affect the industry. Similar to

economic and political factors, businesses should also consider legal aspects from other countries

since they may affect the operation.

As per Food And Safety Standard Act 2006, it is mandatory for all eateries in India to obtain and

FBO ( FOOD BUSINESS OPERATOR) License from Food Safety And Standards Authority Of

India for the purpose of ensuring the quality of food for the benefit of public health. Diet Pizza

will make sure to follow all legalities and poses the license and patents.

Role of Primary & Secondary Research in Investigation-

1-Primary Research

2-Secondary Research

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Types of Research How it is Conducted

Primary Research This is the research that is original and is

collected by the entrepreneur. In assessing the
attractiveness of a new market, this typically
involves an entrepreneur talking to
potential customers and key industry

Secondary Research This is research that probes data that are

already collected. Examples of where this data
might come from are: Industry related
publications, government statistics,
competitor’s Web sites, and Industry reports
from research firms

Market Timelines Consideration

Nature of Product or Service Major consideration


Improvement on something already available in Is the window of opportunity open or closed? Is

the marketplace now a good time for a new market entrant (i.e,
are customers buying, are industry incumbent
making money?)

Breakthrough new product or service, which Should we try to capture a first-mover

should establish a new market segment. advantage?

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Potter’s five forces model-
Porter's Five Forces is a model that identifies and analyzes five competitive forces that shape

every industry and helps determine an industry's weaknesses and strengths. Five Forces analysis

is frequently used to identify an industry's structure to determine corporate strategy.

Threats of New Entrants-

New entrants in Restaurants brings innovation, new ways of doing things through lower pricing

strategy, reducing costs, and providing new value propositions to the customers.

.For Diet Pizza threat of new entries will be low.

.It involves a huge knowledge of the market and resources.

.By building economies of scale so that it can lower the fixed cost per unit

.Layman can’t enter into business.

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Bargaining Power of Buyers-
Buyers are often a demanding lot. They want to buy the best offerings available by paying the

minimum price as possible. The higher the bargaining power of the customers and higher their

ability to seek increasing discounts and offer.

-Bargaining power of buyer will be low.

-Cost of the products will be genuine and taste will satisfy the customers.

-By rapidly innovating new products. Customers often seek discounts and offerings on

established products

Threats of Substitute Products or Services-

When a new product or service meets a similar customer needs in different ways, industry

profitability suffers.

.By understanding the core need of the customer rather than what the customer is buying.

.There are other fast food item readily available in market such as sandwiches and burgers etc.

Bargaining Power of Suppliers-

Powerful suppliers in Services sector use their negotiating power to extract higher prices from

the firms in Restaurants field. The overall impact of higher supplier bargaining power is that it

lowers the overall profitability of Restaurants.

• Furniture will be purchased/rented one time as per need.

• Cookware and Crockery will be easily available.

.I use material from local area, because I get new material and fresh more than material other

area or far from my business located.

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Rivalry among the Existing Competitors-
If the rivalry among the existing players in an industry is intense then it will drive down prices

and decrease the overall profitability of the industry

. • Cities such has Indore, Mumbai have many Pizza store.

• Kanpur is a suitable place for such a concept base Diet Pizza store and as it is a new concept

there won’t be many competitors.

• No other Diet Pizza store provide such different sections and seating areas where people can

choose according to their mood.


Organizational feasibility analysis is conducted to determine whether a proposed business has

sufficient management expertise, organizational competence, and resources to successfully

launch its business. Two key aspects to consider include management ability and resource


a-Management expertise

b- Organizational competence

c-Human Resources

d- There are two primary issues to consider in this area:

1-Management prowess

2- Resource sufficiency


a-A firm should candidly evaluate the prowess (ability) or its management team to make sure

-Requisite passion

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-Expertise to launch the venture

b- The most important factors in this area are:

-The passion that the solo entrepreneur or the founding team has for the business idea

c- Solo entrepreneur or founding teams with established social and professional

networks also have an advantage.


a-This topic pertains to an assessment of whether an entrepreneur has sufficient resources to

launch the proposed venture.

b- The focus here should be on nonfinancial resources in that financial feasibility.

c- If critical resources are not available in certain areas, it may be impractical to proceed with the

business idea.


Three Expertise are required in Pizza King Outlet

(1)- Production Manager (2)- Sales Manager (3)- Finance Manager

(1) Production Manager-Being the owner of the business we have a responsibility of

managing and everything that is being conducted and taking place in day. So, the business hires a

production manager for the business, who will be given all the responsibilities to take care of that

business so that there is cheap in the business.

(2) Sales Manager- Choosing s supervisor in a company is a difficult task. The supervisor
should have following requirements.

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- Proven expertise as supervisor as relevant role.

- Ability to learn a variety of job descriptions.

- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

- Familiarity with company policies and legal guidelines of the field.

- Outstanding organizational and leadership skills.

- Diploma/ certificate, in first -line management or relevant field.

Being a supervisor in a business, there are many responsibilities for him such as setting goals for

performance and details in a way that employee with company’s plans, and vision Organizing

workflow and ensuring that employees understanding their duties on delegated task He also

monitor employee productivity and providing constructive feedback and coaching maintain

reports and decide on reward & promotion based on performance.

(3) Finance Manager

A Finance team manages the money in an organization. Larger organization will have more

specified finance team with many levels of management. In a smaller business, it may be the

owner or small team who have broader roles and greater responsibility.


A financial feasibility study projects how much start-up capital is needed, sources of capital,

returns on investment, and other financial consideration. It looks how much cash is required, it

will come from, and how it will be spent.

a-For financial analysis, a quick financial assessment is usually sufficient.

b- The most important issues to consider at this stage are:

1-Total start-up cash needed.

2- Financial performance of similar business.

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a-Steady and rapid growth in sales during the first 5 to 7 years in clearly defined market niche.

b- High percentage of recurring revenue –meaning that once a firm wins a client, the client will

provide recurring sources of revenue.

c- Ability to forecast income and expenses with a reasonable degree of certainly.

5 Essentials Roles of the Finance Department in a Startup


This involves tracking and recording every single transaction associated with your startup. The

objective of the finance department is maintain flawles bookkeeping. This roles also includes

payroll management MIS expectations of the management.


The finance department must ensure that statutory compliances are in order for the startup by

submitting all government paperwork accurately and in a timely manner. A robust checker

process can be implemented tom reduce any chances of error


The finance department’s role goes beyond just bookkeeping. It also involves data analysis to

provide insights for decisions that impact the future. The finance department must be in position

to scrutinize any decisions taken by the senior management, analysis its efficiency and assess the

risks involved. Providing timely and accurate information to assist decision making is highly

valued KPI of the finance department.

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Another key responsibility of the finance department is in crafting strategy that could potentially

drive the growth of the start-up. The availability of data collected from sophisticated tools,

combined with the right expertise and refined strategy can help set realistic long-term goals for

the start-up. Some of the areas where the finance department can add significant value is in

identification of the right pricing strategy, target market, and even product mix.


Start-up seeking to raise funds in the near future must ensure a well-kept book. The right way to

convince an investor of your start-up’s capabilities could lie with your finance department.

Operational excellence is critical to fund raising and can be driven by a team of financial experts

To, summarize the finance department must be able to make the right decisions at each stage of

growth to ensure profitability, longevity and success for the start-up.

The start-up cost of business is Rs 12, 00, 000.



COOK 2 18000
MANAGER 1 9000
WAITERS 3 15000


TOTAL AMOUNT No of Employee=8 48000

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Other Expenses-

18960+37260 (MONTHLY)
RENT 15000
TOTAL 1096220(+48000)
Capital Requirements
A business requires capital to purchase assets, acquire required resources and operate. Capital

exists in many forms such as equipment, office, cash, and inventory. New ventures need to

determine how much capital they need to start and run the business in the first year.For the initial

starting of the Diet Pizza the amount of capital that is required to be invested in is 12-18 lac

rupees. When capital requirements are identified, entrepreneurs need to define the sources of

capital. There are many sources for capital, but they can be classified into equity capital and debt

capital. Equity capital represents owners’ personal investment in the business.

For the Diet Pizza equity capital is being invested in the form of:

• Family funds worth 5Lac

• Personal Savings worth 4 Lac.

• A bank loan worth 5lac rupees which is a personal loan from a non-banking financial

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• A gold loan worth 4lac rupees from muthoot finance.

Debt capital refers to the wealth that an entrepreneur borrows. Debts need to be paid back with

interest. For the Diet Pizza debt capital being invested is: While debt capital allows the

entrepreneur to keep ownership, it is considered a liability.

Market Feasibility-

7 P’s Of Market Feasibility-

Marketing mix is the most useful tool for the management to create the marketing plan and

choose the smart tactics. It has basic 7 components Product, Price, Place, Promotion.Bring the

maximum outcome management should blend all 7ps and implement on their decision making


1-Product- “Diet Pizza” has come to become synonymous with the ‘Healthy & Best pizza

under one roof’. This is because “Diet Pizza” the beliefs that every pizza has its own magic, thus

“Diet Pizza” a success has been is unique dining experience

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2- Price-“Diet Pizza” will successfully use the high/low pricing strategy when setting the retail

price of its products.

-The high/low retail strategy allows “Diet Pizza” to change a price that is above the competition,

but also promote frequent sales to lower the price below them.

-The high/low pricing strategy has several advantages

3-Place- Place of “Diet Pizza “ is Kakadev coaching area at Kanpur , which will attract to

students and provide effective and fast service at less time. It is the fundamental requirement for

the business.

4-Promotion- In India, out is perceived as a form of entertainment. Which is why “Diet Pizza”

serves our customers great food, they also sing and dance for them.

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5-Physical evidence-It is very important marketing mix factor that will help the cafe to

improve their marketing strategies. cafe should consider their physical evidence such as

decoration, dining room, table design, menu cards, plates, uniforms, and overall service escape.

Physical evidence has direct impact on five senses which are sound, sight, scent, taste and touch.

Physical evidence represents the product quality and attraction for the customers. A Diet Pizza

has its USP as the unique physical feature that will satisfy customer all senses. Be it the garden

area, family seating, couple section.

6-People -In Cafe industry people are playing very important role specially cook as they are

the back bone of the business. Studies show that many restaurants get popular due to unique

tastes. Management need haired skilful people and trained them according to Cafe polices and

procedure to deliver the best service and food.

7-Process-In cafe process also play important role as serving time, overall operations and

information. There are many type of processes, in cafe mainly management should looks at the

system used to deliver the food and service for example food serving time. Other example of

process is how customer will pay and how to maintain all records and bills in place.


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• Allow space for your guests to wait to be seated

• Create a space for your staff where they can take comfortable breaks

• Depending on how food is delivered or served, create a natural flow for food to be served and

think about how the kitchen connects to your end patrons

• Create inclusive seating options

• Consider lighting, theme, and ambiance

• Factor in your payment system and POS system and how your staff will access them

• Offer outdoor seating

• Create a plan for social distancing in your restaurant

SWOT Analysis is proven management framework which enables a brand like “Diet Pizza” to

benchmark its business & performance as compared to the competitors and industry. “Diet

Pizza” is one of the leading brands in the food & beverages sector.

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Strength in SWOT analysis of “Diet Pizza”-

Losing the turnover that it can generate by being present in B grade town. If not the fast food

chain, than at least “Diet Pizza” has a premium positioning in customer’s mind. The promotion

and brand equity of ”Diet Pizza” is better than competitors. The food is of high quality and so is

the healthy. The brand has an excellent presence.

Weakness in SWOT analysis of “Diet pizza”-

Maintaining major weakness of “Diet pizza” is that while its brand image, “Diet Pizza” is

delivery, which is “Diet Pizza” home delivery franchise should be present in such place. This

will ensure that “Diet pizza” has high turnover and at the same time it is present far and wide.

Another weakness of “Diet Pizza” is that the taste of their pizza is there since ages and customers

recent polls have shown that customers are not satisfied with the same old pizza and there is

more interest in wider range.

Opportunities in SWOT analysis of “Diet Pizza”-


Diet Pizza is an innovative and creative brand and offers a variety of pizzas. The chain restaurant

company should keep on offering new flavours and unique items on the food menu. It would

keep on attracting new customers


Diet pizza provides a home delivery service in some area. Diet Pizza should invest itsresource in

the online application and delivery service management system. Since online shopping and food

ordering trends are increasing. The home delivery service and the online ordering would amplify

the business growth of the chain restaurant brand.

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Threats in SWOT analysis of “Diet Pizza”

Dominos is single major threat to “Diet Pizza” when concerned with pizza or Italian food.

Dominos does not have a high quality food variety be like “Diet Pizza” but dominos is present in

most places where “Diet Pizza” is not. Another threat is the wide option of cuisines which a

customer has available today through various food franchisee.

STP- Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning-

Market Segmentation is a process of dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers with

different needs, characteristics, or behaviour that might require separate products or marketing

programs is called Market Segmentation (Kotler and Armstrong, 2006). Initially Diet Pizza will

focus as a Socio-Economic segmentation base in consumer Markets as it will have a

concentration on social class particularly the youngesters those who are working at the office and

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wanted to have a tasty pizza with a good atmosphere and facilities as well as families for

pleasure seeking time. Diet Pizza will segment its market by geographic and demographically by

selecting the store location where they can find the educated , books and coffee lovers .


Target Marketing is a process of evaluating each market segment’s attractiveness and selecting

one or more segments to enter. The concept of target marketing is a logical implication of the

basic philosophy of marketing .A company should target segments in which it can profitably

generate the greatest customer value and sustain it overtime. Diet Pizza wanted to develop a

reputable relationship with the customers, Most of companies enter in a new market y serving a

single segment, and if this proves successful than they add more segments, initially Diet Pizza

will do the same thing targeted the parents with the young children for family / garden Section

and it was hit concept and will have added more segments by including Teenagers and developed

its product range.

Positioning defines where your product (item or service) stands in relation to others offering

similar products and services in the marketplace as well as the mind of the consumer. A good

positioning makes a product unique and makes the users consider using it as a distinct benefit to

them. Diet Pizza positioning strategy will be customer base so that it can give the best service

more than what the customers expect Diet Pizza will gain a competitive advantage over customer

satisfaction and employee satisfaction as Diet pizza will develop its positioning strategy based on

the customer and provided the utmost facility in terms of layout, furniture to the music, and in

terms of employee satisfaction. Diet Pizza will make employee as a partners and gave them a

personal security with a freedom to participate in the every decision .

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The main purpose of launching “Diet Pizza” is that we understand, How many people eat pizza

get in the name of pizza they are being served flour bread with some toppings, we want to

transform pizza section by serving something that is not only delicious but healthy at the same

time. The normal pizza will get a touch of creativity and innovation, that would change your

definition of “pizza” what is actually is, It is low investment business that has a huge scope and

demand in the market, As our theme is related to health , so we will try our best to give compute

justice to that. Customer satisfaction is our prime priority as you all know with customer

satisfaction, your business thriller. As pizza industry is a so twisted but there is a large in people

at something that does not affect their well bring so, that thought will also draw them to come to

our outlet because of our ‘Health is Wealth’ theme, There had been number of instance where

people, after consuming pizza, from some local outlet have faller seek, so that has created some

health-issues among the people, so that will also prove to be a pure point from our perspective.

This outlet will be in partnership. This field has a opportunity and we would look to size that by

own good service, If we are able to give them best service and if they are also satisfied with the

amount they are paying, then it will make them come again and again our outlet that will result

in to the huge success of our first venture. Then we will look forward to opening our 2nd outlet

will have a huge variety of pizzas, for different category of people so the people who were

hesitant in eating pizza before, will also make them push to our outlet.

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