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Mufti Wirawan, S.Psi, M.KKK
Daftar Isi

Safety Culture: Concept

• Culture & Climate

Safety Culture & Safety Performance

Safety Culture Model

11/06/2021 2
11/06/2021 3
What is Safety?

“Safety is freedom from unacceptable risk”

Keselamatan adalah terbebas dari risiko yang tidak dapat

(Hollnagel, 2015)

11/06/2021 4
Why Safety?

#229 If a builder builds a house for someone, and does not

construct it properly, and the house which he built falls in and
kills its owner, then that builder shall be put to death.

11/06/2021 5
Why Safety?

Selamat & Sehat adalah HAK INDIVIDU

• Anugerah Tuhan YME

• Ada aturan Hukum / Legal – Internasional & Nasional
• Sebuah Keuntungan

World Bulan K3
Safe Day Nasional

11/06/2021 6
Perkembangan Safety

Hale, A.R. and Hovden, J. (1998). Management and culture: The third age of safety – A review of approaches to organisational aspects of safety, health and
environment. In Hollnagel, Erik (2011) Understanding Accidents, or How (Not) to Learn from the Past

11/06/2021 7
Era Teknikal

Revolusi Technical Paradigma

Industri Failure linier
• 1769 • Safeguard • Domino Teori
• Peralatan & • Root Cause
Mesin Analysis

Hollnagel, Erik (2011) Understanding Accidents, or How (Not) to Learn from the Past

11/06/2021 8
Era Faktor Manusia

Perkembangan Human Failure Paradigma

IPTEK • Human Error complex-linier
• Namun banyak • Safety Behavior • Multi-Factor
kecelakaan besar Causation
terjadi • Swiss-Cheese

Hollnagel, Erik (2011) Understanding Accidents, or How (Not) to Learn from the Past

11/06/2021 9
Era Sistem Manajemen

Perkembangan Perspektif Paradigma non-

Industri Organisasi linier
• Human Science • Human Error is • Safety-II
• Complex Organisation Consequences • Integration
• System Thinking • Safety Management - • Human
Culture • Technology
• Organisation

Hollnagel, Erik (2011) Understanding Accidents, or How (Not) to Learn from the Past

11/06/2021 10
National Culture Corporate Culture

Organisational Culture

Safety Culture Global Culture

Local Culture
Pop Culture

11/06/2021 11
Culture – WHAT?

The way of life, especially the general customs

and beliefs, of a particular group of people at
a particular time.
-Cambridge dictionary-

Budaya adalah keseluruhan sistem gagasan, dan

tindakan hasil karya manusia dalam rangka
kehidupan masyarakat yang dimiliki manusia dengan
-Prof. Koentjaraningrat-

11/06/2021 12
Culture – WHAT?

American anthropologists Kroeber and Kluckhohn

(1963) found more than 160 different definitions of the word

the word ‘culture’ stems from the latin COLERE,

which means to grow or to process
(Eriksen 1998)

11/06/2021 13
Socio-Behavior Science (Oxford Language)

the scientific study of the way

the human mind works and how
it influences behaviour, or the influence of
a particular person's character on their behaviour

the study of
the relationships between people living in groups,
especially in industrial societies

the study of
the human race, its culture and society,
and its physical development

11/06/2021 14
Layer of Culture
Adapted from Rousseau (1990)

Antonsen, Stian. 2009. Safety Culture: Theory,Method and Improvement. Ashgate Publishing Limited

11/06/2021 15
Organisational Culture

(Edgar Henry Schein)


11/06/2021 16
Iceberg Model of Workplace Dynamics
(Stanley Herman, 1978)

European Union Agency for Railways.2020. Introduction to the European Railway Safety Culture Model. Safety Culture Series #1.
Source: More information in French, W.L. and Bell, C.H., 1978. Organisational Development: Behavioural Science Interventions for Organisational Improvement.

11/06/2021 17
Organisational Cultures Model

Westrum, R. (2004). A Typology of Organisational Culture. Qual Saf Health Care 2004;13(Suppl II):ii22–ii27. doi: 10.1136/qshc.2003.009522

11/06/2021 18
Safety Culture

Istilah “Safety Culture” pertama kali muncul dari

laporan kecelakaan Chernobyl oleh International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (1986)

Safety Series No.75 INSAG-4

International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group

11/06/2021 19
Safety Culture & Organisational Culture


Organisations with positive safety culture

Culture are characterized by communication
founded on mutual trust, by shared
perceptions of the importance of safety,
and by confidence in the efficacy measures
Safety Culture
(UK Health & Safety Commision, 1993)

11/06/2021 20
Safety Culture & Organisational Culture

Antonsen, Stian. 2009. Safety Culture: Theory,Method and Improvement. Ashgate Publishing Limited

11/06/2021 21
Culture can be simply defined as the attitudes, values and beliefs that
underpin “the way we do things here”. A positive HSE culture is
largely sustained by trust, credibility and behaviour of senior leaders.
Trust is extremely fragile; once lost it can be hard to recover.
Achieving and sustaining a positive HSE culture is not a discreet event,
but a journey. Organisations should never let their guard down. Healthy
safety cultures result in high reliability organisations which are
characterised by their “chronic sense of unease”. Organisations must
ensure that senior management are committed to a journey of continuous
improvement. 2
ii ©OGP
Culture & Climate

Snapshot of selected aspects of organizational

safety at a particular point in time
(Mearns, Whittaker & Flin, 2003)

‘The safety culture of an organisation is the

product of individual and group values,
attitudes, perceptions, competencies, and
patterns of behaviour that determine the
commitment to, and the style and proficiency of,
an organisation’s health and safety
(ACSNI: HSC, 1993)

11/06/2021 23
11/06/2021 24
Safety Culture & Safety Performance

ICSI “Safety Culture” working group (2017). Safety Culture: from Understanding to Action. Issue 2018-01 of the Cahiers de la Sécurité Industrielle collection, Institut pour une Culture de
Sécurité Industrielle (ICSI), Toulouse, France.

11/06/2021 25
Safety Culture & Safety Performance

The ICSI “Safety Culture” working group (2017). Safety Culture: from Understanding to Action. Issue 2018-01 of the Cahiers de la Sécurité Industrielle collection, Institut pour une Culture
de Sécurité Industrielle (ICSI), Toulouse, France.

11/06/2021 26
Safety Culture Concept

Health and Safety Executive (HSE). (2005). A Review of Safety Culture and Safety Climate Literature for the Development of the Safety Culture Inspection Toolkit, Research Report 367

11/06/2021 27
Safety Culture Model : Reciprocal

Cooper, M.D. (2000). Toward a Model of Safety Culture. Safety Science. 36(2000): 111 – 136.

11/06/2021 28
Safety Culture Model : Reciprocal

(Total Safety Culture – Scott Geller, 2001)

11/06/2021 29
Safety Culture Model : Reciprocal

(Ardern J. WorkSafe, Creating a Safety Culture, 2012)

11/06/2021 30
Safety Culture Model : Maturity Level

11/06/2021 31
Kick-Off Point

Hudson, Patrick. (1999). Safety Culture - Theory and Practice. "The Human Factor in System Reliability -Is Human Performance Predictable?", published in RTO MP-032.

11/06/2021 32
Safety Culture Model : Maturity Level

Foster, Patrick & Hoult, Stuart. 2013. The Safety Journey: Using a Safety Maturity Model for Safety Planning and Assurance in the UK Coal
Mining Industry. Minerals 2013, 3, 59-72; doi:10.3390/min3010059

11/06/2021 33
Safety Culture Model : Just Culture

James Reason (1997)

11/06/2021 34
Safety Culture Model : European Railway

European Union Agency for Railways.2020. Introduction to the European Railway Safety Culture Model. Safety Culture Series #1.

11/06/2021 35
Safety Culture Model : FAA

11/06/2021 36
Safety Culture Model : IAEA

11/06/2021 37
Safety Culture or Culture of Safety

Safety Culture Culture of Safety

culture Management

Safety Behavior
Strategy Safety-
system System

Safety Strategy

International Nuclear Safety Advisory (INSAG). 1991. Safety Culture Series No. 75-INSAG-4. Vienna, Austria: International Atomic Energy Agency

11/06/2021 38
11/06/2021 39
Measuring Culture

Culture surveys


Interviews and focus groups

Major accident analyses

11/06/2021 40
Safety Culture: Issue & Discussion

Safety Culture vs
• "We already have an SMS, why do we
Safety Management need Safety Culture too?"

• Climate or Culture?
Survey Method
• What is done vs What is actually happend

Organisational • “Managing Culturally” rather than

Strategy “Managing Culture”

11/06/2021 41
Managing Culturally

• Reduce the emphasis on ‘managing’ culture; instead

focus on controlling risks at the source.
• Differentiate between safety culture/ climate and
behavioural change.
• Build and develop the evidence base. Develop methods
for capturingthe knowledge that has arisen through
experience with organizational culture as it affects health
and safety, and make it available for peer review.
(Blewett, 2011, p. 2)

11/06/2021 42
Safety Culture simply as doing the right
thing, even when no one is watching.

A Safety Culture is something that is strived for but rarely attained, the
process is more important than the product

(James Reason, 2007)

From Aerosafetyworld, July 2007.

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