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Contract No:
This Agreement is made on the date shown in this contract hereto between, RIR CERTIFICATION PRIVTE LMITED, ("the Company") having its
registered office at A-210, UNITECH ARCADIA Commercial Tower, South City - II, Gurgaon, Haryana, India.. and: Client Name: ---Washmatic
India Pvt. Ltd., Tronica City Ghaziabad

1.1 The Client named in the contract hereto at the Certified sites included under the corporate certificate, including all other sites included in
the appendix of the certificate.
1.2 In order to know more information on the certification activity and the Certification body requirements , the Client can refer the
1.3 The changes of the Certification body shall be made available in the website. ( and it is formally informed in
1.4 The client shall inform the certification body of matters that may affect the capability of the management system to continue to fulfil the
requirements of the standard used for cerification and it shall include certification terms and agreement
a) the legal, commercial, organizational status or ownership,
b) organization and management (e.g. key managerial, decision-making or technical staff),
c) contact address and sites,
d) scope of operations under the certified management system, and
e) major changes to the management system and processes.
1.5 All information related to certification process for granting, maintaining, extending, renewing, reducing, suspending or withdrawing
certification shall be provided on request, the status shall be made publicly accessible.
2.1 The Company agrees to provide services as detailed in the Estimate(s) to this Agreement (herewithin referred to as "the Services")
and as per certification terms and agreement supplied alongwith the certification pack.
2.2 In order that the Company may provide the Services, the Client agrees to supply the Company with all necessary information and
2.3 The client agrees that whenever and where ever required IAS (International Accreditation Service, Inc.) shall be allowed to attend all
Certification certification process audits along VALIDATION Visits ( Accreditation Body / Certification Body/ both) for verification of
the certification body activities
2.4 The Certification body has the right to conduct special audits as per certifciation terms and agreement (P20/02).
The Company undertakes to provide suitably qualified personnel either by direct deployment of the Company's own staff or by sub-
contract to any party approved by the Company.
4.1 The charges for the services are as set out in the Estimate(s) to this agreement.
4.2 All expenses reasonably incurred by employees of the Company or by sub contractors in performance of this agreement shall be paid
by the Client.
4.3 The Company reserves the right to increase the charges from time to time. The Company will notify the Client of its intention to vary
the charges.
4.4 The Client shall be invoiced on completion of each stage the certification approval process (see attached estimate Proposal Form no
04). All payment due from the Client under this agreement shall be paid to the Company or its agent within 30 days of the date of the
invoice, unless otherwise stated in the estimate to this agreement. If payment has not been effected within 30 days, then customer is
legally in default and owes interest in the amount of 1.5% of the outstanding amount per month (or part thereof) as from the due
4.5 Following the enquiry the charges in the estimate will be as accurate as possible, but we reserve the right to reasonable variations
through circumstances apparent from the initial assessment site visit.
The Company, its officers, employees and agents agreed to maintain as confidential and not to use or disclose to any third party, any
information derived from the Client in connection with the Services without the consent of the Client, except to the extent that it is
reasonably necessary to enable the Company to carry out the Services in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.
Such obligation shall continue in full force and effect during the term of and after the termination of this Agreement provided, however,
that the following shall not be subject to such restrictions;
i) any information which was in the possession of the Company prior to disclosure to the Company by the Client, or
ii) any information which is or shall lawfully become party of the public domain, or
iii) any information which shall otherwise lawfully become available to the Company from a source independent of the Client, or
iv) any information which otherwise may be required to be made available in respect of achieving Certification such as information to
accreditation body, agreement group of a peer assessment scheme, etc..
v) information which shall be available in the public domain includes all information that can be made publicly accessible such as name,
scope of certificate, validity, status, etc.
This Agreement shall continue in force unless and until terminated:
6.1 By either party upon 30 days written notice to the other.
6.2 At the date of termination of this Agreement the Company's Certificate of Approval shall immediately cease to be valid. The
certificate shall be returned to the Company and all Client documentation using the Company Logo shall be withdrawn.
Except as otherwise agreed by the parties in writing this Agreement shall not be assigned.

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Contract No:
No failure or omission by either party to carry out or observe any of the stipulations, conditions or warranties to be performed or set out in
this Agreement shall give rise to any claim against such party or be deemed to be a breach of contract to the extent that such failure or
omission arises from causes reasonably beyond control of such party.
9. LAW
This Agreement shall in all respects be constructed and operate as an Agreement made in India and in conformity with respective Indian
Law as applicable and the construction of validity shall be governed by the applicable India Laws.
The Client undertakes to indemnify the Company against any loses suffered or by claims made against the Company as a result of misuse
by the Client of any approval or licence granted by the Company under this agreement
You shall properly document all complaints and remedial actions. You shall respond to complaints adequately. Your complaints records
will be kept for an adequate period appropriate to your Management System.
In providing services, information or advice neither the Company nor any of its officers, employees, agents warrants the accuracy of
information, review, assessment, certification of advice supplied. Except as set out herein the Company nor any of its officers, employees
or agents (on behalf of each of whom the Company has agreed this clause) shall be liable for any damage, loss of expenses whatever
sustained by any person due to an act or error of whatsoever nature and howsoever caused of the Company by its officers, employees or
agents or due to any inaccuracies of whatsoever nature and howsoever caused in any information, review, assessment, certification of
advice given in any way whatsoever by or on behalf of the Company, even if held to an amount to breach of warranty. Nevertheless, if any
person who is party to the agreement pursuant to which the Company provides any service uses the Company's services or relies on the
information, review, assessment, certification, or advice given by of on behalf of the Company and suffers loss damage or expense
thereby which has been due to negligent act omission or by error of the Company its officers, employees or agents or any negligent
inaccuracy in information, review assessment, certification or advice given by the Company then the Company will pay compensation to
such person for his/her proved loss up to but not exceeding the amount of the fee(if any) charged by the Company for that particular
service, information or advice. The Company its officers, employees or agents (on behalf of each of whom this notice is given) shall be
under no liability or responsibility in negligence or otherwise howsoever to any person who is not party to this agreement in respect of
information or advice expressly of implied given by the Company or in respect of any act, omission of inaccuracy by the Company.
In order to maintain the integrity of our service, you will comply with the requirements of RIR CERTIFICATION PRIVATE LIMITEDwhen
making reference to your certification status in communication media such as the internet, brochures or advertising or other documents.
And:- Make or permit any misleading statements regarding certification, Do not use or permit the use of certification documents or any
part in a misleading manner. Upon suspension or withdrawal of certification discontinue use of all advertising matter that contains a
reference to certification as directed by RIR CERTIFICATION PRIVATE LIMITED. Amend all advertising matter when the scope is reduced
.Do not allow reference to your certification to be used to imply that RIR CERTIFICATION PRIVATE LIMITED certify a product ,service or
process. Do not imply that certification applies to activities out of scope, Not use certification in a way to bring RIR CERTIFICATION
PRIVATE LIMITED and/ or the certification system into disrepute and loose public trust.
The certificate and the right to use the symbol shall remain the property of the Company and cannot be sold, lent or used as an asset of
the Client. Where the Clients business becomes bankrupt, goes into liquidation of receivership or there is a change of management, the
Company may have to cancel your certification immediately, but the Company will consider individual circumstances. The client shall
notify the Company of any changes to the business as above.
The Client is responsible for ensuring that people visiting the Clients site have adequate protective equipment for the environment they
are likely to enter. Where specialist training is required this is to be disclosed to the Company from the outset. Please raise the matter
with your Company contact.
Each of us shall maintain third party liability insurance of a type and to a level appropriate to its business.
Any disputes arising between the auditor, auditee and interested parties may be resolved by mutual agreement If disputes cannot be
settled by mutual agreement the client may raise a complaint to the certification body
On receipt of a complaint the certification body who will process the complaint in accordance with its complaints procedure.Complaint
procedure shall be provided upon request
Should the client not accept the certification body decision regarding their complaint they may appeal to the certification body governing
board for a final decision. Appeal procedure shall be provided upon request


Authorized Signatory Authorized Signatory & Stamp

Name: Mr. Mohammed Anwar Name: Sanjay Singh
Date: Date: 10-11-2022

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