Create A Sales Video That Converts

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Step 1 Part 1 of the Open:
THE OPEN You want to begin by speaking to the big common pain or
struggle for people in your niche who are trying to achieve the
specific result that your course promises.


“Let me ask you question…

Are you happy with [CURRENT REALITY]? Are you satisfied with
Have you ever thought to yourself [ANOTHER PAIN/STRUGGLE]?

Maybe you’ve asked yourself… “Why can’t I [SPECIFIC RESULT]?”


ⓒ BAM Digital
Step 1 In the weight loss space you might say:
“Let me ask you question…

THE OPEN Are you happy with the extra pounds you’re carrying around?
[that’s the “CURRENT REALITY] Are you satisfied with your energy
level that’s the [PAIN/STRUGGLE]?
Have you ever thought to yourself, “Why can’t I lose weight?”

Maybe you’ve asked yourself… “Why can’t I look and feel younger
[that’s a [SPECIFIC RESULT]? Why can’t I fit into my clothes
anymore? [ANOTHER SPECIFIC RESULT] Why can’t I be happy?

So you’re first identifying the pains and struggles and painting a

picture of the “current reality” for people. You then speak to
some of their desires and the results they want.

ⓒ BAM Digital
Step 1 Part 2 of the open:
You want to present a “one thing” promise.
THE OPEN That is, you imply that there is just ONE Thing that can make all
the difference in their lives and get them the results that they

You might say:

“What if I told you there’s ONE thing, just ONE thing, that can help
you to change your current situation?”

Then you want to get them to “imagine the future” (i.e. paint the
transformation and opportunity for people of how their lives
can change for the better.)

You can use words like, “Imagine this…” or “What if you…”

ⓒ BAM Digital
Step 1 Part 2 of the open:
THE OPEN For example, for my personal development course I might say:

“Imagine this… what if you were able to suddenly turn your

dreams into reality? What if you suddenly became the ‘YOU’
you’ve always wanted to be? What if you were able to attract,
create, and live the most extraordinary life you ever imagined?”

So I’m getting my viewer to “imagine” a FUTURE where life is

different, life is better – and that’s the goal of the Open of your
sales message.

ⓒ BAM Digital
Step 2 This is where you introduce yourself

THE INTRO “Hey, Marina De Giovanni here. I’m an author, blogger and success
coach who has helped countless women transform their personal
and professional lives via my blog, books, articles, private sessions
and online seminars and programs.

A few years ago I said goodbye to my 6-figure corporate job in

Sydney, Australia in order to travel the world and embark in a
journey of self-discovery.

Since that time I’ve gone on to build a full-time lifestyle business.

Now my mission is to inspire women to live their lives doing things
that inspire them.”

No need to brag or give people a 10 minute listing out of your

resume – keep it short and sweet.

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Step 3 This is your “creation” story of how you
THE STORY discovered your “one” thing
GOOD NEWS! You already created this story in Module 5 as
part of your “pre-launch content.”

You don’t want to go into the WHOLE story again. But you can’t
assume that everyone consumed your “pre launch content.”
So tell it again, but try and summarize it in a few short
paragraphs, and you’ll be good to go!

ACTION: Go back and Follow the “5-Step Story Formula” I gave

you in Module 5, Lesson 3.

ⓒ BAM Digital
Step 4 Transition from your STORY to your OFFER
THE BRIDGE For my personal development course I might say:

“Ok, so listen, you’re sitting at your computer, or maybe on your

phone… and you’re reading this today for reason. Something in your
life isn’t perfect, and you want more.

And you’ve heard how this works. And you know that IT IS possible
to turn your dreams into reality, love yourself unconditionally, and
be the ‘YOU’ you’ve always wanted to be.

So let me ask you… does that sound like something you’d want to
start to take action on? Because right now you have the chance to
grab the roadmap that shows you exactly how.”

ⓒ BAM Digital
Step 5 This is technically called “the pitch”
INTRO But don’t get overwhelmed here or weirded out. The good

Don’t be shy J

Remember, the step before this (step 6) was where we made

that transition from the story… so the example for my personal
development course was:

“Because right now you have the chance to grab the roadmap
that shows you exactly how.”

ⓒ BAM Digital
Step 5
THE COURSE This is technically called “the pitch”
INTRO So now I’d say:

“Today I’m excited to be able to introduce you to my BRAND NEW

online course called Back Yourself Brigade. It’s a step-by-step
blueprint that shows you exactly what you need to do to eliminate
self-doubt, unlock your potential… and live your life the way you
always believed you could.”

So nothing to it. I’m literally just stating the name of the course
and a brief sentence on what it’s all about.

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Step 6 People want to know your course will help them
You simply give a high-level look at each module in your
course, and then tell them how they will get specific benefits
THE BENEFITS from each module.

So here’s how you would do this:

“Here’s what we’re going to cover:

In module 1 [NAME OF MODULE 1] I’ll show you how to [BIG

Then in module 2 [NAME OF MODULE 2] this is where we’ll go
In Module 3 [NAME OF MODULE 3] we dive into [BIG BENEFIT
Then by Module 4, you’ll be ready to [BIG BENEFIT OF MODULE

(And of course, you’d go your number of modules.)

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Step 6 Here’s how I did it for Back Yourself Brigade
“Here’s what we’re going to cover:

THE BENEFITS Week 1, The “Genuine Confident” Mindset:

In this first week I’ll show you how to quickly and easily conquer
your fears and silence your inner critic so you can gain
confidence and reach your full potential.

Week 2, Your Ultimate Secret Weapon (The "Alpha Tuning

Then in week two, this is where you’ll be introduced to the "Alpha
Tuning Formula"… and this really is my secret weapon to attract,
create, and live the most extraordinary life you ever imagined.

Week 3, Your Beauty Mark:

In week 3, we dive into how to use makeup and other beauty
techniques to help you feel more gorgeous than ever before and
uncover the shocking reality of the beauty industry and why it’s
destroying your confidence.
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Step 6 Here’s how I did it for Back Yourself Brigade
Week 4: Style That Serves
Then by week 4, you’ll be ready to use style and fashion as a tool
THE BENEFITS to feel like a boss by defining your signature style, refining your
wardrobe, and learn insider secrets to finding designer items on a

Week 5: Body Goals = Emotional Gains

Week 5 we look at how to get the body of your dreams and
look/feel your absolute best. You’ll learn all about how to lose
weight using simple tricks that yield big results.”

NOTE: Make sure to use 3- 5 bullet points that explain THE

BENEFITS OF EACH MODULE. The main thing here is to focus on
the BENEFITS of each module.

As an example, the original iPod was sold as “1,000 songs in your

pocket” (a BENEFIT)… and NOT a feature i.e. “64 gigabytes.” (a
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Step 7 If you can do it, it can be beneficial to show proof of how your
methods have worked for you, and also for your students who
have followed the training.

Here’s 3 options for presenting proof:

PROOF 1. Show them examples of how YOU have done it:

(OPTIONAL) Tell them a story or show some images or evidence of some
kind of how you have personally got results from the methods
you are teaching.

2. Find stories online and use them as examples:

You can find a few articles online of people who have achieved
a specific result as it relates to the method you teach.

3. Student testimonials:

You won’t have this at the beginning and that’s 100% normal. So
either skip this step entirely, or as I said, use steps 1 and or 2
and add in 3 when you can.
ⓒ BAM Digital
Step 8 You should always have bonuses!
This is how I’d add bonuses into my offer to sell my personal
THE BONUSES development course:

“PLUS, when you enroll today… you’ll also get:

BONUS 1: “Knockout Doubt” Real World Case-Studies

I'm giving you real world case studies from regular people just like
you from all walks of life who took action and developed the "just
do it" attitude and experienced MASSIVE transformations in their
lives. Often it's not until you can see other people who have walked
the path that you want to walk that you finally develop the
courage to take action. And that's why the real-world case studies
will give you the confidence to overcome fears and self-doubt.”

And then I would immediately stack a SECOND bonus:

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Step 8 “Plus, you also get...

BONUS 2: #BackYourself Audio MP3 Program

THE BONUSES Today's second free bonus you're receiving is called the follow-
along Audio MP3 so you can experience all the benefits of this
transformational training even when you're on the go.

These audio classes are the perfect complement to the main

program because they give you the flexibility and motivation to
follow along in a way that perfectly fits your lifestyle.”

Notice with these bonuses, I’m not just saying the name of the
bonus… I’m also “selling” it.

I’m explaining, in detail, the BENEFITS and the VALUE of each

bonus – and that’s important!

ⓒ BAM Digital
Step 9 Here’s how I’d say it using my personal development course:

“So, at this point, you may be starting to wonder if a SYSTEM that

THE PRICE can deliver all of this is going to be expensive. And who can blame
you? That kind of power should be right?
REVEAL And even though I could easily charge several thousand dollars
for this training and it would be totally worth it… I’m not actually
going to do that.

Right now, you can get the entire “Back Yourself Brigade” system
along with all of the bonuses, for just a one-time, single, secure
payment of only $297. Click the ‘Enroll Now’ button below and get
started today.”

So pretty straight forward. I just tell them how much it is, and then
what to do next i.e. “Click the ‘Enroll Now’ button to get started.”

ⓒ BAM Digital
Step 10 Give your viewer a reason why they should enroll
There’s 3 main ways to do this:

Option #1: Course is CLOSING.
Option #2: PRICE (discount)
Option #3: Timely Bonuses

My personal preference, especially for my Entry Level courses is


Here’s an example of how I’ve used PRICE to create urgency:

“Because of this special beta group launch promotion, you’re not

going to pay $297. Today only you can get immediate access to
everything including the “Back Yourself Brigade” system, PLUS all the

For a one-time, single, secure payment of only $147. Yep. Just $147.
But the price is going back up in just a few days. So if you want in, and
you want to SAVE 50%, plus get some cool bonuses… then click the
“Enroll Now” button below and get started today.”
ⓒ BAM Digital
Step 11 The purpose is to reverse the risk
Again using my personal development course I’d say:

THE “PLUS, your 100% Protected By

my 30-day “ZERO RISK

GUARANTEE And here’s how it works:

Take the ‘Back Yourself Brigade’ course for a test drive, put
everything to work, and see how it works for YOU specifically.

And if at any time, you find that it wasn’t worth the $147… or you
didn’t get the results you expected, just let me know, and I’ll
IMMEDITALEY give you a refund. Sound fair…?”

You can offer LIFETIME guarantees, 365 days, 60 days, 30 days…

whatever you want. It’s up to you.

If you want something to get started with, I’d go with a 30-day

guarantee, that’s what I’ve done for the majority of my courses…
ⓒ BAM Digital
and it’s always worked great.
Step 12 Tell them what you want them to do + how to do it
THE CALL-TO- Here’s something you can model:
ACTION (CTA) “So the Real Question Is... Is it worth gambling a few minutes of your
time to check this out?

Even if it only does HALF of what I've claimed today, it will pay for
itself as soon as you'll start to see real results faster than you ever
dreamed possible.

So if you’re ready, just go ahead… click the ‘Enroll Now’” button

below below and take advantage of this very special offer.”

ⓒ BAM Digital
Step 13 Personally, I always try to add an extra “surprise bonus” to my

The reason why is because it gives another reason WHY they

SURPRISE should go ahead and order NOW.

Here’s an example:

“AND… as if the amazing 50% discount wasn’t enough already,

(OPTIONAL) when you order today, I’m also giving you a very special
additional bonus… It’s called: ‘I’m SO Into Me.’

This bonus training will guide you to forming self-love habits, it

will transform your inner critic into an inner cheerleader, allowing
you to love yourself more than you ever thought possible.

So if you want to SAVE 50%, plus get 3 AMAZING bonuses… then

you need to click the button below right now to secure your spot
now before this offer is over.”

ⓒ BAM Digital
Step 14 Add some last minute scarcity
If there’s no immediate incentive to enroll RIGHT NOW… then
THE FINAL people just won’t do it (procrastination ALWAYS wins!)

SCARCITY Here’s an example:

“But you really do need to act NOW. And here’ s why…

This is part of a special beta launch promotion, and this exclusive

one-time only offer will be gone in four days (or when we fill up
all the limited spots, whatever comes first). So don’t delay,
because this opportunity will be GONE.

Get started right now!! Claim your huge discount and amazing
free bonuses. And with the “zero risk” guarantee”, you simply
cannot lose.

Click the ‘Enroll Now’ button below and get started today.”

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Step 14
THE FINAL Add some last minute scarcity
SCARCITY Just make it relevant to what you’re offering. If your course is
CLOSING and will no longer be available to buy at all... then
remind them of that.

If it’s PRICE, like I’ve done here, then we’re just reminding them
of that.

And if it was a LIMITED TIME BONUS that was not going to be

available any longer after a specific date… then again just let
them know about it here.

ⓒ BAM Digital
And that’s it! I know that we covered a lot of stuff here. But THAT’S the formula for crafting a sales
presentation that CONVERTS!

This is the same sales formula I’ve personally used to sell over a million dollars of online course
sales... so let’s just say it’s proven!

Now that you have this template and scripts, there’s no reason why you can’t model it for your own
sales page and get it knocked out TODAY.

Don’t wait, get going with it! Even if you only get a first draft written… just get something started. I
promise It’s not that hard once you get going!

Alright, so that’s it. I really hope you enjoyed this template and I can’t wait to hear about your results
very soon!!

ⓒ BAM Digital

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