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WRITING FOCUS Report (Part 2) text organisation > WRITING REFERENCE p.i84 | [) Read the report which a teacher was asked to | write for the director of her language college. i Answer the questions in pairs. 1 What was the purpose of her report? 2. What|sher recommendation? i 3 Is itwritten in an informal or a semi-formal style? Give examples. Report on suggest for a college cinema The aim of this report is to outline the advantages and potential problems of investing money in a small cinema, and make | __ recommendations. In.order to do this, both students and staff were consulted. ea | It was generally believed that a college cinema could have wide-reaching benefits for both students and teachers. It was. suggested that: films in other languages @s well es English could be shown, which would | widen the appeal, end that the cinema might | also be used for conversation classes. The main concerns that were raised are as follows: 1 It would be expensive to set up and run. | 2 Since many students watch DVDs on their laptops, they might not be prepared to pay to watch films. 3 Only big cinemas have access to blockbusters when they first: come out. Tam concerned that the cinema may not pay its way at first. However. all things considered, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. | would therefore recommend going ahead with the project. 66 Uniteoncamer BD Give each of the four sections of the report a heading, so that itis easier to read. ‘Advantages Potential problems Introduction Recommendations ED Look at the underlined phrases in the text. Find examples of the following and discuss why they are commonly used in reports. 1. passive forms/reporting verbs linking words 9 clauses of purpose (Gy Read the exam task and underline the key words. The director of your college has asked you to write a report on avisityou made to a self-study centre at a local university You should explain how successful ‘thas been and recommend whether or not your college should have one. Write your report to the director Write your answer in 140-190 words in an appropriate styl. Divide these points into the advantages and disadvantages of the study centre you saw. 1 tis underused at weekends. 2. People from the community use the faciities, which helps to fund it 3) Many students stil prefer to study in thelr own rooms. 4. The worksheets provided give extra practice of classroom work 5. Afull-time assistant has to be on duty even ifthe centre is empty, 6 The facility helps to attract potential students to the college, 7 Itcosta lotto set up because of all the computers, etc 8 Writing materials for the centre is time-consuming for the teachers [Gi write your report. You can use some of the points in Activity 5 as well as your own ideas. EXAM TIP ‘Organise your report under clear headings and include numbers or bullet points to make your points clearly. WRITING FOCU: Report (Part 2) Making recommendations » WRITING REFERENCE p.!84 Read the exam task and a student's report. Then answer the questions. 1. [sall the necessary information included? 2 Is there any itrelevant information? 3. [sthe report written in an appropriate style? The college where you study has been given | some money to spend on improving security, | tekhiet byibtaling luckersforstudentst | keep valuables, or security cameras inside the building, Now the director ofthe college has asked you to write a report describing the benefits of both ideas and saying which one the | money should be spent on and why. | White your report in 140-190 words, | Introduction “The purpose of this report isto recommend how the money provided for improving secunty at the calley sould be ‘pent It hae been suggested that ether lockers for students’ veluables or security cameras should be installed Beorfis of insaling lockers Carrently there is nowhere for students to keep valuable poseeesions such as laptops or sports equipment. if lockers were installed, students would no longer have to canny all their ‘aluabe things with them around the college, which reduces the risk of taem being stolen | dropped my Laptop inthe canteen last year and broke it. Benef stalling secur + would reduce the number of mabe phones and other valuables that ae stolen each year + would dicourage people from sealing + would make it easier to identity thieves mendations Ahough both ideas would be popula with staderts, think the secuesy cameras would be mare successful at improving security and reducing crime, There ao srt enough spact in the college for enough lockers to be installed. | would sherefore recommend sperding the. money on putting security cameras inside the. building, But anctber solution isto discourage students from bringing valuable things to school Unit 12 Grime scene ©’ complete the sentences with the correct form of spend. Sometimes more than one answer is possi 1. would therefore recommend spending. the money on security cameras. 2. Myrecommendation would be ‘on security cameras, 3 [recommend the college security cameras. 4 Itis vecommended that the money .....0P security cameras. le. more money more money on ED Which verbs could be used to replace recommend in each sentence in Activity 2? 1 Work in pairs. Read the exam task and make notes under the headings ‘Advantages, Disadvantages and Recommendations. | A large number of mobile phones have been | stolen from your college recently, The director (of the college wants to avoid this problem by banning mobile phone use in college and | has asked you to write a report about this. | You should explain what the advantages and | disadvantages of this idee would be and make {fecommendtions ‘Write your report in 140-190 words. By write your report in 140-190 words. Remember to check your work using the writing checklist on page 179. EXAM TIP You should finish your report by giving one or two recommendations: It doesn't matter what solutions you suggest as lang as your ideas are expressed ‘appropriately MMos 1.4 Report (Part 2) For work on reports, see pages 66 and 128. Useful language f Introduction TASK + The aim of this report is to The school whee you study English has decided + This reportis intended to to spend some money on either buying more Reporting results computers oF improving the lbrey Wiite 3 . i ‘eport forthe school director describing the Palen enna | benefits to the school of both these options, and + Several people said/told me/suggested/thought that recommending which ane the school should Heed mansyoh | see eh heE + They gave/sugges wing reasons: Write your report (You should write 140-190 wan | They made the following points: eee 1 2 Making recommendations + Iwould therefore recommend that we expand ihe lbrary/ instaling a new coffee machine. + Itwould seem that banning mobile phones is the best idea Model answer Use of mony for school Improvements DONT begin and end Introduction yourreport with DearS The alm of ths report is to compare the abantages oP buyin Maria, hea eer. ditional computers and of Improving the library, and to suggest 0 say how you clected which would be beet. I aeked etulents for theie ewe. eee DOueheadngsbecawse Bung more_computers, this makes it easier for the Some students thought this was a good idea as computers teacertomatremany re weel fer: information, ee Do usearanget specie lng the tnteret vocabulary oe pvases eg Somethought this DOinchede tno or thee * plying games wwosogoadides ater prints under each beading. Others eal Ut Uy prefered to ute thir oun computers eee 10 use numbering or a bene peered but DONT bullet pontsto height uselos cfadecivesand main poms Teneoving_the_tbrary ramariclanguage as you doinastory Areport gives factualintrmacon ‘The maprity of students preferred thie eusgetion, For the Following. reasons: | Many do not have 4 quiet place to work at home, The leary could be 2 good place for priate shaly, but at present there are mot envugh lables and chairs for everyone. 2 Mere up-to-date reference books are needed, oven thaugh mary students use electronic. dictionaries. 3 They want to be able to real books written for young pezple, without having to buy them. DDONT include relevant deta or ceserption Recommendations Tk wae felt by most students that improving the leary 7 ‘would be more useful and that aldng to. the workspace. Doexmes ooinions poe eee ee apd baying reference backs would benefit the majority of imperera DONT yourreport ttadenta 1 wold threfre commend spending, money in Screamin \ ees es 184 Writing reference

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