Identifying Community Needs NSTP and The Community

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I hereby willingly and voluntarily give consent to (Cassandra Joy C. Gutierrez), an

(Operations Management) student from (Rizal Technological University, Boni Avenue
Mandaluyong Campus) to undergo (no. of hours) hours of student community service at
(Barangay Vergara) from (inclusive dates).
I have considered the benefits that my child will develop from experiencing community
service, with the understanding that safety precautions will be observed to make sure of the
safety of the student to this activity and that I shall not hold the parties responsible for any
untoward incident that may happen beyond their control.
___Jocelyn Gutierrez_____ ______Cassandra Joy Gutierrez_____
(Signature over Printed Name) (Signature over Printed Name)
Parent/Guardian Student

Recommending Approval:  

Dean, College of _______________  

Director, ________________ Campus  


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