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1 The Product Description

Inkspiration Printing is a business mainly focuses on offering printing service to the customers.
The reason that the business is named Inskpiration is from the word “ink” that is connected to printing
and “spiration” from the word inspiration to be able to inspire students. This business does not have
much to things to function, the availability of printer and paper are the major properties. The service
provided is use for printing documents and converting soft copies into hard copies. The major focus of
the business is to print the activities and other things that requires printing. The business focuses on the
students as they are mostly likely needed a printing service. This kind of services is specifically found in
places with many people, working establishments, and at the market area. Services like this is mostly
found near schools or universities.

2.2 The Customer

The business have a target market which is the students. Therefore, the business will depend on
main customer which are the students. Hence, the business will also cater other customer such as the
teachers. The business still have a uniform approach for all the customer but the business highly
encourages the students to avail the service as they are the major customer and have the most quantity.

Customer’s feedback is very essential in the business as this can tell what to improve or alter in
the business itself. In terms of collecting the customer feedback, our business will have a box at the
entrance of the shop. This is where the customer writes their opinion and suggestions, the customer will
just put it in the box. This will ensure that the services provided will meet the customer’s satisfaction.

2.3 The Place

The Inkspiration Printing service will be located near at Cathalino D. Salazar National High School
Subay Cardona, Rizal. The business will be located at one of the islands in Cardona, Rizal. The service
that is provided is unique and in demand in the area as there are school at the same time it’s far from
the market center. The main transportation in the island is by boat and it will be hard for the students to
look for printing services. In the island area it’s not common to have all the services just like printing and
it would be a good opportunity to provide one.

Establishing a service which is unique to the location is a good opportunity as there are not
existing competitors. The customer such as students will have an easy access to the business as the
location it near to the school area. Students have always urgent task/activities to be printed and it would
be an easy way to have the services near the school.

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