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Júlio Verne

Hello, good afternoon, today I'm here to talk about one of

the craziest writers I've ever met in my entire life, because,
at age 11, he fell in love with a cousin and tried to run away
from home to board a ship to India, where he was going to
buy her a coral necklace, but his father discovered his plan
and punished him. Since then, he began to express his
literary fantasies.
But let's go back a little to the beginning of his life.
Jules Gabriel Verne, also known as Júlio Verne, in
Portuguese-speaking countries, was born on February 8,
1828, in Nantes, in a bourgeois family and died on March
24, 1905, at his home in Amiens. As I mentioned earlier,
from an early age he had a unique passion for adventures.
At the age of eight he entered the Saint-Donalien Seminary.
He then studied philosophy and rhetoric at the Liceu de
Nantes. To follow the family tradition, he traveled to Paris
where he studied law, however, he soon showed more
interest in literature and theater. In 1848 he began to write
some sonnets and plays.
In 1850, Jules Verne presented his doctoral thesis, but after
graduating, he opted for a literary career. He had some
success with “Amizades Partidas” (1850); however, he was
not able to establish himself as a playwright.
From his studies and his great literary imagination, he
managed to write more than 100 books about these
adventures he imagined and portrayed in the characters in
his books. The most famous work of his authorship was
written in 1872 and is entitled "Around the world in eighty
With all his literary works, he managed to inspire many
writers of the time and got involved with great names of the
time such as Victor Hugo and George Sand. All the vast
knowledge he acquired in his life allowed him to be the
creator of science fiction. As the creator of science fiction,
he predicted in his books, many later scientific advances,
such as television, the helicopter, the talking cinema, the
record player, the recorder, conveyor belts, air conditioning,
the airplane, space travel and many others. His works were
awarded by the French Academy of Letters.
He also stood out among the most renowned writers of the
time, even having film adaptations made by Walt Disney of
his works.
Giving a more personal point of view, I think this author
turned out to be one of the most important authors in
history, because people who saw his fantasy written in his
books were really amazed by the way he imagined his
adventures in his head. It is also worth noting that Jules
Verne wrote many books about these adventures, with
books playing a leading role at the time, as it was an easily
accessible resource.
In conclusion, I would like to say that this writer was a
promoter of the great scientific discoveries that we have
today, certainly continuing to be a great inspiration for many
people, even though he has not been here for a long time.
This is my presentation.

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