Lesson Plan in English 6

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Lesson Plan in English 6

A. Objectives:
A. Content Standards: Demonstrates understanding that words are composed of different parts to
know that their meaning changes depending in context

B. Performance Standards: Uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning of words in isolation and
in context

C. Learning Competency/Objectives: Use appropriate graphic organizer in text read

Quarter: 4 Week: 7 Day: Date: _________

II. Content:
Subject Matter: Using appropriate graphic organizer in text read
Strategies: Explicit Teaching
Materials: Power point presentation, charts, flashcards
References: Curriculum guide p. 100 of 170

III. Learning Tasks

A. Reviewing the previous lesson ()

Give the correct suffix of the root words and read them orally.

1. Move (Movement)

2. Wonder (Wonderful)

3. Home (Homeless)

4. Quick (Quickly)

5. Elect (Election)

B. Establishing a purpose for a lesson

Give the meaning of the underlined words using context clues.

1. He always put on his crown to show the people how powerful he is.

a. strong b. weak

2. King Barabas is taking his plentiful lunch.

a. little b. large amount

3. “I already asked the servants but they refused to give me food”, said the boy while crying.

a. allow b. did not accept

4. He was surprised when the boy suddenly disappears.

a. appear b. go away

5. The King was buried with no condolences from the people.

a. to show something b. to hide something in the ground

C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson

Ask: Have you heard the story about Guava (Bayabas)

Let us find out why Guava Fruit has Crown?

Why Guava Fruit Has Crown?

There was once a very thin King names Barabas who were hated by many people due to his
greediness and madness. He always put on his crown to show the people how powerful he is.

One day, when King Barabas is taking his plentiful lunch, there was a very dirty boy who has no
parents go near to him and asked for a small alms.

Have mercy on me King Barabas, I am an orphan. It’s been 3 days since the last time I have eaten a
food and I’m always walking around finding a place to stay, pleaded the boy.

And who are you to go near me while I’m taking my meal? You should have ask alms to the servants
not from me, shouted the King.

“I already asked the servants but they refused to give me food”, said the boy while crying”. Go away go,
stay out of my sight you made me lost my appetite” shouted the King to the poor boy.

Instead of moving away, the boy goes much nearer to the King. The King got angry and thrown a cup of
soup to the boy. He was surprised when the boy suddenly disappear and when he started to stand up to ask
for help, he suddenly fail from the chair.

The servants immediately go near the lying King, checked his pulse and shocked to find out that he’s
already dead. The King was buried with no condolences from the people.

The people choose a new King and had forgotten King Barabas.

One day, the servant of the new King panting while bringing the news to the new King. There was a fruit tree
that grew on the King Barabas tomb. The tree has a lots of fruits.

"The tree was filled with fruits and every one of them has a small crown," said the new King. He picked one
fruit and opened it. "Oh, the fruit is filled with seeds. Hard and small seeds." Then the old woman shouted, "It's
as hard as the heart of King Barabas."

Another old man tasted the fruit, "It's so sour, the same sour as the attitude and face of King Barabas!"

Days had past and nobody heeded the fruit of the tree until it became ripe. The tree then became enjoyment of
the kids, they love to eat the ripe fruit of the tree. The changed, it became sweet and tasty and aside from that,
it has good benefits for the human body.

Since then, the fruit were called "Bayabas" (known as Guava in English language), it was adapted from the
name of the late King Barabas.


1. What was the folktale mainly about?

2. How were characters described in the story?
3. What was the conflict in the story?
4. What could had happen to the king if he showed mercy to the poor boy?
5. If you are the king would you do the same thing?
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 1

Sequence the event in the story we read using graphic organizer.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

What is graphic organizer?

Graphic organizer is a visual and graphic display that depicts the relationships between facts, terms
and ideas within a learning facts. It is also known as a knowledge map, concept map, story map,
cognitive organizer, advance organizer or concept diagram. It is a pedagogical tool that uses visual
symbols to express knowledge, concepts, thoughts, or ideas and the relationships between them.

Example of graphic organizer:

Benefits of graphic organizer in teaching and learning:

 Makes the lesson interesting by showing visual display

 Show relationships, visualizing and simplifying ideas and information
 Helps readers to classify ideas and communicate effectively
 Simplify complicated ideas by visualizing them
 More comprehensible especially for visual learners
 Can help the learners summarize and arrange events

(Group Activity)

Group 1 – Problem and Solution

Passage No. 1

Group 2 – Cause and Effect

Passage No. 2

Group 3 – Build a Story

Story No. 3

F. Developing Mastery

Answer these questions:

1. Do you think that the unfortunate death of King Barabas could have been avoided if he showed
some mercy to the poor boy?

2. How can you show mercy to others?

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Let the pupils read a passage. Using the diagram below, let them identify the similarities and differences
between emperor angelfish and the clownfish.

“Venn Diagram”
H. Making Generalizations
 What is Graphic Organizer?

 Give benefits in using graphic organizer.

I. Evaluation

Let the pupils read a story. Using the chart below, let them fill in the story map.

“Story Map”

J. Agreement:

Read a story and make a graphic organizer that identify the similarities and differences of the
characters in the story.

“Venn Diagram”

Remarks : _______________________________


A. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%

C. Did the remedial lessons work?

No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to

require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

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