Rozdział 8 - Podróżowanie I Turystyka - MiniMatura (Grupa A) PDF

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Rozdział 8 Imię i nazwisko:

Grupa A Klasa: Wynik /50

Podróżowanie i turystyka GRAMATYKA

SŁOWNICTWO 4 Połącz dwa zdania w jedno, używając zaimków

względnych podanych drukowanymi literami.
1 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki. Podano cztery 0 The flight attendants calmed everyone down during the
dodatkowe słowa.
storm. They were very kind.
station jam way tent tyre room WHO
package wheel bag lounge The flight attendants, who were very kind, calmed
everyone down during the storm.
0 Let’s stop at the next petrol station for a short break. 1 Alan and Matt were angry. Their train had been delayed
1 Take a book to read while we wait in the departure by an hour. WHOSE
. Alan
2 I got stuck in a traffic for an hour. angry.
3 Let’s book a holiday to Greece this year. 2 My suitcases were too heavy for me to carry. They
4 Oh no! I’ve got a flat . weighed 30kg each. WHICH
5 Take a warm sleeping when you go My
camping. carry.
3 A policeman stopped me. He gave me a fine for
speeding. WHO
2 Uzupełnij tekst czasownikami w odpowiedniej formie. The
Pierwsze litery czasowników zostały podane. speeding.
I hate 0 going by car with my dad. He always 4 I left my boarding card at home. I had printed it the
g lost but he never wants anyone to night before my flight. WHICH
s him the way. He also stops to I left
g people a lift so I have to sit in the back. at home.
He sometimes forgets to 4 f his seatbelt. We 5 We went to Gate 107. Our flight departed from there.
have to watch carefully then to make sure he doesn’t break WHERE
the speed limit. I’d rather 5 t the train than go We
somewhere with my dad! from.

/5 /10

3 Wybierz opcje A, B lub C, aby poprawnie uzupełnić ŚRODKI JĘZYKOWE

0 I get very nervous when planes take 5 Wybierz opcje A, B lub C, aby poprawnie uzupełnić
A off B on C out tekst.
1 I’m going to spend my holiday lying the beach. There was a strange noise coming from under the 0 of
A in B by C on my car. I lifted it up but I’m not someone 1 knows a lot
2 Let’s sit in the dining on the train. about car engines. I tried driving further but the car broke
A car B room C lounge 2
completely a few kilometers later. I phoned the
3 Look in your mirror before you start driving. emergency services, 3 phone number I always carry
A wide B back C wing in my wallet when I’m in the car, and waited. Eventually,
4 Do you want to hiking? a friendly man arrived and did some work on the car. In
A make B go C do a few minutes he told me everything was fine, 4 was
5 My mum saw me at the airport. a nice surprise. As he left, he waved and shouted ‘ 5

A on B off C out a safe journey’. I got in, switched on the engine and drove
/5 home.
0 A bonnet B bumper C boot
1 A whose B which C who
2 A down B off C up
3 A who B whose C which
4 A that B what C which
5 A Do B Take C Have


© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z języka angielskiego – poziom podstawowy
MiniMatura Rozdział 8 Grupa A

2 The girl is
A hitchhiking.
B on a bus.
6 Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto pięć zdań. Wpisz
w luki (1–5) litery, którymi oznaczono brakujące zdania C driving with a friend.
(A–G), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst. Uwaga: 3 The man’s biggest problem is that
dwa zdania zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do A he has to get up so early.
żadnej luki. B the journey to London takes such a long time.
A FEW TIPS FOR HOLIDAY MAKERS C the transport he uses is so crowded.
Holidays should be a time to relax and have fun. 1 4 The woman did not have to
A holiday can be ruined the moment you step into the hotel. A queue up on the boat.
Hotel managers know how to make their accommodation B queue to leave Morocco.
look perfect with websites full of colourful, atmospheric C leave the queue for an exit card.
photos. However, what looked so nice on the Internet is 5 The man
often different in reality. Now, though, you no longer need
to fear such unpleasant surprises. You can read reviews A has recently arrived on a flight.
written by other holiday makers. Some people say that the B has just missed his train.
reviews aren’t always written by real travellers. 2 If, C is waiting for his flight to leave.
after reading the reviews, you do choose a badly rated
‘bargain’, you only have yourself to blame. /5
Travelling is also a source of many problems. Airports
are especially stressful. Next year, if you aren’t going too PISANIE
far, why not go by car? There are no queues or security
checks and you can pack more than 20kg of belongings. 8 Wykonaj zadanie egzaminacyjne.
France is full of beautiful towns which you can stop
off at when you travel to Spain or Italy. Jedziesz w tym roku na wakacje za granicę. Znajoma, która
So, you have arrived in comfort, the hotel is perfect. What odwiedziła wcześniej kraj, do którego się wybierasz,
can go wrong now? 4 Many people see insurance as zostawiła podczas twojej nieobecności w domu różne mapy
an unnecessary expense and, it is true, you rarely need it. i przewodniki dla ciebie. Napisz do niej e-mail.
However, if you do get ill or are robbed, you’ll realise what
• Podziękuj znajomej za wszystkie pomocne publikacje,
a bargain insurance can be. Your insurance document
should be as much a necessity as your passport and credit które ci dała.
card. • Zapytaj, co ciekawego robiła, kiedy sama zwiedzała ten kraj.
Some people, though, still come back from holiday less • Powiedz jej, gdzie planujesz się zatrzymać.
relaxed than when they left even when everything goes • Obiecaj wysłać jej kartkę po przyjeździe na miejsce.
well. Why? Many hotels offer excursions or tours, often Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów.
free of charge or at bargain rates. 5 However, before Długość tekstu powinna wynosić od 80 do 130 słów.
signing up to another visit to a castle, museum or market,
remember, you are on holiday to relax. Leave a few days
free to lie on the beach or go sightseeing on your own, at
Hi Theresa,
your own pace.You may come back with fewer photos and
souvenirs but is that really a bad thing? I’ve just opened the box that you left for me.

A A lot of things, unfortunately.

B Remember that overspending also causes stress.
C However, most are and the others are usually easy to
D You might think you should go on as many as possible.
E If you follow this advice, they can be.
F That’s why location is also so important.
G What’s more, you can see interesting places on the way.



7 TRACK 09 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie pięć wypowiedzi

związanych z podróżowaniem. Z podanych odpowiedzi
wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl
literę A, B albo C. Write soon. Where are you going this year?
1 The speaker now expects to leave Milan at Love,
A 8 a.m. XYZ
B 2 p.m.
C 4 p.m.

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z języka angielskiego – poziom podstawowy

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