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Name of the institution/s conducting the event: Narok County Peace

Association, Narok County Government, NACADA, NCIC and National
Youth Council.

Leaders in attendance:
1. Assistant County Commander Narok –Mr. Silas Gatogu
2. Director NACADA – Margaret Moitalel
3. NACADA Representative South Rift – Mr. Robert
4. Narok County women Representative – Hon. Rebecca Tonkei.
5. First Lady Narok County – Mrs Ntutu
6. Member of the County Assembly Narok Town Ward - Hon Lukas
7. Bishop Full Gospel Churches of Kenya Narok-Mr. Luke
8. Head of Audit National Youth Council – John Ngoko Mogwambo
9. Guest Artists - Kasolo and Ringtone.
Name of the Convenor: Narok County Peace Association and Joshua Ole
Event Dates Saturday 22nd October 2022.
Venue: Ole Ntimama Stadium, Narok County
Title of the Event: Narok County Peace Thanksgiving
Specific Objectives of the workshop
 to give thanks for peace during this electoral period
 Promote Patriotism, National Cohesion and Peaceful Co-Existence
among the Narok County Residents.
Target Group: Narok Residents, Narok County Leadership, development
partners and youth-serving organizations.
Number of Participants: 800 Participants
PC GOAL 5: Promote Patriotism, National Cohesion and Peaceful Co-
Existence Among the Youth. STRATEGY: 5.2: To Engage The Youth In
Peace Building For Political, Social And Economic Stability
The National Youth Council is a state corporation domiciled in the Ministry
of ICT, Innovation, and Youth Affairs that was established following the
passage of the National Youth Policy (NYP) (2007) and the National Youth
Council (NYC) Act (2009). The Council is a Youth Empowerment Platform
that provides an elaborate structure that facilitates Youth participation and
inclusion in governance and national affairs, as well as ensuring youth-
centered and driven programs.


The Narok County Peace thanksgiving, held at Ole Ntimama Stadium in

Narok County on 22nd October 2022 was a culmination of various
interventions taken to enhance meaningful youth participation in the
maintainance of peace in our country. The National Youth Council in
collaboration with IEBC Youth Coordinating Committee, Youth Serving
Organizations Consortium and Narok County Peace Association had
undertaken activities across the country to achieve the objectives below;
▪ To contribute towards a peaceful election through rallying young
people to maintain peace during and after the general election and
▪ To increase youth involvement in electoral processes as aspiring
candidates or as conscientious voters with the capacity to vote for the right


In the 2022 general elections campaigns, Narok county was viewed a key
battleground in the contest between the ruling and the opposition parties in
that both parties invested heavily in the presidential and governorship race.
NCIC an agency promoting social harmony, listed Narok as one of the
counties vulnerable to an outbreak of electoral violence. Narok is also a
metropolitan county in which almost every tribe lives there and therefore
interethnic clashes were also a terrifying factor which could lead to war
during and after elections.
Therefore, Kenya being a highly religious state with at least 70% Christians,
25% indigenous religions and 6% Muslims prayers have been conducted in
Narok to pray for peace during and after election. These denominations,
groupings and religious institutions were highly influential and thus were
highly used to advocate for peaceful elections. August 9th was the election
day and even after the presidential results were announced, Kenyans have
continually maintained peace and thus termed as unique election which was
characterized by no bloodshed. An event such as this has never been
organized by young people who came together through various organizations
because other elections were characterized by riots and bloodshed. Due to
the presence of peace during and after elections, our peace ambassador
Joshua Ole Kaputa and the Narok County peace organization hosted a
peace thanksgiving ceremony.


The event targeted and hosted multiple stakeholders including Kenyan
youth, the leadership of Narok County, the church, development partners
and youth serving organizations. The event began with a peace walk which
geared towards emphasizing the importance of peace and achieving
sustainable development.

There were notable individuals in attendance, and these included:

Assistant County Commander Narok –Mr. Silas Gatogu, NACADA
Representative South Rift – Mr. Robert, County Woman Representative of
the County Assembly – Hon. Rebecca Tonkei, First Lady Narok County – Mrs
Ntutu, Member of the County Assembly Narok Town Ward - Hon Lukas
Kudate, Bishop Full Gospel Churches of Kenya -Mr. Luke, Head of Audit
National Youth Council – John Ngoko Mogwambo, Guest Artists - Kasolo
and Ringtone.
The event began with a thanks giving praises from the church choir as a
mean of gratitude for having a peaceful election in the country.
Below are some remarks from the speakers: Mr Boniface from National
youth council gave insights of what NYC champions and peace among the
youths has been our driving force. NYC emphasizes on its commitment to
the roleof young people in promotion of peace and a united Kenya. He
congratulated the citizens for taking part in ensuring peace during the 2022
general elections. He reflected on the importance of peace and coercion
and said “a society cannot thrive if the people are not in harmony”.

Mr Robert, a representative from the NACADA

South Rift office began by giving thanks for
having a peaceful elections. He gave insights on
how they had campaigns with the youths across
the country to promote peace and ensure that
they are not misused during the election period
as well as not to indulge in drug and substance
use. He insisted that NACADA does a research on what could be the reason
for indulging in drugs and substance usage since it has more negative
impacts to the society.
He urged the parents to be in the first line to fight the use of drugs amongst
their kids by for example not sending the juniors to but drugs such as
tobacco. He promised through the partnership with County and National
government, they will build up a rehabilitation centre for Narok County.
He also gave insights that the youths and the community at large to form
groups so as to benefit from the youth fund, women enterprise funds and
also the hustlers fund so that they can have entrepreneurship or activities
they are involved in so as to reduce the drug and substance use.

Bishop Luke began by giving insights on

peace and outlined that the venue (Ole
Ntimama Stadium) has been a place for
peace concerts like mediation between
ethnic groups in Narok county, peace
programs and now a peace thanksgiving. He shared the word of God and
began by saying that “God has given peace to us for free and thus we should
maintain it. Peace surpasses all human understanding and it heals the
nation.” He preached the word of God from the book of Leviticus 26: 6 and
Isaiah 9:6 which all talks about peace.
He insisted that the brethrens should maintain and promote peace. “If we
are going to be a great generation, we must immerse ourselves. We have to
sacrifice for our generation and the next.”

Gracious Grace the chairperson for Narok

County Peace Association began by
thanksgiving to the Lord for uplifting the
organization. She said they began the
association seven years ago and it was a
humble beginning. She later outlined the
activities done by the organization and that is:-
 Feeding the windows in Narok County.
 Mentorship Program in schools by preaching peace to generations.
 Feeding the street children to give them hope.
 Have a program for less fortunate children in the society and as at
now they have 30 children enrolled in the program.
She later urged people to be the change they would wish the society to be
and this would be met when people have love for each other and live
peacefully. She later welcomed the area MCA to welcome the leaders

Hon Lukas Kudate the MCA for Narok Town

Ward thanked God for everyone and for the
maintenance of peace in Narok County. He
applauded Joshua Ole Kaputa for preaching
peace and placing Narok at a high position
in peace awards for counties. The MCA later
welcomed the Assistant County

Mr. Silas Gatogu the Assistant County

Commander Narok, quoted a line in the
Kenyan National Anthem saying that “justice should be our shield and
defender”. He shared and said that Kenya is blessed to have many peace
defenders which has led to a peaceful country. He applauded the Kenyan
Youth for being at the frontline in defending Kenya saying, “Each Kenyan is
himself/herself mlinzi wa Amani. Peace needs a defender and this cannot be
maintained through riots or bloodshed but instead is maintained through
love and good neighbourhood.
He then praised Kaputa for being recognized as a peace ambassador I the
county, country and also at an international level. He later awarded him for
being the peace ambassador with two medals.

Mr. John Mogwambo Head of Audit

at the National Youth Council gave
insights on the importance of
working together as a Kenyan
community to create a peaceful
environment in which every young
person can focus on themselves,
education and feel safe. He added by saying that the peace promise is set of
common commitments of humanitarian development and peacebuilding
actors such as NYC to simultaneously deliver humanitarian assistance.

The NACADA Board Member Madam Margaret

Moitallel urged youths to abstain from hard drugs
and depressants for peace to rein in our country
and also for sustained development. She also
echoed what Mr Robert had said before on
establishment of a rehabilitation centre in Narok
county and this was a commitment they gave.

The first lady Narok County began by thanking

everyone for maintaining peace during and
after the elections. She gave her commitments
in helping the NCPA in spearheading peace
program and all her programs. She incited that
for a government to run smoothly peace must
be maintained and also urged the residents to live in peace and harmony.
She added by saying that promoting livelihoods and economic recovery are
reintegration strategies to contribute to sustainable peace and this should
include mechanisms to empower the youths. She also thanked NYC for their
commitment to youth agenda.

Narok County Women Representative,

Hon. Rebecca Tonkei congratulated Mr
Kaputa for the good work he has been
doing of preaching peace and also feeding
the widows. She gave her commitment of
working closely with the widows of that
county through her office. She urged
everyone to be in the forefront of
spreading the gospel of peace. She also committed to work closely with the
youths since they are the ones who are easily swayed to disrupt or maintain


The event was concluded with prayers and peace pledges from everyone
present in the function by raising the Kenyan flag and pledged to be peace


There is need ensure deliberate, sustainable and continuous engagement
with young people and communities at large that leverages on peer to peer.
There is a need to share learnings on meaningful youth engagement in
electoral processes in order to improve previous intermittent interventions.


Partnerships & Resource Mobilization
Date ___________________________
Signature ________________________
HOD- Internal Audit Department
Date ______________________
Signature ____________________
Ag. Chief Executive Officer,
National Youth Council.
Date _________________________
Signature ____________________

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