Fast Food-3

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Nama : Marilyn ayu arinti

NIM : 202004051
Matkul : B. Inggris

e. speaking.
1) Work in a Paris. Which person on the right do you think these statistics refer to ? Heidi Klum.
1. 1.80 m
2. 95.7 kg
3. 5’11”
4. 211 lbs
5. 1.8 x 1.8 = 3.24
6. 95.7 ÷ 3.24 = 29.54
2) How do you say them ? Listen and check.
3) Work in Paris. You are going to exchange information about the other three pictured people.
Student A, go to page 70. Student B, go to page 71.
4) Calculate the BMI of the three people.
A. Heidi Klum : 54/1,772 m = 54/3,13 = 17,25 ( Mild Thinnes )
B. Robert Wadlow : 223/2,722 m = 223/7,39 m = 30,17 ( Obese Class I )
C. Walter Hudson : 636/1,842 m = 636/3,38 m = 188,16 ( Obese Class II )

g. advice to a friend via email.

1) A close friend has written you an email asking for advice. She is worried about her eating
habits. Complete the email with the words below.

Addicted to Feel depressed Skip meals

Bad for you Fills my stomach
Cut down Get carvings
Cut out Losing weight

2) Discuss with a partner what advice to give Hesta to help her lose weight succesfully and in a
healthy way. Think about these topics.
 Exercise.
 How much weight to lose.
 How quickly to lose weight.
 What to eat.
 What not to eat.
 When to eat.
 What to drink.
 Other good habits.

And that’s terrible because I should be only 65 kilos ! I’am really shocked. Every time I look in
a mirror I feel depressed , but that just makes me eat more. I am so busy these days, and I don’t have
any time for exercise. Of course, I know fast food is bad for you , but every time I stop eating it I fills
my stomach for a burger. I suppose I must be cut down fast foods. Nothing get carvings in the same

I am trying hard to lose a kilo week. Sometimes I skip meals , but it doesn’t work. I just feel
hungry and then I give in and have spaghetti or a steak – they’re better for me than burgers, aren’t
they ? I will stop eating fast foods, I promise – but don’t say I should do without cola, because I have
cut down on chocolate and even cut out sugar from hot drinks completely.

I thought, being a nurse, you should know about losing weight and diet, and you could give me
some advice.



Student a.
Ask answer questions until you both have all the information, for the example what’s Heidi
Klum’s height in feet ?

Height ( M ) Height ( Inch ) Weight ( Kg ) Weight ( lbs )

Heidi Klum 1.77 m 5’91/2” 54 Kg 119 lb
Robert Wadlow 2.72 m 8’11” 223 Kg 492 lb
Walter Hudson 1.84 m 6’1” 636 Kg 1402 lb

Student b.
Ask answer questions until you both have all the information, for the example what’s Heidi
Klum’s height in feet ?

Height ( m ) Height ( Inch ) Weight ( Kg ) Weight ( lbs )

Heidi Klum 1.77 m 5’91/2” 54 Kg 119 lb
Robert Wadlow 2.72 m 8’11” 223 Kg 492 lb
Walter Hudson 1.84 m 6’1” 636 Kg 1402 lb

D. Complete the descriptions of vitamins, mineral, and ooils with the words below.
Teeth Organs Enzymes Nervous System Brain Eyes
Skin Immune System Blood Muscles Bones
Cardiovascular System Cells

Vitacimin C needed to help the cells repair it self when it is cut damaged. It is found in fruit, especially
citrus fruit like oranges and grapefruit.
The B-Vitamins keep the nervous system healthy and help reduces stress. They are found in foods like
wholegrain bread and cereals.

Vitamin A keeps the eyes healthy and is important for good vision. It is found in fatty foods like butter,
cheese, whole milk, and yogurt.

Vitamin D is needed for healthy bones and teeth because it helps the body absorb calcium. Our body
makes Vitamin D when our skin is exposed to sunlight.

Calcium is needed for children’s bones and teeth to grow. It is found in foods like milk, cheese, and

Iron helps your blood carry oxygen. If you do not get enough iron, you will be pale and tired and you
may get anemia. Iron is found in red meats, especially liver.

Zinc makes your immune system. Stronger so that you can fight colds and infections. It is found in
shelfish, nuts, and seeds.

Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid which helps your organs brains function well. It is found in oily fish
like mackered, sardines, salmon, and tuna.

Protein builds up, maintains, and replaces the tissues in your body. Your enzymes. Your, and your
immune system are made up mostly of protein.

Carbohydrates are sugars which are broken down by enzymes then stored in the cells as a source of
energy. Grain products such as rice, bread, and pasta are soources of carbohydrates.

Fats fuel the body and help absorb some vitamins. They are also the building blocks of hormones, and
they insulate nervous system tissue in the body. Unsaturated fats, found in oils and nuts, for example,
are believed to protect the muscles.

E. Match these words with their definitions.

1. Balance. a. A taking regular exercise.

2. Childhood. b. Small amounts of food that you eat between
3. Diet. meals.
4. Glucose. c. Sugar that the bod uses for energy.
5. Active. d. The time of your life when you are child.
6. Obesity. e. The correct amount of different things.
7. Overweight. f. The type of foods that you usually eat.
8. Snacks. g. The condition of being very fat, in a way that
is not healthy too heavy and fat.

1. E.
2. D.
3. F.
4. C.
5. A.
6. G.
7. G.
8. B.

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