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Like the rest of the world, the Great Lakes region is grappling with a number of

serious, interrelated issues that are hastening the escalation of war, violence,

conflicts, breaches of human rights, and economic disparities. People's

struggles for freedom (from political subjugation and increased militarization)

and liberty (including the right to life and human dignity, freedom of

expression, assembly, and association, freedom of religion and belief, and

freedom to practice one's own spiritual or religious practices) are

manifestations of their search for peace with justice and security. Human

security has a direct and beneficial impact on the lives of individuals whose

very existence, livelihood, and dignity are under jeopardy by actively engaging

with communities under stress to address the needs they identify.

75% of the Great lakes region population is under 35 years of which most are

unemployed.The youth in the region are also underrepresented in decision-

making and are disproportionately affected by the negative effects of conflicts,

which include unemployment.

To ensure sustained peace and security, all of us especially the youth should

prioritises key development ambitions, alongside the acceleration of

industrialisation and improvements in public health. Enabling youth as an

active agent in peacebuilding must take into account the problems they

confront due to armed conflict, such as a lack of education, employable skills,

and a secure family environment. In post-conflict circumstances, youths' socio-

economic needs are often disregarded because they are not a 'vulnerable'


Combating organized crime is one of the priority areas that should be

considered when working to enhance peace and security. Nevertheless, such a

consideration deserves critical thought and attention. These kinds of activities

ought to be directed on appropriately addressing the regional development

difficulties that are underlying organized crime. Everyone is counted on to

contribute in some way here. Those young people who are thought to be the

most restless ought to make the most of the opportunities presented by the

rapidly expanding internet and social economy. Retrogressive laws and

regulations that inhibit socialization and financial literacy should be revised.

We as national youth council, we encourage youth to form economic groups to

combart poverty among the youth and as such organised crime groups can be

sensitized to reorganize into CBOs.

Violent Extremism outlines some of the potential causes of terrorism including

lack of socioeconomic opportunities, marginalization and discrimination, poor

governance, violations of human rights and the rule of law, prolonged and

unresolved conflicts. These issues can be solved through the Sustainable

Development Goals (SDGs). The promotion of ‘peaceful, just and inclusive

societies’, is key to ensure sustained security and peace. Ensuring that this is

done through community-led and community-owned initiatives which reflect

the views of the people as well as their governments presents an excellent

opportunity to promote peace and address other priorities such as terrorism,

organized crime and arms control.

Local youth should be involved in people-centered approach to sustain peace.

Such reforms should favor the use of youth civilian expertise in peace support

operations to better anticipate crises and protect local populations, rather than

military responses. Youth training is important for peacebuilding. Youths could

operate as mediators, community mobilizers, humanitarian workers, and peace

brokers with their enthusiasm and adaptability. Youth mobilization demands a

targeted and long-term approach, like any conflict-affected population group.

In order to promote the achievement of Agenda 2030, which places a special

emphasis on Goal 16 for the promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies,

there is a need for meaningful dialogue between different generations.

Introduce trilateral systems for information exchange and coordination on

issues connected to organized crime and terrorism, while simultaneously

guaranteeing a holistic approach to prioritizing the interests of the people in

terms of security over the aims of national and international security.

governments to conduct peace assistance operations that are more efficient,

including cooperatively supporting the creation and implementation of a new

wave of peacekeeping that prioritizes the need of local populations.

Through arts, culture, tourism, sports, and education, youth participation in

peacebuilding can be encouraged in a broader sense. Young people in these

regions could be effectively mobilized by connecting them to larger

peacebuilding goals, such as building bridges between divided communities

and guaranteeing a sustainable process of reconciliation.

As a youth, how do ensure peace:

• Activities aimed at fostering peace and resolving conflicts led by young people.
• organizing peaceful movements
• participate in community activities as a volunteer.
• provide support to other talented young people.
• participate in the meetings of both your local and national governments.

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