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Jesus meets ten men with leprosy Luke 17:11-18

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1 One day Jesus left

Galilee on His way to
Jerusalem and crossed
over the border into
Samaria. Jews normally
avoided Samaria and
they did not like the
Samaritan people living

2 On the way, Jesus

entered a village and
ten men, all with a
terrible skin disease
called leprosy, saw Him.
They kept their distance
but raised their voices,
calling out, ‘Jesus,
Master, have mercy on

3 Jesus replied, ‘Go, show

yourselves to the
priests.’ Only a priest
could decide whether
that someone had been
healed from leprosy.
The men did as they
were told and along the
way they were healed of
their leprosy!
4 When one of the men, a
Samaritan, saw that his
skin was clear of the
terrible disease, he
returned to
Jesus.mKneeling down at
the feet of Jesus he
praisedmGod in a loud
voice. He couldn’t thank
Jesus enough.

5 Jesus asked, ‘Didn’t I

heal ten men? Where
are the other nine? This
man is not a Jew but a
stranger, a Samaritan. Is
he the only one to give
praise to God?’

6 Then Jesus said to the

Samaritan, ‘Get up and
go on your way. Your
faith has healed you.’

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