GE 5 Course Outline

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Outline in GE-5
Purposive Communication

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Syllabus in GE-5 Purposive Communication

Course Code GE-5 Course Title Purposive Communication
Credits Units 3 units Time Duration 54 hours
Program Placement First semester Prerequisite None
A. Course Description Purposive Communication is about writing, speaking, and presenting to different audiences and for various purposes.
B. Course Objectives At the end of the semester, the student will be able to:
Knowledge 1. Describe the nature, elements, and functions of verbal and non-verbal communication in various and multicultural contexts
2. Explain how cultural and global issues affect communication
3. Determine culturally appropriate terms, expression, and images
4. Evaluate multimodal texts critically to enhance receptive (listening, reading, viewing) skills
5. Summarize the principles of academic text structure
Skills/Abilities 1. Convey ideas through oral, audio-visual, and or web-based presentations for different target audiences in local and global
setting using appropriate registers
2. Create clear, coherent, and effective communication materials
3. Present ideas persuasively using appropriate language registers, tone, facial expression, and gestures
4. Appreciate the impact of communication on society and the world
Values/Attitudes 1. Adopt cultural and intercultural awareness and sensitivity in communication of ideas
2. Appreciate the differences of the varieties of spoken and written language
3. Adopt awareness of audience and context in presenting ideas
4. Appreciate the impact of communication on society and the world
Competency Standards/ Specifically, the student would be able to:
Program Outcomes 1. Develop communicative competence and enhance their cultural and intercultural awareness
2. Equip with tool for critical evaluation of a variety of texts and focuses on the power of language and the impact of images
to emphasize the important of conveying messages responsively
3. Compose and produce relevant oral, written, audio-visual and/or web-based output for various purposes
4. Use learnings in their other academic endeavors, their chosen disciplines, and future careers
5. Communicate effectively and appropriately to multicultural audience in a local or global context
All these are achieved through ( excellent instruction, relevant and responsive research and/or extension services and quality-
assured production ( of a true NORSUNIAN with the core values of SAPPHIRE needed to ( becomes dynamic, competitive and
globally responsive graduate
C. Course Outline and Timeframe
Week Topic
1 NORSU Preliminaries: NORSU VMG Goals, Program Objectives, and Course Competency

2 Chapter 1: Communication processes, principles, and ethics

1. Communication, Importance and Process

2. Review om Basic Communication Principles
3. Ethics in Communication
3 Chapter 2: Globalization, Cultures and Communication

1. Globalization and Its Effect on Communication

2. Local and Global Communication in a Multicultural Setting
3. Sub-cultures and Communication Differences
4 Chapter 3: Evaluating Messages

1. A Picture paints a Thousand words

2. The Power of Non-Verbal Cues
3. Peeking Through Promotion
5 Chapter 4: Registers

1. Dimensions of Registers
2. Tenor
3. The Corporate World
6 Chapter 5: Communication Aids and Strategies using tool of technology

1. Multimodal Engagement
7 Chapter 6: Communication for various Purposes

1. Communication Fundamentals
2. Purposes of Communication
3. Rhetorical Situation
8-11 Chapter 7: Communication for work Purposes

1. Communication in the workplace

2. Barriers to Communication in the workplace
3. Flow of Intra-organizational Communication in the Workplace
4. A communication Tool in the Workplace
5. Written Communication Materials for the Workplace
12-18 Chapter 8: Communication for Academic Purposes

1. Academic Integrity
2. Academic Writing: The Resolve
3. The Research Process
D. Required Reading
1. Lecture Notes Purposive Communication in the 21st Century Notes: Purposive Communication
E. Suggested Readings and References
1. Textbook Purposive Communication in the 21st Century Textbook
F. Course Requirements At the end of semester, the learners are to comply the requirements on:
1. Attendance
2. Major Examination (Midterm and Final)
3. Class Participation
4. Quizzes and Assignments
5. Lecture Notebook
G. Grading System The learners are graded according to the following criteria:
1. Attendance 10%
2. Major examinations 40%
3. Project 10%
4. Participation 25%
5. Quizzes and Assignments 15%

Computation of Grade :50% of Midterm Period Grade + 50% of Final Period Grade = FINAL GRADE
Passing Grade if 75% = 3.0

ZERO-BASED computation will be used in computing the rating of the long exam and the
quizzes/assignments only

Practice/Lecture Notebook will be graded according to the following criteria:

Completeness of the Content – 80% and Neatness – 20%
H. Classroom Policies Attendance, Assignment and Submission Policies. Students are required to observed attendance in the class
as monitored in the School Register Form. Assignments and their submission must be on time as announced
as scheduled in the class sessions.

Uniform and Decorum. Students are deemed accountable to follow the course uniform prescribed by their
college. Respect should be observed at all times. Bullying in any of its form will not be tolerated

Academic Dishonesty. All forms of dishonesty as ideal class rules in the basic and higher education is
automatically equivalent to a failing grade of the academic exercise. Cheating in any of its form will not be

Disability Accommodation. Person with physical learning disabilities are requested to see the instructor
within the first two weeks of the semester. A doable strategy is designed by both the instructor and the
student throughout the semester. Have an appointment with the instructor for his/her consultation time.

Gender and Development. All oral and written communication output/class interaction are required to
observed the use of gender sensitive language
Harassment and Discrimination. The course prohibits discrimination and harassment based upon race,
ethnicity, sex (including sexual assault), pregnancy, color, religion, nation origin, physical or mental disability,
age, martial status, sexual orientation, gender identity.

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